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Episodes of FiM that you just can't watch anymore

Kyoshi Frost Wolf

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Season 1:

The Show Stoppers

Look Before You Sleep

Sonic Rainboom (no, seriously; Rarity's characterization ruins an otherwise solid episode)

A Bird in the Hoof

Owl's Well That Ends Well


Season 2:

Baby Cakes

Hearts and Hooves Day

Dragon Quest


Season 3:

Too Many Pinkie Pies


Season 4:



Pinkie Apple Pie (song aside)

Simple Ways (without question my most hated episode in the entire series)

It Ain't Easy Being Breezies

Maud Pie

Twilight's Kingdom


Seasons 5 and 6:

Tanks for the Memories

Appleoosa's Most Wanted

Make Friends and Keep Discord

Party Pooped

Literally every episode after Crusaders of the Lost Mark except for The Mane Attraction, Gauntlet of Fire, The Saddle Row Review, and The Times They Are a Changeling

Edited by Captain Sorzo
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How about all of 'em?

Seriously, I can't stand watching any of them anymore, even ones I used to like. I haven't even watched any of the new ones singe the end of season 4.

Hell, I don't even know why i'm still here, but I'll be damned if I'm gonna leave.

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Canterlot Wedding. I know that episode's considered a fan favorite, but it's just fucking horrible. I'm definitely not wasting my time with that one anymore. I don't care if it happens to be playing on my niece's TV when I'm visiting her, because then I'd walk out. It had the most anti-climactic ending ever. Once Cadence escaped from that cavern with Twilight, there was no reason for the Mane Six to be there anymore since all that was needed to drive off the Changelings was a bigass love explosion. All the fighting outside the castle amounted to nothing, and that's garbage. But more than that, I hated that scene in the first half where everyone turned on Twilight. Granted, she could have handled the situation a lot more discreetly by telling Celestia about Cadence acting evil in private. However, that's still no excuse for Celestia, her friends or that bastard brother of hers treating her like shit. And I don't care if Shining Asshole was under a spell. That scene really bothered me on a personal level, because I know that if I was in Twilight's position, I'd have walked away and never saw them again. Let Chrysalis enslave them for all I fucking care. Friendship is nothing without trust, and for them to throw it all away because they refused to believe anything the ONE pony, who knew Cadence all her life, had warned about her suspicious behavior? That's disgusting. 

For similar reasons, I don't want to re-watch Ponyville Confidential. Seriously, what the CMC did was stupid, but they're just kids. Their friends and family could have just heard them out instead of writing them off, even if only temporary. It shouldn't take a newspaper to put everyone back on good terms again.

Edited by Lord-Pomegranate
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Oh, one I forgot:


"The Show Stoppers" - The CMC at their most irritating, with a redundant moral and lots of cringe comedy. Not the worst example of CMC episodes all being the same, but it's still an episode where they learn absolutely nothing.

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Canterlot Wedding. I know that episode's considered a fan favorite, but it's just fucking horrible. I'm definitely not wasting my time with that one anymore. I don't care if it happens to be playing on my niece's TV when I'm visiting her, because then I'd walk out. It had the most anti-climactic ending ever. Once Cadence escaped from that cavern with Twilight, there was no reason for the Mane Six to be there anymore since all that was needed to drive off the Changelings was a bigass love explosion. All the fighting outside the castle amounted to nothing, and that's garbage. But more than that, I hated that scene in the first half where everyone turned on Twilight. Granted, she could have handled the situation a lot more discreetly by telling Celestia about Cadence acting evil in private. However, that's still no excuse for Celestia, her friends or that bastard brother of hers treating her like shit. And I don't care if Shining Asshole was under a spell. That scene really bothered me on a personal level, because I know that if I was in Twilight's position, I'd have walked away and never saw them again. Let Chrysalis enslave them for all I fucking care. Friendship is nothing without trust, and for them to throw it all away because they refused to believe anything the ONE pony, who knew Cadence all her life, had warned about her suspicious behavior? That's disgusting.

Yeah, This. Some may disagree with me here but imo, If nobody seemed to believe you, thats their loss cause for all they know, you could be lying to them. Later on when bad things really do happen, the rest of the main six would realize that you were right about what was going to happen after all then come crawling back to you. For me, I'd temporaily hold a grudge for not believing in her. But yeah, either this or you got to go the hard way and show any kind of evidence you may have in order to get people to believe your accusations.


But this is just my point of view on it.

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Canterlot Wedding. I know that episode's considered a fan favorite, but it's just fucking horrible. I'm definitely not wasting my time with that one anymore. I don't care if it happens to be playing on my niece's TV when I'm visiting her, because then I'd walk out. It had the most anti-climactic ending ever. Once Cadence escaped from that cavern with Twilight, there was no reason for the Mane Six to be there anymore since all that was needed to drive off the Changelings was a bigass love explosion. All the fighting outside the castle amounted to nothing, and that's garbage. But more than that, I hated that scene in the first half where everyone turned on Twilight. Granted, she could have handled the situation a lot more discreetly by telling Celestia about Cadence acting evil in private. However, that's still no excuse for Celestia, her friends or that bastard brother of hers treating her like shit. And I don't care if Shining Asshole was under a spell. That scene really bothered me on a personal level, because I know that if I was in Twilight's position, I'd have walked away and never saw them again. Let Chrysalis enslave them for all I fucking care. Friendship is nothing without trust, and for them to throw it all away because they refused to believe anything the ONE pony, who knew Cadence all her life, had warned about her suspicious behavior? That's disgusting. 


For similar reasons, I don't want to re-watch Ponyville Confidential. Seriously, what the CMC did was stupid, but they're just kids. Their friends and family could have just heard them out instead of writing them off, even if only temporary. It shouldn't take a newspaper to put everyone back on good terms again.

While I enjoy the Canterlot Wedding, the treatment to Twilight by literally all of the other ponies was indeed absurd. And there was no real conclusion form that behavior. There was no 'Sorry Twi, we sorta f***ed up on that.' At least, I don't remember that happening.


Twilight afterwards should have said "I just saved this entire wedding and everypony in it. No thanks to all of you. Dicks."


That would have been completely justified to me. Shining? He was under influence so he gets sorta a free pass from me, but the rest? Nope.

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Just to get the secondary discussion out of the way:
The Mane Six not believing Twilight is perfectly justified. Twilight pretty much brought their reaction on herself. First, when she heard about the wedding, she threw a little temper tantrum about not getting a personal invite. This is of course understandable, but then she says "Princess Mi Amore Cadenza? Who in the hoof is that?! [snort]" The reaction of her friends to how vociferous she is about it should be kept in mind for later.
Then they get to Canterlot and Twilight marches off vowing to give Shining Armor a "piece of her mind", ignoring the concerned looks the rest are giving her. They also don't see the interaction between Twilight, Shining Armor and Fake!Cadance. She never tells them about what happened, or that she knew Cadance before, which may have given credence to her concerns. All the Mane Six ever see is Twilight sulking, apparently still annoyed at the whole situation and making snide remarks about the bride-to-be.
Then they meet in the evening and Twilight goes on another little rant about how blind they are not to see how horrible Cadance is. Here she utterly fails to make any attempt to convince the others that there's something wrong, and when they suggest she may be being over-protective of Shining Armor, there's this lovely bit of persuasion:
Rarity: The princess is about to get married. I'm sure any negative behavior she might be displaying is simply the result of nerves.
Twilight Sparkle: And I'm sure it's the result of being an awful pony who doesn't deserve to even know Shining Armor, let alone marry him!
Applejack: Think maybe you're bein' just a tiny bit possessive of your brother?
Rest of main cast: Uh-huh.
Twilight Sparkle: I am not being possessive, and I am not taking it out on Cadance! You're all just too caught up in your wedding planning to notice that maybe there shouldn't even [thumps table] be a wedding!

And then she stalks off in a huff. To the Mane Six, there is absolutely no reason to believe Twilight anything other than a little sister with a grudge against the financé of her beloved brother.
But what about Lesson Zero, you may ask? Didn't they learn they should take Twilight's concerns seriously? And that's true, but it's also true that a few episodes prior we had It's About Time, which features Twilight freaking out over something that turns out to be a false alarm, even getting the entire town of Ponyville to help her, including a full sweep of Equestria via pegasus surveillance, all for absolutely no reason. So don't go blaming the Mane Six for Twilight failing to handle the situation correctly. :confused:  :(  :huh:  >_>  :blink:
That said, I do think A Canterlot Wedding sucks hard, but not due to that particular reason.
On the actual topic of the thread: I don't like to rewatch Equestria Games, due to that horrible anthem scene. 
And while I know it's the darling of quite a few fans, Amending Fences is one I cannot stand to rewatch. If you care to know why, here's a few blog entries I made to explain my stance on that episode.
Finally, I've no wish to resubject myself to Daring Don't or Newbie Dash, due to the raw deal poor Dash gets in both those episodes (and I don't even like her that much).
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Twilight's friends had every right not to believe her at the end of ACW Part 1. After all, she recently had two massive, borderline psychotic freakouts over issues that ultimately amounted to nothing (see: Lesson Zero and It's About Time). This is clearly an individual prone to 'discovering' nonexistent crises and recklessly involving others in manic attempts to resolve them. Furthermore, the argument that Twilight had known Cadance her whole life holds no real weight, considering she didn't even know her full name or the fact that she was in any way romantically involved with her brother; she's hardly in a position to be an astute judge of her character. Finally, the act of an adult interrupting a wedding rehearsal to declare the bride evil is an incredibly offensive thing to do, something that, realistically, could easily create a division between the couple and accuser for years to come. And in making this accusation, Twilight had no concrete, irrefutable evidence whatsoever.

I've seen arguments condemning the Mane 5 for not trusting Twilight, but Twilight brazenly accusing Cadance is itself a display of her lack of faith in the Mane 5. They saw Twilight being on the verge of another one of her freakout episodes and tried to talk her down, offering reasonable explanations for Cadance's behavior. Yet rather than listening to them, Twilight sticks to her paranoid opinions, and in doing so commits an extremely rude and hurtful act. All evidence pointed to Twilight being in the wrong...again.


But hey! Let's demonize Celestia and the Mane 5 here! Because it turns out the plot was on Twilight's side in the form of a contrived, plot-hole ridden conspiracy involving an army of shapeshifters that nobody, Twilight included, could possibly have predicted!

Edited by Captain Sorzo
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Out of all the episodes I've seen since the series started, the only ones I avoid watching again are listed below in order of season it aired:

  • Part 1 of A Canterlot Wedding, due to Celestia falling for Chrysalis' sob story act and being turned against Twilight, leaving Twilight devastated over her actions, though Celestia did try to make up for it by personally trying to take down Chrysalis after her ruse was exposed in Part 2.
  • Power Ponies, due to watching the ponies get dragged into the comic book in a scene similar to being pulled down the Diamond Dog hole in A Dog and Pony Show, especially Twilight, despite her newfound Alicorn strength.
  • Inspiration Manifestation, due to Rarity going crazy with the spellbook and turning Ponyville into a mess that left Twilight having to clean it up with Luna and Cadance.
  • Equestria Games, due to Spike's humiliation with singing the Cloudsdale anthem, along with Celestia and Luna's lack of speaking in the episode and quick glimpse heading up to help the Pegasus ponies, but not being seen actually helping them at all before Spike stepped in.
  • Twilight's Kingdom, due to Tirek's black-hearted move with sending the magic-less Celestia, Luna, and Cadance to Tartarus to rot like he had in cruel revenge.
  • The Cutie Map, due to Starlight taking away the Mane Six's cutie marks and then even snapping at Twilight when she was making one of her speeches.
  • Maybe Make New Friends but Keep Discord, due to seeing Celestia covered in Smooze slime so she can't use either her horn or her wings, even though it was a ruse, because once more, she was enjoying a Grand Galloping Gala being turned upside down by a special guest she had invited.
  • Princess Spike, due to Spike abusing his power given to him by Cadance, and the cliffhanger ending with him about to sneeze again after having his Dragon Sneeze Flower allergies set off again by unintentional accident.
  • Party Pooped, due to Rutherford being pushed to the brink of declaring war before Pinkie was able to talk him down from it with her party.
  • And finally, The Cutie Re-Mark, due to all the alternate futures Starlight created in her various ways to prevent the Sonic Rainboom from occurring, especially the barren wasteland one as one can only imagine what became of the Mane Six or even the Alicorn Princesses in that alternate future to bring it about.

As for Season 6, I'm currently waiting for the end of the season before I make any final choices, but so far, my choices include Newbie Dash for Rainbow's imitations of the Mane Six, which was just embarrassing, and 28 Pranks Later, for Rainbow's pranks, but mostly for a critical plot hole I just can't get out of my head regarding how everypony pulled off the zombie apocalypse prank to get back at Rainbow Dash.


That critical plot hole: How did they get discolored and disheveled for the prank, then in the span of a few seconds while Rainbow had her eyes shut, revert back to their normal, everyday, colorful appearances? Spell from Twilight is my best guess since a magic spell could easily turn everypony discolored and disheveled for the prank, then revert them back in those few seconds Rainbow is not looking out of fear. But I digress since this thread is about least favorite episodes, so back to that.


I'm hesitating on adding The Times They Are A Changeling to my list, mostly due to Cadance and Shining Armor due to their own past trauma with Chrysalis clouding their judgement of Thorax, as they were a little too quick to go from hating him and wanting to have him incarcerated to accepting him once Twilight was willing to do so as the Princess of Friendship. Not once when we see them in that overhead shot as Twilight makes her speech do we see their expressions change from hostile to a look of realization, guilt, and then agreeing to give Thorax a chance. Squeeze in an extra minute or two showing them realizing their error and coming around then would have made their acceptance of Thorax more believable than simply changing their minds after Spike and Twilight are willing to be friends with Thorax, forcing Cadance and Shining Armor to follow their sister's example instead.


Okay, having seen the UK airing of To Where and Back Again, that's the latest episodes I'm never watching again because of how the Royal Family and Elements of Harmony were treated there in the latest of the trend of making the Royal Family helpless against the villain like in previous season premieres/finales. I know it was a way to have Starlight, Trixie, Thorax, and Discord get some character growth, but the way the writers did it was poorly done, having them kidnapped without telling us how, and basically writing them out of the finale until the third act of Part 2 with seeing them stuck in the cocoons for God knows how long after they were kidnapped, then simply showing them emerging from their shattered cocoons after Chrysalis' throne was destroyed without showing the cocoons even falling and breaking open when the ceiling and the stuff holding the cocoons up went with the explosion. Then we get them being brought up-to-date by Starlight on recent events, confronting Chrysalis and ready to tear her apart for everything she's put them through, letting Chrysalis escape, then Celestia gets her only dialogue for the entire finale with speaking to Thorax before suggesting to the ponies that they head home for some well-deserved rest & relaxation after everything they've been through by going to Starlight's old village for what's left of the Sunset Festival and enjoying it together with all their friends.


This is getting old in a hurry, and I want the Royal Family to get some more love and respect from the writers in the next season, or this list is going to get longer as time goes on.

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And while I know it's the darling of quite a few fans, Amending Fences is one I cannot stand to rewatch. If you care to know why, here's a few blog entries I made to explain my stance on that episode.

I personally don't have too much trouble rewatching "Amending Fences" - if anything, I've rewatched it more times than episodes I actually like in a desperate effort to emotionally connect to it - but I am so pleased to see someone else who finds it as frustrating as I do. 

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I couldn't even watch Lost Mark all the way through the first time.



There are a few, all of which I hate:

  1. Mare Do Well: Completely painful to sit through. Blatantly OOC Mane Six, OOC Ponyville, and the endorsement of a mean-spirited, hypocritical attitude.
  2. Owl's Well: Worst Twilight characterization. Everything in the episode reinforces the idea of Spike being jealous in our faces. To make that worse, Spike being abused for comedy.
  3. Princess Spike. Hate it so much. Spikabuse, non sequitur moral, unlikable one-shot characters, and especially an ending with sexist implications.
  4. Newbie Dash: Cringe humor that doesn't understand what makes Dash's impersonations funny in the first place. The — Moral. That OFFENSIVE moral. "Suck up the bullying/hazing as long as it's good fun." Unacceptable on ALL circumstances! FUCK this episode!
  5. Flutter Brutter: Zephyr. May he never appear in an episode again!
  6. 28 Pranks Later: Rips off Mare Do Well, doesn't understand why it's awful, strips away everything that's good about it, and has a much worse moral. An episode so terrible, I couldn't finish it the first time!



.......You love making me rant about this, don't you? Do you not like me? OBVIOUSLY you've never been in the military, otherwise you'd understand how normal hazing/call signs are. If I have to do this again, i'll be very pissed.

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I couldn't even watch Lost Mark all the way through the first time.



.......You love making me rant about this, don't you? Do you not like me? OBVIOUSLY you've never been in the military, otherwise you'd understand how normal hazing/call signs are. If I have to do this again, i'll be very pissed.

Regardless of how you feel about military culture, or the subject matter, the fact that the majority of the fandom saw the episode as trying to justify hazing and "sucking it up" doesn't do the episode any favors

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I still haven't completely finished Owl's Well. Personally, I can deal with or rewatch a broken episode provided it has a few things I enjoy. To me, it comes down to wether an episode is boring or doesn't engage me. What About Discord, Cart Before the Ponies, and 28 Pranks Later, and whatever episode Applejack got her Season 4 key are like that. 28 Pranks also has the dubious distinction of being boring AND frustrating. That AJ episode ... I CANT EVEN REMEMBER ITS NAME! Boring episodes are the worst for me.

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.......You love making me rant about this, don't you? Do you not like me? OBVIOUSLY you've never been in the military, otherwise you'd understand how normal hazing/call signs are. If I have to do this again, i'll be very pissed.

  1. The military has a longtime history of hazing, and it's gruesome. "Normal" handwaves the abuse people suffered.
  2. Clearly, the so-called "callsigns" weren't working. Each time they called her "Rainbow Crash," her performance and self-confidence worsened. Why? Because it hurt her. No one is entitled to take part of a ritual if it makes them uncomfortable. She shouldn't have to tolerate hazing to become part of the fraternity. There's no reason for such a destructive piece of fraternity culture to exist.

The moral and episode itself treat hazing this culture as an okay thing to do. That's UNACCEPTABLE! Neither the moral nor episode deserve support.

Edited by Dark Qiviut
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I still haven't completely finished Owl's Well. Personally, I can deal with or rewatch a broken episode provided it has a few things I enjoy. To me, it comes down to wether an episode is boring or doesn't engage me. What About Discord, Cart Before the Ponies, and 28 Pranks Later, and whatever episode Applejack got her Season 4 key are like that. 28 Pranks also has the dubious distinction of being boring AND frustrating. That AJ episode ... I CANT EVEN REMEMBER ITS NAME! Boring episodes are the worst for me.

Leap of Faith, eh? It was meh imo.

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I can not rewatch Newbie Dash. I didn't really want to watch it in the first place, but I couldn't pass it up on watching all episodes.


Watching that became like a challenge, it was so bad.


Cringe is an important element to the series though, so I accept it when it happens, it's just RD was behaving out of character (at some points, literally), and the whole thing had to do with a simple misunderstanding... which seems to happen a lot in this series.


I also didn't like the first two episodes, but it's been a while so I can't remember exactly why. Nightmare Moon wasn't much of a nightmare, but I've seen bad pilots before so it didn't kill off my interest.


Then there's the one where the cutie marks get switched, Twilight fixes it and gets wings. It made absolutely no sense. It's like the characters simply forgot who they were. If Twilight's was switched as well they'd be SOL. If their marks were simply taken away from them with that logic they'd be brain dead. (Incidentally, Starlight Glimmer's first two episodes are my favorite.)


Ponies just aren't too bright. If I ever write anything I'm going to poke fun at that.

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  1. The military has a longtime history of hazing, and it's gruesome. "Normal" handwaves the abuse people suffered.

I'm not convinced that equating the actions described in those articles with the nicknames shown here is necessarily fair, and it's easy for me to believe that the Wonderbolts would know when to draw the line. Until Rainbow Dash finally opened up, I find it perfectly reasonable to believe that they didn't see the nickname as doing anything other than wounding her pride. With that said, I can't imagine anyone opposing a stronger affirmation of that line in the episode itself. I feel that could have been done by replacing the latter-half hijinks with Rainbow Dash confronting the Wonderbolts and opening up earlier, but I admit that I can't immediately think of a way to make that work. 




  1. Clearly, the so-called "callsigns" weren't working. Each time they called her "Rainbow Crash," her performance and self-confidence worsened. Why? Because it hurt her. No one is entitled to take part of a ritual if it makes them uncomfortable. She shouldn't have to tolerate hazing to become part of the fraternity. There's no reason for such a destructive piece of fraternity culture to exist.

What I interpreted from the end there wasn't necessarily that she had to put up with the nickname to be part of the group, but that now she'll start to take the nickname as a symbol of pride, knowing that it's not a sign of the Wonderbolts disrespecting her - just the opposite, in fact. I do have to express frustration that the episode didn't do much with Rainbow's past with the name, as I think everything I like about the episode would be even stronger if they had delved further into the implications of that. I appreciate subtlety, but even I had to think for a while to realize why the episode even brought the nickname up in the first place. By using that nickname and reminding us where we heard it before, the episode invited the callsign/bullying comparisons. 


With that said, it's also worthwhile to consider why the nickname hurt her, which is that she feared the Wonderbolts didn't respect her. When she learns that the nickname has nothing to do with the Wonderbolts' respect for her and everything to do with the fact that they've accepted her as one of them, it's highly likely that the effect of the nickname will reverse completely. If you interpreted the moral as broadly supporting hazing, then maybe that shows the episode didn't draw the line strongly enough, but unlike the hazing you have in mind, an unflattering nickname is only harmful if used as a symbol of disrespect and mockery - which doesn't seem to be the case here. If she had indicated more than wounded pride and the Wonderbolts had continued, I might have agreed with you, but even her increasing eccentricity and irresponsibility could easily have been seen as overcompensation which would have quickly stopped. Which isn't to say that every scene in the episode is the height of sensitivity, but I still feel people exaggerate it a lot. 

But then, we're getting off topic. 

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Well, there are many episodes I cant rewatch anymore, mostly from season 1, 3, and 4, cant mention all of them, so I will mention some old and some recent one.

Some "obvious bad" episodes (in my opinion) like Mare Do Well, Somepony to Watch Over Me, Spike At your Service etc, are automatically unwatchable for some obvious reasons, i dont want to mention them anymore.


On Your Mark, that ep is goddamn boring to watch, knowing Dave Posky is the one who wrote this ep make me just want to forget it.


Applejack's Day Off. The plot is dumb, Applejack is dumb. I rather rewatch Newbie Dash for 3 times a row than sit and watch Applejack's Day Off  for any minutes. 


Cart Before the Ponies. I dont hate this ep, but this ep has nothing to make me comeback to it. The unnesessary conflicts between sisters killed this ep, they can just focus the racing...


Fault in our Cutie Mark. This ep is ok. Gabby just make me to skip the episode entirely everytime i rewatch, including reaction videos. Dont even mention the song, Daniel lose his mighty magic in this song.


Dungeon and Discord. I come here for amazing virtual reality boardgame, not 3 characters just talk and talk. Im just here for Godzilla.


Crystalling. The most underwhelming premiere ever. Starlight's B plot and Spike is the best part, but they cannot save the episode. 

Yup, that season 6 for me, surprisingly, Newbie Dash, Flutter Brutter, 28 Pranks Later 1080p video are all in my computer, and i'm still have fun watching it. :P   Is it a crime to store triple eps that are univerally disliked in the fandom, in 1080p version, and have a good laugh everytime i watched it?  :orly:

Edited by Lambdadelta
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  1. The military has a longtime history of hazing, and it's gruesome. "Normal" handwaves the abuse people suffered.
  2. Clearly, the so-called "callsigns" weren't working. Each time they called her "Rainbow Crash," her performance and self-confidence worsened. Why? Because it hurt her. No one is entitled to take part of a ritual if it makes them uncomfortable. She shouldn't have to tolerate hazing to become part of the fraternity. There's no reason for such a destructive piece of fraternity culture to exist.

The moral and episode itself treat hazing this culture as an okay thing to do. That's UNACCEPTABLE! Neither the moral nor episode deserve support.


I wholeheartedly agree. For me, that episode was just sickening, and I am shocked it came from this show.

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Any episode with Spike as the focus character. Honestly, I think he's better suited as a side character than a main one. Aside from that, I don't think I'll be rewatching much from Season 6 since it's been a bit 'meh' so far.

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I am unable to watch or re-watch Slice of Life, they could have made the 100th episode great to celebrate the milestone but instead we got background ponies and fandom pandering.


Other than that I would have a hard time re-watching Newbie Dash because the majority of the Wonderbolts acted like assholes to Rainbow Dash and then apologised by explaining that they act the same to all new Wonderbolts as if that somehow excuses their bullying.

Edited by Nebula
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  • 2 weeks later...

I am unable to watch or re-watch Slice of Life, they could have made the 100th episode great to celebrate the milestone but instead we got background ponies and fandom pandering.

I really liked that episode. I loved seeing this background ponies.

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