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Your Sleeping Position


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I guess for me it's the fetal position on whichever side I feel like it. Tho I have this thing where once I'm asleep I basically don't move at all. I wake up in the very same spot and position I fell asleep :P

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On my side most of the time. If I've got someone or something to cuddle with before falling asleep, then probably with legs together. If not, legs all over the place (they're long), and more than likely clutching onto my pillow. For some reason, that just feels more comfortable when I don't have something to hang onto otherwise.

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I alternate between both sides, clutching a body pillow to my chest and between my knees. I'd like to sleep on my back because the blood flow to the back of the brain promotes dreaming, but I have a bad back and can't do that for more than a couple of minutes.  :pout:

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My girlfriend snores like a roaring dragon so i sleep on my left because my right ear's hearing is poor and my left is muffled by a pillow. That's how I usually do it. Sometimes I switch around for comfort when there's little noise to keep me from sleeping.

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usually I sleep on my stomach, but I also have the tendency to sleep on my back with my knees bent so that my feet are literally under my thighs. I have no idea why and it sometimes makes my knees hurt the next day... but there is not much I can do about it since I get in that position while asleep somehow xD

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I go to bed holding my gf and wake up pushing her against the wall while on my side XD

Ha I can only imagine her being like, "Every night" 

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