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Episodes that you didn't like at first but have grown on you?


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What are some episodes that at first you didn't like/care much about, but after re-watching them or after some time you started to enjoy a lot more? These are mine:


- Suited For Success/Sweet And Elite. I wasn't the biggest fan of Rarity back then (I still liked her though, there wasn't really much to dislike), but after rewatching old episodes I started appreciating her character and her episodes a lot more, and now both episodes are among my favorites and Rarity is my favorite pony.

- The Equestria Girls movie (yeah, not an episode but whatever). I despised this movie at first, but thanks to the other movies I started to enjoy it more, and now I like it, it's not even my least favorite movie of the franchise anymore (that would be LoE) and I like them all.

- Tanks For The Memories.... well, I still dislike this episode, but Rainbow's solo is simply too awesome for me not to eventually start to love it, and I did.

- Scare Master, at first I thought it was decent and not remarkable, but now I think that even though it has its flaws it's pretty great.

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I appreciate Rainbow Falls more after S6. Yeah, it's still flawed as all hell, but after the abysmal treatment Dash received in S6(namely those two episodes, you know which) it suddenly doesn't look so bad. At the very least it had good intentions and they had an idea of what they wanted to do.

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Party Pooped. When i first watched this episode, i couldnt decide whether i would like this episode, because i couldnt process its randomness at that time :D. After several watches, i realized this is one of the best Pinkie Pie's portrayal of the entire show, and it explained why Pinkie remember everypony name back in A Friend In Deed. I put this ep on Top 10 best episodes of Season 5.


Flutter Brutter. At first i didnt like it, i rate it 5/10, because of Zerphyr Breeze behavior, and then i realized how realistic this episode was, i didnt like it because it's too real for me personally. This ep made me feel shame of myself. I put this ep on Top best episode of Season 6.


Newbie Dash. I hated it at first because of how they made an episode about Dash finally got her dream so underwhelming. However, the messenge about fitting in the group and Rainbow Dash finally faces the reality (Wonderbolt is military afterall, tough up or suck it up). And no, i dont think this ep praise the hazing so... It not in my top but not in my hate list, an Ok episode. God damn, David Rapp gonna take us to more trips to reality in future season...


What About Discord. It hard to like episodes that people hate :D. What wrong with me? Lol. Yeah, i didnt like at first, the inside jokes are unfunny, the plot is confusing. After i heard someone in the crews (Big Jim, i guess) stated something like you have to see story in Twilight's shoes, the feeling of being left out in the group, and i decided to watch this ep again with my friend, he realized what writer trying to do with this episode on the first watch, and we decided this ep is really great. Seeing Princess of Friendship has to admit her jealousy is a big bonus, S5 Twilight finally gets my interesting once more.

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Oh, what a great idea for a thread! There's a couple which have really grown on me in this way. 


Stare Master - It really annoys me that Twilight's in this one, because I feel like she's particularly unnecessary here. Fluttershy standing up to the cockatrice eventually came to make up for it in my eyes, though. 


Green Isn't Your Color - Would be a stretch to say that I "like" this one, necessarily, but the humour has slowly come to win me over upon rewatches of season 1. Still pretty irritating watching Twilight have to keep a secret for so long, since she could always just tell Rarity and Fluttershy to talk to each other, but there's a lot of really entertaining elements to it. 


The Cutie Pox - This was back when the CMC were irritatingly thick-headed, and I maintain that it's the most redundant episode in the whole show, but it's also got a lot of energy, and it has number of solid gags, i.e. "speaking fancy!"


Hearts and Hooves Day - Used to find Big Mac and Cheerilee's lovey talk insufferable, but at some point it clicked with me and I started finding that same part of the episode really amusing. It's another CMC plot where they're fixing their own mistake, but its fast-paced and entertaining. 


Sleepless in Ponyville - There was a time where I thought this was underwhelming and kinda dull, and I have absolutely no idea why, because this has become one of my favourite episodes of the entire show. Scootaloo's insecurity about living up to her idol - being afraid to admit she's afraid, because she doesn't want to look weak - is strong, a stereotypically masculine conflict which doesn't come across as macho, and this started Rainbow's strongest run of characterisation all the way through "Flight to the Finish." Speaking of which..


Flight to the Finish - This thing's slowly growing more and more resonant to me, and it only took about three watches before I started to have even the slightest emotional reaction to it. Still, that third watch worked really well, and Scootaloo is probably the most compelling and fleshed-out of the CMC. I kinda think the disability-based premise borders on emotional pandering, especially since this is really the only time it's given any attention, but it is working more for me the more I watch it. Shame about the song, though. 


Pinkie Apple Pie - Think it took me a while to accept the sudden revelation of a vague familial relation between Applejack and Pinkie. Soon as I came to accept that, this suddenly became one of the show's very best, a delightful exploration about how the ties which bind us transcend blood and genetics. It's season 4, so neither Applejack nor Pinkie grows even slightly from the experience, but it's so charming and thematically on-point. 


It Ain't Easy Being Breezies - As far as I can tell, I was just better able to get on this thing's wavelength on my latest re-watch. I always appreciated Fluttershy's character arc, as it's arguably the most any of these key episodes do to move a main character forward, but I always found this one too mild and cutesy. I guess it's just that I came to expect and accept that fact which has made me actually enjoy this episode a fair bit. 


Trade Ya! / Inspiration Manifestation - Always sort of enjoyed both of these, but on first watch I just found them too modest. Took a second watch to really start appreciating the little things they do particularly well. "Trade Ya!" is still nothing special, but it's one of two times I actually enjoyed the Applejack/Rarity dynamic. Meanwhile, "Inspiration Manifestation" provides meaningful character development for Spike and has an entertainingly deranged turn from Rarity, and it's great. 


Equestria Games - Again, always had a soft spot for this one, but found the anthem scene awkward. On re-watch, though, Spike's errors barely register as gags, and really just make me feel for the guy. This is not his day, and even though Spike had helped save the Crystal Empire before, that's small potatoes compared to his amazing friends, so it's reasonable that he feels inadequate. I find this episode really poignant, and think it's one of the show's most underrated. Also: Everything Cadance does in this is the sweetest goddamn thing. 


Slice of Life - Had a hard time forming an opinion on this one at first, but I slowly gained an appreciation for how committed it was to absurdity. It actually subverts fanon relatively often, and yet everyone's role comes across clearly enough that I honestly don't think it'll be inaccessible to those not in tune with the fanon. It's so damn clever!


The Cutie Re-Mark - Nothing that I didn't like about this one is different - it's still weightless, the "alternate futures" are still seen too briefly, and it's still deeply formulaic - but goddamn is the humour on point. Starlight's "Nice job, moron!" clap is magnificent, and just as good is young Dash's reaction to Twilight going into full creeper mode. Plus, I'm one of the few who really likes Starlight Glimmer's reformation - it's overwhelmingly poignant, and that "A Hearth's Warming Tale" is based on the same themes is part of why I love it so much. 


Newbie Dash - Needs a bit of tightening, and that impressions sequence is unbearable, but I adore what this is going for. Written it a lot elsewhere, but in short, taking the usual "take Dash down a peg" episode and linking it to her insecurity is a stroke of brilliance, and using the old "Rainbow Crash" nickname is a perfect way to really emphasize how far she's come. I used to be disappointed that this didn't show Rainbow Dash at her best, but after being so underwhelmed by episodes which do show characters at their best, I'm coming to think that this episode had the right idea.


P.P.O.V. (Pony Point of View) - In need of a re-watch, but in my memory, the weird humour is increasingly overtaking the poor storytelling. Nothing will make Twilight being the one to fix all her friends' problems palatable to me, but it's hard to resist Applejack's completely unexpected pirate impression. 

Edited by AlexanderThrond
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It's About Time – at first I didn’t like the extremely predictable plot, but then I rewatched it, and the little details and amazing references made it great for me.
Canterlot Boutique – at first I found it boring, and Sassy Saddles seemed a rather forgettable secondary character. But wonderful background ponies made me change my opinion on the episode after rewatching.
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Equestria Games despite having a few cringe inducing moments in it, really grew on me for Spike's character development in it and the episode has one of my all time favorite morals of the entire show in it.

Castle Sweet Castles is also an episode that grew on me.

At first I was a little disappointed that this episode didn't deal with the death of the tree house, as much as I thought it was going to, but after awhile I started to like it more an more.

I really enjoy the song and it's reprise, Spike and Bulk Biceps was a funny incident, and the remane 5 were all great in this episode and I loved how the episode's conflict was resolved.


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Party Pooped. When i first watched this episode, i couldnt decide whether i would like this episode, because i couldnt process its randomness at that time :D. After several watches, i realized this is one of the best Pinkie Pie's portrayal of the entire show, and it explained why Pinkie remember everypony name back in A Friend In Deed. I put this ep on Top 10 best episodes of Season 5.


Flutter Brutter. At first i didnt like it, i rate it 5/10, because of Zerphyr Breeze behavior, and then i realized how realistic this episode was, i didnt like it because it's too real for me personally. This ep made me feel shame of myself. I put this ep on Top best episode of Season 6.


Newbie Dash. I hated it at first because of how they made an episode about Dash finally got her dream so underwhelming. However, the messenge about fitting in the group and Rainbow Dash finally faces the reality (Wonderbolt is military afterall, tough up or suck it up). And no, i dont think this ep praise the hazing so... It not in my top but not in my hate list, an Ok episode. God damn, David Rapp gonna take us to more trips to reality in future season...


What About Discord. It hard to like episodes that people hate :D. What wrong with me? Lol. Yeah, i didnt like at first, the inside jokes are unfunny, the plot is confusing. After i heard someone in the crews (Big Jim, i guess) stated something like you have to see story in Twilight's shoes, the feeling of being left out in the group, and i decided to watch this ep again with my friend, he realized what writer trying to do with this episode on the first watch, and we decided this ep is really great. Seeing Princess of Friendship has to admit her jealousy is a big bonus, S5 Twilight finally gets my interesting once more.



Party Pooped was confusing to me at first, and it still is. I always liked it but the narrative is a total disaster and the yaks are bad characters, it's Pinkie's randomness what makes it great, I don't think I've ever enjoyed Pinkie Pie and laughed that much with any other episode. How little Nick Confalone takes things seriously is both his biggest strength and weakness as a writer.


Ah, Dave Rapp, the most misunderstood writer of season 6. I can understand why people don't like him, but I simply love how, as you say it, his episodes take you to reality, and that makes them kind of uncomfortable but great at the same time. Seriously, Flutter Brutter gives me a BoJack Horseman vibe and that's the last thing I'd expect watching MLP. As contradictory as this sounds I hope he keeps making me uncomfortable in season 7.


I can appreciate WAD for what it tried to do, it had a great idea, but it was so boring I had no reaction watching the episode, so while I don't like it I also don't hate or even "dislike" it, and that's the biggest failure a writer can have. The same goes for Applejack's Day Off.

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Daring Don't- I didn't like the fact that they made the fictional adventurer "Daring Do" an actual character in the show. At first, that kind of ruined the whole aspect of her own alternate adventure world but I later though to myself that it would only add something, instead of taken away. Rainbow Dash suddenly becoming her number one fan was really a great moment for Rainbow Dash to personally connect one of her heroes as she always does, like the Wonderbolts. She was captivated by her adventures books but to really live it with for real with the actual Daring Do is a Daring Do fans dream come true! A.K. Yearling also being Daring Do is a surprise but that makes it interesting as she lives a life of secrecy and concealment from her exotic lifestyle under her mundane disguise as A.K. Yearling so she's like a undercover author/adventurer and that's cool. After that, I really look forward for more Daring Do as her integration within the show can potentially take the mane 6 or Rainbow Dash into adventure-centric episodes.
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it's Pinkie's randomness what makes it great, I don't think I've ever enjoyed Pinkie Pie and laughed that much with any other episode.

That what children cartoon should be, the humors are getting toned down these days...




Tanks For The Memories.... well, I still dislike this episode, but Rainbow's solo is simply too awesome for me not to eventually start to love it, and I did.

Dash's behaviors are annoying and the 5 stages of grief implications are poorly executed, but the humors are on point, the crying scene are touching and hilarious at same time, i hope Cindy Morrow will comeback sometime in the future.




I hope he keeps making me uncomfortable in season 7.

Judging on how many people hate Newbie Dash and Flutter Brutter, i wish his future episodes good luck, his episodes are good if you can swallow them  :orly:. His humors need to be less cringy... a little bit.




Applejack's Day Off.

Neal Duseau involved in both these ep, but i call Applejack's  Day Off is his worst failure, and i hope it is his last.




How little Nick Confalone takes things seriously is both his biggest strength and weakness as a writer.

Not Larson-tier or anthing, but definitely a great one. Too bad, he just write 1 ep for season 7  :confused:

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Look Before You Sleep - This was actually the first episode I ever saw, and it didn't give me the greatest first impression, that's for sure. Rewatching it though after getting into the series, it's a lot better than I originally thought. Having some context about these characters certainly helped, and Twilight is just too adorkable to not like. 


Lesson Zero - I was in the minority of not liking Lesson Zero when it first aired. Where people found Twilight's mental breakdown hilarious, I found it unsettling and out of character, with the only saving grace being everything that happens after Celestia shows up. Looking back on it, it's not as bad as I originally thought, and it certainly had its hilarious moments. 


Testing, Testing 1, 2, 3 - Not that I didn't think this episode was okay when I first saw it (Twilight and Dash have the best comedic chemistry afterall... TwiXDash for life), just that it's gotten better on subsequent watches.  


Tanks For The Memories - I described Tanks For The Memories as a rare case of an episode being better on a second viewing shortly after it aired. From the synopsis, I was afraid this was going to end up being another Lesson Zero and Dash would go to outrageous lengths to keep winter from coming. Granted, she did some pretty bad stuff, but nothing as bad as I feared. 

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Not Larson-tier or anthing, but definitely a great one. Too bad, he just write 1 ep for season 7  :confused:


Wait, seriously? Haber is leaving and he will only write one episode? What's next, Vogel leaves as well? Why do all the writers that look promising leave?  :(


Edit: Alright, that was kind of dramatic xD, I'm still bummed out though. 

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Wait, seriously? Haber is leaving and he will only write one episode? What's next, Vogel leaves as well? Why do all the writers that look promising leave?  :(


Edit: Alright, that was kind of dramatic xD, I'm still bummed out though.


Haber's response in Twitter is a ambitious, i will wait for official confirmation, but there are a high chance he wont involve with S7 at all. Nick just write 1 ep for S7, so let hope it will be his best, quality over quanity right?


I predicted Vogel will be the next head writer if Haber doesnt. Haber is a great writer but i dont trust him as a head writer :).


Are you still hyped for season 7? We need more fuel to the hype train.

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Are you still hyped for season 7? We need more fuel to the hype train.


I'm still excited, I was worried this season and it turned out to be great. I'm not hyped yet but that's because the season just ended, it's the movie what I'm hyping about. 


The Cutie Re-Mark - Nothing that I didn't like about this one is different - it's still weightless, the "alternate futures" are still seen too briefly, and it's still deeply formulaic - but goddamn is the humour on point. Starlight's "Nice job, moron!" clap is magnificent, and just as good is young Dash's reaction to Twilight going into full creeper mode. Plus, I'm one of the few who really likes Starlight Glimmer's reformation - it's overwhelmingly poignant, and that "A Hearth's Warming Tale" is based on the same themes is part of why I love it so much. 


While I love The Cutie Re-Mark, I have to agree that they wasted a lot of time (no pun intended) with the timelines and that could've been used with Starlight, maybe showing more of her past or having her interact with Twilight in one of the timelines (aside from the wastelands). I love her reformation scene, but something like that would've made it easier to swallow at first and maybe more people would have accepted it.


And yeah, I agree the humor is magnificent, I just watched it last night and I couldn't stop laughing. The fight is also great, I love how Twilight slowly learns to anticipate Starlight's attacks when she's pulled out of the timelines, I'd love to see more fights like that combined with the visuals of the season 4 finale (not just shooting laser beams, but also having some strategy).

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