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How old are the ponies?


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I'd say that the ages range from 17-24. Here's the order I'd say they are, from youngest to oldest:

  • Pinkie Pie (17-19)
  • Rainbow Dash (18-19)
  • Twilight Sparkle (19-21)
  • Fluttershy (21-22)
  • Applejack (23)
  • Rarity (24)


Fluttershy's actually a year older than Pinkie Pie.


I'd say19-24 years old:


- Rainbow Dash (19)

- Pinkie Pie (20)

- Twilight (20-21)

- Fluttershy (21)

- Applejack (23)

- Rarity (24)


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I have to agree what many think is that few are of the "same" age but all are of the same "age group". They do seem to range.


My opions are however a bit differnt then the norm on exact ages.


Youngest: Twilight - A common choice actually she does strike me as a college student like most have said.


Oldest: Pinkie Pie - Okokok, before the hooves hit the ceiling, just bare with me. Something about her, i just cant figure it exactly says she is a 20 something, closer to 25 or 26ish that has just really messed up alot in her life. Yes she lives with a married couple and stays in a guest bedroom and i assume rents out and works for them, yet..I don't know her attitude, her behavior it just says youthful but her knowledge of life is alot larger then the other girls. So yes, i say she is the oldest


Fluttershy being a year younger then Pinkie (cannon) i would say the next eldest, one for owning her own home and having a developed maternal instinct and two for her choice of living space, living away from others being shy doesnt mean it had to be in such a well furnished home.


I would put RD as about the same age, if not a few months younger then Flutters, again Canon reasons, she seems to old to be in her teens, persona whys, no other reason.


Now this is where we dip down.


If Twilight is 19ish or maybe 20, due to "student years" then AJ is the next youngest. Again, "say whaaaa" i know i know, but being responsible and a runner of a household with a slow witted older brother, an ancient grandmother and a filly for a sister means she had to grow up..fast.


Last but in my heart sooooooo not least, we have Rarity Belle. she is the middle of the middle in my book, with every chance to be 21-23 and had everything going for her with a well to do mother and father who clearly have money due to there ability to vacation (if any guess how much Sweete is staying with her) all the time and never for buisness.



---> Here be Fabulous Mare!


<--- There be Brony!


***Fear the Hater, for they are out to taint your Perfection. Buck the Troll, for he would seek to stop the Fabulous flavor. For you are Brony, coated in Pearl, maned in fine Mulberry, eyes of the sky, and flanks of Diamonds. Your life is for the Lady, all hail the Queen, for Rarity, your life, for her.*** -Applejock

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Based on the range of ages that has been speculated, it's truly evident that Faust has created a tv show that most everybody can relate to! Personally, I think there's no way to tell how old the characters really are. There is really too many plot inconsistencies to tell at the moment. Here's what I think;

Age of mane six = your age, give or take a few years.

I'm a 13 year old, and among my group of friends, we all agreed that the situations the mane six are put into are similiar to a lot of the things our group of friends are put into. However, my mom watches it and relates to a lot of the situations Applejack goes through. Specifically the family reunion one, and she's in her 50s! My aunt is around the same age as her, is a fashionista who goes through a lot of stress, owning a business. She's also a big drama queen. She connects with rarity on a lot of levels. People tell me im a spitting image of Fluttershy. I have social anxiety, I'm sensitive, and I have a way with animals. I take care of animals while people are away on vacation. And im 13. Now, seeing this post, 20 year olds can really relate to these characters. So, I think they can rall be any age. Let's not forget that they are ponies, and they live in Equestria, a whole other universe. Maturity both physically, emotionally, and legally will vary.

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I don't know why, but I just see them in teenage years, 14-18. In my opinion, it just seems that if they are 18-22 or something like that, they can act pretty young at their age. One fact is Rainbow Dash in the episode while she is in the hospital acts like a lot of teen girls, saying reading is stupid, for losers, or nerds, blah blah blah.



I'm a nerd now. Nerds are cool.

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Isn't it also possible that some of the Mane Six are nearly the same age (Ex. within a few months, if not weeks or days of one another)? But without that theory, I'd place Age Range here;

Rarity > Twilight > Apple Jack > Fluttershy > Rainbow Dash > Pinkie Pie

I've always seen Pinkie as the youngest, and at first I thought Twilight was the oldest but after re-evaluation I've switched that. I'm not saying I'm right here but to me this is the order which I find most logical. Then again I'm trying to analyze a show about talking ponies (No hate, I myself am a Brony, JusSayin') with Logic, so what do I know :3

But if I had to place the ponies' rough ages I'd put Rarity at 18, Twilight at ~16 -17, AJ at ~15, Fluttershy and Rainbow at 13 (After all they attended Cloudsdale together), and Pinkie at 12.

DISCLAIMER: I'm not necessarily saying it HAS to be this way, just that with my logic this is the order that makes the most sense to me. If I do end up being wrong about this, I probably missed something because I kind of SpeedWatched S1-S2 within ~4 days and I'm chipping away at S3 as we speak.

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 i would like to  tell every pony and not trying to get any pony mad but rainbow dash is 15 not in her twentys... i do kinda study her 

they should make this in to an episode cuz its confuzing cuz who really dose know the absoloot answer cuz mine may not be 100 % true i got it from a picture so it may not be true i just say there ALL 15

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I agree with everypony else, with them being in their twenties or such. However, I don't think that there's more than three years of an age gap between them. Twilight, Pinkie and Rainbow Dash are all probably the youngest, in my opinion. 

  • Brohoof 1


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The Cutie Mark Chronicles revealed that all the mane 6 received their cutie marks at the same time, so I think is it safe to assume that the difference in age isn't any more than 1-5 years from the youngest to oldest.


Just a quick note, all my predictions are relative to human years


Applejack said she was the last in her class to receive a cutie mark, and Dash said she was the first, so if they received their marks at the same time, one can assume AJ is older than Dash, and this is further supported by the fact that she always seems to act as a leader and is more mature than the rest of the mane 6 (usually) and she along with her older brother take the biggest share in work on the farm, so I would say she is around 23, which is I think when most people get into any major jobs that they can invest their entire career into.


Speaking of Rainbow, I would say she is 20-22, due to the fact that she is a bit immature compared to AJ, but still carries out adult tasks, such as her important weather control job, but I feel like she hasn`t set in stone what she will be spending her career doing,`as she is obviously interested in becoming a wonderbolt. I`ll just go ahead and set her at 20 because she is able to stay on her own obviously, has a useful job, but has not really found exactly what her future will be yet. 


Next I`ll just make this one quick and short, Fluttershy I assume to be of equal age with Dash. This is because I believe they are in the same class, which is why Dash was defending her from bullies as a filly. So I`ll just lazily leave her at 20.


Given Fluttershy, it is easy to just set Pinkie at 19, due to the ever so famous "I'm a year older than you" line in S1E5. This is further supported by the fact that she is less mature than the rest of the Mane 6, and the fact that she doesn't seem to have a consistent job, which will probably mean that she is younger than the rest as she is sorting out her career, which looks like to be a job with the Cakes, as I feel like most episodes suggest she is only part-time now. 


Now lets talk about Rarity, I think that most people would debate between her and AJ as the oldest, since she also runs a business, a sole proprietorship even, and she generally acts more mature than the rest (usually), and I would even say behind Twi, she is the most intelligent. It should all be noted that she seems like the same age as Cheerilee (looks like they were in the same class as children) who has been speculated to not be too far off from Big Mac's age (AJ's BIG brother) provided the romantic references placed between them on occasion. Rarity is also the only character outside of EG to have a love interest so maybe she is more interested in marriage as well, something older mares might be more interested in. So my final verdict is she is 24.


Last but not least is Twilight. She is a princess, but that is only a very recent event, and that means she has only JUST started her official career after studying under Celestia for many years. She acts more mature than some members of the Mane 6, but I think that's more because she is the most intelligent of course, and that is due to her being Celestia's "wonderkid" as some might say. Seeing as she has only just reached the age where she was ready to become a princess, I will go ahead and speculate her to be 21.


These are all just my guesses, and they could all be completely wrong and awful, and stupid, but their my best guesses for now

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I wouldn't really say 20s more so because they might be try to appeal to their target audience ages(so that people of that age can relate). So Id say more like early/older teens. 14-19 maybe?

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@weegee: Though it may just be an error, one of the ponies Rainbow Dash was racing against had a basketball cutie mark before the race. So, it would seem as if RD was not the first in her class to attain a cutie mark.


I'll just leave it to a random plot hole.


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I think that Lauren Faust once said that they were supposed to be young adults, so early twenties seems fitting.


I'm not sure about their age, but all we know is that Fluttershy is a year older than Pinkie!

Also, I would tend to think that Rarity is the oldest and that Rainbow is the youngest.


edit: yeah, that order that Gummy posted seems just about right

actually, that order isn't exactly right because there was that one time Pinkie called herself "Auntie Pinkie Pie" (in the Gilda episode, I think) to Fluttershy, and she responded "I'm a year older than you..."


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In Apple Family Reunion, Granny Smith said the reunion is every 100 moons.  Let's assume the "reunion" in the first episode had been retconned to something else (like them being there for the Summer Sun Celebration).  Besides, Equestria Girls implies that a moon is the same measurement of time as it is in reality.  The portal to EG-verse opened every 30 moons; Sunset Shimmer won the princess crown three times before, at the Spring Fling and Fall Formal.  That means she was attending Canterlot High for at least 2 years, and 30 moons is a few months more than that.  So we know that moons are a good baseline measurement of time.


Now also in Apple Family Reunion, we saw a baby AJ in a previous reunion.  Since the last family reunion picture showed her closer to her own age and Applebloom, it obviously wasn't the previous reunion.  So that was at least 200 moons ago, or nearly 15 years.  Since AJ was able to form a complete sentence--though not as well as Pipsqueak, who confirmed himself to be under a year old--we can safely assume Applejack was close to 16 at the time of that episode.  Unless you'd rather believe she's 23 or something.


Rarity can safely be the same age as Applejack.  She confirmed herself to be one of the last in her class to get her cuttie mark.  This doesn't conflict with AJ's claim to be the last in her class to get her cuttie mark, because she didn't get her's until she returned home.  That was probably a day or two of traveling.  And it's not like she would have asked Rarity about her cuttie mark story, because they weren't friends.


Fluttershy could be a bit older than Applejack and Rarity, but not by much.  AJ did say she was the last in her class to get her cuttie mark, so she was probably close to the oldest one could get before getting a cuttie mark.


Pinkie Pie is about a year younger than Fluttershy, as stated in Griffin the Brush Off.


Rainbow Dash was probably a year, maybe two, younger than them.  She said that she was first in her class to get her cuttie mark in Cuttie Mark Chronicles.


Twilight Sparkle is probably somewhere in the middle.  In the flashbacks of Cuttie Mark Chronicles, she was bigger than Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash but smaller than Rarity and Fluttershy.


Bonus: Spike hatched when Twilight got her cuttie mark.  Since cuttie marks are a metaphor for puberty--and AJ and Rarity have to be late with their cuttie marks--she was probably 10 or 11 when that happened.  Also that means she has to be 11 to get into the best magic school in the world.  Harry Potter reference for the win!


Current verdict

Fluttershy: 17

Rarity: 17

Applejack: 16

Twilight Sparkle: 16

Pinkie Pie: 15

Rainbow Dash: 15

Spike: 6

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  • 2 weeks later...

What the person above said.


Plus, I think it's unreasonable to assume that they're in their 20's. Judging from the episodes it's more likely that they're in their teens. And for everyone saying "they're not in school so they have to be over 17", that's not true. This is a magical land of ponies, not people. Who is to say that they're going to have the exact same schooling systems as us? Hell, not even everyone around our world has the same schooling systems! Here, you only need to go to school until year 10, and I was 14 then, so...

And Twilight is Celestia's student, so she can't be TOO old. Plus Rainbow was in "Best YOUNG flyers" competition; and "young" is usually under adult age (teenager age). They also don't seem to have the need for education like us, as they make a living off what comes naturally to them (cutie marks) so a bunch of education like we get would be unnecessary.


Also of you guys are saying the CMC are ~ 10 then does it make sense for Rarity to be 23? A 13 year age gap between her and her sister is plausible, but unlikely..


I don't think we should be basing their ages off of how our society acts here in reality (just because they have a job doesn't make them in their 20's). After all, this is a cartoon, and they are animals.. Animals mature faster than humans. Because theyre aging the same as us in the show (1 year older every year) a teenager in MLP could be the equivalent of an adult for us.

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DigiBrony made a great video on youtube about this subject that I think holds water really well and also explains why certain things are the way they are. He speculates that the Mane 6 are between the ages of 15-18.  That would explain why Rainbow Dash isn't in the Wonderbolts yet because she hasn't met the age requirement, at least until she went to the academy.  He also speculates that the "adult" pony model is a catch-all for ponies ages 15-30.  It's a good video that really deserves a watch.

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I think the oldest Would be Rarity. because she runs a shop and in CMC Episode flashback she was making a fashion show. shhe must been very old to do so.

for the other I don't really know. But Rarity is the oldest for sure

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They all have jobs:


Rarity runs her own fashion business.

Twilight just got her Masters of Arts in Magic and is now working on her post grad degree while working at a library.

Pinkie Pie works at Sugar Cube Corner as a confectionary assistant.

Fluttershy runs her own animal shelter and pet grooming business.

Rainbow Dash works as a weather pegasus and controls the region's weather.

Applejack helps run her family farm.


I'd say they range from 20-24

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If you're all going to INSIST on comparing their society to ours, then what about this: kids can get jobs when they're under 18. I think you need to be 14 to get a job, conveniently the same age you're legally allowed to quit school. So just because they have jobs doesn't mean they're old.


Also.. They're ponies. Ponies, people. Come. On.


Do you have any evidence that they've all gone through 13 years of schooling? That their education system mirrors ours?


Like I said before, they don't NEED all the education we do because they already know their talent! Their cutie mark wouldn't come up unless they found the area which they shine in and have a passion for. Twilight is still studying under the princess by choice, not requirements. She's doing it because she wants to.


You really think that the ponies that didn't know what a Zebra is went through 13 years of schooling like us? Twilight only knew because she had studied in her own time.


Plus, other people have solid evidence that they're not in their 20's. So stop assuming theyre adults based on their society.


Also, even if Fraust said they are "young adults", young adults doesn't necessarily mean 20's, it could be teens. It goes, young adult > adult > middle aged > elderly. Where I come from, young adult means you're not yet an adult. So not in their 20's. Maybe the meaning of young adult is different for everyone? That would mean that it isn't a solid argument for their age.

Also, remember when the CMC got their new clubhouse from AJ, how Apple Bloom fixed it all up perfectly? And it's not like she went to carpenter school or whatever like we would need to. Age has nothing to do with it, see? She could easily drop what she's doing right now and make a living off of her trade.

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If you're all going to INSIST on comparing their society to ours, then what about this: kids can get jobs when they're under 18. I think you need to be 14 to get a job, conveniently the same age you're legally allowed to quit school. So just because they have jobs doesn't mean they're old.


Also.. They're ponies. Ponies, people. Come. On.


Do you have any evidence that they've all gone through 13 years of schooling? That their education system mirrors ours?


Like I said before, they don't NEED all the education we do because they already know their talent! Their cutie mark wouldn't come up unless they found the area which they shine in and have a passion for. Twilight is still studying under the princess by choice, not requirements. She's doing it because she wants to.


You really think that the ponies that didn't know what a Zebra is went through 13 years of schooling like us? Twilight only knew because she had studied in her own time.


Plus, other people have solid evidence that they're not in their 20's. So stop assuming theyre adults based on their society.


Also, even if Fraust said they are "young adults", young adults doesn't necessarily mean 20's, it could be teens. It goes, young adult > adult > middle aged > elderly. Where I come from, young adult means you're not yet an adult. So not in their 20's. Maybe the meaning of young adult is different for everyone? That would mean that it isn't a solid argument for their age.

Also, remember when the CMC got their new clubhouse from AJ, how Apple Bloom fixed it all up perfectly? And it's not like she went to carpenter school or whatever like we would need to. Age has nothing to do with it, see? She could easily drop what she's doing right now and make a living off of her trade.

Whoa calm down. This just my opinion, it doesn't mean its real. In my personal experience with the current generation I wouldn't say anyone in their late teens is an adult let alone a young adult. Kids are just not very responsible nowadays, nothing against younger bronies either as you all seem different compared to the general younger populous. So yes in my opinion I am comparing them to our society and because of the amount of responsibility, and through character development I would say they are in their early twenties. Again just my opinion.

Edited by sunset_sprint

Sunset wants a brohoof /)
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I put Fluttershy as the eldest, based on her appearance as a filly in flashbacks throughout the series, and her comment to Pinkie Pie in "Griffon the Brushoff" about being one year older. The rest of the Mane 6 all had the same body shape, so I think they're all the same age, or near enough as makes no difference.


I reckon that using real world logic on the ponies would be... misguided, so I cannot make further distinctions. Basically, Fluttershy is older by approximately a year, and the others all of a muchness i.t.o age. A failure of imagination on my part, perhaps. ;)

  • Brohoof 1

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I put Fluttershy as the eldest, based on her appearance as a filly in flashbacks throughout the series, and her comment to Pinkie Pie in "Griffon the Brushoff" about being one year older. The rest of the Mane 6 all had the same body shape, so I think they're all the same age, or near enough as makes no difference.


I reckon that using real world logic on the ponies would be... misguided, so I cannot make further distinctions. Basically, Fluttershy is older by approximately a year, and the others all of a muchness i.t.o age. A failure of imagination on my part, perhaps. ;)

I was just doing some research for one of my papers regarding social backgrounds and I came up with my age proximities. I'm a business student about to start grad school and though it would be interesting to compare them with people with similar characteristics, ultimately finding a relatable age group.

  • Brohoof 1

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I am calm. This is just the way I talk, but okay? I dont know how to be all buddy-buddy wth people I don't know.. So sorry if I come off as rude or something, I don't intend to be.


And I'm not saying that it's right to think of teenagers as young adults, it's just the way it is, considering our social definitions aren't going to change just because others feel they're wrong. Where I live, teenagers are, by our definition, young adults. It doesn't matter if they don't act like it; it's what they are. Adults can act like children, too, but it doesn't mean that they are 12.


I don't think cartoons should be compared to real life.. Just because they're doing things we see adults in our society doing doesn't really make for a solid argument about their age. Besides, someone already got pretty good evidence from the show that they're teenagers, so unless we can say for certain theyre not - no speculation - there really isn't any logic in continuing to think they're 20+.


I'm also not just saying this because I'd like to think of them as teenagers. If someone had good evidence they're adults (like actual evidence of their age, not just guessing because they seem like adults) then i'd be happy to agree with you guys. Well, I'd be shot down that they're not younger.. But id change my opinion. I don't want people to think I'm just unwilling to see any other opinions. I tend to side with what i think is good facts over my own and others opinions.


But if people like thinking they're adults, go ahead. It doesn't matter to me what you guys think, I just feel we shouldn't draw comparisons between their society and ours to back our opinions, because it makes thigs less fun and magical thinking that its the same as us. I think it's a little silly considering it IS a cartoon.


This got so long..


I'm also a narb and don't know how to do the whole "reply/quote" thing on mobile site. Sorry. ;;

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I am calm. This is just the way I talk, but okay? I dont know how to be all buddy-buddy wth people I don't know.. So sorry if I come off as rude or something, I don't intend to be.


And I'm not saying that it's right to think of teenagers as young adults, it's just the way it is, considering our social definitions aren't going to change just because others feel they're wrong. Where I live, teenagers are, by our definition, young adults. It doesn't matter if they don't act like it; it's what they are. Adults can act like children, too, but it doesn't mean that they are 12.


I don't think cartoons should be compared to real life.. Just because they're doing things we see adults in our society doing doesn't really make for a solid argument about their age. Besides, someone already got pretty good evidence from the show that they're teenagers, so unless we can say for certain theyre not - no speculation - there really isn't any logic in continuing to think they're 20+.


I'm also not just saying this because I'd like to think of them as teenagers. If someone had good evidence they're adults (like actual evidence of their age, not just guessing because they seem like adults) then i'd be happy to agree with you guys. Well, I'd be shot down that they're not younger.. But id change my opinion. I don't want people to think I'm just unwilling to see any other opinions. I tend to side with what i think is good facts over my own and others opinions.


But if people like thinking they're adults, go ahead. It doesn't matter to me what you guys think, I just feel we shouldn't draw comparisons between their society and ours to back our opinions, because it makes thigs less fun and magical thinking that its the same as us. I think it's a little silly considering it IS a cartoon.


This got so long..


I'm also a narb and don't know how to do the whole "reply/quote" thing on mobile site. Sorry. ;;

I would say the opposite, I know a lot of people that hate fictional stuff, their loss, because its something that in their mind could never happen. Just to appeal to the fiction haters I like to apply some real world scenarios to jump start their politically correct minds.

Sunset wants a brohoof /)
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