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Post your positivity for 2017!


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@@Orange Sparks, best of luck with pushing your comfort zone this year! Paranoia and anxiety are pretty annoying gits, but the human mind isn't exactly a pushover either, and with determination to keep whittling away against the two, I know you can overthrow them like many others fighting the same battle have too :)


@@Misscellanio, woah, all that AND a beer with every meal? 2017 might as well throw in the towel already if it's hoping to even make one moment of this year unhappy for you, all you need is an extra pizza per day and you're set for life D: In all seriousness, it makes me happy to see someone very aware of things they're looking forward to! I hope this year will be twice as good for you as you expect ^-^


@, phew, I'm glad to hear it ^//^ And those are seriously some pretty great traits for anybody to have! You're pretty much set to always be a good person in life if you even have just one of them I feel; at the very least, the world certainly would leap far ahead if everyone everywhere suddenly had one of those virtues ^-^


@@Captain Whirlwind, I hope both of these go very well for you, especially the latter! I had a similar hope many years ago that meant a lot to me at the time, so I can only imagine how big a deal achieving that would be for you ^-^


@@Kronos the Revenant, aww, that's awesome! : D Best of luck to the both of you, and I hope her parents will be like yours and supportive of/at the very least okay with what you two have if/when they find out ^_^


@@PinkuRiku, calm is nice! I like calm, especially the super version of it, even if it doesn't involve any cool capes or anything unfortunately :? And I'm glad MLP and its fandom could help you become more comfortable with your true self, nobody should ever have to feel or be treated badly for living life as how makes them happy if they're not hurting anyone or making it harder for anyone else to live life as themselves after all ^-^

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I'm going to work on two books and hit my goals of:


Walking a mile

Meditation 10 to 15 mins a day

Read a hour everyday

Write 20 mins a day of ANYTHING

Explore the person I really I',

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Here are the major things I'm going to try to work on:

- Not being so depressed all the time

- Lose weight (will help with depression)

- Eating and sleeping better (this'll help with the depression and losing weight)

- Walking for at least 30 mins to 1 hr a day (once again will help with depression and losing weight)

- Not cutting myself or threatening to

- Not running away from problems the moment they arise

- Not being judgmental

- No putting myself down

- Being more assertive 


It's going to be a long, hard journey but in the end, it'll be worth it

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Signature by Myself!
"Ara Ara"

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Right now I'm working to make enough money to pay for rent split between my gf and I. I'm also applying for better jobs. I'm hoping to keep paying rent mainly so my gf and I can help her mom get out of debt. She will be living with us (we invited her) rent free for a few months to a year so she can pay off her debt.


Now I'd I get the job I'm applying for I will be taking over rent fully for a few months and letting my gf pay for just the car and food while her mom still lives rent free. At the same time if my gf gets promoted like we are hoping we will be able to do all the above and start sending her dad and my mom money to help them as well.


Basically we will be working to survive and give back to our parents. That is my plan for the year.


Also once I get in the new apartment I will be using the gym on site so I can become more fit. And by the middle to end of this year I will be on 0 nicotine. Currently on 4 right now and handling it just fine.


I also plan to set aside money to buy fruit containers and fruit when on sale and make custom fruit trays for my gfs mom to bring to work (help save her money on store bought) and for myself since I love em .

Edited by KiraTakahashi
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+My life's it's own cartoon show.+

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@, phew, I'm glad to hear it ^//^ And those are seriously some pretty great traits for anybody to have! You're pretty much set to always be a good person in life if you even have just one of them I feel; at the very least, the world certainly would leap far ahead if everyone everywhere suddenly had one of those virtues ^-^



i feel the same too, i think the world would be better off if people don't jump into a  hot steam just because someone speak out how they feel. I just don't like people being suppressed not to speak on how they feel. In short I prefer people being honest and blunt to me. :smug:

Edited by Satrox
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♪ "I practice every day to find some clever lines to say, to make the meaning come through"♪


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Some Things i hope for are : Getting away from the Dog, im allergic too.

Getting my own apartment.

Maybe get a Girlfriend and maybe start getting more active in Fandom Chat Groups.


Those are the things, i will be looking forward to.

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@@Tao, those are some pretty sound goals! Very soothing ones too; an hour and a half of those activities every day will achieve a heck of a lot in the long term ^-^


@@Orange Sparks, worth it is right, depression is gonna have a really crappy year if you keep to all that >:3 I'm not sure if the vid would be allowed on here so I won't post it but, search up 'Rick and Morty X Gon Give It To Ya' on YouTube, that's what you'll be doing to the depression when you've got your mental muscles all built up like your plans will achieve ^_^


@@KiraTakahashi, I like this! Taking care of yourselves and of those that have taken care of you; really, idk if you can make a happier plan than that ^-^


@, having allergies to a family pet sounds super rough, best of luck getting away from that to a more comfortable place o.o;;


I was just browsing around and found this :ohttps://www.reddit.com/r/UpliftingNews/... needless to say, this is definitely going on my bookmarks ^_^ I think following stuff like this can be useful for keeping us aware of the goodness happening in life, negativity/drama tend to be much easier to make news about and unfortunately more memorable too, so sometimes the positive stuff can pass us by... I want to make a habit of visiting sections like what I linked daily this year, there's a lot of good people out there and I don't want their efforts to be unnoticed ^-^

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  • 2 weeks later...

@@Rarity the Supreme, that's good enough for me! While there's definitely a lot to worry about this year, I get the feeling too that the silver lining is gonna be more pronounced than in 2016... not too sure why exactly, just new hope for the new year perhaps? But whatever the reasons, the resignation people had developed over the course of last year seems to have died down a bit and become something stronger, more determined I feel; course, I could be wrong and people end up loathing 2017 with about as much passion, but at the very least, "can't be worse than 2016" is what I'm anticipating so far.






I guess since January's coming to a close, here's some stuff off the top of my head that I liked about this month:

~Starting to spend more time with my family and get on better terms with them; surprisingly doesn't feel like a chore as I was worried it might

~Gained a few new interests; Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate (I was interested in the series years ago, but ahhhhhh this game is where I'm really getting very into it x.x), Rick and Morty, Batman: The Animated Series... TV in general is something I usually don't pay too much attention to, but lately I'm finding much more of interest

~Lot of great Vinesauce streams (i.e. stuff I get way too much entertainment out of) this month, pretty excited to see what else he'll play this year ^-^

~The fact that my girlfriend is still going happy and strong, this was a pretty worrying start of the year for her, so it's a relief to know that she's gone through the worst of it intact and can have a much nicer time soon into February!

~While it's far from perfect, I feel the tone of this month has changed for the better a little, compared to the abundance of hopelessness that seemed prevalent last year... it's kinda refreshing, I get the feeling that whatever happens now, there's still a lot the world can accomplish :)

~This was a very welcome find ^_^

~Ended up making a private playlist of vids that really brighten my mood, should serve as a nice pick-me-up if I ever need it

~While it's nothing much, I do feel like I've been using my time a little better this month, though I've still got a ways to go

~Okay this is really trivial as heck but I was playing Pokemon Yellow randomized and this happened



This only would have been made better if Mewtwo actually kept Pikachu's voice for the whole duration of the game, I would love me some super powerful abomination cat greeting every one of its victims with 'Pika! : D'




And possibly some other stuff I might have forgotten atm :? In any case, I'm rather looking forward to seeing what February has in store now, especially since there's a thing or two I've got planned for it ^-^

Edited by Blue cheese


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No guarantees but DESPERATELY need this anxiety medication to kick in and give me some relief. So am looking forward to that finally happening this year.


I've changed medications about 7 times since 2015. I thought 2016 was going to be the bees knees but that came and went without event.

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My positivity is that the world may one day look back on the absolute absurdity of our society in the same way we view the nations of the 17th century for forfeiting all power to a couple of incompetent baffoons. 

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@@SONICchaos, here's hoping these new meds do the job for you then! Someone very dear to me has had years too of meds that became ineffective quickly, or were even just ineffective from the start, but these last few months have brought about some very good ones for her, so there's still hope for you too I'm sure :)


@@Zyrael, I have faith the world will; heck, even now there seems to be a very noticeable amount of people that already view recent events in that way, not all people of course, but enough to give me hope things can change.






While this isn't anything grand or complex, I just heard about this message a 2nd grade teacher made for her students and thought it was very sweet and worth a mention ^_^(And no she's probably not a Trump supporter, not sure why I have to state that but yus)




And on a stronger note, I've been very happy to see how accomodating and helpful many have been to those affected by recent events. These are a few I've noticed :)


(Also wow I went a tad~ more political on this thread than I would have liked, not in a very controversial way but I would still like to avoid that in future if I can x.x;; )

Edited by Blue cheese


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  • 2 weeks later...

I got one week off this month, two weeks off in May and one week off in October. Along with some days off and one stay in hotel holidays.


MLP movie, MLP new season, Justice League movie, new Doctor Who season and new Star Wars movie.

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Proud British Brony

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Well I truly have a hype pereod that's coming up in around 6 weeks from now as I'm going on a 5 day long school camp to Sydney as were flying there and then after one more full week of school me and my family are flying to Singapore for 8 days plus season 7 is starting when where in Singapore or after we come back. Well for the rest of this year I'm going to start learning how to drive and have my first credit card as a part of a school financial education program. :)

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Message from UNIT: UBC-001 (Original image used made by @chaosprincess signature composed by @KyoshiMy theory of MLP OC: Techno Universal ask me!: Link


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I got my Megas XLR shirt today, which means I finally have a shirt of my favorite show


Also I found $3 in the gutters about 20 minutes ago

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A positive outlook comes from the positive ways we can see our present and one even being able to invision our future and what it holds. I am excited for all of the new MLP content to come and answers with it, as it always holds, Perhaps something focused on anger control, because that is definitley something I am in the new at overcoming. I am positive I will start working at a new place very soon, and it is going to be another open door. I get nervous in my stomach when I begin speaking like this, especially upon this being a big return to the fandom, and forums and what not, I mean today/tomorrow is three years of my being a brony. Given the ability to reflect, and to really take the time to think about everything that has happened, my short comings, my strong suits. I am going to train and work out much harder. I am going to get more involved with the fandom, and make friendships, I am going to be socially forthcoming. I come back to the song "Right In Front of Me" and it makes everything seem so simple to me, everything about the fandom, how it makes me feel, what it has done for me. No momentary feelings, or anxiety could ever take away what it genuinely GIVES. I am positive I will find a way to the convention this summer. I am positive that this is going to be a moment of development and growth for me. I am positive that more of us will become friends, I am going to do something great and I am going to work harder than ever before.

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@@Adam Burt, nice! It's always very helpful to get lots of well-deserved breaks, I'm glad that your job seems to be doing a decent attempt offering them to you ^_^ And those are all definitely pretty interesting; my capacity for hype has kinda died down lately, but I'd still be very pleased if they all go well (especially the next Doctor Who season, Peter's Doctor deserves the best of treatment >.>)


@@Techno Universal, school camp, huh? Not too familiar with what they're all about, but that should really be a lovely time I bet, I hope you have a ton of fun there and at Singapore! : D Best of luck with learning how to drive too, that's probably one of the best skills you can teach yourself nowadays ^_^


@, sounds cool! While I don't have any clothing related to my interests, I can definitely see the appeal, it's nice you have something to express your love for the show now :3 Also, how could someone just abandon $3 like that? That's enough to buy you a pack of cookies or two (at least, I would imagine so?), they don't know what they're missing D:


@, if I could give your post a triple brohoof, I would, because whoa you're putting a lot of good thought into this o.o Mindsets like yours are some of the best around, keep it up and this year should have its merits for you no matter what! Best of luck with all you set out to do; also, slightly belated but, happy three year brony anniversary! :) 

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@@Adam Burt, nice! It's always very helpful to get lots of well-deserved breaks, I'm glad that your job seems to be doing a decent attempt offering them to you ^_^ And those are all definitely pretty interesting; my capacity for hype has kinda died down lately, but I'd still be very pleased if they all go well (especially the next Doctor Who season, Peter's Doctor deserves the best of treatment >.>)


@@Techno Universal, school camp, huh? Not too familiar with what they're all about, but that should really be a lovely time I bet, I hope you have a ton of fun there and at Singapore! : D Best of luck with learning how to drive too, that's probably one of the best skills you can teach yourself nowadays ^_^


@, sounds cool! While I don't have any clothing related to my interests, I can definitely see the appeal, it's nice you have something to express your love for the show now :3 Also, how could someone just abandon $3 like that? That's enough to buy you a pack of cookies or two (at least, I would imagine so?), they don't know what they're missing D:


@, if I could give your post a triple brohoof, I would, because whoa you're putting a lot of good thought into this o.o Mindsets like yours are some of the best around, keep it up and this year should have its merits for you no matter what! Best of luck with all you set out to do; also, slightly belated but, happy three year brony anniversary! :)

I wish you success in any/all of your endeavors, and I hope that maybe we could perhaps become friends? I like to make new friends on the forum,(in general) and I look for positive energy far and wide. I know I am capable of making it radiate, and that is what I must do. and thank you very much, I didnt realize how much I was TRULY missing MLP, even though it surrounds me every day, one way or the other, my life without ponies would create a void in me. Its truly what has got me through the darkest moments of my life, and there is something about the fandom that, sometimes you just need to talk about it with people that will get it. You know, or perhaps have an ability to tolerate you for who you are, and give you a chance to start over and be the best you you can be and inspire your goals as an individual. You got a friend in me. Know this.

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  • 3 years later...

I came off some great street lamp collections by the end of 2016, and that carried over under 2017. But it was a difficult year with a lot of politics going on in my area (build plans and destruction of land marks), causing a lot of anger for me. It was difficult, but I managed to cool down the situation, and it is currently just a mild threat in 2020, compared to a reality in 2017.

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