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(I may or may not be listening to various MLP show and movie songs on shuffle :catface:)

Of the different series out there, what is your favorite, or favorites, story line in the comics? 

Friends Forever: #29 Where Rarity and Maud Pie become close friends.  This comic is so tearjerking that every time I read it, yes I read it multiple times, it just restores my faith that those who are quiet, still have feelings even when not outwardly expressed. In the part where Rarity accidentally picks up Mauds diary and starts reading it, Maud is open enough to share it with her. Rarity is brought to tears by what she reads about herself :(Maud really likes Rarity and admires her outgoing and perseverance but also sees that she's bringing that out in Maud as well. 

Friendship is Magic: Oh man how do I choose!  There are so many great storyline spending multiple contacts in this series that it's so difficult to choose from, so I'll probably have to just near it down to two. 

#35-#37 Sombras backstory and Radiant Hope:  This backstory of Sombra and Radiant Hope is the sweetest purest form a friendship that I've ever seen. Radiant Hope really sees Sombra for the good pony she knows he is deep down inside. In my opinion the drawings in this comic series get a little graphic as we see in 36 when Sombra goes through how he  changed from an umbrum to a unicorn and was placed into the pony world. Even though Hope finds out that they've made him with the intent of evil she knows the true Sombra is a sweetheart and will do anything to defend him. In the end they end up running off together playfully and it's the sweetest version of Sombra that we've seen.

#43-45 Worst Assets Waters 

When the mane six go on what's to be a relaxing spa day at a wonderful flowing spring, trouble ensues when the next day we come to find the mane six's best features turn into their worst versions. Twilight Sparkle, knowing that she is a powerful and intelligent pony decides to become the ruler of Ponyville,  Applejack becomes competitive and dishonest, Fluttershy becomes a recluse with her now fierce animal friends, Rarity becomes the most conceited, narcissistic, egotistical pony who thinks she rivals Twilight Sparkle and so on and so forth. It takes Princess Luna interjecting to help the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike out but when she herself is seemingly doused with the waters from the spring,  everyone believes that Nightmare Moon has returned. But once in the castle Twilight Sparkle seems to call her out and realize that she really is not Nightmare Moon but has been done up with the help of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. But then it's the CMC's that outsmart the seemingly smartest pony in all of Ponyville with a simple bucket over the door trick.  It's one of the few times that we get to see our girls in their worst light and actually see that everyone can have a darkside. 


So please friends! I'd love to hear about your favorite comic storyline, or two ;) , and how they made you feel or see out favorite characters in a different light! 




I don't see a pony problem... do you? :grin:^_^:pinkie::fluttershy::icwudt::wub: 


  • Brohoof 2
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Ow! You have a great collection ^-^

My fav is #6 (Friends Forever) where Trixie was forced to become diamond dogs' queen. I find it hilarious. :D


And one where Mig Mac tried to find some nails to fix the gazebo and it turned into totally weird journey involving many characters on city fair. (from #9)

The thing is that he is silent as always and shit just happens around ^-^


And of course The Wild Stallion Within (#12) - the memories of Shining Armour and Cadence teen years (I'm usually not into romantic story lines, but really enjoy this one :love:)


As you can see, I'm more into earlier comics. :adorkable:

Edited by Crypty
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7 hours ago, Crypty said:

Ow! You have a great collection ^-^

My fav is #6 (Friends Forever) where Trixie was forced to become diamond dogs' queen. I find it hilarious. :D


And one where Mig Mac tried to find some nails to fix the gazebo and it turned into totally weird journey involving many characters on city fair. (from #9)

The thing is that he is silent as always and shit just happens around ^-^


And of course The Wild Stallion Within (#12) - the memories of Shining Armour and Cadence teen years (I'm usually not into romantic story lines, but really enjoy this one :love:)


As you can see, I'm more into earlier comics. :adorkable:

Why thank you dahling! I simply adore my comic collection! My comic book shop may have good intentions when it comes to setting aside the different series when hey come out, however I am still ma missing quite a few. It gets rather perturbing after a while. 

These sound wonderful! I'll have to find them and add them to my collection. Especially the one about Shining Armor and Cadance's teen years. It looks so funny from the excerpt you've given! 

Thank you for replying! 

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3 hours ago, Planetaria said:

These sound wonderful! I'll have to find them and add them to my collection. Especially the one about Shining Armor and Cadance's teen years. It looks so funny from the excerpt you've given!

Sure, do it. :D In other hand I think to read later ones as you was so kind to refresh my interest to oficial MLP comic books. :grin:

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Well, to add to the list of great comic issues and arcs that have already been mentioned, FF#20 deserves a shout out, I think.  It successfully establishes some legit chemistry between Discord and Luna.  Oh, and Night of the Living Apples, for being so amazingly stupid (in a good way).  I also really like Manehattan Mysteries for developing Trixie's character.  FF#8 is the best Rarijack story I think we could have asked for.  Reflections shows us a young, brash and maybe even selfish Celestia, and I kind of like it for that.  

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  • 3 weeks later...

"Nightmare Rarity" (All of it. Totally stunning)

"Rainbow Dash’s Very Bad Day" (The art, references, and style of this one made me smile ear to ear)

"A Pinkie Pie Story That Pinkie Pie Kinda Sorta Remembers" (Another weird experimental one, again totally beautiful and different)

"Power Ponies Edition" (To hell with that painting, and Ted Anderson also contributing to the worst list, this was great)

"Celestia and Spike FF" (Character development for Celestia? Say it isn’t so!)

"Luna and Pinkie Pie FF" (Pinkie giving Princesses life lessons by insulting them, before Starlight made it cool)

"Applejack and Rarity FF" (Planes, Trains, Airplanes, and Rarity actually written really well. An an Applejack story that’s not boring!)

"Rainbow Dash and Spitfire FF" (Rainbow Dash gets to be really cool, without turning Spitfire into a bitch! See, they can do it better than the show!)

"Pinkie Pie and Twilight Sparkle FF" (Drugs are bad kids. This is terrifying and weird, but really interesting)

"Rarity and Babs Seed" (One of the parings I never expected, but one that worked strangely well. Also foreshadowed Babs cutie mark, years before it was confirmed in the show)

"Discord and Luna FF" (You’ve likely heard my opinions on Discord. Well he’s great here, and this made me like him again… briefly)

"Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood FF" (Prince Blueblood is a interesting character? How can this be!?)

"Rarity and Maud Pie FF" (Made me cry. It actually made me cry.)

"Rainbow Dash and Soarin’ FF" (Soarin’ getting some character development? Spitfire actually appologises for being a bitch in the show? So now the comics are fixing the shows bad writing?)

"Rarity Micro" (Hippies, gorgeous art, Rarity written well)

"Pinkie Pie Micro" (Ponyachi Laugh)

"Celestia Micro" (This comic also made me cry! Totally gorgeous, and actual acknowledgement of the fact that Celestia outlives her friends)

"Princess Luna Micro" (A story so good, the show stole it for "A Royal Problem")

"Legends of Magic 2" (Viking ponies! Shovel Knights! Quaffing of ale! Braids everywhere!)

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  • 3 weeks later...

I like all the MLP comics illustrated by Andy Price. Especially "Return of Queen Chrysalis" and "Nothing is single (?) story about maggic mirror, good Sombra and two different versions of Equestria.

Edited by Fluttershy Friend


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My favorite story from the comics tends to be the following:

1. FIENDship is Magic #1 - King Sombra

2. Main Series issues #17-20 - Reflections

3. Main Series issues #1-4 - Return of Queen Chrysalis

4. FIENDship is Magic #5 - Queen Chrysalis

5. Friends Forever #29 - Rarity and Maud

6. Friends Forever #6 - Trixie and Rainbow Dash

7. Main Series issues #34-37 - Siege of the Crystal Empire

8. Main Series issues #27-28 - Root of the Problem

9. Micro Series #10 - Princess Luna

10. MLP Movie Prequel series

These are easily subject to change though. :P

Pathfinder I Sojourner I CorsairZu'hra I Autumn | Scarlet Willow | Gypsy | Silverthorn | Crystal Whisper | Radiant Historia | And many other OCs~
Matching signatures with mah Bestie MOONLIGHT <3

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I'm SO glad to see I'm not the only one that enjoyed Siege of the Crystal Empire. I think it gets WAY too much hate. I understand some of the gripes people have with it, and I acknowledge that it's not without its flaws, but it's far from the trainwreck most people treat it as.

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Well, I'm only up to Issue 23-ish of main series, so I'm not as caught up as the rest of you but here are my opinions so far. 

(Note: I read out of the "Adventures in Friendship" collections, so I'm unsure what the exact issue of some of these are) 

1. Friends Forever Issue 20. Both very uplifting and tragic, while still being a fun read all the way through. Luna and Discord have some surprisingly good chemistry as others have said, and Discords uncle-like relationship with the CMC warmed my heart. A really solid issue.

2. The Return of Queen Chrysalis. Honestly I felt the arc was to good, being the first issue, it set the standard way to high in my eyes. Fantastic artwork with great use of lighting, perspective and coloring. The writing was consistently solid, funny when it meant to be, serious when it had to be, heartwarming when it wanted to be. Chrysalis made a great villain who was both humorous while also threatening .

3. Reflections. A tragic and creative story that gets more weight the more of the 'Old Equestria' comics come out. The visuals was fantastic, I loved the 'Dark' reality and everything in it.

4. Bookworm arc. I don't hear much people talk about it, but I really enjoyed this arc. It was a really creative story with good adventure that was constantly changing and shifting. The visuals never got boring or stale after awhile (which was my problem with Nightmare Rarity) and it really had me guessing what they were gonna do next on my first read. My issues with it is I felt like it ended to abruptly and Bookworm's 'character arc' feel flat to me.

5. Friends Forever Issue 26. I just have to give it props for turning one of the most one note and unlikable characters into a character I can root for. Blueblood was awesome in it. 

Head admin and founder of MLPWiki.net. Lover of high adventure!

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  • 2 months later...

The one that immediately comes to mind is the Reflections arc, because it shows that Celestia is far from infallible, and that screwing around with different dimensions is not a very good idea.

Another one would be Sombra's backstory. I think that's easily the best written Fiendship comic.

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Upon reflecting on it, I'd say Reflections is probably my favorite too (pun not intended). A great, tragic love-story that spans space and time. It's one of the times Celestia feels like a character, she has flaws and strengths and has some great moments in the arc. The artwork is top notch and as someone who geeks out over the use of multiverse and alternate realities, I was pleasantly surprised by MLPs take on alternate realities. I love when "Dark is not Evil" is at play, and I just love the design of Sombra's kingdom. Dark, but in a gothic way and still inviting.

4 hours ago, KatonRyu said:

The one that immediately comes to mind is the Reflections arc, because it shows that Celestia is far from infallible, and that screwing around with different dimensions is not a very good idea.

Another one would be Sombra's backstory. I think that's easily the best written Fiendship comic.

I agree with you there. In fact it kind of bugs me that it was the first Fiendship story in the series. It gave me high hopes for the other stories in the series, but none of them really hit the same high notes. Tirek's story had cool aesthetics and a nice change of pace, but the story didn't really go anywhere. 

  • Brohoof 2

Head admin and founder of MLPWiki.net. Lover of high adventure!

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  • 1 month later...

I have not read many but I do like two so far

I like the refection arc I find the idea awesome  just not the Celestia x mirror Sombra shipping it felt awkward and really forced


I also like the Sombra arc since I love the idea of a redeemed Sombra through the shipping here with Hope felt forced and unneeded as well and Sombra being a thing called an umbra was very jarring to me for some reason

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I'd imagine Sombra being shipped and him being an Umbra would be less jarring if you read Fiendship is Magic #1 first. I read it after I read the arc, which made Hope's character arc seem all over the place and hard to follow.

Head admin and founder of MLPWiki.net. Lover of high adventure!

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  • 1 month later...

"Zen and the Art of Gazebo Repair" Issue #9-10 is my favorites so far! Even though it made me sad because I was going to name an OC Lugnut. It had me laughing more than once and was totally relatable. Story of my life.

Also enjoyed "Reflections."

Currently read up to #18. Loving the whole comic series so far. 

  • Brohoof 2



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  • 3 months later...
9 minutes ago, A.V. said:


I remember that one; weirdest art style ever.

I especially liked how they resurrected Splatto Del Gato with Equestrian magic in the Jawbreakers x EQG crossover.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Right away I know that the “Reflections” comic series is my favorite. To see that side of Celestia, to see the new world, and just the opposites of everything that we know was so fascinating to me! I also love the art style. Beautiful and interesting. :wub:


Also the strip where Shining meets Cadence! ^_^



Edited by Lunar Glow

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The RD Friends Forever comics with Spitfire and Soarin, which is actually just the comic fixing the mess the show has made with the WB and making them the characters they should be in the show

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