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What is a video game purchase you regret and why?


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Between "Sim City Creator" for Wii and "Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon", it has to be "Path of the Furon" mostly due to the fact that it effectively killed off the Destroy All Humans franchise entirely.

It was originally going to release in winter of 2007, but got delayed to December of 2008. When I finally got my 12 year old hands on a copy, placed it into the Xbox 360 (PlayStation 3 version got delayed due to "development issues") and started playing for a bit, a dark, sinking feeling began to grow inside of me, as I slowly begin to realize why the game was delayed for so long.

The game itself is without a doubt the most bug riddled, unpolished game that I have ever played up to this day.
Characters gliding across the floor, dialogue getting cut mid speech, to numerous crashes, I've never felt so betrayed before at that time.

It's probably the first game I've ever been hyped about, only for it to be a complete letdown; 50$ down the gutter.

Rip Destroy All Humans, and rip THQ. :(

  • Brohoof 3

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4 minutes ago, Annie said:

Overwatch, because I couldn't find a single moment of enjoyment in it after a good 1 or 2 hundred hours

While I have enjoyed Overwatch for the first 50 hours, I will agree that the game has gotten stale and predictable, Push payload, capture point, hold point, and that's about it as far as objectives go. The Skill ceiling just isn't high enough for me to do crazy things like you can in TF2, such as rocket/sticky jumping.

  • Brohoof 1

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Tails Sky Patrol because it didn't work, but I paid a pretty penny for that little number. Oh well. Imports.

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The Crew for PC. At first, the game requires Uplay to run and running that DRM client taxed my system's ram. Then the game updated and my system couldn't execute the game anymore. I know that I meet the minimum system requirements but after that update, I was essentially "locked" out and was either forced to upgrade my hardware or not play.



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Hmmm, my worse video game purchases hmmm, probably going to have to go with 50 Cent Blood on Sand and MAG (PlayStation 3 Exclusive Multiplayer only). There are probably more I've bought and regretted buying after playing for an hour but those are the two that spring to mind right now. Oh Oh, Killzone: Shadow Fall, that game was just such a giant hype killer and giant fail in my opinion, and the other games in the series weren't that great either but they were not as boring as Shadow Fall, never get it! It's a key example of a quality built game gone wrong, it had the graphics, it had the fancy new tech, it had the fancy new gameplay mechanisms but it just didn't work, it was boring, one play then done, not to mention the amount of cheats and general mess in multiplayer compared to previous instalments, it was horrible. As for MAG and 50 Cent Blood on Sand, well 50 was a one time play, it was very forgettable and from I gathered, basic, basic as a action shooter game gets, or a Army of Two rip off. MAG, poor networking, poor animations, poor texture quality, poor model quality, lack of gamemodes, lack of maps, lack of anything but it had 250 vs 250 player battles, which is a massive achievement for the PS3 console. 

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DBZ Ultimate Battle 22, was a case of me buying something out of fanboyism and then I played it and died a little inside. Biggest waste of a $20 I ever spent 

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Epic Mickey. It was a Christmas gift, but my parents who bought it played it. An to this day, we still have no idea what it is! The graphics are nice, but we just don't know what it is. What do we do? How do we play? Not even my brother the video game nerd could figure it out, even after the lengthy tutorial. Besides that, Angry Birds for wii. I still don't remember why I ever thought it would be good.

  • Brohoof 1

If I could rewind, change my mind and do it all again 
With all the answers ahead of me, and know how it would all end.
Would I make the same choice, like before I knew.
That our destinies were tied, to each other and it was me and you. 
One not two

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Much of what the OP said about Destroy All Humans: Path of the Furon (which I've never played) is true about Sonic 06. It promised to be a groundbreaking celebration of the franchise, but instead it was a sloppy letdown. The story on its own isn't bad, apart from a very cringeworthy romance between Sonic and the human Elise, but the gameplay is so atrocious. Sega rushed the game to release and it shows, with glitchy stages that frustrate me to no end. I eventually did get through it, because I always try to push on even when I can't stand a game, but I got rid of the game immediately afterward.

  • Brohoof 1


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Definitely Watch Dogs 1 and Destiny. Oh, and Metroid Other M.

Watch Dogs had a lot of potential but ultimately it was just GTA with hacking that was incredibly shallow, and the driving controls are shit.

And then Destiny, I don't think I need to explain why that game is complete and utter shit.

Metroid Other M is a game I extremely detest. As a diehard Metroid fan, it pissed me off in so many ways, just a terrible game. Terrible story, controls that are really awkward, and it really stained what I consider the greatest gaming franchise. I was so hyped for the game, too, especially after having played the amazing Prime Trilogy.

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Scarface for PSP was one of them. They went from a pretty cool open world game to basically a Facebook game, it was awful.

Another one is the good ol game, Destiny. A game infused with greed, it was boring, dull, and while it looked nice, it had no personality at all. Then once the DLC came out, the base game became worthless unless you bought the DLC. I guess I should not have expected anything else from Activision. 

  • Brohoof 2



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I regret buying Assassin's Creed 3 and Far Cry 3.  I bought AC3 because I was pretty excited to have some Indigenous representation in a game that wasn't like some cowboy's and Indians type of crap and it was nice to finally see a character I could relate to that was half white/half indigenous, like me but I unfortunately couldn't really get into the game.  It was buggy and whenever I saved, got off and came back on the game would skip around from chapter to chapter so I easily got lost and gave up because I was fed up with it.  I bought FC3 a couple of months ago just to see what all the fuss was about, it was a pretty game but I couldn't really get into that either, I also didn't like the save system for that game either which brought back the feelings I had for AC3 which made me not want to play the game ever again.

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28 minutes ago, Barik the Luigineer said:

Every single LoL RP purchase. I can't believe I ever played that game with how insanely toxic people are.

I can relate to this as I used play Lol for 3 to 4 years before deciding to quit around when Kindred was released. I think I've spent more than 250$ on that game; but the biggest reason why I quit was because the game would just create so much stress for me, worrying whether if my team was going to be half-competent or brain dead. That's how I see it, just one big dice roll whether you get good teammates or not; your skills and champion only put a dent in that factor, not counting if you get matched up with a counter to your champion. And yes, almost 40% of the games I get, I had some toxic whiner telling people to report someone just because they're not up to their desired skill level. Ever since I quit, I tend to stay away from games with communities known for being toxic and too team dependent (although TF2 is a slight exception).

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19 minutes ago, Kyoshi said:

Scarface for PSP was one of them. They went from a pretty cool open world game to basically a Facebook game, it was awful.

Another one is the good ol game, Destiny. A game infused with greed, it was boring, dull, and while it looked nice, it had no personality at all. Then once the DLC came out, the base game became worthless unless you bought the DLC. I guess I should not have expected anything else from Activision. 

I remember Scarface: The world is yours for PS2. For some reason i played the hell out of that game. Was quite an enjoyable experience for me personally. The PSP version looks like a nightmare.

Edited by DayShadow
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There are SO MANY games I regret buying but the ones I regret buying the most are any of the Sonic games. Boring character, broken and stupid gameplay, and SEGA... Just SEGA. 

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12 minutes ago, Battenberg said:

Yoshi's New Island on the 3DS, only got it because it was being hyped up on Youtube, it was a pretty boring game and I never went back to it after completing it.

 i also thought that game was boring and i never completed it.

Edited by Gameground
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Another regret was Sonic adventure, i really don't get why people think the game was "perfect." It's really boring and the only good levels are the sonic ones. The second one is much better IMO.

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no alarms, and no surprises.

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I didn't like Super Bomberman R for the Switch after I bought it.  I'd hoped it'd be an interesting adventure-ish game, but...well, first I sucked at it and kept blowing myself up.  After I'd learned a little and figured out how to avoid that, I still didn't like it in the end because of how short the story mode was.

It's not that it's terrible; I think it's just not something I personally can get much replay value out of.  Maybe someone who likes the multiplayer might get more value out of it; I've half a mind to mail it to a friend with a switch, just so someone can enjoy it.


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