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Ask a Royal Guard


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never said it were the same kind of ponies. there isnt anything cannon about them more then that they flew luna during nightmare night. so i just made a little story of it. now just let others have their fun without spoiling it ok? :)


(Er... Sorry, I wasn't trying to troll. I just was saying that jadefire used a different explination for bat ponies that we worked on for almost two months now in our RP... And we are using some of the stuff from the RP in this tread, since purple text is Moonbeam, a Maluma, or bat pony. Me and jade are kinda proud about our explanation for the bat ponies. I'm not saying yours is wrong, I'm just saying that we already had an explanation in this thread that has been well thought out. If you actually read the this thread, it is explained...


Again, sorry if I seemed like a snotty troll, I was just trying say what was already going on


Sorry again... Now I still seem like a troll...)


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(Er... Sorry, I wasn't trying to troll. I just was saying that jadefire used a different explination for bat ponies that we worked on for almost two months now in our RP... And we are using some of the stuff from the RP in this tread, since purple text is Moonbeam, a Maluma, or bat pony. Me and jade are kinda proud about our explanation for the bat ponies. I'm not saying yours is wrong, I'm just saying that we already had an explanation in this thread that has been well thought out. If you actually read the this thread, it is explained...


Again, sorry if I seemed like a snotty troll, I was just trying say what was already going on


Sorry again... Now I still seem like a troll...)


you could just simply answer the question with "no"

Inspired by myself.

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Dark Moonbeam has other priorities to attend to, so I'll be answering the next round of questions.


New Question about the "The Good King" era. What ever happened to Tyrannus, the pony that the Archon defeated?


If Dark's stories are any indication, I believe this Tyrannus pony died.


so. up to the question. would it be ok if they walked along with the rest of the guards for a wile?


(AnonyZiod's lack of social skills aside, the story I made up for this thread is that the bat-pegasai are a rare sub-breed of pegasus, as opposed to a genetic experiment.)


Are you an envoy for the Princesses? You should probably run these guards by Captain Shining Armor first. Just don't let Dark see 'em, he'll probably blow a fuse.


Can i pass this door you're guarding?


No, you may not. The Royal Food Pantry is a restricted area to everypony for the duration of Princess Celestia's Royal Diet.

Edited by Jadefire
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What kind of weaponry do you usually use ? Are there bows/crossbows for royal guards or are these limited to regular army only ?

Edited by Nouth


Splendid siggy by Chaotic Dischord, awesome avatar by Suntouched Coco!
Ask me anything you want ! You'll make me happy and (most likely) get an answer !
Omnia vincit Amor. When the world around you turns gray, stop, and think about rainbows.
-->(> How would you describe me ? <(<--

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(oops, missed one)


So what was the best moment that ever happened to you while being a guard?


Posted Image


Another guard and I successfully foiled an assassination plot against Princess Celestia. Only a single assassin escaped to make an attempt on our Princess's life, but thanks to our efforts, the entire ring was shut down and we found and removed the agents who infiltrated the palace. The assassin who attacked the princess failed as well; the other guard sacrificed himself to protect our ruler, and I promptly captured and arrested the assassin.


We both received medals from the princess afterward, and we both received promotions for our act of service. Simply put, it was the high point of my career.


Never did learn that guard's name, though.


What kind of weaponry do you usually use ? Are there bows/crossbows for royal guards or are these limited to regular army only ?


Spears and lances, mostly, though the pegasai bodyguards often use wingblades when out traveling. We don't favor swords very often, as those are more suited for creatures with...well, hands.


We use arrows every so often, if we have to provide security for a location. Apart from that, though, projectiles are mainly used by the army.

Edited by Jadefire
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(AnonyZiod's lack of social skills aside...)



(My social skills are not that bad...)




Anyway... Dark, do many Malumai live in Cloudsdale, or do they stay in Pransylvania most of the time? Speaking of Pransylvania, what is Chiroptera (the region's capital) like?


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Ah... you royal guards make me uneasy.


...Ignore the badge on my posts! I'm merely an agent of the Feldian Empire.


Anyway, I haven't seen many female recruits. Why is that?

Edited by Sorceress Arylett

Aether Velvet is the name of the OC in my avatar. Drawn by me. 


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Anyway... Dark, do many Malumai live in Cloudsdale, or do they stay in Pransylvania most of the time? Speaking of Pransylvania, what is Chiroptera (the region's capital) like?


I don't see how that rel-


*hip checks Aevum out of the way* Ok, I'm back. You see some of us every so often in Cloudsdale, but there's not a lot of us there. The only towns that I can think of that have a big batpegasus population is Las Pegasas and Marami. There's plently of small Maluma settlements around, but Prancylvania's the only province where we're a majority. We're pretty much Pegasai in all but name and wing, but our nocturnal-ness makes it hard for us to ...integrate in the rest of pony society.


...That was quic-


*interrupting* Also, Chiroptera's pretty nice this time of year. It's one of the only cities that goes on a completely night-based schedule, so yeah, even if you're diurnal I can still say it has the best nightlife in Equestria. Just be sure to pack heat or something, it's a rough neighborhood.


That was quick. What happened to your other duties?


My relief showed up early, so I wandered back here.


You mean you're not even on the clock right now?


Not really. I just like talking about myself, and these ponies just can't get enough of my maluma goodness. :3


I can tell.


Oh, I know you can't get enough of my goodness either, Aev.


*rolls eyes* Whatever helps you sleep at night.



Ah... you royal guards make me uneasy.


...Ignore the badge on my posts! I'm merely an agent of the Feldian Empire.


Anyway, I haven't seen many female recruits. Why is that?


As long as you haven't done anything to justify feeling uneasy around us, there will be no problems. To answer your question, we typically see a lot more stallions enlist in the Guard than we do mares, so the majority of us are male. There are female Guards, but they're not very publicly visible.


We've also been accused of sexism in the past, so make of that what you will.


The Royal Guard recruitment office has officially denied any discrimination on basis of gender, species, or sexual orientation.


To nopony's great surprise.





if all the guards would turn against the princesses would they win?


Short answer: lolno


Long answer: Hypothetically speaking, yes. But the princesses are both immensely powerful sorceresses, and full scale mutiny will most certainly end with the moon dropped into the planet, or something to that extent.

Derpy hooves: will I be da muffin princess?


Are you royalty? If not, then probably not.


There's been rumors that the Princesses might establish the Department of Muffins in the near future. If so, there can be a good chance you can get appointed the Minister of Muffins if you play your cards right.

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  • 3 months later...

zzzZZZzzz...*snaps awake* Huh? Wuh?


Is Chiroptera still the industrial capital of equestria?


Yeah...*yawns* I dunno. Either that or Manehatten. Fuck if I know. *rubs eyes*

Edited by Jadefire
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So you guys hang out with the princesses much?


Not since we got put on this public relations duty. *blinks*


Nnng...Eh, we usually rotate. I did some stuff with Princess Luna a few times before, and Aevum's been the bodyguard for Celestia several times.

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Not since we got put on this public relations duty. *blinks*


Nnng...Eh, we usually rotate. I did some stuff with Princess Luna a few times before, and Aevum's been the bodyguard for Celestia several times.


Public Relations, huh? You like this job much?


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(You're not supposed to point out my plot holes! xP)


I see, I see. So why are you sleepy? I thought Malumai were nocturnal.


Since Aevum got reassigned, I've had to manage this thing on my own. During the day.


So yeah, sleepy...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Since there is like no wars are there no generals? Is shining armour a general? What do you think of shining armour and lastly does Cadance ever get involved with her husband being a big military cheese.

img-892511-7-t8R36.png (made by Jokuc thanks so much

Quotes me and dr stable like: "Age wrinkles the body quitting wrinkles the soul" Douglas Mcarthur

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  • 2 weeks later...

... *door creaks* 'Ello? Anypony in here? I do apologize for the delay, we had a bit of an incident here in Canterlot that necessitated Aevum Shield's replacement after what happened to him. And given Dark's leave of absense, I will take over public relations duty for the near future. I am Liutenant Silver Wave.




Alright, *ahem*, Without any further delays, let's get to the questions, shall we?


What would be the greatest thing that could happen to either one of you two?

Dark, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say for you, would it be meting Princess Luna


For me personally? It's hard to say. *coughmeetthecaptainofthefirebrandscough*


As for the other two, it's no secret among us that Aevum had his eye on becoming Captain of the Guard, but for Dark I imagine it'd probably be something like winning the lottery. He can be petty sometimes.


Since there is like no wars are there no generals? Is shining armour a general? What do you think of shining armour and lastly does Cadance ever get involved with her husband being a big military cheese.


Shining Armor is the Captain of the Guard of the Royal Guard, which is about an equivalent rank to a Human lieutenant-colonel. He's the head of the Royal Guard, but he has military officers to whom he takes orders from. Equestria has been largely peaceful for the last several centuries, so the number of generals we have is rarely more than a hooffull.


Princess Cadance technically doesn't have a military rank, but given her part in the royal family, we're obligated to respect her authority within reason, as well as obey her orders if any of us are assigned to her command. Especially now as the wife of our commander.


And finally, *ahem*, Shining Armor is an excellent commander, and we're all proud to serve under him.


Have you caught the masked vigilante known as The Batpony?


That's classified.


By the way, you wouldn't happen to have any information regarding Batpony, would you? Just asking.


Does your military ever use any sort of weaponry? Aside from the innate abilities of the different kinds of ponies, that is.


We use spears and lances, and the army commonly wields longbows and crossbows, and pegasai shock troops often favor the basic wingblade. As for larger ordinance, we make use of trebuchets on the ground, though the last few decades there's been push to adopt the more advanced chicken cannons. Unicorn researchers, however, recently invented the guided cruise pie, so there's no telling what we may end up using one hundred years from now.


By royal decree, our military is only to use technology invented in our universe, so while we have be able to import human-made firearm technology, we're not to make use of them unless war were declared.


(Don't worry, I'll get back to being funny soon.)

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