Pastel Heart 6,467 August 22, 2020 Share August 22, 2020 5 hours ago, You said: There is this weird claim I could never get: There are just two genders, not hundreds Now, enlighten me anyone - But is there even anyone claiming there are? It just strikes me as a phrase from people who don't bother to check, and are making the very basic mistake of confusing pronouns with genders. So...anyone saying there are more than 2 (...3?) genders? I've always felt that there are two genders, but many gender expressions, something Blaire White, a trans Youtuber I watch now and then explains better than I do. I always feel like im walking on landmines talking about this though which is why i dont talk about it much... I'm not that good at expressing things. I only hear the whole "hundred gender" complaint coming from people who go out of their way to discredit the LGBT movement, and trans people and I have no patience for those types. I think it's an anti trans thing but I could be making assumptions from my own experiences. It could also very well be people who simply just don't understand, are new to the subject and getting information from less than reputable sources. I just wanna be able to be me and express myself however I want without harassment, in the end. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Miss 6,234 August 22, 2020 Share August 22, 2020 Woooo Pride!!!! Im Pansexual. Currently trying to figure out if I’m aromantic or not. For the longest I thought I was and I was content with that. Like I love who I am and take pride in it. But recently I’ve been feeling that I might be romantic. I. One reason could be that because of the pandemic I haven’t met many people this year so I’m lonely. II. Second reason is that I’ve been watching shows like She-ra and The Owl House and I feel like “I want what they have.” This almost fantastical romance. Either way point is I think I might make a tinder/bumble and start dating and see how I feel. I wanna explore this possible romantic side of me. ———————— side note, I love me my queer animation: Steven Universe, The Owl House, and She-ra 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sunamena 426 September 28, 2020 Share September 28, 2020 I would love to have some more LGBT friends on my Discord. Anyone who wants to be my friend may send me a private message <3 2 Pony Master Quest. Goes into open beta on 10-10-2020 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ittoni 538 September 28, 2020 Share September 28, 2020 (edited) On 8/21/2020 at 3:26 PM, You said: There is this weird claim I could never get: There are just two genders, not hundreds Now, enlighten me anyone - But is there even anyone claiming there are? It just strikes me as a phrase from people who don't bother to check, and are making the very basic mistake of confusing pronouns with genders. So...anyone saying there are more than 2 (...3?) genders? Of course there's more than 2. Not hundreds but at least there's 5 main ones. Gender is not sex, gender is the whole social "spectacle" of demonstrating your position in society according to what society understands around sex, and how it's made unspoken or explicit rules for you to follow accordingly for your acceptance on it. So even if society says there's only two, due to the fact that sometimes this demonstrations are very strict and limited there's always going to be more for everyone that disagrees and decides to either not engage on it or create their own, and that is part of the social phenomenon too. The people that say the hundred gender thing are just doing so to mock or to provoque the other party. They don't want to learn or bother themselves with actually listen, they just don't, because. They don't want their knowledge of the world to be challenged and admit that they may not know some things about it, they are afraid, they just want to reaffirm their own inclusion and acceptance in society by not only not challenge it but to make a whole demonstration by putting down or attack the ones that contradict it to keep the status quo. They do so to make themselves "bigger and better" than the other like any other bully because it's as cheap and easy way to do it. For the ones that say it seriously believing in it are either confused, also ignorant, or they don't understand how to explain it in words that actually make sense. Edited September 28, 2020 by Ittoni 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Adorable Lovestar 243 September 28, 2020 Share September 28, 2020 I'm transgendered (traditionally masculine body and sexual organs, female pronouns) and have been dating several boyfriends. I don't need any support, and I'm perfectly comfortable with my identity, but I guess I'm saying this to let people know they're not wrong if they're anything like me. Your choices and identity are valid and anyone who says otherwise has no business inserting their aggressive morality into your personal life. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ittoni 538 October 14, 2020 Share October 14, 2020 (edited) Recently heard about Voidpunk. Is not a gender or a sexuality but a subculture around lgbt, specifically aro ace non-binary agender and trans. Also their aesthetic is neat. I've found my people Edited October 14, 2020 by Ittoni 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 October 14, 2020 Share October 14, 2020 By all things that are good and decent in this world, can't LGTB people have an area where subjective BS isn't dragged in from the debate symposium. A topic in here is supposed to have a specific vibe. Laid back, chill, relaxing. There is enough anxiety laden nonsense out there in the world without tossing this garbage I'm locking this TEMPORARILY. 6 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeric 46,861 October 15, 2020 Share October 15, 2020 Unlocking. Guys, I understand your complaints. If you have a grievance with the site's leadership there is a way to address that. This thread is important to give the LGBT community a place to communally speak. I don't want this topic to be soiled with forum politics and social debate. My inbox is open for these sorts of things. Let's keep this thread sanitized of that sort of combustion. Please. 5 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust 641 October 19, 2020 Share October 19, 2020 Just something interesting on Poly 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust 641 October 19, 2020 Share October 19, 2020 35 minutes ago, You said: From what I personally witnessed IRL - poly is very broad and doesn't just fit a single definition. It is about finding out what works for everyone. Yea there are many kinds of poly. Some of it even more rule based and hierachical that with monogamy. Others much more free. Some involve relations between everyone and others are just like seperate relations. So yep 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Stardust 641 October 19, 2020 Share October 19, 2020 On 10/14/2020 at 2:43 PM, TheVoidIsCalling said: Recently heard about Voidpunk. Is not a gender or a sexuality but a subculture around lgbt, specifically aro ace non-binary agender and trans. Also their aesthetic is neat. -snipped for length- Interesting aesthetic some of the art is nice. Some a little eerie :0 The sona idea is cool tho I like beastly characters but being involved in the furry community I often draw them with a bit of floof Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scarlet SoftPaws 3,581 October 23, 2020 Share October 23, 2020 Well, I no longer really identify completely as female. After much thought and being off of HRT for a couple months now, I have come to the realisation that I am more..I suppose gender fluid than anything. 1 Signature by Myself! "Ara Ara" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel Heart 6,467 November 16, 2020 Share November 16, 2020 38 minutes ago, You said: Some might be wondering why I am so...supportive of the LGBTQ rights and community. It isn't for me personally. I could honestly fare just well and fine. I am fighting for all the Bobbys and Jens who require assistance and treat with such injustice for never having done or being anything wrong or harming anyone. That's my motivation. An injury to one is an injury to all. Thank you for being an ally. <3 solidarity is what the world needs 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 December 7, 2020 Share December 7, 2020 This thread could be more active hehe, gender dysphoria is strange it comes at you like a tiger UwU. It did pounce on me and now I'm wondering about my life's decisions all of which good but not so much when it comes to my openness of sexuality and gender identity. Perhaps people are more okay with it when you're a kid, there isn't that acceptance though the feeling is hard to overcome truly hehe. 1 DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Prospekt 11,021 December 7, 2020 Share December 7, 2020 2 hours ago, Fluttershyfan94 said: This thread could be more active hehe, gender dysphoria is strange it comes at you like a tiger UwU. It did pounce on me and now I'm wondering about my life's decisions all of which good but not so much when it comes to my openness of sexuality and gender identity. Perhaps people are more okay with it when you're a kid, there isn't that acceptance though the feeling is hard to overcome truly hehe. I've never really admitted this to anyone else other than my fiancé, who has the same struggles (I'm pan and she's bi so no it didn't cause problems), but screw it... I've been dealing with some amount of gender dysphoria for years, but throughout the past year or so it has hit me harder than ever before. Saying that it was like a tiger that pounced on me is a good way to put it lol Signature by Kyoshi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Pastel Heart 6,467 December 7, 2020 Share December 7, 2020 3 hours ago, Fluttershyfan94 said: This thread could be more active hehe, gender dysphoria is strange it comes at you like a tiger UwU. It did pounce on me and now I'm wondering about my life's decisions all of which good but not so much when it comes to my openness of sexuality and gender identity. Perhaps people are more okay with it when you're a kid, there isn't that acceptance though the feeling is hard to overcome truly hehe. I've come to feel that jerks will be jerks no matter what so be who you are genuinely today~ and if people don't like it, erase them from your life :3 I think hanging around more accepting people and more often (or by yourself if there is none) and just being away from toxic people will help lots, and remember you're always you and you have peeps here that will always treat you as you are <3 come as you are nya~ 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kadae 655 December 7, 2020 Share December 7, 2020 30 minutes ago, Pastel Heart said: being away from toxic people will help lots This really rings true! There's a lot to be said for how much you can do as far as cutting toxic people from your life goes. Life's too short to have those peeps around. That said, I know that while I was growing up unsure of my sexuality before I realised I was LGBT+, there were a lot of pretty terrible people who were around me IRL that I didn't have much of a way to avoid, especially in school. At the very least, we've got a nice little community here full of love~ ❤︎ Octavia ❤︎ • Art Thread • DeviantArt • Twitch • Twitter • Steam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fluttershyfan94 5,742 December 7, 2020 Share December 7, 2020 @Prospekt Indeed it is good to have someone who's also lgbt as usually they are more accepting I would say. Though yes I pretty much have had that too. Yet you know I think having someone who accepts you helps you more to come to terms with it. @Pastel Heart UwU yes, be yourself always. DA: Youtube: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Rebel the Wolfgirl 5,605 December 7, 2020 Share December 7, 2020 I'm starting to get the feeling "pansexual" describes me better than bisexual does. 4 Official Discordian pope. Known as Miss Kallixti Oddball to the enlightened.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clawdeen 15,532 December 13, 2020 Share December 13, 2020 It’s been awhile since I’ve posted in here (actually the forums in general) This year has been....unfortunate in regards to my dating life. Not much luck with the online dates I’ve had. The most recent woman I went on a date with....was well very high maintenance. I mean that as in....she had to have the newest everything no matter how expensive or if she could afford it or not. She thought it was insane when I told her that I get by with what I can. I don’t need the newest or greatest thing that comes out. (If we’re being real here I couldn’t afford it anyway.) She had spent the rest of our date talking bad of other people who were in the restaurant. Making fun of their appearance, what they were wearing, their weight and so on. She was.....very toxic to be around in public. She was completely different when we spoke online than how she behaved in person. I never would have went on a date with someone who would be so cruel to others in public. After that I ended up deleting my account on the app. For some reason my luck runs dry with online dating. If there’s anything good to share out of this year though I’ve come to realize that I’m Pansexual and not a lesbian. 3 * Freaky Just Got Fabulous * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shiki 5,856 December 14, 2020 Share December 14, 2020 Oh yeah babey hit me with that crippling dysphoria spiral!!!!!! 1 You'll be entranced by me ♥ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magic Note 2,750 December 14, 2020 Share December 14, 2020 Oh gosh. I went through dysphoria earlier this year and it was painful because I'm in a heavily religious family, especially my mom, and I doubt they would accept me for being trans. As for my sexuality, I've noticed it has changed too. I'm panromantic. 1 (coming soon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clawdeen 15,532 December 22, 2020 Share December 22, 2020 As much as I dislike online dating I decided to put myself back out there. Since I value emotional connections and personality over looks it’s not exactly my favorite way to try to meet people. Until things get back to normal it’ll have to be how I do things. That being said I need a glow up. My personality can’t be captured in two sentences and a picture. I’m an in person experience and not a very photogenic one. That being said. Due to metal allergies I had to lose my piercings so I don’t look like much of a rockstar anymore. Tats are a more expensive option I could go for. I’ll have to change up my hair as well. Not that I let my insecurities about my looks show on these apps. I always make sure to appear confident even when I’m not. With this most likely being the future for awhile I suppose I need to be focusing on more of a look for myself. * Freaky Just Got Fabulous * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Magic Note 2,750 December 27, 2020 Share December 27, 2020 My personality is also difficult to put into words. It's just too hard for even me to understand because I'm bad at describing things in general because of social awkwardness. 1 (coming soon) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Clawdeen 15,532 December 27, 2020 Share December 27, 2020 10 hours ago, Magic Note said: My personality is also difficult to put into words. It's just too hard for even me to understand because I'm bad at describing things in general because of social awkwardness. Yeah like it’s just having such a limited space to describe myself. What would people find interesting? I always just struggled in general to tell people about myself like....Idk what to say? I typically try to make conversation based on what I know someone else likes. If it’s something I also like then I can make conversation off of that. Although with the online I feel like a lot of it is based off of photo/looks more than what gets wrote. I think I’m just unlucky with dating in general lol. 1 * Freaky Just Got Fabulous * Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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