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Finding your next best friend

Swick (ded)

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Name: Abbey

Age: 29

Gender: Female

Country: US

Likes: TV , MLP (obviously) ,Reading, sleeping, surfing the web, animals (especially dogs)

Dislikes: Bullying,Ignorant people, Narrow minded -ness

Hobbies: (pretty much exactly what I have down for likes), Watching tv, reading, surfing the web.

Other Info: Like Swoony , I'm introverted.  I can be shy. I'm not very chatty. I have a hard time carrying a conversation or starting one sometimes.

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Name: Ty


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Country: USA, Hawaii


Likes: Video Games (Pokemon), Anime, Manga, Cartoons,  


Dislikes: I dunno. Ginger(the food), Anyone who hates Pokemon, Overzealous Fanboys,


Hobbies: Video games, anime, manga, cartoons, used to do martial arts but stopped


Other Info: Japanese American, as far as religion goes I am neutral in the fact that I take no side but am not agnostic nor Atheist, 


You guys are my friends now. We're gonna have soft tacos later!

Name: Christian (Although I identify as no religion. Irony at its finest.)

Age: 14

Gender: Male

State: Itty bitty Rhode Island

Likes: MLP, Pokémon, almost every type of EDM (although I hate house music), the cold, Winter, and people who have similar likes and dislikes as me and other thins

Dislikes: Douchebags, ignorant asses, heat, Summer, and too much other things.


Haha. I never experience winter... Is that a bad thing or a good thing? :P

Sorta read though this... Might as well send out a post.


Name:  Pinkie D Pie/ Aarod Brachuin/ BlogBlogLast/ "The Great and Powerful" Aaron(Forums name, fake name, online name, real name... almost real name I should say.)


Age: Who's asking, you the feds? (16)


Gender:  Male


State: South Boredom... (South Carolina of the United States)


Likes: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, POKEMON!, Mass Effect, Video Games in General, Naruto to some extent, Soul Eater, Bacon, Good Grammar, Non-Annoying People, POKEMON!, COD Zombies, TGAP Trixie!, Youtube gaming videos, POKEMON!, and Rplaying, and music...


Dislikes: Bad Grammar, annoying people, and well, little kids... (Little as in the 4 through 6 to 7ish range)


Hobbies: Writing, Reading, Playing Video Games, and well, that's pretty much it... I guess watching Youtube videos counts....


Other Info: Don't know how many messages I'll get, but feel free to message me about anything... but Pokemon would be nice, I really like Pokemon.


POKEMON! lol I love Pokemon. Its like that best game ever made (next to the best game ever made).

Name: Lauren
Age: I am 15
Gender: Girl
State: Mississippi
Likes: Pokemon, anime, leafeon, animal, social people 
Dislikes: selfies, hunting, kyojins
Hobbies: umm.... being on here? Playing pokemon? Yep this life is very productive!
Other Info: Im a Christian. I like leafeon a lot. I am bad at talking to people xD

If you like Leafeon so much... Why is your profile pic an eevee... SUSPICIOUS! 

But seriously Pokemon is like the best thing ever. Although I probably don't like Leafeon as much as you do. (Its my 5th favorite Eeveelution)

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Hey everypony! I guess we've all seen the 'Finding Your Special Somepony Thread.' I thought to myself, "I'm not interested in a relationship right now, but I'd still like to meet people with the same interests as me."


So, I made this thread. You can follow this template if you want...
















Other Info:



Here's mine:


Name: Swick/Austin


Age: 14


Gender: Male


State: Indiana


Likes: Ponies, computers, art, etc.


Dislikes: 95% of the population of the Internet, people that talK lA1K d15... Oh, wait. Those are the same things.


Hobbies: Animating, programming, writing, drawing, composing music, being creative, etc.


Other Info: I like bread and muffins.



So everybody go find your new best friend! img-1923028-1-biggrin.png

Name: Jesse

Age: 28

Sex: Male

State: Oregon

Likes: Computers, MLP DUH!, Board Games, Camping, Fishing, exploring new places.

Dislikes: Smoking, 90% of the worlds population, BASEBALL CARDS!!!!!!!! Oooooohhhh I hate them so MUCH ArrraaAAAGHH!!!

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Name: y'all can call me Datte


Gender: male

Location: San Diego, CA, USA


Likes: sad ponies, classic rock, drawing, cartoons, making people laugh, Christopher Walken (I do a great impression of my main man over therer), Bro Team Pill, comic books, Batman, did I mention Bat man?, Batman, Mass Effect, working out


Dislikes: anthro, all modern music, people who describe themselves as "random", quirkiness in both people and media, cover songs, superhero movies, Flash Sentry


Favorite pony: Derpy and those lovely soulful eyes of hers.



I've been told I have a very dry sense of humor. I tend to censor my cuss words in forums, and I get warm fuzzies when I look at a candy-colored equine.

I like shooting things out of my art hole whenever I get the chance.


^Click for my Deviant Art^

You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Name: Jason Caternolo


Age: 34


Gender: M


Country: United States


Likes: MLP, love, compassion, friendship, honesty, tulpas, family, video games, lurking forums, reading fan fiction, watching Youtube videos, pretty much almost anything Japanese (especially Balalaika and Yaranaika


Dislikes: corrupt/dishonest people, "macho" people who are insecure in their sexuality, bullies, war, ignorance, sexism, racism, self righteous people, hypocrites, liars, weeaboos (note: I don't hate anime or anything, just people who think knowing a few japanese words makes them japanese), boredom, closed minded people


Hobbies: Nothing really, I'm about as boring as you can get. Although I am trying to make a Twilight Sparkle tulpa to help me gain knowledge, and of course to provide companionship. I also occasionally play video games.


Other Info: I'm autistic

Edited by Princess of the Sun
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“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Name: Ashley 


Age: 21


Gender: Female 


State: Oregon


Likes:My little pony,video games,movie, the internet, food (junk food mostly), sports 


Dislikes:the outside, gardening 





It's been so long since we last talked to each other! I feel like we've missed a lot of time.

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EWWW GO AWAY STALKER!!! We don't talk anymore for a reason :P

But I thought you LIKED my little pony collection. YOU JUST LIKED ME FOR MY VIDEO GAMES AND GOOD LOOKS.

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Name: Christian


Age: 20


Gender: male


Country: germany


Likes: MLP, MGS, Formula 1


Dislikes: stupid people


Hobbies: drawing, writing, *See likes*


Other Info: I'm friendly :yay:

Legends never die. Ponies neither.


Rainbow Dash is best pony! Ava made by Pandora^^

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Name: StormBolt24


Age: 17


Gender: Male


Country: Finland


Likes:  watching TV shows and cartoons such as Dr Who and MLP-FiM, gaming, music, RPing, hugs, cuddles etc... Playing with others, mallards and ponies.


Dislikes: feeling of ignorance, negative feelings, continuing disturbing, continuing waiting, ((more than one week.)) anti-bronies and stupid people.


Hobbies: Soccer.


Other Info: I have ADHD and Asperger Syndrome, which I think to be worst think of my life.


I am willing to add anypony at Steam or Skype or both.

Edited by StormBolt24
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Name: Ilse


Age: 18


Gender: Female


Country: Russia


Likes:Gaming,AK :),music,singing


Dislikes:homopobics,haters who show it too much


Other notes:Well,iam currently in military practice :P




Other Info:

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Name: Taryn


Age: 15


Gender: Female


Country: Australia


Likes: MLP, Homestuck, Doctor Who,  Video games, Drawing, DEVO, Kraftwerk,  Electronic music, Psychology, Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle, being in the spotlight, pastel colours, the paranormal, strawberrys and kiwis


Dislikes: Camera Shy People, homophobia/transphobia/biphobia, abelism, rasism, SWJs, horror movie clichés, lasagne, yellow, The 'Great' and powerful Trixie,   


Hobbies: drawing, playing on my computer


Other Info: I have Aspergers. 

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2 kawaii to live, 2 sugoi to die. 

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