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Lol well, I heard things about Denver. Even years ago before I was born, my mom told me how Denver had gay bars and even parades. I'd have thought if they were that open back then, that they'd be leading the way as well. Who knows, maybe Denver is still in the top 5 Edited by AutumnSprinkles
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This just me, sitting in oklahoma.

(also known as republican hell)

It seriously just makes me die inside every time i see a anti-gay rights ad.

God i hate tulsa.


Yeah, same here. My girlfriend laughs at the anti-gay rights ads, because they're so obvivously ridiculous in their logic (or lack thereof), but I'm always reminded that people believe them, and we still can't get married and I still get panicky when thinking about coming out to my parents.


Lol well, I heard things about Denver. Even years ago before I was born, my mom told me how Denver had gay bars and even parades. I'd have thought if they were that open back then, that they'd be leading the way as well. Who knows, maybe Denver is still in the top 5


I'll have to look it up now, cause you got me curious :) Maybe I can find a list of the top 10.... Edited by sugarfree314
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Yeah, same here. My girlfriend laughs at the anti-gay rights ads, because they're so obvivously ridiculous in their logic (or lack thereof), but I'm always reminded that people believe them, and we still can't get married and I still get panicky when thinking about coming out to my parents.


Oh god, i can see why that would be so scary.

Being bisexual, i may actually have to eventually do that.

i'm kinda scared no too. D:

welp, that just means i'm moving out of oklahoma

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I live in Ontario. a small town about 3 hours away from toronto, Its tiny and boring and almost all the kids who are my age are jerks.

I do have a couple friends though.



I live in Ontario canada i would love to have some local brony meetups to go to. And to hang out with creators and artists. Anybody else from the great state of canada


Woo another brony from ontario. Edited by Flame Dancer
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Oh god, i can see why that would be so scary.

Being bisexual, i may actually have to eventually do that.

i'm kinda scared no too. D:

welp, that just means i'm moving out of oklahoma


Yeah, and, as bisexual, it automatically means we're 'greedy', or 'confused', or 'promiscuous' etc etc etc. I think I'm going to wait until I'm a little less financially dependent on my parents to tell them, just in case the worst should happen lol
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Yeah, and, as bisexual, it automatically means we're 'greedy', or 'confused', or 'promiscuous' etc etc etc. I think I'm going to wait until I'm a little less financially dependent on my parents to tell them, just in case the worst should happen lol


Good advice, i'll have to remember that.

Although my parents are pretty down-to-earth, and they support gay rights.

I still don't like them though. All the more reasons for me to move!

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Good advice, i'll have to remember that.

Although my parents are pretty down-to-earth, and they support gay rights.

I still don't like them though. All the more reasons for me to move!


Breaking out of family systems is tough, but totally worth it. Also my parents are conservative christians.... :blink: Coming out to them is TERRIFYING.
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Breaking out of family systems is tough, but totally worth it. Also my parents are conservative christians.... :blink: Coming out to them is TERRIFYING.


I feel for you. I live in a town where everybody is like that.

There were some people who approached my mom when she first moved here, (i don't remember what religion)

and when she said she was methodist, the completely flipped out. Said she was gong to hell, called her a satan worshipper.

some people are just craaaaazy!

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Just moved to Mechanicsville, Virginia from Ashland. It's been a bit of a culture shock. I grew up in the boonies, moved to a lower middle-class rural area near a small town, and am now living in a large, gentry subdivision. The neighbors' kids are playing in their yards right next to mine, people walk the streets and ride bikes at all hours, and there's no privacy at all when you step outside your house. All the houses look similar if not identical and all have two floors. Most yards are about 1/4 of an acre.


I'm completely out of my element.

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I live in Ontario, Canada in city that's roughly an hour away from Toronto. It's okay here there's nothing incredibly interesting here but were close enough to Toronto to go there to see something interesting.

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Used to live in the Soviet Union in Leningrad, but then it collapsed and I lived in St. Petersburg, Russia. I moved to Alaska about three almost four years ago. I'm a Russian/Soviet man all the way though. Ill be like that until I die!!



Now I live in the middle of the Alaskan wilderness in a cabin with my sick brother. Enjoyably peaceful....

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Breaking out of family systems is tough, but totally worth it. Also my parents are conservative christians.... :blink: Coming out to them is TERRIFYING.


Homosexuality and atheism is illegal where I come from but I've committed lots of thought crimes all my life here.I totally support what you are doing and I hope that you and your partner will have a happy life in a tolerant environment.

  • Brohoof 2
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Homosexuality and atheism is illegal where I come from but I've committed lots of thought crimes all my life here.I totally support what you are doing and I hope that you and your partner will have a happy life in a tolerant environment.


Thank you. And I sincerely hope that the government in your country changes radically for the better soon. That, and/or you are presented with the opportunity to move somewhere more accepting/progressive.
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Thank you. And I sincerely hope that the government in your country changes radically for the better soon. That, and/or you are presented with the opportunity to move somewhere more accepting/progressive.


I highly doubt that it will happen and I'll probably die pretty soon here.Even if i manage to overthrow the government, the western powers are going to declare my regime a rogue state and send NATO peacekeeping troops to ensure that the radical religious nujobs stay in power.

Edited by khaine21x3
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I highly doubt that it will happen and I'll probably die pretty soon here.Even if i manage to overthrow the government, the western powers are going to declare my regime a rogue state and send NATO peacekeeping troops to ensure that the radical religious nujobs stay in power.


Get the hell out of there then.

Flee, or move to a place where there is at least better governments and stuff.

nobody deserves to live like that!

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Yeah, and, as bisexual, it automatically means we're 'greedy', or 'confused', or 'promiscuous' etc etc etc. I think I'm going to wait until I'm a little less financially dependent on my parents to tell them, just in case the worst should happen lol


lol well, my older sister is very christian, so I dunno if she even knows about me being bi or not. I never told her personally but I have a younger sis that likes to talk. When I told my mom, she questioned me a little but wasn't really surprised or anything, she's mostly calm about that stuff. But, within the next couple days she immediately tried setting me up with a girl she worked with XD Wasn't expecting that much lol.

Edited by AutumnSprinkles
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Get the hell out of there then.

Flee, or move to a place where there is at least better governments and stuff.

nobody deserves to live like that!


I can't get out, there is just too much political blockade.Besides, someone needs to be the hero and I'm getting increasingly influential.I'm relatively safe with mercenaries guarding me right now.

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lol well, my older sister is very christian, so I dunno if she even knows about me being bi or not. I never told her personally but I have a younger sis that likes to talk. When I told my mom, she questioned me a little but wasn't really surprised or anything, she's mostly calm about that stuff. But, within the next couple days she immediately tried setting me up with a girl she worked with XD Wasn't expecting that much lol.


So, I'm kinda jealous of the mom you have, lol. Like I said earlier, my parents are christian, so yeah. But I wonder what they would be more disappointed or angry with: the fact that I'm bi and with a woman, or that I'm a (newly) practicing pagan? hahaha
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I can't get out, there is just too much political blockade.Besides, someone needs to be the hero and I'm getting increasingly influential.I'm relatively safe with mercenaries guarding me right now.


Holy crap. Thats more than i expected.

You continue what you doing, but try to stay safe, okay?

I don't want anything bad happening to anybody.

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Holy crap. Thats more than i expected.

You continue what you doing, but try to stay safe, okay?

I don't want anything bad happening to anybody.


I'm more likely to die of failing health caused by unhealthy lifestyle and depression than at the hands of those intolerant animals.My health seems to be getting worse so I have to hurry.The terrorists organization here endorse terroists candidates so it will not change without violence and genocide, they even put up videos of lynchings on youtube but I wouldn't post it here or people might get scarred for life as the uncensored version shows 2 religious minority beaten to death and their brains spilled out.

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I'm more likely to die of failing health caused by unhealthy lifestyle and depression than at the hands of those intolerant animals.My health seems to be getting worse so I have to hurry.The terrorists organization here endorse terroists candidates so it will not change without violence and genocide, they even put up videos of lynchings on youtube but I wouldn't post it here or people might get scarred for life as the uncensored version shows 2 religious minority beaten to death and their brains spilled out.


I feel terrible for you.


I would have probably already killed myself in that situation, you must have a very strong will to go through all that.

It shocks me that this is still going on in the world, and it makes me want to do something about it.

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So, I'm kinda jealous of the mom you have, lol. Like I said earlier, my parents are christian, so yeah. But I wonder what they would be more disappointed or angry with: the fact that I'm bi and with a woman, or that I'm a (newly) practicing pagan? hahaha


hmmm that's a tough one. Despite being interested in the same gender, there are those who are still christian and get accepted that way, though i'm sure it's tough. So maybe the pagan would be the worse one? i dunno lol. I'm personally not religious any but open to all beliefs that any of my friends and family have. I've had a few pagan friends and unless they said so, no one would have guessed they were. Just like any other normal person. But I dunno just how strict ur parents are either lol

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