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S9 so far.

Message added by Jeric

Only give general thoughts do not post anything regarding the last two episodes. 

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Loving it so far. If it ended right now, it’ll be second behind season five and ahead of eight. We’ll see come the second half if it can overtake it.

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48 minutes ago, FirePuppy said:

Could somebody merge this topic with the one that says "Best to worst Season 9 episodes so far"? We don't really need two of the same topic.

We also don’t need backseat moderators. Just saying. 

Also, no. Ranking episodes in order and giving general thoughts on ten season so far are not the same thing. 

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I think the first half of the season was pretty good. It attempts to do many things that fans have been asking for for years, and even though there are some - in my opinion - rather unnecessary fillers, the number of really great episodes is higher than average. At least 2 of S9 episodes are on my all time favorites list.

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22 minutes ago, TheAnimationFanatic said:

Not every episode has been great, but none of them have been clunkers or misfires.

Definitely agree on that.

One aspect of the season that I keep liking is how far are they going with the faces and reactions of the ponies. This kind of thing usually gets tiring for me, but I'm enjoying the hell out it during this season.

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Its definitely one of the best seasons so far, on par with season 5 and 7, it had a contender for the best episode ever(the beginning of the end), another 5 amazing episodes and only 1 episode I disliked but it wasn't that bad, the rest were pretty good, so I can't really complain, I hope the second half keeps this up(the second halves of seasons 5 and 7 were not as good as their first half so I hope its not the case here and we will get an astounding ending!). 

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I definitely love it so far! I'll let you know after the second half to see if it still holds up!! (Which I'm sure it will)

S9 is probably one of my favorite seasons so far. Up there with season 5 and 7 or 8

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I have been really enjoying it so far.  I feel that it has been pretty solid with not a single episode being one that I disliked, and I definitely look forward to seeing the rest of it.

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In my eyes, they all range from enjoyable to most excellent. Not a single episode was bad.

I legitimately want Netflix to soon be able to play the first 13 episodes freely so I'd be able to do mini marathons using it and previous seasons.

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It is quite good. If it keeps going like this, it might be a contender for my favourite in the show; this first half is in third place behind the third halves of season 6 and season 2. I only really disliked "Sweet and Smoky" and "She's All Yak," but neither is even close to my least favourite episodes of the show. I really enjoy the mixture of new ideas and polished updates of old ones, and I've found the characterization relatively consistent this season in a way that it wasn't last year. Fingers crossed that it keeps this up. 

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I like it so far. I was worried about the direction the show was going with season 7 just being meh overall and season 8 having the most episodes I didn't enjoy, but I've been happy with season 9. There've only been two episodes that I didn't like, but that's purely because they centered around a group of characters I hate. I'm glad they're giving the show a proper sendoff instead of letting it fizzle out.

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I'm a bit slow on the episodes, on account for life getting in the way of things. I've only watched up to Episode 7 - She's All Yak, but from what I've seen, Season 9 has been extremely enjoyable. It's been doing a lot better than the previous season in my eyes.

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Season 9 so far is enjoyable, two instant classic episode like Frenemies & Sparkle Seven and no episode that below average. However, I will be brutally honest, this season is not felt like a good season to wrap up a franchise (so far, of course), and if they keeping doing that to the last half of season then it's will be just an OK finale season. To be more elaborate, I will list every contribution of every episode so far to what I called "the wrapping up".

Episode 1&2: This premiere really signified the beginning of the end. The stakes are high. The ultimate villain has come with his legion of doom, combined of the last previous villains of the entire series. The tree was destroy. Duh duh duhhh. (+3)

Episode 3: The young 6 mourn for the tree instead of mane 6 (-1). The new tree house was created and it looks like the Tree is not really dead anyway so the impact of the premiere has been soften (-1). The new tree house could be relevant in the finale and the young 6 might be the next harmony bearers, I cant ignore this potential. (+1)

Episode 4: The first filler episode but this is not an ordinary filler, its the 200th episode with amazing writting. What this ep contributed is Spike is regconized as a true brother of Twilight. Mlp is not all about plot driven, it's mostly about character driven. Spike got what his character deserves and it counts. (+1)

Episode 5: Yeah, Twilight learns a samey lesson about not being perfect. This ep didn't further develop her character but it didn't take a step back anyway. A filler episode that could happen in season 6 and I wont notice. (+0)

Episode 6: A self-contained episode with very relatable morals. It really improve Quibble's character more than just a one note character. However, Quibble is just a guest character, he contribute nothing to the grander scheme. I can only count the development of the main characters or important characters so his development wont count. (+0)

Episode 7: Another young six episode but with a dance contest. Another filler  (+0)

Episode 8: A villain episode, the idea by itself is already a plus. (+1) Their chemistry is just so good that you could smell their potential redemption, especially Chrysalis. (+1) The bell and the backstabbing will be the plot relevant later on, I dare you to skip this ep. (+3)

Episode 9: Garble's redemption. It came out of nowhere. Is it a plus? At least, this ep wrap up the conflict between Spike & Garble  that prolong in too many season so, yes, it's a plus. (+1)

Episode 10: A nice Apple family episode. Definitely my favorite Apple filler episode.:pinkie: Wait, did I just say filler? (+0):blush:

Episode 11: This ep is building up Starlight to be the school principals someday, that just my theory, but it definitely develops Starlight as a student counselor compare to her doing nothing in Season 8. Any important character progression counts, plot relevant or character development counts. (+1)

Episode 12: We finally meet Scootaloo's parents. The question whether she is an orphan or neglected child is answered. (+1) This ep could be the last CMC episode but the solution scream "The Status Quo is God", nothing really different happen after this ep. (+0) Well, at least all previous character that CMC helped gather in Ponyville make this ep felt like a conclusion to CMC story arc somehow. (+1) Scootaloo's dad mentioned about CMC's cutie marks, it could lead to something, hmmmmm…....:mustache:

Episode 13: A fun Royal Sisters episode that people really need in the final season of the show. Just watched it few hours ago so I still don't know what to think about it. The Royal Sisters are willing to let the Mane 6 rule the kingdom even in just one days and they have to get back to fix the problems. This ep is a part of "Twilight will be next ruler of the kingdom" story arc but It leads nowhere. Twilight still sucks at doing what Celestia doing. Should I call it a progression? Plot progression aside, it's a Celestia/Luna chemistry episode that everyone needed in the final season. Well, I called it a needed filler episode (+1)

The scores is just a measure of how much these invididual episodes contribute to the grander plot and character progression. Any episode is self-contained, inconsequential to the plot, or even take a step back of character progression will receive zero score or even negative. If I discount some small character development there and there, there will be more zero score. That my impression of season 9 so far. I just want this show ends with a bang, a satisfy conclusion that I will remember after even a decade. A combination of random episodes doesn't make it a final season, it's the combination of plot thickens, answers,  conclusions etc. Imagine if I combine Crusader of the Lost Mark, Perfect Pear, Amending Fences, Molt Down, Best Gift Ever, Twilight Kingdom or some random amazing episode into 1 season then called it the final season, just imagine that....... 

Well, even Big Jim states that the staffs cant answer everything to us so expect for a perfect final season is just in the realm of the fantasy so...

What do I wish for the last half of the season?

No bad episode. Less useless filler.

Super good invididual mane 6 episodes, especially Pinkie Pie. Since Pinkie Pride, what was her best episode you have in your mind? None.

Chrysalis and Starlight confrontation. I swear if they drop that plot.....

Another CMC episode. Can they just spread their crusade over Equestria? They suggest it in On Your Mark but I think they dropped it.

Starlight become school principal and Twilight become the ruler of Equestria.

The young 6 become the next Element bearers.

Raindow Dash will replace Spitfire, but that's my fanfic territory. I think they're done with RD story for a long time ago.

The mane 6 kick Grogar's ass and no reform for that guy.

Spike finally learn about his origin.

Some conclusion for Discord.

Diamond Tiara talks a little bit.

May Baby Cakes have big eyes now. Come on, show.

And so on. If they did 25% of that, it would be awesome. My impression might be a bit cynical but if you were fan of the show for a decade just to see it's completely ruined by just few last episodes (Game of Throne S8), you cant blame me for being a bit cynical.






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On 6/22/2019 at 3:27 PM, DonMaguz said:

Definitely agree on that.

One aspect of the season that I keep liking is how far are they going with the faces and reactions of the ponies. This kind of thing usually gets tiring for me, but I'm enjoying the hell out it during this season.

The facial expressions are on point! And yeah, even Seasons 4,5, and 7 had at least one major clunker by the 13-episode mark, but not this one.

Edited by TheAnimationFanatic
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To it's credit there hasn't been anything wrong this season, but I don't think it's unreasonable for me to expect a bit more for the last season. Aside from the premiere and the last two episodes, nothing really screams "THIS IS THE LAST SEASON" and the second half doesn't look much different

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