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Do ponies have dexterity?


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I think ponies are fairly happy to use either hoof when holding things. That or they're universally ambidextrious.

This kind of reminds me of a small detail from Equestria Girls that shows only in the first movie. Twi, Pinkie and Rarity are right handed, AJ, Dash and Fluttershy are left handed. Pic below is just one example of it


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I'm betting that's something not given a whole lot of thought in the show since it'd have to be constantly reminded to the animators, but I'm saying they most definitely can have preferences. Humans do, and so do horses in real life actually, just not to the same extent since they don't use their limbs in nearly as many unique ways, but they'll paw at the ground, stomp, and lean on a specific hoof quite often. It's most noticeable when cleaning ones hooves and finding they hate having one cleaned in particular, although this can also indicate that there's a problem with said hoof which is why they don't want it to be handled, but not always.

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In almost all fictional works that depict a character on screen for a series, hand dominance is never directly addressed because it creates an unnecessary level of detail for the writers and actors. In Pony this would be the writers and animation team. 

From an in-universe perspective, I don’t see why not. Horse do have laterality as well, and this can determine how best to ride one. Since handedness and laterality are found throughout the animal kingdom, I suspect it is not a stretch to say that Pinkie could be left hooved. 


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Interesting inbformation there about real life horses. So ponies probably are right or left hoved or winged, works rather well with Dash catching that drink on her rear hoof while Pinkie's singing just be brave and have no doubt. Which come to think about it she was using her back LEFT like Dash in the Equestria girls was left handed so perhaps Dash really is left hooved . . . interesting wonder if that was intentional matching the two.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'd say they do, but like @Jeric says it would be unnecessary for the show writers and animators to depict which characters are right or left hooved/handed/clawed/winged...you get the point. 

  • Brohoof 1
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2 hours ago, Lucky Bolt said:

I'd say they do, but like @Jeric says it would be unnecessary for the show writers and animators to depict which characters are right or left hooved/handed/clawed/winged...you get the point. 

Unnecessary perhaps but they do seem to show it in a few episodes which is what prompted the question in the first place.

  • Brohoof 1
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  • 7 months later...

Yes they do. Proven by Rara when she plays the piano. :Rara:


As a piano player myself, being able to play keys that close together, your hoof much be very tiny, or some special cartoon magic is involved. Ponies can do anything as long as it doesn't include holding an umbrella.

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  • 3 months later...

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