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Overview free MLP games in the fandom


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Open Development, with at least some hours of gameplay and stable:



Ashes of Equestria:



Status: Seemingly in development with public releases, is it stable?

Coded in unity 3D, it is a free standalone game of Fallout: Equestria.

Download: https://overmare.itch.io/ashes-of-equestria  - I got no idea what "Wave" means.


Harmony Eclipsed:



Status: Development, stable, prob at least 5h+ of gameplay

A strong-story based RPGmaker game by @iSmartMan. Just PM me or write a comment if you want to give this a pass. He is looking and collecting feedback at his discord server.

Rules & download link: https://nopaste.chaoz-irc.net/view/raw/a44ef182

Keep in mind the goal at the moment is to provide feedback at the :umad:Discord server :umad:: : https://discord.gg/Fdt92U

The new (6th octobre) Download link is https://drive.google.com/open?id=1kHcLBhqoF7zTnagKYociG6inumUkhAiG

Bas' Rating: Great

Age Rating: PG - Might include some talk about someone dying (v1.9)

Playtime: ?? - 5h? (v1.9)

Bas' Short Review:  Made in RPGMaker, you will experience a basic combat system with some skills, but the emphasis is definitively on the story telling. It also has great artwork, and it is clearly seen the dev has done good efforts in order to develop this game.






Status: Development, stable, full, 20h of gameplay for each savegame roughly, 5 races (so 5 x 20h, not counting replays) with different movesets and ways to play

MLP x Castlevania (SOTN era) crossover.

Download at gamejolt: (Direct Download link taken offline by me for now)

Wikia gamehelp page

:umad:Discord server :umad::

Rating: Great - with replay value.

Age Rating: Around PG-13 with some zombies, and a bit of blood on some textures.

Playtime: Around 20h for each savegame. If you play with each class once you should easily get 60h+ combined.

Bas' Short Review: Like Castlevania and MLP? This game is awesome if you do on either. You first run through 6 "stage levels" and then unlock a "metroidvania" castle to explore. Has unlockable content within each savegame (sidequests), which can be missed forever in each savegame. The game can be kinda hard though, even on normal mode, but you can always grind a few levels, which isn't feeling as grindy when you are doing it on bonus content. Has different endings and starts with 3 different classes, each with different playstyles  and abilities.
Also, be sure to not accidentally confirm the level cap to 50 when creating a new game.


SNES game hacks:I will not provide any links to patched or unpatched ROM. You have to find and search yourself.

Filly Fantasy VI:



Successor of Pony Fantasy, a hack with own movesets and story (AFAIK) of Final Fantasy 6. Won't link to anything here until I have figured whether I am allowed to or not. Didn't play myself yet. Maybe also some other gameplay changes.

Download (patch):


Super Pony All Stars



Ponified Super Mario All-Stars. Not sure if there are non-visual changes.

Download: I might have to create a patch file myself because I am not seeing it as legally OK for me or MLPF to distribute the ROM file.


Closed Development

My Little Pony: The Game





by @Rikifive

Status: Closed Development


This is a fanmade Local Multiplayer Ponified Kid-Friendly Turn Based RPG based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic TV series.

Discord server: https://discord.gg/ser9auy


On 9/4/2016 at 3:23 AM, Rikifive said:


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Overworld Screen (beEWGks.pngin development)
Explore Equestria!



Status Screen
Where everything is shown and colorful.



Status Screen
Literally as colorful, as ponies are.



Other, outdated screenshots:

( i ) Note: ALL the screenshots below are outdated. The project has been moved to another engine (Game Maker Studio) and will be re-done, so everything may be changed in future. I'll keep these screenshots for a tiny reference on what more or less is going on here. Keep in mind, that they don't show the final stage of any of shown features. Their current purpose is nothing else than being placeholders.


Overworld Screen - Twilight's Library
Or that's at least how it looked like, as it will be completely redone.


Main Menu
Where you'll find everything you need.
The design will be completely redone.

Inventory Screen
That's good Derpy is not in party, otherwise all the muffins would be gone.
The design will be completely redone.

I've heard Rarity likes these.

I wonder if other ponies besides Twilight know what these potions do...

What to do with herbs though, nopony knows. Zebras are another story.

Skills Screen
There's where you choose how smart you want to be... :icwudt:

Oooor how mean you want to be. :love:

Don't question Fluttershy's skills or she'll send a bear to hug you. ;) 

Equipment Screen
Everything empty, huh? Well, they don't tend to wear clothes all the time... :icwudt: 

Hoof or mouth? That is the question.

And these go... somewhere...

...but always better to have these, than not, right?

Status Screen
Where everything is explained.
This one is outdated and now unused; the new design is visible at the top.

Surely the new one looks better.
I hope the rest of remakes will turn out as good as this one-- or better. :P 

Battle System
Now that one is completely irrelevant, trust me.
It even looks pretty bad, but no need to worry, I'll completely redo it.

Good times though....



MLPF Topic:



Status Unknown:

Smaller games are listed here: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/VideoGame/OtherFriendshipIsMagicFanGames


Equestrian Tales



An RPGmaker game probably a lot of minigames and bonus adventures once it is finished, allows to choose the secondary party character from ponies you have unlocked.

Open-world where you defeat enemies to gain Soul Energy to free ponies from their stone prisons. Similar to the LEGO games.

Official Description:


STORY: A powerful unicorn wants to prove he's the most powerful pony in Equestria so he turns all the ponies to stone, except for Twilight who is mysteriously immune. The land is then infested with rabid creatures and corrupt animals. The purple unicorn must now save every pony in Equestria and regain her strength to take on the colt responsible.

GAMEPLAY: Open-world where you defeat enemies to gain Soul Energy to free ponies from their stone prisons. Similar to the LEGO games.

Open-World (Explore all of Equestria, including the Changeling Hive)
Over 150 playable characters
Show-accurate areas
Tons of decently-lengthed Bonus Stories to unlock on top of the main game
Foraging, Mining, and Crafting systems
Tons of never-before-seen sprites created by me (including the Power Ponies)
Character-Specific Locations (the right partner can help you get past obstacles and explore more of Equestria)
...more may come...

Status: Demo released - Development frozen, not cancelled

Age Rating: PG

Playtime:  ~3-5 hours (Demo, v 0.8)













Somepony is mad



MLPF topic:




Requires VX Ace RPT: https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages#rpg-maker-vx-ace

Bas' review (v 0.8):


While I certainly enjoyed this demo,it is basically only "playable" until you free Pinkie Pie and do her Bonus Adventure. Afterwards, you will get most of the mane 6 (save AJ) don't learn and skills or don't have any dialogue at all yet when freeing them. The enemies get broken as hell, one-shoting your characters if you run into the wrong ones, or worse, you are unable to damage them. You can grind timberwolves exp for 2 hours to beat the boss protecting AJ, but for his third appearance I had to abuse the incorrectly allowed 4-of pony party and spam magic damage for a small amount each turn and spamming revival items.
There are also quite some areas with dead ends as well as an empty world and some entrances are not having the correct textures and don't look like these and are hard to spot thus.
Especially after Pinkie Pie, the game just goes unfair, but some grinding aside I enjoyed the challenge.
Overall, it was mostly quite a nice tech demo with what the dev had/has in mind for the game, and I was surely quite positively surprised.

Demo warnings: Can't cancel a menu (I think it was Recipes or Manual), can't leave Rarity's boutique after entering a 2nd time, overpowered enemies esp. after getting Pinkie into the party. Save often, and into different savegame slots!




MLP RPG1 - The Elements of Harmony

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A simple, but very promising turn-based RPG with a lot of development behind it. A mockup and parody of Final Fantasy 1, including some of it's flaws.

Bas' Rating: Good - Give or take by 1 depending on your taste of JRPGs and Final Fantasy 1 in particular.

Age Rating: Basically the same as for Final Fantasy 1, with maybe slightly dark a bit later in the game, once the balloon is obtained (merely because of enemy textures). You will find some skeletons in general, some spells are called Death, but that's it basically. Around PG-13.

Playtime: Around 25h.

Bas' Short Review: Not too much to say here after having disclosed it is a parody of Final Fantasy 1. Expect a bit of grinding (albeit not too much IMHO), a sometimes hard difficulty, a bit of searching where to go next. I personally think it was a bit tiresome to gather the mane 6 together, but it wasn't too long anyways and prob better than FF1 version of "Take 4 heroes without personality and shut up".  I wish there would have been more accessories and non-consumable treasures before the last few dungeons, though.

Here is a link to a Final Fantasy 1 walkthrough which should 97% work for this game as well

Short Warnings; Wait till you get all your ponies before purchasing any magic or you will need to purchase twice. Save game before getting into the first fight on the world map. And a tip, in the game folder you will find a worldmap image.

MLPF topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/188757-mlp-rpg1-the-elements-of-harmony-by-nurse-dashie/

Screenshots (LOTS of them, data volume warning PLUS SPOILERS):





With sexy 8-Bit music version of MLP intro.















Usual arguments between two sisters



These almost look familiar...






MLP x Attack On Titan

(Or Pokémans)


sadface :worry:





PRIORITIES!! :proud:





Ponyville/Equestria in a nutshell?

















I said please, didn't I?

image.png.87946efed7a3cdf509e3c21abc642800.pngA (wild) Trixie Lunamoon appeared?


What could possible go wrong!?









1 turn later:


:cry: / sadface / :(



Like 2 hours in and randomly running into this guy



where is my celestia now!?


Sunset isn't the only pony who can steal a crown

Disclaimer we got the mission from Celestia herself who could never be impersonated and us used for anything or stuff


Applejack just killed Rarity

...for the second time. :blush:

We all already knew these two often didn't get along well, but this is getting to some extremes...


These ponies on street...:sealed:





My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony by NurseDashie - Game Jolt
:umad:Discord server :umad:: https://discordapp.com/invite/drrrvj2


MLP RPG2: Cutie Mark Crusader Warriors



MLP RPGMaker game, again by Nurse Dashie, this time incorporates a class system, seemingly similar to Final Fantasy X-2/3/5 (especially 3).

Bas' Rating: 4/5

Age Rating: PG-13. Roughly typical 2D JRPG game, with the small exception of a scene showing after a battle has happened there, tombs for ponies and seemingly some laying on the ground. No blood or single body parts to worry about there, however.

Playtime: around 25-30h likely.

Bas' Short Review: Unlike RPG1, this doesn't come with a parody plot this time. The class system is taken from FF3, roughly. Sometimes a bit hard to guess where to go next or what to do, but otherwise pretty solid, albeit maybe dull from time to time. While any progress in levelups are gone when changing a class (as in: Not transferring), commonly found crystals that increase stats for somepony are a welcome improvement over the FF3 system, as these stats carry over between classes.

MLPF topic:















What the hay is this abomination? :crackle:


wtf is this guy with wings glued on his back? :wacko:






Download: https://gamejolt.com/games/my-little-pony-rpg-2-cutie-mark-crusader-warriors/104355
:umad:Discord server :umad:: https://discordapp.com/invite/drrrvj2

Flash Player:



Super Filly Adventure



You play as Jade, a filly who is new to Ponyville and is trying to get her Cutie Mark.

Has multiple endings.

Play here or here

Bas' Rating: Good - with some replay value.

Age Rating: That one more mild than PG-13. G.

Playtime: Around 45 minutes.

Bas' Short Review: For the most part, it is a visual text adventure. You basically talk with ponies and run around to them. There is a short minigame and about 5 different endings as I have been told, but I can only make guesses on how to archive them or what decides which one you do get.
Also, a lot of lovely idle and background animations!



Story of the Blanks



Warning: Genre: Creepypasta

Play time: If you know how, 10 minutes

Play here!






Bas' Rating Neutral

Age Rating: PG13 or older? Depends on the interpretation of the story, which is somewhat vague. A parent nearby won't be a bad idea I guess.

Playtime: Roughly 30 mins.

Bas' Short Review: Don't let the rating fool you; you can totally have some fun with this, albeit I suggest to play it in company. It is set in a kinda frightening and creepy atmosphere. It is fine for having a short spooky time.

Ejected from the list (likely to age and/or quality reasons) -

Game warnings/Games to avoid:

War of Harmony IV

MLP RPGMaker game, also avail in Chinese and Russian.

Reasons for removing from the lists: Gore & brutality, descriptions of how fillies were beaten, pony homicides incl. shown on screen with blood, and a description from something so much worse I will not share it here with anyone but staff.

Apples, Apples Everwhere! & FlutterIsland 1/2

Reasons for removing from the lists: Close to the previous one, meant as a "horror game", this game features pony dieing brutally randomly on screen or finding very bloody remnants of these.



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Bas' Rating:

Age Rating: 


Bas' Short Review:

MLPF topic:



:umad:Discord server :umad::


Ratings explained & template:

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Terrible (Why is this even in the list?)

Edit: After a short research, the age rating of the US seems to be rather...different than Germany's and I am not sure I will stick to them.


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That post will be WIP for like forever, so expect updates. Will quote them then.


I have prepared this for quite some hours before and decided to just go for it now and looking for feedback.

It is depending on whether there is feedback/interest if I continue this at all.

If I feel there is no response I will not see any reason to put this on further, so if you like this, please let me know!

Also, I am not sure about all the spoilers. Else it will be just a blown up and bloated mess, so I tried this for now. Let me know if you have a better suited suggestion/solution!



If you are interested in playing any of these games together and/or in the MLPF community click here.

(Or learning about them live!)

Disclaimer: I did only played Ponyvania and Harmony Eclipsed, which I also recommend!

What is planned for the future here?

A ) Virtual meetups and play-parties, see link above!

B ) More games, obviously!

C ) Each game having a topic, which will get link from the overview post

D ) These topics are intended to have polls to rate the games, so these can be curated and best ones highlighted so people don't have to go through the...less polished one accidentally.


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I really gotta finish Ponyvania already. (And get the new version!)

I see you posted about Filly Fantasy VI too.

I played Pony Fantasy VI years ago and I thought I would share that it got me inspired to make a game edit of the original Final Fantasy on NES. It works out because there's six playable characters! What DOESN'T work out are the palette restrictions. The map sprites all share so many colors and the main ponies are so colorful. I can find a workaround though if I think about it.

I pretty much have nothing much to show except some screens of different text with a different font. Concepts are all well and good though. All I really need is good sprite help. I tried making a sprite myself but it looks doofy in my opinion

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When I spoke to Lady Mercury, her response was that patches are fine to link to, ROMs itself not.

All Games are PC unless stated otherwise, but as I said, the formatting is an ever-ongoing process! I intend to sort and categorize it a bit more.

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8 minutes ago, Bas said:

When I spoke to Lady Mercury, her response was that patches are fine to link to, ROMs itself not.

All Games are PC unless stated otherwise, but as I said, the formatting is an ever-ongoing process! I intend to sort and categorize it a bit more.

So then we would have to remove the Ponyvania link since it is literally using the exact same assets in SotN and OoE. In the emulation community, a ROM is just a copy of the original game meant to run on a system emulator. This is literally no legal difference between the FF III SNES Rom Hack called Pony Fantasy 6 and Ponyvania. They both use original assets mixed with a copyrighted IP's assets. 



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One of my favorite fan games based on the show is actually Super Lesbian Horse RPG. It's a very funny and finished RPG.

I also really liked the first chapter of Starswirl Academy (a visual novel with humanized versions of the characters) and Welcome to Ponyville (another visual novel). I believe the first one is a WIP, not sure about the second one.

Last but not least, there was also a game based on Miles Edgeworth's Investigations games called My Little Investigations~ Last I checked, they were working on finishing this game, but I haven't checked in a long time.

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16 hours ago, Toastypk said:

I really gotta finish Ponyvania already. (And get the new version!)

Would install the new version first (better backup the saves just in case) because you can unlock the first new race by beating the game, so else you would have to re-do the final boss battle a 2nd time.

@Beetlejerica I removed the direct DL link for now. Hopefully this was your intention with your post, I wasn't sure if I understood it correctly.

@Kamii Thanks for sharing! Do you recommend all of these? Are they all like PG-13?


MLP...My Lesbian Ponies? :mlp_wat:

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@Bas Oh, I'd recommend all of them. But I can't be sure if they're all PG-13. The only one I'm sure of is My Little Investigations. I'm pretty sure the Super Lesbian Horse RPG wasn't the most suited for children, but mostly because of the language at times. The other two, can't be sure because I don't remember the language used in the games themselves, but they were safe otherwise (you know how visual novels can be but these weren't the case ;)) .


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3 hours ago, Bas said:

Would install the new version first (better backup the saves just in case) because you can unlock the first new race by beating the game, so else you would have to re-do the final boss battle a 2nd time.

@Beetlejerica I removed the direct DL link for now. Hopefully this was your intention with your post, I wasn't sure if I understood it correctly.

@Kamii Thanks for sharing! Do you recommend all of these? Are they all like PG-13?


MLP...My Lesbian Ponies? :mlp_wat:

No, I am of the mind that both ROM Hacks and Ponyvania are fine for posting links on here and such. But I'll get back to you on this issue later. It is somewhat complicated. 

  • Thanks 1



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  • 2 weeks later...

It prob won't hurt to put an age rating as well as game rating and short review on those I played. This allows to get an easier first impression on the game as well of it's quality.

Harmony Eclipsed:

Bas' Rating: Great

Age Rating: PG - Might include some talk about someone dying (v1.9)

Playtime: ?? - 5h? (v1.9)

Bas' Short Review:  Made in RPGMaker, you will experience a basic combat system with some skills, but the emphasis is definitively on the story telling. It also has great artwork, and it is clearly seen the dev has done good efforts in order to develop this game.




Rating: Great - with replay value.

Age Rating: Around PG-13 with some zombies, and a bit of blood on some textures.

Playtime: Around 20h for each savegame. If you play with each class once you should easily get 60h+ combined.

Bas' Short Review: Like Castlevania and MLP? This game is awesome if you do on either. You first run through 6 "stage levels" and then unlock a "metroidvania" castle to explore. Has unlockable content within each savegame (sidequests), which can be missed forever in each savegame. The game can be kinda hard though, even on normal mode, but you can always grind a few levels, which isn't feeling as grindy when you are doing it on bonus content. Has different endings and starts with 3 different classes, each with different playstyles  and abilities.

Also, be sure to not accidentally confirm the level cap to 50 when creating a new game.



Story of the Blanks

Bas' Rating Neutral

Age Rating: PG13 or older? Depends on the interpretation of the story, which is somewhat vague. A parent nearby won't be a bad idea I guess.

Playtime: Roughly 30 mins.

Bas' Short Review: Don't let the rating fool you; you can totally have some fun with this, albeit I suggest to play it in company. It is set in a kinda frightening and creepy atmosphere. It is fine for having a short spooky time.


Super Filly Adventure

Bas' Rating: Good - with replay value.

Age Rating: That one more mild than PG-13. G.

Playtime: Around 45 minutes.

Bas' Short Review: For the most part, it is a visual text adventure. You basically talk with ponies and run around to them. There is a short minigame and about 5 different endings as I have been told, but I can only make guesses on how to archive them or what decides which one you do get.
Also, a lot of lovely idle and background animations!






Bas' Rating:

Age Rating: 


Bas' Short Review:


Ratings explained & template:








Terrible (Why is this even in the list?)

Edit: After a short research, the age rating of the US seems to be rather...different than Germany's and I am not sure I will stick to them.


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A friendly reminder, everypony is strictly allowed to write list entries itself, I'd add them to the overview then. Feel free to use my supplied template.



On 10/23/2019 at 1:09 AM, Kamii said:

 Oh, I'd recommend all of them. But I can't be sure if they're all PG-13. The only one I'm sure of is My Little Investigations. I'm pretty sure the Super Lesbian Horse RPG wasn't the most suited for children, but mostly because of the language at times. The other two, can't be sure because I don't remember the language used in the games themselves, but they were safe otherwise (you know how visual novels can be but these weren't the case ;)) . 

Considering the overall tone on the forums...I guess not being PG-13 isn't an issue, as long as they are not overly brutal or sexualized.

For Super Lesbian Horse RPG (I am aware it is WAY more harmless than it sounds), do you got any download link or can upload/send me anything? AFAIK when development stepped further the MLP characters/horses got ditched.

Looks like MLI is cancelled meanwhile, but having a case to solve released (think of a single chapter):

DL: http://www.equestriandreamers.com/2014/04/09/its-here/



Wow, that actually looks pretty cute!

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Equestrian Tales

An RPGmaker game probably a lot of minigames and bonus adventures once it is finished, allows to choose the secondary party character from ponies you have unlocked.

Official Description:


STORY: A powerful unicorn wants to prove he's the most powerful pony in Equestria so he turns all the ponies to stone, except for Twilight who is mysteriously immune. The land is then infested with rabid creatures and corrupt animals. The purple unicorn must now save every pony in Equestria and regain her strength to take on the colt responsible.

GAMEPLAY: Open-world where you defeat enemies to gain Soul Energy to free ponies from their stone prisons. Similar to the LEGO games.

Open-World (Explore all of Equestria, including the Changeling Hive)
Over 150 playable characters
Show-accurate areas
Tons of decently-lengthed Bonus Stories to unlock on top of the main game
Foraging, Mining, and Crafting systems
Tons of never-before-seen sprites created by me (including the Power Ponies)
Character-Specific Locations (the right partner can help you get past obstacles and explore more of Equestria)
...more may come...

Status: Demo released - Development frozen, not cancelled

Age Rating: PG

Playtime:  ~3-5 hours (Demo, v 0.8)













Somepony is mad



MLPF topic:




Requires VX Ace RPT: https://www.rpgmakerweb.com/download/additional/run-time-packages#rpg-maker-vx-ace

Bas' review (v 0.8):


While I certainly enjoyed this demo,it is basically only "playable" until you free Pinkie Pie and do her Bonus Adventure. Afterwards, you will get most of the mane 6 (save AJ) don't learn and skills or don't have any dialogue at all yet when freeing them. The enemies get broken as hell, one-shoting your characters if you run into the wrong ones, or worse, you are unable to damage them. You can grind timberwolves exp for 2 hours to beat the boss protecting AJ, but for his third appearance I had to abuse the incorrectly allowed 4-of pony party and spam magic damage for a small amount each turn and spamming revival items.
There are also quite some areas with dead ends as well as an empty world and some entrances are not having the correct textures and don't look like these and are hard to spot thus.
Especially after Pinkie Pie, the game just goes unfair, but some grinding aside I enjoyed the challenge.
Overall, it was mostly quite a nice tech demo with what the dev had/has in mind for the game, and I was surely quite positively surprised.

Demo warnings: Can't cancel a menu (I think it was Recipes or Manual), can't leave Rarity's boutique after entering a 2nd time, overpowered enemies esp. after getting Pinkie into the party. Save often, and into different savegame slots!

@Loyal Defender (Saw your comment at GJ)

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War of Harmony IV

(Poor) quality aside...I decided to remove the DL link after I played the game and it has bloody-brutal animations as well as something...even darker.

Cannot recommend the game for anypony below 16 or 18yo. Will continue to play to see if it gets even worse, might remove it from the topic/start post altogether.

Any opinion from staff regarding....such games for having any info or DL links posted here?

Not sure I can give them much of a mention here, aside from the name and a warning because of my conscience.

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Bye bye, after having finished playing this game.


Edited my overview post as the following:



Ejected from the list (likely to age and/or quality reasons) -

Game warnings/Games to avoid:

War of Harmony IV

MLP RPGMaker game, also avail in Chinese and Russian.

Reasons for removing from the lists: Gore & brutality, descriptions of how fillies were beaten, pony homicides incl. shown on screen with blood, and a description from something so much worse I will not share it here with anyone but staff.

Apples, Apples Everwhere! & FlutterIsland 1/2

Reasons for removing from the lists: Close to the previous one, meant as a "horror game", this game features pony dieing brutally randomly on screen or finding very bloody remnants of these.



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  • 3 weeks later...


MLP RPG1 - The Elements of Harmony

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A simple, but very promising turn-based RPG with a lot of development behind it. A mockup and parody of Final Fantasy 1, including some of it's flaws.

Bas' Rating: Good - Give or take by 1 depending on your taste of JRPGs and Final Fantasy 1 in particular.

Age Rating: Basically the same as for Final Fantasy 1, with maybe slightly dark a bit later in the game, once the balloon is obtained (merely because of enemy textures). You will find some skeletons in general, some spells are called Death, but that's it basically. Around PG-13.

Playtime: Around 25h.

Bas' Short Review: Not too much to say here after having disclosed it is a parody of Final Fantasy 1. Expect a bit of grinding (albeit not too much IMHO), a sometimes hard difficulty, a bit of searching where to go next. I personally think it was a bit tiresome to gather the mane 6 together, but it wasn't too long anyways and prob better than FF1 version of "Take 4 heroes without personality and shut up".  I wish there would have been more accessories and non-consumable treasures before the last few dungeons, though.

Here is a link to a Final Fantasy 1 walkthrough which should 97% work for this game as well

Short Warnings; Wait till you get all your ponies before purchasing any magic or you will need to purchase twice. Save game before getting into the first fight on the world map. And a tip, in the game folder you will find a worldmap image.

MLPF topic: https://mlpforums.com/topic/188757-mlp-rpg1-the-elements-of-harmony-by-nurse-dashie/

Screenshots (LOTS of them, data volume warning PLUS SPOILERS:





With sexy 8-Bit music version of MLP intro.















Usual arguments between two sisters



These almost look familiar...






MLP x Attack On Titan

(Or Pokémans)


sadface :worry:





PRIORITIES!! :proud:





Ponyville/Equestria in a nutshell?

















I said please, didn't I?

image.png.87946efed7a3cdf509e3c21abc642800.pngA (wild) Trixie Lunamoon appeared?


What could possible go wrong!?









1 turn later:


:cry: / sadface / :(



Like 2 hours in and randomly running into this guy



where is my celestia now!?


Sunset isn't the only pony who can steal a crown

Disclaimer we got the mission from Celestia herself who could never be impersonated and us used for anything or stuff


Applejack just killed Rarity

...for the second time. :blush:

We all already knew these two often didn't get along well, but this is getting to some extremes...


These ponies on street...:sealed:






My Little Pony RPG: The Elements of Harmony by NurseDashie - Game Jolt
:umad:Discord server :umad:: https://discordapp.com/invite/drrrvj2


  • Brohoof 1
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I was about to start filling templates, but I see some of the tame games were took off from the list and I came to realize what seems acceptable is... hrm... a bit narrow.

Still useful for finding some games and thus, I shall congratulate for the efforts and add a keep up the good job!

  • Brohoof 2
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On 12/16/2019 at 4:21 AM, Jesse Terrence said:

I was about to start filling templates, but I see some of the tame games were took off from the list and I came to realize what seems acceptable is... hrm... a bit narrow.

Which exactly? I personally try to keep it somewhat family friendly, but WOH4 has a few text lines that I am not thinking would be appropriate to quote here and might even get deleted by mods. That's like why I was thinking it to be especially unfitting, DM me if you want to know which ones I am talking about.

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