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In your opinion, what is the best and worst episode of Friendship Is Magic?


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Best - Sleepless In Ponyville, been wanting to see RD taking Scootaloo under her wing since I started watching and unlike a certain other episode it actually delivered

Worst - Newbie Dash, basically the complete opposite of SiP(and Wonderbolt Academy for that matter). Takes 5 years worth of RD's whole character arc, completely trivializes it, and goes around and both laughs at and punishes the audience for wasting their time being invested in said character arc. To this day I refuse to believe anyone looked at the final product and thought it was a good episode. I saw it when it first aired and it was the first time where it felt like the writers actively hated both the show and the audience(and the leaks didn't help their case at all)

Edited by Megas
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I can only come up with a worst option because there are too many amazing episodes.

The worst episodes are definitely 2,4,6 Greeeat and Non-Compete Clause. A rare time where the series made me genuinely angry. In fact, every episode with the Student Six is my least favourite.

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Favourite - Hurricane Fluttershy or The Cutie Map.

Least Favourite - Non-Complete Clause.

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At first I rejected the zero, but that was because I simply didn't understand it. Now I do.

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There's no best or worst episode there's most relatable and most forgettable episode:

Most Relatable:Testing testing 1 2 3: not one second goes by where I find myself relating to Rainbow Dash's struggle of studying and Twilight Sparkle discovering that there are many ways of retaining knowledge.

Most forgettable episode: oh there are several of them. But I would definitely have to say Yakety Sak. The plot was too short it could have just been an episode for a show where the episodes are like 11 minutes each


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Ugh...so hard to pick the best...there's a lot that I could call the best...however, the episode that really spoke to be that I call the best was the S5 Finale: The Cutie Re-Mark. Oh that was such a great episode with a great message. 

Worst...easy, Newbie Dash. What a pitiful way to introduce Rainbow Dash as a Wonderbolt. All of us were waiting for the great reveal and then we get this dumpster fire of an episode...and then the writers try to cover it up with a lesson about fitting in...just sad. 

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Tough to say best. "Tanks for the Memories" was always my fav but I have some issues with it. 

I'll say:

Best Episode: Saddle Row Review

                     Runner-ups: Pinkie Pride, Rock Solid Friendship, Flight to the Finish

Picking the worst is easy!!!!

Worst Episode: 2,4,6 greaaat

f***ing awful

  • Brohoof 5


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This is easy to say.

Best: Perfect Pear. Greatest episode of the entire franchise.

Worst: One Bad Apple. A perfect way on how to NOT write an episode about childhood bullying.

  • Brohoof 3

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For me, the "best" and "worst" episodes of Friendship is Magic are: 


Best: Perfect Pear: This episode makes me happy every time I watch it.

Worst: Ponyville Confidential: This episode was SO MEAN in my opinion that I've only watched it twice because I dislike it so much. 


Edited by Sparklefan1234
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Best for me is A Canterlot Wedding, just the perfect way to end a season, I love the drama and twists and magical girl ending with my favorite song <3 it feels like one long episode but I'll say part 2 for technicalitys sake

Worst from what I remember, Newbie Dash for reasons already said~

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Hmm...let's see...my favorite episode is probably Sounds of Silence for introducing the kirin and one of my absolute favorite characters, Autumn Blaze, as well as having both one of my absolute favorite songs of the show and what I thought was the best message of the show, and my least favorite episode is still Fluttershy Leans In for its half-baked, forgettable plot that made my favorite main character boringly flawless, so I'm going with those. 

  • Brohoof 1


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To be honest I have a hard time picking a single favorite. I'd say it's pretty close between Lost Treasure of Griffonstone, Rarity Takes Manehattan and Suited for Success.

Least favorite is easily Newbie Dash, with One Bad Apple not too far off.

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best: a hearth's warming tail and between dusk and dawn were cute tbh...

worst: gonna echo people and say newbie dash, it's honestly sad looking back at how often the writers would screw up rainbow dash

  • Brohoof 3


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Most favorite - Triple Threat | I don't know, this one just sticks out to me. Maybe it's because Thorax is one of my favorite characters in the show. Also, I like how Ember and Thorax were portrayed in the episode. Ember getting Twilight and Starlight confused is fun to watch and Thorax is just so sweet and turbulent that it kinda makes him a bit fun to watch. Though I think the best scene for me is when they interact by the lake, how they gave each other advice on how to solve their leadership problems.

Least favorite - Spike at Your Service | I'm sorry, Spike is just so out of character that it's almost unbearable, and the motto that he calls 'the dragon code' is just total BS if you ask me. The introduction didn't exactly help his case either, especially when he pulled out his list of to-dos. Same goes for when he says 'You might need help breathing', that line forever and ever piss me off no matter if it's for comedic effect or not.

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Best episode for me is Shadow Play. The buildup towards the episode was excellent, the music was amazing, just...GOD, wonderful episode.

P.P.O.V. was....angering.

  • Brohoof 3

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Well, I love almost all episodes this makes it in particular difficult for me to pick the best one but also rather easy to pick the episode which I disliked the most. The Pony Tone episode is always special cause it was the first full MLP Episode I ever saw and the last thing which drove me to start watching the show. But there are so many other episode which are equally good or better like Tanks for Memories, Amending Fences, Slice of Life, Sleepless in Ponyville etc. So this is really hard for me. I think I will pick a random one of these awesome episodes here, but it will most likely change the next time I post about this.

One of my most liked episodes: Sleepless in Ponyville

I love the relation between RD and Scoots. Especially shown here and get also Luna :> I think this was also the first episode which tells us that Luna guards also the dream world?

My most disliked episode: 2,4,6,Great of S9

I don't think this is RD here

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My favorite is Once Upon A Zeppelin. I love the feeling of a more simple adventure that goes throughout the day. I love most characters here, especially Star Tracker and I was sad to not see him at the very end. Even so, the episode had a mostly good setup and great closure. 

Worst episode is easily Fame and Misfortune, with Newbie Dash taking a VERY close second place. F-and-M is horrible in every way. It makes every character into a blithering moron, the entire thing is mean spirited beyond belief and above all else, it comes across as immensely petty of the writer. Every fandom has its fair share of critical people. Yes, some might go overboard, but that's inevitable. The worst thing a supposed mature creator of media can do is use that media to take meaningless jabs at the fanbase just because some people have a lot of criticisms. It is especially dumb when you make a terrible episode as a result. 

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Well, I'm sure there have been episodes I enjoyed more, but Filli Vanilli was my favorite for so long that it is the first episode that comes to mind when somepony asks about my favorite. It is a very cute, fun watch that never seems to get boring no matter how many times I view it. The song is super catchy, and Fluttershy has so many cute moments such as jamming out behind the curtain... oh, and the ending where she's dressed up as a Pony Tone and happily singing is one of the cutest scenes in existence. Furthermore, Rarity + Fluttershy is my favorite character duo dynamic and though it was heavily underused, this episode is a perfect example of it. I understand this episode has some notable flaws such as Pinkie being over-the-top as well as the questionable "You kinda sounded like a dude" joke, but it is overall extremely adorable and memorable for me.

Worst episode... Well I recently re-watched Non-Complete Clause; It was notably boring and never seemed to go anywhere during the entire runtime. However, it didn't bother me in the same ways it bothers other fans. I was thinking of answering Applejack's Day Off as my least favorite because not only is that boring, it's also painful to imagine that Applejack was silly enough to waste hours of her life doing meaningless things for her chores. However, as I thought about it, Applejack's Day Off DID have some good tidbits, such as the nice montage music and Rainbow Dash acting cute at the spa. So yeah, guess I'll settle on Non-Complete Clause, though it doesn't anger me or anything. It's just tiring and empty and I can't think of any significant redeeming qualities.

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Best is Hurricane Fluttershy for taking a simple plotline and making it absolutely amazing with character growth, several wonderful morals, and an awesome climax and a very unique concept with making the storm. Bonus points for completely making up for the awfulness of the episode proceeding it (Dragon Quest, my least favorite from the first 5 seasons) 

Worst is Applejack's Day Off for being the most boring and pointless thing I have ever seen from MLP. The plot was insanely slow in service of an obvious moral that they rubbed in the audience's faces and turned Applejack into a complete idiot for. They only remotely positive thing was Rainbow Dash's cameo, the rest of it was painfully boring with humor, charm, character interaction, or interesting animation to redeem it. Was full of painfully slow and repetitive sequences. Other episodes such as Dragon Quest or Yakity Sax may have pissed me off more, but Applejack's Day Off was the only one that gave me so little to enjoy. It felt like I was watching a baby show. The fact that this shares the same show as episodes such as Hurricane Fluttershy, Sleepless in Ponyville, or Twilight's Kingdom is frankly an insult.

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