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What's up with the socks?

Shadow Chaser

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Rarity with socks (the picture featured in the first post) actually made the banner of EqD, so it's not always viewed as erotic.


Yea, I didn't want the pics to be "racy", so I used some innocuous ones just to illustrate demonstrations of them wearing socks. I understand the point of them, but I think it will forever be one of those things that I have to cock an eyebrow at.

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Socks are cute and can be.sexually appealing to some people because it makes them.more human

Edited by Sky
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I think it's mostly more of a 'cute' aspect. However, it can be used in a sexual aspect as well. Just about anything can be sexualised these days.

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Pretty much all the pictures of ponies in socks that I've come across have been suggestive in some way. This just makes me shake my head and think "...why?"

Because the picture is even the slightest bit suggestive like the first one of Fluttershy in the OP it makes me feel uncomfortable because I see it that it was made for the main purpose of being suggestive.


I find pictures like the second one to be a rarity because I can say looking at that it it isn't suggestive at all other then her wearing socks which is probably why it made it to EQD. I wouldn't mind if more pictures were like this.

Edited by Dave247
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One of the important lessons in life is this:


One will look cuter/more attractive if one's wearing an outfit one shouldn't wear on a normal occation

Edited by Koalaoverlord
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Ponies wearing socks, ponies in socks, ponies wearing sweaters, ponies with juice-boxes, ponies in vehicles, ponies with wet manes... just one of the many art fads that have sprung up over the fandoms progression. Usually, they stem from a particular piece of art showcased on Deviantart, and then proceed to spread across Tumblr, and pony imageboards before showing up on EqD drawfriend posts, for anyone else who isn't aware of their existence. Ponies in socks is one of the older fads, starting around February in 2011. Why? Probably because allot of people consider ponies wearing socks, along with other articled of clothing to be pretty damn 'D'aww' worthy, and honestly, I'm inclined to agree with them. ^^


As for the sexualisation of a few images, well, that's just the way of the internet for you.


There should be a seperate internet of it's own that is nothing but sexually and pr0n related :P

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I found this one a bit odd too. I think ponies are plenty cute without the socks....


What may have made this so strange to me is an issue of.....mixed sexual feelings....


Meaning that I am not a clopper (unless the image is of the pony in human form) but I do think that a good pair of socks makes a woman significantly more attractive.

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I found this one a bit odd too. I think ponies are plenty cute without the socks....


What may have made this so strange to me is an issue of.....mixed sexual feelings....


Meaning that I am not a clopper (unless the image is of the pony in human form) but I do think that a good pair of socks makes a woman significantly more attractive.


Admission is the first step towards acceptance (just kidding). Have a sock fetish is nowhere NEAR as creepy as other things that pop up on the undernets. But, this is not a conversation for the general forums, as the rules specifically say no porny talk.
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Admission is the first step towards acceptance (just kidding). Have a sock fetish is nowhere NEAR as creepy as other things that pop up on the undernets. But, this is not a conversation for the general forums, as the rules specifically say no porny talk.


That's why I was trying to keep it low key. I was just making a statement that related to the thread. I have put a significant amount of thought into this subject (more than I like to admit :/ ) and that was the only way to really sum up my feelings about the subject itself. You may notice I went out of my way to make sure my statement was safe for work while still getting the basic point across.

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That's why I was trying to keep it low key. I was just making a statement that related to the thread. I have put a significant amount of thought into this subject (more than I like to admit :/ ) and that was the only way to really sum up my feelings about the subject itself. You may notice I went out of my way to make sure my statement was safe for work while still getting the basic point across.


I'd say you were pretty good about it. If you had been overt, you would have been reported by now.I'm not quite sure what level of NSFW this forum allows (still pretty new here), but I'd say you weren't even pushing it.
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I'd say you were pretty good about it. If you had been overt, you would have been reported by now.I'm not quite sure what level of NSFW this forum allows (still pretty new here), but I'd say you weren't even pushing it.


Thank you sir. It is good to see that my efforts have not gone unnoticed.

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I'm not really a fan of ponies in clothes, but if done right, I can easily tolerate it for the sake of individualistic art style and fashion. That said, I never, ever found the appeal with the socks craze, which I've seen all throughout searches on Google, DeviantART, etc. I, quite literally, have nothing but a pony shrug to the entire fad. I try to understand it, get a little bit of progress going, then sort of just, well, shrug.


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Thanks to this topic, during driver's ed, I was imagining Applejack posing in socks, and I was seriously getting distracted :blink:. Thankfully, I'm sorta good at multi-tasking, so I imagined Applejack in socks while learning how to drive ^_^


To say the least, it was ackward, but in a slightly acceptable way. I actually want to draw Applejack in socks now :), but I'm too lazy :(

  • Brohoof 1
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Thanks to this topic, during driver's ed, I was imagining Applejack posing in socks, and I was seriously getting distracted :blink:. Thankfully, I'm sorta good at multi-tasking, so I imagined Applejack in socks while learning how to drive ^_^


To say the least, it was ackward, but in a slightly acceptable way. I actually want to draw Applejack in socks now :), but I'm too lazy :(


Glad to know I leave an impact on others. haha Be careful about getting too distracted though. I've wrecked two cars already because of that.
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  • 1 month later...

Why socks? This is why.



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Those Pinkie Pie pictures made me die of cuteness...


But on topic, socks are adorable on ponies. There doesn't have to be a reason, just the adorableness...

I wish I had pony-sock pictures.

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  • 2 weeks later...

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