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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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Welcome to the 'What Grinds my Gears' thread. Post about people, places, actions, etc. that bug you to no end, and love and toleration just doesn't cut it.

I suppose I'll go first. You know what really grinds my gears? When you lose something important, and later you find it in a place that is so obvious. Like yesterday, I had lost my charger for my 3DS (And my DSi, since they both use the same charger and I had lost one) and looked frantically for it. My DSi's battery was dead, and the 3DS... anyone from the 3DSForums knows about that. Then today, I found it. Guess where? Right next to my 3DS, under it's box. Screw you items that disappear often. Screw. You.

And another thing, you know what really grinds my gears? The new Spongebob. I mean, Spongebob Seasons 1-3 and the movies were practically flawless, and one of the best TV shows to grace the small screen. What happens after the movie? The creator resigns. So you would think "Oh, OK. Well, the movie was the perfect ending, surely this would mean its over now, right?" Nope, instead, Nick causes major staff changes, and screws over the series, milking the money out of it. Well screw you Nick, for ruining part of my childhood and my favorite TV show. Screw. You.

And one final thing, you know what really grinds my gears? Milking money out of good Disney movies. I mean, out of the billion Direct-to-Video releases, about 2 are decent. And, they're making Planes, a sequel to Cars 2. And its not even made by Pixar. Cars was good. Cars 2 was also a fun ride, but not the studio's best work. But planes?!? And Pixar isn't even making it, yet its being considered a Cars sequel? Screw you Disney. Screw. You.

Anyway, theres my ranting, you guys go.

Edited by Tom the Rock
  • Brohoof 11


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wow, that happens to me too xD.


You know what really grinds my gears? When i study too much for a test and when i'm making a test i forget all what i studied :c

  • Brohoof 9



Thanks ya Discord (oh gawd, i said thanks to discord!!!)

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@tom: wow, that sums up basically the 3 largest rants I've been having for the past __ years! I have extremely horrible luck, so I constantly lose things in the stupidest places. Yesterday I thought I lost my iPod... Nope, on my computer right infront of where I was when I thought it was missing!


The spongebob thing: yes. The new episodes are really disturbing. One instance: SB is helping Squidward move his couch, and accidently drops it on his toe. He pushes and pulls on the couch, trying to get if off, and manages to rip Squid's toenail clean off! (blood and everything...) Squid then slips on the mangled remains of his toe and falls... Pretty disturbing...


And disney milking good movies: Kinda with you on this one, but I'd need more examples. I understand that Fox and the Hound had a sequel, but I don't think it was ever released to theatres...


Anyway, I agree!


Why are you dragging your cursor over my signature? Is there a problem here? Do you maybe expect something special? Honestly, that's kind of creepy. Are you trying to get as much information about me as possible? Maybe you're going to copy and paste this into onto your little collage or all things Lyra? (me, not the awesome BG pony...) You seriously have issues dude... I pity you.

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When people say "epic," "fail" or "troll" in real life. Like, it's okay when some people do it, but some people will just use those words CONSTANTLY AND IT IS THE WORST THING OH MY GOD.


This, and I've also heard people say "my face when" and other internet phrases that don't even make sense in real life.
  • Brohoof 4


Signature by @Nico.

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I feel that a lot of the content on the Disney Channel is quite mediocre, sadly. I even looked up a vid on other people's opinion in the hopes not to justify mine, but to find what other people spotted. Here's what some say, to which I(mostly) agree.


1.)Wizards of Waverly Place and Hanna Montana: Essentially the same




Answer: Both feature teenage girls who have something unusual about them, with one being a wizard and OBVIOUSLY must hide it from the general public along with her identity, and the other being a popstar and must hide it from the general public.


2.) A lot of new Disney shows follow only what's trending and do not run on innovation. There are at least one or two Disney shows about magicians/ vampires+werewolves, and look what's popular in the box office...


3.) The ideas in some shows are also mediocre or simply not implemented in a new and enticing way. Example:

The all-to-common younger male sibling being beaten on by a bully at school and it comes to the attention of the main character/older members of the family. To everyone's surprise he is being wailed on by a girl who likes him.


I'm not saying Disney channel as a whole is bad, it's just generally not all it used to be. Phineas and Ferb I can watch or sometimes even the suite life. However, in Phineas and Ferb, the show is entirely formulaic though still fun, mostly. And I guess with the suitelife I felt as seasons progressed they became more typical and expectant characters, differing from the slightly more realistic personalities the characters had early on. I'm not saying anyone at all is bad at acting, but their personalities became more predefined and that's more on part with the writers if anything.


On Spongebob, I hate to say but a lot of cartoons simply get milked of all their essence until all that is left is gaseous vapor. It's still fun and watchable to me, but just not like what is was a few years ago. When mangas like Dragonball were still in their prime, the creator was also pushed to make more and more chapters by the publishers, even though what would be a plot became more stale, if I do say so (I don't dislike DBZ as I liked it when I was a preteen and still do to an extent, but if you're looking for the best plot ever conceived, then don't look there, just mainly for if you want consistent action with a moderate story to go on).

Edited by Akaraah
  • Brohoof 4

WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that,

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You know what grinds my gears? Having cigarettes and then losing your lighter. It's the worst feeling ever because you know you COULD be smoking, but you have no way of actually getting them lit, so you have to think of roundabout ways to light your damn cigarettes. Bonus points if you have an electric stove, no car lighter, and no gas stations within a reasonable distance.

  • Brohoof 1

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You know what grinds my gears? Having cigarettes and then losing your lighter. It's the worst feeling ever because you know you COULD be smoking, but you have no way of actually getting them lit, so you have to think of roundabout ways to light your damn cigarettes. Bonus points if you have an electric stove, no car lighter, and no gas stations within a reasonable distance.


Heh... I don't smoke, but my older bro from time to time will light a cigarette on the stove when he loses his lighter. :P

Edited by Akaraah

WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that,

I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps

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Heh... I don't smoke, but my older bro from time to time will light a cigarette on the stove when he loses his lighter. :P


It's not as easy when you have an electric stove xP Which I have. Luckily I live with other smokers, so it's not as much of a problem as it has been in the past, but that feeling is still the most annoying small problem I've had that I can think of right now.

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It's not as easy when you have an electric stove xP Which I have. Luckily I live with other smokers, so it's not as much of a problem as it has been in the past, but that feeling is still the most annoying small problem I've had that I can think of right now.


I see, not nearly as strict as where I live. My older bro and uncle get sucker-punched verbally for smoking and then walking right back insde the house before the scent has aired out. he he

WATCH OUT FOR THE POISONJOKE! And all the while you are doing that,

I am writing a book tentatively called: The Owlykes of the Timber-wood Alps

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You know what really grinds my gears? When I need a health pack and a Pyro airblasts me and I die.


Your gears must not grind often then, considering how most pyros around these days don't even seem to realize that they have the ability to airblast at all. :unsure:

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You know what really grinds Peachy's gears?

Young girls getting pregnant as an excuse to get out of school or to "grow up" faster.

I'm not quite 20 yet and I know so many people my age and younger with handfuls of children. Literally, handfuls.

(Granted, they're all adorable, but....)

It's all for the wrong reasons. Have a kid when you're good and ready!

Edited by Peachy Pie



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You know what really grinds Peachy's gears?

Young girls getting pregnant as an excuse to get out of school or to "grow up" faster.

I'm not quite 20 yet and I know so many people my age and younger with handfuls of children. Literally, handfuls.

(Granted, they're all adorable, but....)

It's all for the wrong reasons. Have a kid when you're good and ready!


There's this pregnant chick in one of my classes.


And just so we're clear here I'm a senior. She seems to be a bit better than most of those high school pregnancies, but she's still pregnant and do you know how hard it is to resist making snide comments about it?


Not very hard since it's kind of difficult to slip something like that into your speech. Though I am considering loudly comparing difficult things to childbirth, preferably in her presence.


Also, like, I really, like, hate that, like, hate that, like there are, like, people that, like, uh, like, talk like, like, this, and, like, Jesus Christ I'm, like, going to, like, have a, like, aneurysm.

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You know what grinds my gears? Having cigarettes and then losing your lighter. It's the worst feeling ever because you know you COULD be smoking, but you have no way of actually getting them lit, so you have to think of roundabout ways to light your damn cigarettes. Bonus points if you have an electric stove, no car lighter, and no gas stations within a reasonable distance.



My god know that pain, nothing worse than having to go on a half-hour scavenger hunt for matches. Even worse when I run out of papers.


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You know what really grinds my gears? Thinking of people, places, actions, etc. that grind my gears.


It's kind of like listening to depressing music and reading depressing things and looking at depressing artwork while you're depressed. People tend to derive an odd sort of pleasure from it for reasons they can't explain.
  • Brohoof 1

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what grinds my gears? styrofoam. I HATE THAT MONSTROSITY. whenever it just rubs together...*shudders.... I also hate it when the shower's water gets too cold really fast. plus i really hate all this waiting just for some new mlp episodes, amirite?

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm extremely OCD about my 3DS, I keep tabs on it at all times, and I don't let anyone touch my baby. ;(

Then again I only just got it, so...


& OMG THE NEW SPONGEBOB! I could go on for *hours* about this! It's an awful mess nowadays, he cries in every episode now and the plotlines are terrible. Watching it just depresses me...


There's a lot of things that grind my gears. Hypocritical people, messy people, when people touch me or my hair (and they always do >=0 ), when people mess with my belongings, people that talk too much, people that won't leave me alone... honestly, just people in general grind my gears. Aha.

  • Brohoof 1
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You know what grinds my gears? When my job follows me into my sleep. Isn't it bad enough that I have to spend all day working? Let me dream about ponies or something cool.

I ran into this last night. Didn't drift off to sleep til about three in the morning, then had a dream in which I was at work in the middle of a major project, only to somehow forget all of what I was doing midway through, leaving me to run around in a disorganized panic. I woke up annoyed as all hell.


I don't get paid enough to work in my sleep.

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