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What's your pet peeve?

Tom The Diamond

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You say you don't like it when people cannot speak their native language properly. Does grammar factor into this? Cuz you have a few mistakes in that one post :S


When people whine about not having friends though they are the ones who brought that upon themselves from their attitudes. I know too many people like this.

When people disrespect my atheism or make any attempt to change my religion.

Ooh, here's a biggie: when people type "ect" while it's actually "etc". So annoying.


I wrote that at like one in the morning I'm surprised I even spelt everything correctly. Also English isn't my native language.

"Even If I were free, would anyone love me?"


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I wrote that at like one in the morning I'm surprised I even spelt everything correctly. Also English isn't my native language.


Ah, I see, okay *laughs*

I just assumed, sorry :P


Some more peeves of mine:

-people who type "i" rather than "I'


Actually, I'm just going to say bad grammar/spelling in general :P


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I get really annoyed when:

-people use the word "electric" as a noun instead of saying "electricity."

-people put the empty food container back in the cabinet/fridge

-ladybugs are in my house

-I'm in a crowd

-people have no sense of personal space

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Ah, I see, okay *laughs*

I just assumed, sorry :P


Some more peeves of mine:

-people who type "i" rather than "I'


Actually, I'm just going to say bad grammar/spelling in general :P


How do you feel about squirrels and the cone of shame?





There are lots of things that annoy me, hence making another post in here O.o

One thing that has been annoying me lately is people handing me things over my head or in my face, for example, being sat down watching TV and someone stands behind me and hands me a plate of food, but lowers it to my eye level, i mean seriously, what do they expect? for me to levitate it from them with my mind? if your gonna hand me something bloody hand it me, dont just wave it around my head -.-

  • Brohoof 1

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More things that annoy me :D


People that laugh too quietly


People that laugh so hard that they don't make any sound and clap like a retarded seal


People that use YOLO. I sometimes use it for jokes but I hear people using it all the time casually.




People in my Photoshop class that can't even figure out where the pen tool is http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


The :mellow: emoticon because I never get a chance to use it


The fact that all the emoticons aren't available on the little drop down emoticon box and I have to click "show all" to get the rest


When I get all comfy in my bed and then I realize that the light is still on


When I get all comfy in my chair with my laptop and am about to get started with something in Photoshop or post on the forums and when I move to get my remote I realize that it's on the other side of the room


When I get a text and my phone is on the other side of the room


Whoever is the unlucky soul to wake me up in the morning


My alarm clock. This may be the most annoying thing in my life. If I made my phone my alarm clock, I would probably throw it across the room as soon as it starts ringing.


My home phone when it starts ringing because it's just as annoying as my alarm clock. It always breaks my concentration and rings in the most inconvenient times.


Ads (that's why I have AdBlock plugin)


Whenever I notice that Applejack is missing her freckles in MLP (I think she was missing them about 100 times in season 1 alone)

  • Brohoof 1

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Ah let's see here. I get easily annoyed if my surroundings are not organized. I despise unclean, unorganized areas.


Also, I hate noisy places.


I also hate it when I eat something I like and I don't get the most out of the last bite.


PEOPLE. WHO. BLAST. THEIR. HORRIBLE. MUSIC. IN. PUBLIC. And use text language, or have intolerable amounts of grammatical errors in whatever they are writing/texting/typing.


And finally, when I'm about to go to sleep and all of a sudden I have an aching need to move from my comfortable position. Never fails to annoy me. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png

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For some reason when people say nothing is impossible bothers the crap out of me. It’s a pet peeve of mine, and some people who know say it is really cynical but some things are simply impossible. But that’s just weird me I guess. :lol:




Ah let's see here. I get easily annoyed if my surroundings are not organized. I despise unclean, unorganized areas.


Also, I hate noisy places.


I also hate it when I eat something I like and I don't get the most out of the last bite.


PEOPLE. WHO. BLAST. THEIR. HORRIBLE. MUSIC. IN. PUBLIC. And use text language, or have intolerable amounts of grammatical errors in whatever they are writing/texting/typing.


And finally, when I'm about to go to sleep and all of a sudden I have an aching need to move from my comfortable position. Never fails to annoy me. http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png


I can agree with this so much. Disorganization in some cases will drive me nuts. I don’t like noisy places either. Especially a room full of people talking, like in class or something. I hate it, it’s incredibly awkward for me and I’d just rather do my work.

Edited by Flying Whales


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I got a new one from today. People who eat and drink really powerful smelling foods when in a crowded, inescapable area like a train car, so that you have no choice but to make your commute with the smell of someone else's food clogging your nostrils. Just had to get that off my chest.

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I hate it when my dvd's are not in order, I also hate it when I have series of books and they aren't in order. None of them have to be in any particular order UNLESS they are a series. I once spent six hours organizing.


Hypocrisy, which is a good one to mention with all the facebook posts after the Presidential Election.


Working in retail it annoys me when for example someone looks at rugs and lays them out on the floor and then just leaves them there. Seriously? Did your parents teach you no manners?


I guess that's it for now :)

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Whenever I notice that Applejack is missing her freckles in MLP (I think she was missing them about 100 times in season 1 alone)

Yeah, and her hat in obvious scenes. I mean, like, what? It's about like 1/6 of her size and is easily noticed. I can't believe the numerous times that they forgot to add her hat in. It's not like they would forget Rainbow Dash's wings. Why do they forget AJ's hat, then?


More things that annoy me:


When my parents make me change clothes or take me to clothes shopping--what the heck, I don't care how I look as long as it fits and is normal.

  • Brohoof 1
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Here's something that I can't stand:

Posted Image
Okay, so I'm walking down the hall and there's a dude in front of me who is also walking...

Posted Image
Then all of the sudden, he comes to a dead stop right in front of me. Since I'm always in lala-land, I almost bump into him. I don't have time for this because my classes are very far apart, and I don't want to be tardy...
Posted Image
Then another dude walks up, and then they do something that I can't stand...

Posted Image
They just start talking. They SEE me walking behind them, but they don't care. They don't care if I'm late to class, they don't care that they're standing RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE of the hallway. They don't care that there's a bunch of people trying to get past them. All they care about is what happened on Facebook last night. Why can't they talk in the classroom? Why do they have to talk in the middle of the hallway? It doesn't make any sense. And for some reason, it just irritates me.

  • Brohoof 3
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Things that irritate me :

Street preachers and door to door preachers >.<,

people who "believe" I am going to hell,

my constant neck aches,

mixing up afrikaans and english,

immature 10 year old brats.


Ya, that's 'bout it.

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- People that say that's funny, or too funny, instead of actually laughing

- Bad grammar and horrible spelling

- Bad manners

- Sore losers


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Guys on the internet telling me that something "is just my opinion," although it's obvious that it's my opinion based on the fact that I'm the one who said it. There was no need for a preamble announcing it as such.


Feeling like I have to sneeze but the sneeze won't come.


When people say "PIN number" or "ATM machine."


When radio stations only play one song by a particular band.


When radio stations shuffle the same dozen songs all day, every day.


When people hear a new song that samples the riff from an older one before hearing the older one, then when they hear it some time later they accuse the original artist of biting. For example, Under Pressure (Queen) and Ice Ice Baby (Vanilla Ice).


When people leave shopping carts in parking spaces or push them up on an adjacent sidewalk, especially when a cart return is only a few feet away.


When people pull so far forward in a parking space that they're obstructing half of the lane in front of them, forcing everybody to drive around their car.


When people double-park despite their vehicle not being big enough to warrant more than one space.


People with massive vehicles pulling up far enough at a red light so that they obstruct my view, preventing me from making a safe right turn without waiting for the light to turn green.


People not letting me merge on the interstate, forcing me to cut them off only to have them shoot me the bird, like it was my fault. Note that I've had much more trouble with this in Virginia than any other state I've been to.


Parents permitting their kids to knock stuff over and throw things on the floor in stores and leaving things wherever they fall.


Subway employees assuming that I want certain things on my sub and start heaping stuff on before even asking me what I want. And then when I say something like "Whoa, I haven't said anything yet and I didn't want any of that." they stare at me confusedly like a deer in headlights before getting frustrated, as if the situation was my fault.


- When I have to use those old, raised-key keyboards.

Technically, all keyboards are that way. Can you be a little more specific?


You know what grinds mah gears? When I have to pee and I have a boner http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/default/dry.png. It's really hard to do so, and I have to, like, bend mah entire body over. I almost fall over everytime I do so.

I wouldn't have mentioned that one, but yes. That one is annoying.


things that really annoy me are probobly the people who think their boss when they sag thier pants. it gettin kinda old pretty fast.

I thought it was old in the mid-90s.


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Technically, all keyboards are that way. Can you be a little more specific?


Technically, no, not all keyboards are like that at all. Laser keyboards, for example, aren't even made with buttons.


But what I meant was mechanical keyboards. Ones where they buttons are about an inch tall.


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Shaving...I hate shaving...winter is the best time of year because no one cares/can see your fur. Then again, being a wooky has its advantages...guys in bars don't hit on you as much! Too bad I just can't justify being one :(

  • Brohoof 1
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Technically, no, not all keyboards are like that at all. Laser keyboards, for example, aren't even made with buttons.



You got me, but I figured those were still too uncommon to even be considered.


But what I meant was mechanical keyboards.



Ones where the buttons are about an inch tall.

Ah! So do you prefer chiclet keyboards then?




^ Those things?

  • Brohoof 1


Kyoshi made this ^^



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^ Those things?


Yeah, those are my favourite. I've used touch keyboards (most pointless things ever) and laser keyboards, but the lasers are pretty stupid. Much cooler, but not efficient whatsoever.
  • Brohoof 1


You'll be entranced by me ♥

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NICK CLEG!!!! So i was quite an avid WoW player a while back and i was running random dungeons to level. When the most evil hunter ever joined my party, He never spoke he never did anything but he did one thing... He took all of my loot. It was not just this it was the fact i found him 6 times on this character every time he took what was mine. Lastly, when i was level 85 playing PvP i stumbled across a dwarven hunter. It was him the evil Nick Cleg.

  • Brohoof 1


I am the son of Chilly mists. At Christmas he got me a cucumber slip 'n' slide.

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When everyone in Hetalia confuses Canada for the United States.

Now that, my dear friends, makes me rage like mad *laughs*



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The one thing that annoys me the most at school is this stuck up richy rich snob who brags about everything. He even brags about how his lunch is better than everyone else's. His f&%$ing lunch! It pisses me off :angry:!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Brohoof 2


Epic sig and avatar by: Chaotic Discord

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It annoys me when I'm at the drive thru and I can always tell that the guy taking my order is going to mess it up so I watch the order display screen and I have them repeat my order just to make sure they get it right and then I get my food and I go home to eat it and they always mess up my order. That annoys me.

  • Brohoof 1



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Ahh, now here's a thread I can sink my teeth into. :D


There are only two decent radio stations in this entire city, and one of them is country.


Box elder bugs. Die, little foreign beetles. Die!


Car alarms. They're useless. All they do is annoy people. One of the people at my apartments has this Jeep with a defective alarm. It's always beeping or making other cryptic noises for no reason. I have fantasies of blowing up that car.


The fact that male singers and spokespeople no longer sound like men, but like pod people from the planet Weenie.


Nobody listens to me. They think that just because I'm really quiet I don't have anything important to say, but conversely, they can talk to me however they want.


The fact that it's so hard for me to communicate like most people do. They seem to immediately understand and relate to each other. I'm always stumbling through a mental fog. Trying to figure out what someone is telling me is a chore sometimes. It's not uncommon for me to come home mentally exhausted.


This one guy at work who won't shut up and is unable to call anybody by their name. It's always dude, bro, son, dawg, something like that. How did this man pass an interview? Plus he brags that "nobody at this store messes with me." Yeah, that's real impressive, dawg. I hope he puts that on his resume: "Was biggest badass at Wal-Mart. Nobody fucked with me."


The fact that The Simpsons is still on. They should've made the movie and hung it up by the new millennium. With Groening off doing Futurama, David Mirkin leaving and Phil Hartman's death, their writing and ideas just plummeted. The Simpsons the kids watch today are not the ones I knew and loved.

Edited by TailsAlone
  • Brohoof 1

"Human beings fascinate me

Being just the way they are..."

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