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Who's more evil?

Petite Pirouette

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Discords purpose is to cause disharmony, I believe that, that is what he believes completley. His moral compass is obvious different, but it would appear he still acknowledges the moral compass of the ponies as he mocks them and tries to play his manipulative games of friendship. However Chrysalis, she knows of their moral compass but decides to destroy it, much rather than manipulate it.

1)You don't know that... he might have power over chaos but he might not be bent on creating it.

2)Isn't Chrysalis doing the same thing?

3)Actually she just wanted revenge on Twilight... and power. And she did manipulate it very well to destroy it as Discord did. They did the same thing. You are viewing it differently because of your beliefs.

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1)You don't know that... he might have power over chaos but he might not be bent on creating it.

2)Isn't Chrysalis doing the same thing?

3)Actually she just wanted revenge on Twilight... and power. And she did manipulate it very well to destroy it as Discord did. They did the same thing. You are viewing it differently because of your beliefs.

As you are doing the same thing, as I mentioned above how she disguised herself as somepony else to manipualte every pony, but Discord never threw anypony in an underground dungeon, with no food water or light. If you were meant to do something, and a higher pwoer told you, that you couldn't, you would feel "opressed", as Discord feels opressed when it comes to his spreading of Chaos. For Chrysalis, her moral compass, is, invade, expand, destroy, discords is, chaos, chaos, the world is fun with chaos.

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but having bad intent for every pony directly is a twisted and evil thing


Chrysalis only had bad intent for everyone BUT herself and her people. And again, they still have physical needs. They're willing to deprive others to satisfy their physical needs. This is not uncommon in the real world. It's us or them mentality.


Discord had bad intent for EVERYONE but himself. He has no physical needs. He's bored and making others miserable made him laugh.

And I don't think that it was just about making everyone come over to his way of thinking. He doesn't care if they agree or not. He laughed at the despondent Twilight Sparkle and celebrated. It wasn't about "chaos makes me happy, so it should make everyone happy". It was "chaos makes ME happy, and unhappiness is a side effect of chaos, so I love their unhappiness".


Both Chrysalis and Discord wanted to win.

Chyrsalis wanted to win so that she and the Changelings would never have to struggle again.

Discord never had to struggle BEFORE he took over, or AFTER he took over. He just wanted to watch the little ants scurry around after he set off a firecracker in their ant hill.

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It's not your fault... it's just the countless people i've heard quoting that arguement. I could not be sure on your sarcasm.


If he cared about his freedom there's a place for that. He could very well go to his own place and his own private space to spread HIS OWN freedom! He disrupts other's freedom this way while they cannot do anything about him. What would ponies care if he was having his fun at his own place? They wouldn't... but nooooo he has to spoil other's lives to promote his own freedom. If that ain't evil i don't know what it is. He doesn't abide my the virtues of freedom... he is an attention seeker if you don't like the commnly used term that begins with a w.


Neutral alignment characters do not "corrupt" good characters. Discord corrupting the Mane 6 is an Evil alignment thing.

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For Chrysalis, her moral compass, is, invade, expand, destroy, discords is, chaos, chaos, the world is fun with chaos.
Discord:Chaos chaos chaos by spreading/invading, destroying/spreading, expanding/spreading. Now why is Discord called different and assumed as "Not evil"?


Neutral alignment characters do not "corrupt" good characters. Discord corrupting the Mane 6 is an Evil alignment thing.

BINGO! So Discord IS evil! And you cannot view him otherwise!

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Discord:Chaos chaos chaos by spreading/invading, destroying/spreading, expanding/spreading. Now why is Discord called different and assumed as "Not evil"?

BINGO! So Discord IS evil! And you cannot view him otherwise!


From Knights of the Old republic, one of my favorite games, The matter of perspective, through ones lenses, as opposed to everypony elses.

Atris: "I am Atris, Jedi Master… the last historian of the Jedi… the last of the Jedi." Kreia: "Those are titles, words you cling to as the darkness falls around you." Atris: "You are that which has attacked the Jedi… you are Sith." Kreia: "'Sith' is a title, yes, but like you, the title is not who I am. It is not what I believe. For you… it is different."
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From Knights of the Old republic, one of my favorite games, The matter of perspective, through ones lenses, as opposed to everypony elses.


You can't use the "matter of perspective" argument and hope to have your other argument come out on top.

The moment you say that, you're just giving up and saying that we are just as right as you and it all comes down to point of view.


Which isn't BAD, but you've completely disregarded everyone else's opinions so far as "wrong".

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You can't use the "matter of perspective" argument and hope to have your other argument come out on top.

The moment you say that, you're just giving up and saying that we are just as right as you and it all comes down to point of view.


Which isn't BAD, but you've completely disregarded everyone else's opinions so far as "wrong".

Not really, at all, I believe in one of my firsts posts, I tried to reassure everypony that this is about WHO IS MORE EVIL, not that one is not evil at all, as I believe they both are.

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From Knights of the Old republic, one of my favorite games, The matter of perspective, through ones lenses, as opposed to everypony elses.

Atris: "I am Atris, Jedi Master… the last historian of the Jedi… the last of the Jedi." Kreia: "Those are titles, words you cling to as the darkness falls around you." Atris: "You are that which has attacked the Jedi… you are Sith." Kreia: "'Sith' is a title, yes, but like you, the title is not who I am. It is not what I believe. For you… it is different."


I think you quoted tha wrong post on this. I don't understand what you want to point out... the perspective? Oh i get it... look... Discord is evil. HE SIMPLY IS! What he does promotes evil and detriments life so by the definition of "Evil is that which hurts life." Discord whether directly or indirectly IS evil! Chrysalis while being evil could very well just simply choose to destroy the ponies, their bonds, their families... simply because the changelings value more to her. That much would be logical and... okay... but the thing is we don't know that.


To me Chrysalis is simply the kind of villain that says "It's either you... or me... and i prefer "me" so much more than "you".".


Bottom line is we don't know each villain... we haven't gotten to interviewing them both to know what they value, how they work e.t.c. But if we count actions those of Discord's have no purpose while Chrysalis' have... and that is the only measure i use to judge that Discord is more evil than Chrysalis. Discord has a blank list of wants and dislikes. He is simply... Discord... he is simply... evil. The difference is Chrysalis is evil with a reason... even if that reason is revenge.

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I think you quoted tha wrong post on this. I don't understand what you want to point out... the perspective? Oh i get it... look... Discord is evil. HE SIMPLY IS! What he does promotes evil and detriments life so by the definition of "Evil is that which hurts life." Discord whether directly or indirectly IS evil! Chrysalis while being evil could very well just simply choose to destroy the ponies, their bonds, their families... simply because the changelings value more to her. That much would be logical and... okay... but the thing is we don't know that.


To me Chrysalis is simply the kind of villain that says "It's either you... or me... and i prefer "me" so much more than "you".".


Bottom line is we don't know each villain... we haven't gotten to interviewing them both to know what they value, how they work e.t.c. But if we count actions those of Discord's have no purpose while Chrysalis' have... and that is the only measure i use to judge that Discord is more evil than Chrysalis. Discord has a blank list of wants and dislikes. He is simply... Discord... he is simply... evil. The difference is Chrysalis is evil with a reason... even if that reason is revenge.

HERE IS THE MAIN DIFFERENCE SINCE YOU ARENT SEEMING TO GRASP IT NO OFFENSE. YES HE IS EVIL. but in his eyes, nah, he is doing what he believes he was intended to do. Chrysalis, EVIL AND PROUD OF IT.

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Not really, at all, I believe in one of my firsts posts, I tried to reassure everypony that this is about WHO IS MORE EVIL, not that one is not evil at all, as I believe they both are.


Yeah, and you've basically told the people that said Discord is more evil that they are wrong.

But now you're saying, no it's just a matter of perspective. Which it is. But if that's the case then acknowledge the arguments that people are making for Discord being more evil instead of waving your hand dismissively at them.


Everyone knows they're BOTH evil.

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Yeah, and you've basically told the people that said Discord is more evil that they are wrong.

But now you're saying, no it's just a matter of perspective. Which it is. But if that's the case then acknowledge the arguments that people are making for Discord being more evil instead of waving your hand dismissively at them.


Everyone knows they're BOTH evil.

I believe he is every bit of evil as she is for the things he has done, but the fact of the matter is, she embraces her dark intent, Discord is a little more of a diplomat, a politican if you will, and he wants to manipualte his perspective, more clever, possibly more corrupt, but I would have to say, Chysalis, and Discord are bent on the same thing, the only difference is, one will invade a wedding with an army of slaves and throw ponies in a dungeon with no food light or water to obtain said. To believe she cares about the changelings as more than pawns for her scheme would be like beleiving Discord has a higher use for the ponies hes manipulating, its manipulation, all of it, on both sides, thats what villains do.

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HERE IS THE MAIN DIFFERENCE SINCE YOU ARENT SEEMING TO GRASP IT NO OFFENSE. YES HE IS EVIL. but in his eyes, nah, he is doing what he believes he was intended to do. Chrysalis, EVIL AND PROUD OF IT.

You mean that Discord is even lying to himself and Chrysalis isn't? You know what? Now i see that this can be said for both. They actually have a lot in common... both are proud of being evil.

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You mean that Discord is even lying to himself and Chrysalis isn't? You know what? Now i see that this can be said for both. They actually have a lot in common... both are proud of being evil.

Discord tested the ponies friendship, sure he lied, sure he played games with them, but they didnt have to believe his BS, Chrysalis, nah, im oging rogue, disguise, and at the end of the wedding my dudes are gonna roll up and we are taking this bitch by storm.

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Discord doesn't view himself as evil, I'm a thousand percent positive of that.

He doesn't want to oppress people (they ARE oppressed, under his rule, but that's merely a side effect and you know it). Everything is all a big game to him, proving that he never takes anything seriously.


Even if he DID, at one point, his a$$ is whipped now and he's a force for good.

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Discord tested the ponies friendship, sure he lied, sure he played games with them, but they didnt have to believe his BS, Chrysalis, nah, im oging rogue, disguise, and at the end of the wedding my dudes are gonna roll up and we are taking this bitch by storm.

What? I don't get this... like at all... in fact i'm proud that i got to see a villain that actually had power beyond himself. One that defied and defeated the comsic reset button the ponies had. In fact i would co-operate with Queen Chrysalis rather than Discord to conquer Equestria. It would be more likely for me to win.

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Discord tested the ponies friendship, sure he lied, sure he played games with them, but they didnt have to believe his BS, Chrysalis, nah, im oging rogue, disguise, and at the end of the wedding my dudes are gonna roll up and we are taking this bitch by storm.

What do these guys think Chrysalis was going to do with the citizens of Equestria after they concquered, tickle them?

They were gonna suck their love out, and providing this image, it does not look pleasant at all:



Discord, as a side effect, will merely oppress the citizens and have them live in a world of chaos.

Edited by Dattebayo
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What? I don't get this... like at all... in fact i'm proud that i got to see a villain that actually had power beyond himself. One that defied and defeated the comsic reset button the ponies had. In fact i would co-operate with Queen Chrysalis rather than Discord to conquer Equestria. It would be more likely for me to win.

What is there not to get, discord lied and manipulated the ponies to spread up the elements of harmony, he didnt force them apart, they chose it themselves after beleiving lies. Chrysalis, is just flat out cut throat evi, no games, crazy shapeshift evil magic scheme, throw ponies underground to rot and starve brutal evil. Nothing not to get, its the facts.

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she embraces her dark intent


Discord TOTALLY embraces his dark intent too. He KNOWS he's hurting others and he's totally cool with that.

You said you believe that Discord does what he does because he believes he's meant to. If that's true and he believes he meant to upturn the lives of countless people for his own enjoyment, then I'd say that he's embraced his "dark intent" as well. He watches the pain and anger and sadness with a great big satisfied grin.




one will invade a wedding with an army of slaves and throw ponies in a dungeon with no food light or water


And the other will brainwash and break others, mutate living creatures, upturn lives and the cycles of nature...

I'm not seeing how he's the more harmless of the two.




To believe she cares about the changelings as more than pawns for her scheme would be like beleiving Discord has a higher use for the ponies hes manipulating,


Not really. I pointed out earlier that she may not care about the loss of a few, but they're still her people.

I've seen nothing to suggest that she'd be cool with the loss of her ENTIRE species as long as she was still in control. I think she believes that changelings are superior. So if she was the only one left, than what would be the point? She'd be in control and then she'd die. No legacy for the great changelings.

but they didnt have to believe his BS


You do know that he forcibly brainwashed Fluttershy right?

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Discord is like someone playing Gmod, while the npcs are everyone else. He eventually realized that he wanted to have friends, so he stopped playing around with chaos, except when it doesn't hurt anypony.


QC is just plain evil. She doesn't NEED love, it just makes her and her changeling swarm more powerful so they can conquer more places. Although this is mostly assumptions here.

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Discord TOTALLY embraces his dark intent too. He KNOWS he's hurting others and he's totally cool with that.

You said you believe that Discord does what he does because he believes he's meant to. If that's true and he believes he meant to upturn the lives of countless people for his own enjoyment, then I'd say that he's embraced his "dark intent" as well. He watches the pain and anger and sadness with a great big satisfied grin.





And the other will brainwash and break others, mutate living creatures, upturn lives and the cycles of nature...

I'm not seeing how he's the more harmless of the two.





Not really. I pointed out earlier that she may not care about the loss of a few, but they're still her people.

I've seen nothing to suggest that she'd be cool with the loss of her ENTIRE species as long as she was still in control. I think she believes that changelings are superior. So if she was the only one left, than what would be the point? She'd be in control and then she'd die. No legacy for the great changelings.


You do know that he forcibly brainwashed Fluttershy right?

Of course she wouldnt be cool if she lost all of her people, she would have nopony to maintain her power trip, which is, what oyu know she really cares about right? It's not about oh my people need a place to live in harmony, yadda, yadda, nah, it's we are taking over, because we CAN, we WILL, and I am a dark vengeful  bitch. Discord wnats to cause disharmony, because it is his harmony, with a name like Discord, to think he doesn't live and breathe disharmony would be kind of illogical. He mutated animals, he didnt kill and eat them, If I remember correctly I am pretty sure Chrysalis is on the "brainwashing" train as well, lets just ask Shining armor and the brides maids, and upturning lives, him seems like a new and different way to live, but still being alive, as opposed to being invaded and destroyed compeltley.

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Of course she wouldnt be cool if she lost all of her people, she would have nopony to maintain her power trip, which is, what oyu know she really cares about right? It's not about oh my people need a place to live in harmony, yadda, yadda, nah, it's we are taking over, because we CAN, we WILL, and I am a dark vengeful  bitch. Discord wnats to cause disharmony, because it is his harmony, with a name like Discord, to think he doesn't live and breathe disharmony would be kind of illogical. He mutated animals, he didnt kill and eat them, If I remember correctly I am pretty sure Chrysalis is on the "brainwashing" train as well, lets just ask Shining armor and the brides maids, and upturning lives, him seems like a new and different way to live, but still being alive, as opposed to being invaded and destroyed compeltley.



Seems like the main point of contention here is that you belief "life", no matter what KIND, is better than death.

Others believe that if there's nothing in life to enjoy, then it's meaningless.


But about Chrysalis' power trip, yeah it's totally a power trip.

But who cares? The Changelings certainly don't. They're all for this. Because if they DON'T find targets to feed off of, they'll starve to death.


But I don't really see the evidence that Chrysalis doesn't care at all for her people. Again I don't expect devotion, but I don't believe it's complete apathy either. I still think that she thinks her species is superior. Sure she loves having her own personal power, but I think she'd also like the idea of the Changeling dynasty continuing long after she's gone. She'll be remembered by her people as the Queen that gave them the world. She benefits and so do they.


And again, you're not acknowledging what Discord has done.

You said that they didn't have to listen to Discord, I pointed out that he wasn't giving them any choice, and you brought it back to Chrysalis.


So far it's pretty much seems that they've done they same things.

Chrysalis did it so she and her Changelings could have all the control and all the food they could ever want.

Discord did it for fun.

Chrysalis had to plot and plan and work to get on top.

Discord was already on top and just started snapping his fingers to screw with everyone around him.


I think Chrysalis is more sympathetic. Even if she's evil, her species is still predatory/parasitic.

If they decided to be nice and just hope that others would let them feed off them then they would probably have all died out long ago.

If Discord decided to be nice, well then he'd just be really bored. Forgive me if I do not weep for you Discord.

Edited by ShadOBabe
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Seems like the main point of contention here is that you belief "life", no matter what KIND, is better than death.

Others believe that if there's nothing in life to enjoy, then it's meaningless.


But about Chrysalis' power trip, yeah it's totally a power trip.

But who cares? The Changelings certainly don't. They're all for this. Because if they DON'T find targets to feed off of, they'll starve to death.


But I don't really see the evidence that Chrysalis doesn't care at all for her people. Again I don't expect devotion, but I don't believe it's complete apathy either. I still think that she thinks her species is superior. Sure she loves having her own personal power, but I think she'd also like the idea of the Changeling dynasty continuing long after she's gone. She'll be remembered by her people as the Queen that gave them the world. She benefits and so do they.


And again, you're not acknowledging what Discord has done.

You said that they didn't have to listen to Discord, I pointed out that he wasn't giving them any choice, and you brought it back to Chrysalis.


So far it's pretty much seems that they've done they same things.

Chrysalis did it so she and her Changelings could have all the control and all the food they could ever want.

Discord did it for fun.

Chrysalis had to plot and plan and work to get on top.

Discord was already on top and just started snapping his fingers to screw with everyone around him.


I think Chrysalis is more sympathetic. Even if she's evil, her species is still predatory/parasitic.

If they decided to be nice and just hope that others would let them feed off them then they would probably have all died out long ago.

If Discord decided to be nice, well then he'd just be really bored. Forgive me if I do not weep for you Discord.

And what exactly do we know about Discords "species" or how they are genetically wired? For all you know, he could be wired around Chaos, thus his name, or he is the idea of it, thus his name once again. She shows no compassion and it is a joke to  believe she would be capable of posessing any, she goes on a menacing Aria about hwo proud she is to be a liar and to be hateful. Discord could have done what he did, becasue again it could be what he was "genetically born to do".

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For all you'd know, Discord has been thinking of a plan for those many years he was turned to stone.

It's shown for a fact that he's still completely aware.


I'm fairly certain he didn't come up with the plans as he went along.

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Chrysalis is by far the more evil of the pair. While I can respect she was probably harvesting love for the survival of her race, she enjoyed making others suffer, she enjoyed turning the Mane 5, Shining Armor and Celestia against Twilight, and she especially enjoyed the destruction her Changelings wreaked upon Canterlot.


Discord, on the other hand, is little more than a prankster. He does have immense power at his disposal, however his intelligence is rather redacted to that of a class clown. Now, his intention to replace Harmony with Chaos may be evil, but he doesn't actually realize that what he is doing is evil. To him, it's more of a prank on the whole of Equestria. Would you really call a mere prank an evil deed?

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