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I Wish There Were More Bronies In Israel


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You probably know this one guy, TheLivingTombstone, he's pretty famous, and he's Israeli like me. But, unfourtunatley, him, me and probably like 20 others, are all the bronies there are here in Israel. I don't know if this is a disscussion as much as it is a blog, but tell me, do you have a lack of bronies in your country? And also, any suggestions on how to try to convert my friends into bronydom? I really want to talk to some bronies IRL...

Edited by RiverBankNut
  • Brohoof 2
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Ah, I love TheLivingTombstone! His remix of Discord was awesome!


But anyway, I have sort of the same problem, as there aren't really that many bronies here in southern US it seems...

I hope to possible meet some though. :)

  • Brohoof 2


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  • 6 months later...

Bro, I am Israeli. and Yeah we don't have a lot of Bronies out here. I wish I could find or see some Israeli wearing a Brony shirt! and After I  see one I will shit my self and give him /)

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I don't think forcibly encouraging people to enjoy something is the way to go about this.

It's one thing to introduce it to someone, but, actually wanting to CONVERT them?

It's very similar to trying to force religion on others for your own personal interests.

I know it's not that harmful, though I see little good in it.



I have no credit to opinion in this matter, but, do you have some particular reason for wanting this?


As I myself do not share the ideal of talking to such in my daily life, I cannot empathize with your issue.

(my experience with fanchat for any topic has been little more than people going "OMFG THATS SO COOL", "YEAH IKR", "THEY SHOULD LIKE, BLA BLA BLA", "YEA SO PRO" and whatnot)

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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This thread appears to be related to the My Little Pony franchise and/or the Bronydom in general. Thus, it has been sentenced to Sugarcube Corner.


This is an automatically generated message, by the way.

My signature broke


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just get them to watch an episode and if they dont like they dont like it 



nothing you can do just show them the best episode and maybe they will like it the more you push someone the more they hate the show


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Israel? Not sure. Although many Israelis reside in the U.S. 


If you really want to find more from your country, the internet is the way to go.

Edited by ~Vallo~



Your breath stinks.

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I just wished there were more bronies anywhere I hope soon enough that everyone everywhere will understand how we feel and become friendship followers :D



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oh lol so get this; I came into this thread to be all "oh you should talk to Brook he lives in israel" and then SURPRISE BROOK WAS THE ONE WHO MADE THE THREAD!


Honestly though, Brook, you should start up a meetup group or something if you wanna meet more bronies. Either that or you could just go hang out around the nerdy/dorky areas of your town/school/whatever and just hope for the best.

  • Brohoof 2

Just editing my signature to say that my behavior on here was cringe. I don't regret the friends i made but man i was cringe here

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I don't think forcibly encouraging people to enjoy something is the way to go about this.

It's one thing to introduce it to someone, but, actually wanting to CONVERT them?

It's very similar to trying to force religion on others for your own personal interests.

I know it's not that harmful, though I see little good in it.

Truth be told in the earliest days of the fandom that is exactly HOW it was spread.  Sure it has made people hate us, but it's also a display of our passion for the show.  To stop because we might be hated is not the right answer.  Not "shoving it down everyone's throat" hasn't stopped people from hating us.  There will always be those who hate us because of the nature of our fandom forcing people to question societal norms.


And also, any suggestions on how to try to convert my friends into bronydom? I really want to talk to some bronies IRL...

It starts with simply talking to people in a mundane manner about your hobbies passions, and it can be anything from.  Most will give you a negative response when/if you tell them you are a brony, do not act aggressively or overly defensive.  Be calm, yet assertive.  Be alright with them not liking the show, just simply share with them why you like it as much as you do and why you think it's a good thing.  Relate to them how good it has been for you.  Share with them the music, art, and stories that the fandom has produced, tell them of what has been accomplished by the fandom, tell them about how we have had fan names that have been made canon, tell them about how close the production team and the fandom are and how often they interact.  More people will respect passion for something over sheepishly hiding it in the shadows.  Might you be attacked or harmed for your views? Yes you can, however any punch thrown or hurtful word spoken shows to you and to others the despicable nature of those who attacked you.  Do not let it deter you.  If times become too hard or a situation too harsh, you have the rest of us here in this community to help you out and to help give you peace of mind.  I myself hit hard times financially and as such I wasn't going to be online as often, the very instant I let everyone in my personal circle of bronies know that I wasn't going to be online as often, many bronies opted to have donations taken up to help get me back on my feet.  I politely declined, but this goes to show you the lengths to which many bronies will go to look out for one another.  And to me, that's something special as it's a sense of camaraderie I haven't seen since I was in the Marine Corps.  It's something you won't see in any fandom(or any other civilian organization) anywhere in the world.  I wish you luck with all of this Brook, I will try to lend you advice as best I can and should you ever need it feel free to contact me.

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One of my friends (a Pegasister) visited Israel for the last two weeks.. Maybe one of you in Israel has heard about the group, they were from Germany and I think their group was called Peacemaker (only students)..


No matter, what I want to say is, maybe sometimes the Bronies and Pegasisters from all over the world join together, maybe without even noticing ;) so you can be sure you're not alone, maybe you're just not looking at the right person ;)

"No matter what. We have to live our lives with no regrets."

- Portgas D. Ace

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I actually don't know the situation here in Finland, but I am going to say that there aren't many bronies, if any besides me, here. I have yet to meet another Finnish brony, whether live or online.

Get through the unknown like your life depended on it.

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Truth be told in the earliest days of the fandom that is exactly HOW it was spread.  Sure it has made people hate us, but it's also a display of our passion for the show.  To stop because we might be hated is not the right answer.  Not "shoving it down everyone's throat" hasn't stopped people from hating us.  There will always be those who hate us because of the nature of our fandom forcing people to question societal norms.


I agree with every statement you have made.

However, my point, as I see, still stands.


I am an atheist. (sort of)

I used to be a Christian.

As a kid, it was awesome. Sunday school, fun stuff to do during weekends(had no games/net then) and so on and whatnot.

Over time, I began to despise it. I realized that I enjoyed being a Christian simply because someone else had told me it was good and righteous to be one.


I agree, we will always have haters for our admiration and fascination with MLP.

However, we do not always need haters who hate us bronies AND MLP for trying to force them into it?

In fact, we can avoid this, quite easily, given the choice, even.


Would you go so far as to ruin the reputation of MLP for others as well as the reputation of us bronies just for the possibility of getting a few new bronies?


This will not always be the case, but, it CAN happen and we CAN avoid it. We're even given the open option to avoid this particular brand of hatred.


I still have my say.

It is not the right answer? Perhaps it might not be.

Still, why not allow people to find their own way to enjoy MLP rather than shove your own opinions over their decisions?

I find that I tend to enjoy something most when I myself was the one to decide I liked it.

Edited by Sunset Spark

No words are greater than mine and every word already is, Hypocrisy.

I say that I can accept that everyone is of their own decisions.
Simply so that I may judge you all the way I want through the way you think.
When you proclaim that all have their right to opinion, understand that you are placing this claim above their opinions.
Hypocrisy isn't a sin. It isn't rude. It isn't wrong. It isn't right.
It's how we live our lives, down to every word spoken.

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I can't believe people actually came back to this topic :blink: I made it like 2 days after I joined the forums lol

oh lol so get this; I came into this thread to be all "oh you should talk to Brook he lives in israel" and then SURPRISE BROOK WAS THE ONE WHO MADE THE THREAD!


Honestly though, Brook, you should start up a meetup group or something if you wanna meet more bronies. Either that or you could just go hang out around the nerdy/dorky areas of your town/school/whatever and just hope for the best.

Actually, that's not a bad idea, but I would assume most of the bronies around here aren't my age, so meeting random adult strangers would be somewhat awkward. Also, I'm only 14, I can't even organize that much, and even if I do manage to pull something off, it would be lame as shit.


I'm Israeli but currently residing in America so I guess I don't really count. I'm going to come back but by the time I'd be back the show would be over.

Cool, how old were you when you moved?

Edited by Brook
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I agree with every statement you have made.

However, my point, as I see, still stands.


I am an atheist. (sort of)

I used to be a Christian.

As a kid, it was awesome. Sunday school, fun stuff to do during weekends(had no games/net then) and so on and whatnot.

Over time, I began to despise it. I realized that I enjoyed being a Christian simply because someone else had told me it was good and righteous to be one.


I agree, we will always have haters for our admiration and fascination with MLP.

However, we do not always need haters who hate us bronies AND MLP for trying to force them into it?

In fact, we can avoid this, quite easily, given the choice, even.


Would you go so far as to ruin the reputation of MLP for others as well as the reputation of us bronies just for the possibility of getting a few new bronies?


This will not always be the case, but, it CAN happen and we CAN avoid it. We're even given the open option to avoid this particular brand of hatred.


I still have my say.

It is not the right answer? Perhaps it might not be.

Still, why not allow people to find their own way to enjoy MLP rather than shove your own opinions over their decisions?

I find that I tend to enjoy something most when I myself was the one to decide I liked it.



Though I understand why you feel the way you do about it, what I described before is how I have converted over a dozen people(including all of my close friends) into the fandom, including two haters.  A third hater is now complicit and offers me no trouble for being a part of the fandom.  The one thing to make sure to do is to do it on an indivdual level, not to a group and not to do it out of spite.  As for forcing someone to like something, they won't have to.  No one is ever forced to join this or any other fandom and every person has a choice; just like you did and just like I did.  I wasn't forced into the fandom the moment a friend of mine starting talking to me about the show.  In fact when he did, I called him a faggot(something I don't say anymore) to his face.  I WAS one of those haters and I turned because he sat down and explained it to me.  If my friend had prescribed to your notion, I wouldn't be sitting here talking to you about this and much of the fandom wouldn't be here either.  The point of this story is that the ideal is to present the option to others so that they can, if they so decide, make an INFORMED DECISION about the show from someone who is actually a part of the fandom as opposed to the rest of the world's say on the matter.  Need I remind you of what Howard Stern, Fox News' Red Eye, and others have to say about bronies? The mainstream media is where most people will get their opinions of us.  If we stick only to ourselves, the rest of the world will never really know what we're about and they will believe whatever is floating around, good or bad.  Something of note is that I do not under any circumstance believe that anyone should be harassed or harass others into joining, which is what I believe you are talking about or that you believe I am talking about.  That being said, I'll simplify this for you, we must spread the knowledge to conquer the hate.  If we don't speak up, no one will ever know.  If we are not publicly bronies, then far fewer people will ever be presented with the thought of even watching the show.  Knowledge is power. /)


All this being said, we are a bit off topic.  If you'd like to continue talking with me and sharing our experiences on this, feel free to PM me so that we aren't interrupting everyone else. ;)

Also, I'm only 14, I can't even organize that much, and even if I do manage to pull something off, it would be lame as shit.

One thing you could try is to get a hold of Living Tombstone by appealing with your mutual heritage and see if he would be willing to appear at just such an event. I speak from experience as this is how many of the more succesfull meetups in my area are done. Albeit it's Xyro and Chef Sandy who live in my area.  I could wish it was Living Tombstone, but then who you would have? :P


Something else, you are never too young to learn how to start leading and taking charge.  The sooner you start the better you will be in the long run.  My advice on the subject is to not lord your leadership over others, it tends not to end well.  However every situation/person is different, so see what works for you.


well there are not many Australian bronies, yup, SO any Aussies, Im from tassie!! ya that tiny spec of land under australia that no one has ever heard of unless they are from Australia... XD


;)  Allow me to show you a few things:

^both Koroshi-ya and Feather are from Australia, and one of them is and EqD pre-listener.


Then there's Oatstralia Live which is hosted by a bunch of Australian bronies




oh, and all of the above will be at PonyconAU



I hope this has been enlightening. ^_^

Edited by Leatherneck
  • Brohoof 1
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  • 2 years later...

Bro, I am Israeli. and Yeah we don't have a lot of Bronies out here. I wish I could find or see some Israeli wearing a Brony shirt! and After I  see one I will shit my self and give him /)

I'd do it if I were from your country, but I don't live where you are, sorry. But if I was, i'd be wearing one of these:



Edited by Mezcass
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