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You just got kissed by your favorite pony. What do you do?

Vocal Symphonie

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*Knocking on door*


Me: *Goes to open it, sees Twilight Sparkle* I've watched too much MLP...

Twilight: Can I come in?
Me: Uh, sure? Are you real?
Twilight: (seductively) Yes, I am. *kisses me on the cheek*

Me: I don't- uh- but- wha? What just happened? Why did you do that?
Twilight: (still seductively) You're the most amazing thing I've seen.

Me: Um... *gives a nervous laugh* You like me?
Twilight: Of course.

Me: Well... *kisses Twilight*


And it escalated from there.

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Well obviously Pinkie Pie wouldn't kiss me because I'm a girl. XD!


If my boyfriend's OC came then I would freak out and we'd spend the whole day together. But if Best Stallion came... :o That'd be really weird and awkward.


*looks up from book* WHAT THE HECK GRAAH! Help mee! Wait I thought you were dead, didn't the mane six kill you?

Sombra: Sigh.

Me: I...oh my...you're freaking in my house! Where did you COME FROM?!

Sombra: *kisses me*

Me: *is shocked*

Sombra: opens purple smoking eyes Still uncertain I'm here?

Me: *is still in shock* *shakes head* I already have a boyfriend idiot! Go chase after some crystals!

Sombra: ...Grunt.


What would probably have happened last year XD before I met Nathan:

Me: *looks up from book* GAAH! What the hay?! Wha - what are you doing in my house?! Where did you come from, wait aren't you dead, WHAT IS GOING--

Sombra: *kisses me*


Sombra: Still uncertain I'm here?

Me: ...No.  :) But you can't stay here, I don't want eight million bronies swarming my house. :P

Edited by yayayayayala
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I would like totally freak out and like ponygasm all over the place and like throw a party form myself and my pet rock and then the next day i would go talk to her and I would ship us (ME x Rainbow Dash)

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I am going to restate what I originally posted (don't feel like editing the original): 

Here is my Official Reactions to getting kissed by Fluttershy in order: 










and then I would give Fluttershy a hug and then kiss her. 

  • Brohoof 1
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It's a toss-up. If it's Pinkie Pie or Sunset Shimmer, i'm going all in(no sexy stuff,though). If it's Diamond Tiara... i'm going to pony prison, I suppose. I wonder if they serve cake there?

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This is kinda of hard for me. What would I do? I oviously wouldn't get mad. But I wouldn't enjoy it cuz I'm not a clopper. Um...I guess I don't know what I'd do.

You don't need to be a clopper to enjoy kisses.

  • Brohoof 1
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It's kind of interesting to me some of the people who have responses like 



This is kinda of hard for me. What would I do? I oviously wouldn't get mad. But I wouldn't enjoy it cuz I'm not a clopper. Um...I guess I don't know what I'd do

I've just always felt that the body is less important than the soul. If my perfect someone comes wrapped up in an odd body, I don't care. That's not really what I find attractive. They can be man, woman, or talking pony, as long as they are special to me.

  • Brohoof 1
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That's not what I meant. I don't have a problem with cloppers but I wouldn't enjoy getting a kiss from a pony.

Meh, I couldn't care less.

If It happened, I'd be ecstatic, after probably fainting in pure bliss.

But that said, I wouldn't try and make it happen, but given the chance I totally would.

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In sub-sequence:

  • React in shock as Rarity kisses me.
  • Melt away as I return her affections.
  • Break apart, asking how she got into my house and into this world.
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I would feel weird inside since I just got kissed by an animal, and I would look at Pinkie Pie an give her a look that says "What are you doing?"

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