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You just got kissed by your favorite pony. What do you do?

Vocal Symphonie

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Da! It is good day to be brony!


Well, I guess I would grab her like if she was Sasha (Heavy Weapons Guy) and say: Kiss me, again.


Or go blank, probably.

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I would probably faint from shock. And when I wake up I will probably kiss and hug her back. :wub:

Then I will take her to the BOOKSTORE!

(If you can't guess who this pony is. *facehoof*)


Hmm...... is it Pinkie Pie? :D
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Hmm...... is it Pinkie Pie? :D



:P Nice one Pinkazoid/Candlejack.

Unfortunately it's not Pinkie Pie, sorry. Oh almost forgot. *facehoof*

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Oh god, Rainbow Dash.


Well for one, it would shatter the stereotype that she's lesbian, since I'm a guy.


Secondly I'd probably kiss back, assuming that we're both ponies and everything.

I've got enough crap going on in life to try to imaging what I'd do if a cartoonie kisses me.


'course I'd brag for hours on end here and no one would believe me for a second xD.

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I would do the same thing I did when I was first kissed in real life, ask myself if it really just happend and if I can do it again.

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But honestly, Fluttershy, my favorite pony, probally wouldn't do that. She probally has insufficent courage to look even a stallion in the eyes.


But if it really happened, it's all natural. I don't plan it out, just let it all fall into place on the spot.

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could two of your favorite ponies kiss you at once? like on the cheek? cause i have two ponies that are just so awesome :3


cause if Fluttershy and Vinyl Scratch both kissed me on the cheek, they would probably have to take me to the emergency room from all the blood coming out of my nose.
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Hmmmmm if some special somepony kissed me uh? (i'm thinking about this as if they were human)

well i have thought of dayout with AJ,i think abaout it being the magic hour,were the day is not yet gone and the night is not yet here.

as we lay on a hill in the orchard, the sweet summer winds brush by us i almost fall asleep cause on how relaxed i am with her,all of a sudden i feel surprised and a warm kiss with the a hint of apples,i open my eyes and as i look deep in her soft caring green eyes,as she looks lovely in the summer setting sun. (i'm going to stop it here for more then one reason lol)

Edited by krylonguard
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"Wow, I´ve heard rumors about it before, but never believed it´s true. So, it´s really true, Rainbow Dash? You like girls?" :lol:

Meh, you can´t say "no" to this stare:


Posted Image


soo... tempting...

now make an Applejack one so I can really make sure I kissed her back lol im kidding

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"It's okay mayor. That's cool but I think it would be best if we kept our relationship on a professional level only, K'?". Man, I'm a wimp at that whole relationship thing, so I'd just walk away.

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soo... tempting...

now make an Applejack one so I can really make sure I kissed her back lol im kidding


Here you are:



Posted Image



Oh my God so many characters to to write down, but yeah, I´m always done.. finished.

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Here you are:



Posted Image



Oh my God so many characters to to write down, but yeah, I´m always done.. finished.




didnt expect you to really make/find an applejack one... now if you guys would excuse me


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didnt expect you to really make/find an applejack one... now if you guys would excuse me



I just found it but no prob, the author made whole serie of these, so it wasn´t a big deal ;) Well, enjoy :lol:
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I would be kind of shocked because I'm straight...

Also, I'm not really attracted to ponies, so even if it was a stallion I don't know if I'd enjoy being kissed by one. I'd be touched, but still...

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um....considering my favorite pony is a filly and....you know....a pony....I'd be a bit weirded out.


can I have a humanized version of my SECOND favorite pony? If that were the case I would be totally ok with this.

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Punch Fluttershy in the face for her audacity, then immediately regret it. Panic as I run around the room, my mind racing in a feeble attempt to conjure a solution. Go check her pulse, then remember that she's not human, so I don't know where her arteries or heart are, or if you can even feel a pony's heartbeat. Rush to the hospital, then promptly get sent away because of course, no doctor has any experience with ponies. Feel horrible about myself and about the fact that I just killed my favorite pony. Eventually shoot myself in the face out of self-hatred.


Or I could just kiss her back.

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If Luna kissed me... My first thought (human) would be about how I was just kissed by a pony. But then I'd realize she an intelligent being. I always figured that if these ponies are as intelligent as humans I wouldn't see that big of a problem. Their not like the ponies you see here so I would probably except Luna's kiss. :D


Sorry if I weird anyone out with what I'm about to post here, but I think my thought process would be something like Twinight125's here. I would realize that it's a pony that just kissed me on the lips, but I would also know that it wasn't an animal that did it. These ponies from MLP are clearly capable of being in a relationship the same way us humans have relationships with each other.


So, if best pony (Twilight) confessed her feelings for me, and she told me how much she liked me before kissing me, even though I'm a different species, I would try my best to keep my cool(And probably fail miserably. I mean, It's TWILIGHT I just got kissed by), and tell her that she's very brave for confessing her feelings for me, before returning the feelings back to her.


And it doesn't HAVE to be Twilight. I think it's possible for me to return feelings for any of the mane 6, and even many ponies outside of the mane 6. Almost all of them have really interesting and attractive characteristics, despite them being ponies.


And really, if you think about it, if you're going to turn down a really kind and loving person just because they look different, that's racist in my book. I know they are different species and all, but still, that's all it really is in my eyes; they just look different. You just need to remember that they are not animals, because animals don't have personalities.




*Blush* W-well... if something like that happens, then... it happens. That's where most relationships go after a while.


S-sorry, but... yeah. *Shrug* :blush:


And if she didn't want to do that stuff, EVER, then I would totally understand that, and I most certainly wouldn't leave her or cheat on her because of it(I mean, it's Twilight, why anyone would want to cheat on TWILIGHT for ANYTHING is anyponies guess). But if smexy time DID happen, then... yeah...


*Finally notices everyone in the thread giving me a look of horror and disgust*




*Someone in the background faints*


Heh-heh... uh...


*Slowly starts for the exit*

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