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Post your unpopular opinions

Lord Theoretical

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The Wii U will not fail, and it has the potential to become the best console of this generation.

The Wii U is a failure. A big failure I may add.

This is funny. However, I must agree with Eddie for the most part.


-It kind of annoys me when someone says "I hate dogs, cats are SO much better" or vice versa. I mean, c'mon, the cats and/or dogs you've met aren't like, universal examples of their respective species.

-"Bats!" is probably the worst episode of Season 4 so far. I don't know why I keep saying that, but I just thought it was really dumb.

-It's annoying to see "defiantly" used in place of "definitely". I can understand misspellings such as "definately" (although that still irks me a bit) but "defiantly"? If you sound it out, it's very obvious that it isn't right.

Look upon my awesome signature, ye users, and despair!

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MLP Related

  • The Return of Harmory sucked and there  should have been more depth on Discorded Twilight and the ending felt rushed. On top of Discord lacked villian charm that other  viallians like Loki and Aku had/have.
  • I hate Shining Armor and Cadence because they made  no appearences or metions before Canterlot Weeding
  • I consider Canterlot Weeding my most hated epsiode becuase it was way too cheezy and had a lot of plot holes


  • I think consoles suck because it is (no offense) gaming for kids now
  • I think paying for online is f-ing stupid
  • I think the Sonic games are never going to be good
  • I loathe MMOs
  • I think the 360 will  be useless by 2017
  • Anyone who likes/plays the NFL games shouldnt be called a gamer
  • Anyone who plays Call of Duty shouldnt be called a gamer


  • I loathe Facebook
  • I like Halloween because its not as religous as Chirstmas or other holdiays of the year
  • I find Val. day annoying
  • I connsider anyone who wears their hats  backwards or hoods up inside  stupid
  • I loathe weedings
  • American Football has no logic in it at all
Edited by COBLoneWolf
  • Brohoof 3
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The brony fandom is not that great anymore.


I love racially diverse human forms of MLP characters.


Halo is the most overrated and boring piece of shit on the planet.


Winter sucks, and snow does too.

Edited by A Doge
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The brony fandom is not that great anymore.


I love racially diverse human forms of MLP characters.


Halo is the most overrated and boring piece of shit on the planet.


Winter sucks, and snow does too.

i cant help but agree with everything you said. ((especially the second one my humanized Twilight is dark skinned and i think she is gorgeous))

  • Brohoof 1

"Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine~?"

Loki is my boyfriend, Madoka is my waifu and 2-D is my lover. Aint got no real boys that like me tho

Talk to me about music, i love music.

"Up on melancholy hill, theres a plastic tree~ are you here with me~?"

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i cant help but agree with everything you said. ((especially the second one my humanized Twilight is dark skinned and i think she is gorgeous))

Thanks! I've always loved the diverse human forms because it actually has a realistic feeling to me.

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Most of what people today call "music" is overrated garbage.

Video game music is better than "actual music"

Linux is, in its current state, in no way, shape or form a suitable replacement for Windows or OS X (coming from a former user)

Controllers, in most games, will never beat a keyboard + mouse

Twilicorn hate is beyond overdone and should have died months ago. Last year.

Call of Duty "tournaments" are not actual tournaments, they're just swearfests

F2P, if done right, can be a legitimate business model

If you get your MLP news from Horse News, I cannot take you seriously

30FPS shouldn't be a standard or even acceptable in gaming

Anime is overrated (coming from someone who used to watch it)

Majora's Mask is better than The Wind Waker and deserves a HD remake even more than The Wind Waker did

Edited by Daring
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1) I really liked the new Star Trek movie


2) I think gender identity is silly- if you're a gentle person that likes pink and getting manicures, then you're a gentle person that likes pink and manicures. Masculine, feminine, gender neutral, omnigender, genderfluid- all just meaningless words


3) I like paying taxes: knowing that I'm contributing to the vital things a society needs, police, healthcare, roads, foreign relations, etc...Granted I'd like the funds distributed differently (less defense more welfare)

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Also I think Libertarianism is the worst political ideology ever thought of, just the idea of it is going to fail because the only thing most are concerned with nowadays is legalizing weed and getting rid of taxes.








3) I like paying taxes: knowing that I'm contributing to the vital things a society needs, police, healthcare, roads, foreign relations, etc...Granted I'd like the funds distributed differently (less defense more welfare)


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I think the only intelligent form of music is jazz or classical, but mostly jazz. I don't mind listening to other gentes, but the only truely artistical and virtuous misic comes from jazz and classical (but mostly jazz). There, haters gonna hate.


I sort of agree, plus, it is proven that students do better on tests while listening to classical and jazz music compared to rock and pop.


I just can't get into it, i'm a 70's rock guy. But, I have somewhat of a varying musical taste.

I never watch movies under PG-13, Unless I have to


Smoke on the Water is the worst Deep Purple song (most people will be liek: WTF is a Deep Purple?)


Pop and (CERTAIN) Dubstep is complete garbage


Fuck Stairway to Heaven


Here's something some of you can agree on: I repeat NO, NO OC can interrupt the main plot of the storyline/be part of the Mane 6.

I actually like DmC and Bronies suck.



Obvious troll is obvious.

I think cloppers are disgusting.




Hold on I think I'm gonna go kill myself real quick, be right back.  :(


Sweet Sig by Lunia

Avatar Image by PegasisterJayfeather

CM By Scilight Paitanibu 

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1. I support gay marriage 

2. I actually like rage comics

3. I think furries are cool

4. I think reality shows are overrated

5. I don't mind cloppers (I am not a clopper)

6. I hate Pokemon

7. I think Dragonball is stupid

8. I think Nyan Cat is original and adorable

9. I hate Obama 

10. I like pro football, but I don't get why people have flamewars over which team is best and try to convert everyone to like their team.

Edited by HerpDerp88
  • Brohoof 2

"The question that drives me hazy:am I or the others crazy?"-Albert Einstein

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Most of what people today call "music" is overrated garbage.

Video game music is better than "actual music"

Linux is, in its current state, in no way, shape or form a suitable replacement for Windows or OS X (coming from a former user)

Controllers, in most games, will never beat a keyboard + mouse

Twilicorn hate is beyond overdone and should have died months ago. Last year.

Call of Duty "tournaments" are not actual tournaments, they're just swearfests

F2P, if done right, can be a legitimate business model

If you get your MLP news from Horse News, I cannot take you seriously

30FPS shouldn't be a standard or even acceptable in gaming

Anime is overrated (coming from someone who used to watch it)

Majora's Mask is better than The Wind Waker and deserves a HD remake even more than The Wind Waker did

Wow I agree with your first 2 ones, and your one about twilicorn hate being overdone. Seriously I enjoy how video game music has an orchestra feel to it.  

Edited by ChikoritaBrony



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6. I hate Pokemon


Finally, somebody who agrees with me, the whole concept of the game just bores me, and the fans of it can be really irritating at times.

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-honestly (you are all going to murder me but) in my opinion, my little pony really isnt the greatest :o its good! its just not my favourite.

-i like EqG better than the show itself


-i love rap, Madchild is my favourite rapper foreverr.

-i don't see how Gorillaz fans can ship 2D and Murdoc, i don't see any chemistry. Although i do ship Murdoc and Noodle 100% there are so many romantic vibes between them in my opinion :)

"Maybe in time, you'll want to be mine~?"

Loki is my boyfriend, Madoka is my waifu and 2-D is my lover. Aint got no real boys that like me tho

Talk to me about music, i love music.

"Up on melancholy hill, theres a plastic tree~ are you here with me~?"

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- Drugs are overrated.

- Ivy League colleges are overrated. (and my Brown University alumni mother agrees)

- Picking a job you enjoy but doesn't pay isn't the greatest decision.

- Some kind of college is necessary to get anywhere in life.

- There is no such thing as omnigender or bigender. You're either one or the other.

- The craziest people are the ones who say they're sane.

- Seinfeld sucks monkeys.

- YOLO needs to die.


That's all I have for now.

  • Brohoof 2


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Call of Duty is the worst fps ever.


Halo is overraited.


John Cene needs to get hit by a car, and end up unable to do anything anymore...while we're at it, Hulk Hogan can too. They both need to go away.


Rainbowdash sucks...>.>


Gnomes are the greatest race in WoW!!!

Edited by Zhortac
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Feel free to add me on steam if you want to play something. Also don't be afraid to message and talk to me. I've had bad luck when I start a conversation, so I more then likely won't start one.

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Linkin Park is still good


I hate anime. It's repetitive and annoying. All the characters look the same. The voice acting is generally terrible as well.


Hockey sucks

Edited by Rivendare
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Winter sucks, and snow does too.


This is an unpopular opinion? o.O


I feel the very opposite, like I'm completely alone for actually liking winter and snow. Online it may not seem as rare, but IRL I feel like I'm alone. Any time we have the slightest bit of a cold spell everybody starts whining "I hate winter!" "It's so cold!" "When is Spring coming?" It starts flurrying outside: "When is the snow going to end? Is it ever going to end?" (even though we've had like five inches TOTAL the entire season)


It's actually nauseating to me, because everybody says it all of the time. The weather forecasters say it. The newspeople say it after the forecasts. Random people walking by me talk to themselves about it. Coworkers talk about it. My friends talk about it.


It's like everybody is programmed to say those same generic lines, and I'm like "Ohhh please. Once Spring comes it'll be hot and you'll be whining about that, too" Which is exactly what happens where I live. We have a little cold spell and they run around acting like it's the end of the world, when the day before it was 70 degrees, and one week from then it will be 70 degrees again.




Good grief. It really does make me feel like Twilight in the picture above. >.>

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Hopefully no one hates on me for what I am about to write.

I think Doctor Who is overrated. I just don't think it's all that great



number 2

The school system. I believe that it forces people to think a certain way


and last one is people who obsess over people. Like famous people. It's okay to admire them but you don't need to go full blown creep on them 

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