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Your worst injury


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Well i had 2 really bad injuries i think when i was 5 or 7 the first one was when i was helping my parents by quickly going upstairs while carrying the groceries, I think i tripped and i fell directly on my face, lucky me it wasn't a direct impact, actually it was more like at a side of my right eye, it hurt A LOT and now i have little scar, the other one was on vacation the wind was too strong and I for some reason decided to go out and the wind pushed my foward again i fell directly on my face and more exactly my teeth, i didn't lose any but they had to put stitches and all of that, but at least now my teeth are almost alright i think there are some of them that are a little bit broken, but that can be fixed


Also I have something really weird, sometimes I feel a terrible pain on my side, like if something is poking my lungs or stomach, and then it just dissapears, it's unusal to happen, but when it does, it hurts too much!

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I broke my damn pelvis when I was 12. I was playing a fullback in soccer for PE (from what I remember a fullback is just supposed to keep the ball away, and kick it back the other way.) So I see a ball coming towards me from the air, I go to kick it but I don't judge the angle right. Then I hear a POP on the right side of my hip area, and immediately fell to the ground.


Apparently the ligament coming from my thigh up to my pelvis was stretched and eventually pulled bone with it. Imagine you have a sponge and you slightly tear the corner off but not completely off, that is what happened to my pelvis. I was lucky too. At age 12, your bones are still a little spongy and not as hard as an adults. If I was an adult the ligament would have torn which would have ultimately been worse, since tearing muscle/ligaments/tendons grow back weaker. Crutches for two weeks and some mild physical therapy.


Other than that, I sprained my ankle, and stretched a ligament in my right big toe. Had to wear a boot for each of those for about a week. I have had a couple of concussions which weren't too serious. Then the other bad injury was my tonsils being four times larger than they should have been, and being pitted. But surgery took care of that.


Well I wouldn't say mine are all injury but here a list:

1. I had a heart attack at the age of 10 do to stress

2. shot my self at age 13 in the lag.(ya I know...)

3.Was in a car reck at 14 poped my shoulder out and broke some ribs

4.was 16 and had another heart attack to stress

5.16 and bansaw blade explodes and cuts in to my kidny

6.lastly a week ago got in a reck again and this time I have a metal bar in my shoulder

that it for this moose


Two heart attacks? And that young? I have never heard of someone getting that. Sorry bro. :(

“The essence of the independent mind lies not in what it thinks, but in how it thinks.”
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that is crazy! the type of thing people sue each other over. damn, did that person get reprimanded? construction is such a hazardous job as it is, i can't believe someone would be messing around like that on the job.


nah, the owner of the company is my uncle, and the person who did it was his son(my cousin) so, i didn't want to sue family.






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Well, obviously it can't compete with any of your guys's injuries, but my worst was probably when I was 8 years old and I slid down the stairs. The corner of one of the stair's balusters cut nearly a centimeter into the skin between my pinkie toe and my other toe. I still have a scar from it.

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I was too young to remember exactly what happened, but I fell down the stairs because my parents left the gate open, and my head was split open. Ever since then I haven't really been injured badly :)

top lel

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Really nothing intense on my end. I don't like sports so I'm not athletic *which effectively kills off endless chances to get hurt*, and I'm generally very careful. The worst injury I ever got was when I was about nine, where I slipped on a sheet of ice at school and hit my head incredibly hard on the solid ice. Ouch. Don't recall specifics of what it did to my head but I recovered fully, obviously.


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I remember in summer of 09', Me and a friend were on a go-kart track. there were about 5 of us there, and it was a figure-8 track. at one point, one of the kids' steering wheel lost control and he couldnt drive his car right. he slammed right into me, and my kart was beside a big rail. i slammed my head into the rail, my eye, and it got a straight cut from top to bottom of my eye. went through my lid, too. they said i might need sugery to patch up the flesh wound inside, but it was unlikely. all they needed to do was get stithes in, and it was fine. I had to keep my eye shut, though, or else the stiches would get close and lock on.

"I swear I didn't know!" -Myself  :ph34r:

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From worst too.....Not as worse ?


1. the most gruesome injury I have ever had would be the time I was jumping on a trampoline I cant really remember how it happened but I dislocated my thumb and it was backwards When I looked at my palm I could see my thumb nail and then when I get to the hospital the doctor is out at his cottage on an island and he said he couldn't come so the nurse who had never done it before had to turn it back around and put it back into the socket.


2.I broke my arm and It should have been reset but it wasn't so not my arm has this weird bump on it, and when I play my ukulele for too long it starts to hurt.


3. and I fell of the back of a boat and on the back there is a little cleat that you would put a rope thru and when I fell I fell onto the and ended up getting a cut just below my kneecap that was about an inch deep it only needed six stitches because it wasn't that wide and it didn't really hurt all that much ether I mean it did hurt allot but not as much as you would think.



One last thing that may not be an injury but GOD DAMN IT ANNOYS THE HELL OUTA ME anywho one of my toes randomly just dislocates itself, it hurts sometimes but most of the time its just super super uncomfortable.

Edited by Flame Dancer

Something something something something


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Ran into a wall a busted the side of my face open :/ I got a ton of stitches but I DIDN'T EVEN CRY.Damn,Im manly.


You and me both. When I was younger I was running around my house with my cousins and I ran right into a wall and cracked my head open. Maybe that's tied with the time my friend and I was playing soccer and we were packing up. He saw an opportunity and tripped me. Evidently I tumbled down a hill and snapped my left collar bone clean upwards
  • Brohoof 1
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You and me both. When I was younger I was running around my house with my cousins and I ran right into a wall and cracked my head open. Maybe that's tied with the time my friend and I was playing soccer and we were packing up. He saw an opportunity and tripped me. Evidently I tumbled down a hill and snapped my left collar bone clean upwards


Wow that's some pretty hardcore stuff right there :o .You'd be accepted into the salty spitoon any-day B).
  • Brohoof 1



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Im to cautious to seriously injure myself (you can't accuse me of staying inside all the time). The worst injury I've gotten was I tripped down the stairs and ripped my toenail clean off it hurt a lot when it happen and I had to limp around for the rest of the week but there wasn't really a lot of aftermath.


lets hope this works

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Ooooo, that's a hard one. I'd say my worst injury would've been when I was about 10 or 11. Bunch of the kids in my neighborhood, including my sister and myself, were playing on a woodpile (don't ask me why... just, ya know, kids, woodpile, we could imagine anything as being some sort of fort or structure at that age ^_^ ). Anyway, I fell down at one point, and I didn't just fall down, I landed on my side on either a stick or a nail of some sort. To this day, I still have the scar on my right side; I call it my "Jesus" wound... :blink: sorry if that's offensive to anypony, because that's totally unintentional. I'm a Christian myself, and only call it that since Jesus was pierced in his side by a Roman soldier during the Crucifixion, and I'm ranting now. Anyway, yeah, that's the worst injury I've ever had, not counting any illnesses or allergic reactions I've ever had.


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when i was 9 i tried to learn a bit of acrobatics, but then someone kicked a football (soccer) ball into my face and i crushed, dragged 3 metters on my face on a rocky floor

i was bleeding from more then half of my face




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Well it depends if you can remember it.

I have two stories

1. This was a condition. When I was born I didn't eat and soon it was so bad I had to go into ICU. I was hooked to a feeding tube and soon I ate. At 6 months they discovered I had a heart condition that needed to get fixed. I did get it fixed but my life wasn't over. That is a different story. I have a scar still there and I'm 15.

2. This is my worst injury, but it didn't leave any scars. I was bike ride racing with my brother. We go to a certain point where if he went this way, he would have passes me. Since my bike was a gear bike. I changed speeds from 6 to max which is 8. I tried to cut him off. This turned out to be a disaster. My brother has a peg bike. My back bike wheel and his front peg almost met. We reached a car. We got close to the end and I pushed a little but harder. I flew over the car (it was a red ford pick up truck.) I landed on my elbow and knee. I think I pernamently messed it up. That was my worst injury

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nah, the owner of the company is my uncle, and the person who did it was his son(my cousin) so, i didn't want to sue family.


gotcha, well hopefully a lesson there was learned and he quits fooling around :P glad you're alright though

  • Brohoof 1

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After barely reading half of the answers, I feel I have done very little in life to cause myself injury... I guess I should be happy for that?

The worst injury I have gotten is a mild concussion when I crashed with my bike cause a freaking huge fly wanted to land in my face.

You are allowed to laugh :mellow:


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one day i was waiting for my cousins to show up and i was at the end of my drive way kicking rocks around in my flip flops, my skin on my big toe peeled, it was supper disgusting, hurt SOOOOOOO BAD. and then my other bad injuries, my friend torian picked me up and dropped me before school started and later that day (still having trouble walking) i tried to do a split on the rug at the end of math class, i got a HUGE rug burn and it started bleeding too. and the worst part was, the nurse was too stupid and careless to send me home, I COULD BARLEY WALK! :P

Big Time Rusher Pony!


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After barely reading half of the answers, I feel I have done very little in life to cause myself injury... I guess I should be happy for that?

The worst injury I have gotten is a mild concussion when I crashed with my bike cause a freaking huge fly wanted to land in my face.

You are allowed to laugh :mellow:


I used to race motor-go-karts, i was practicing going around the track trying to get better lap times, my visor on my helmet was only a fraction open and a wasp (i'm allergic to them) decided to land on my visor and crawl into my helmet, i ended up watching the wasp rather than the track and ended up going across the grass, i came skidding into the pits and threw my helmet off and the wasp flew off. While i didn't get injured myself it did bend the chassis of my kart when i went off the track -.-

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I've never been seriously injured as far as I remember. The only sort of "injury" to speak of I remember having was spraining my toe hours after having ingrown toenail surgery on it - that was pretty damn bad.

I frequently edit my new posts to fix grammatical errors or to reword stuff, so sorry if I make it look like I'm forging my messages to change the meaning of anyone's replies or something.


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All of your stories pale in comparison to the tragedy of MY injury. I used to be an adventurer, but then I took and arrow to the knee.


No but seriously you guys get injured a lot its not even funny :S

the worst injury i ever had was when I stubbed my toe riding my red wagon down the stairs. The toenail fell off, but it didn't really hurt all that bad. The only hard part was explaining that yes, i was indeed riding a wagon down the stairs. I was 13 at the time.

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It's rather stupid, but when I was nine I twisted my ankle which led to me falling down a flight of stairs. I somehow gashed my back on the wooden corner on the bottom of the stairs and smacking my head on ceramic tile. I didn't even notice my back was bleeding at first, I was probably distracted from the pain I had in my head. I ended up getting a few stitches on in my back and taking a lot of Tylenol.


"Pain Is our Teacher.
Fear Is our Motivation
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If you take those away, all you have left is a boring life."
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Sounds like some bad injuries, and from this page alone...

My worst one (so far) is five stitches on my eyelid.


You see, I was at a pool, and there was a gutter with a lip. I grabbed onto the gutter, as I had before, to push myself down to the 12 ft. bottom of the pool. But this time, my head hit the lip. I go almost all of the way down, hand over my eyelid, feeling completely normal. It's only when I showed it to my mom that I realized it was kinda bad. Only one, big fat deep red drop of blood came out. The doc was saying four stitches, but in the end, he had to put in five. To this day (It was around 4-6 years ago), I still have the scar.

Don't like too much gore? Skip the spoiler... (It has to do with my eyelid and isn't too bad, but still...)



The doc told me if the injury was a bit deeper, he would be able to peel back my eyelid and see my eye.



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