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Do you think Twilight has OCD?

Le Kvlt Dawn

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Based on Lesson Zero and It's About Time, it's pretty safe to say Twilight has OCD. There are several examples as to why, although I think the other members have already covered them in this thread. Still, that's not a bad thing, as that's what makes her character unique and funny.

Edited by TrueBrony
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Yeah, it does seem like she has OCD. She likes everything to be organized just right and she likes to follow things by the book. If you ask me, it's one of those traits that make Twilight.. Well Twilight. And I like that it..


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Yes, Twilight does have OCD. She manifests at about the same level as I do. Most of the time I'm fine, but there are things that can trigger me off into a near "Lesson Zero" state of mind.


Even when I say "Most of the time I'm fine" I have to have everything exactly right. When I vacuum, I ALWAYS do it the exact same pattern. There have actually been quite a few times where I caught my husband doing the vacuuming, and I had to take over and start at MY beginning point even when he complains that he was almost finished! (That always amuses him. I think he does it on purpose. I married a troll!)


                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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You want to be melted over the wall of her library?

Take her copy of Encyclopedia Equestria G-K and place it before Encyclopedia Equestria A-F.

You've been warned.

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Well, let's take a look at the footage...


:huh: Hmmm... pshhhhhh, nahhhhhhhh!!! B) OK, OK, just kidding, she's definitely OCD. But actually, while that particular clip may be the most definitive evidence that she's OCD, I did not first think she was OCD after seeing "Lesson Zero". There was a lot of evidence in Season 1 that suggested she was OCD; the first instance I can really think of would be in "Look Before You Sleep," the slumber party episode, when, after the tree had crashed through the window, all Twilight kept doing was consulting her slumber party guide book for a solution! ^_^ Looking at it in hindsight, that was pretty nutty, and if Applejack and Rarity hadn't come up with a solution as quick as they did, she might've gone of the deep end!!! But that struck me as pretty OCD when it happened. However, as practically every other pony has said, I find her OCD (well, when it doesn't make her a raving lunatic) to be quite a cute part of Twi's personality! B)


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Yup, Twi is veeeery OCD. But I don't blame her. If I had a whole library of books, was the student of the ruler of Equestria, and is the wielder of one of the Elements of Harmony, I think that would leave alot of responsibility on my shoulders, and be sure everything goes right.

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I actually think Twilight's best example of OCD was in "It's About Time" It has one of my favorite quotes from the entire series in it.


"I thought I saw something last night in the Horse Head Nebula, but after staring at it for 3 straight hours, I realized, I was wrong!"


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I think you could say that every main character has some kind of mental issue. Either Twilight does have OCD, or she really loves organization but it isn't exactly on OCD level. I don't know, I like organization too but I don't have OCD.

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Yes, I do believe Twilight Sparkle is OCD, because I too am OCD.


And as said her "problem" can actually be quite beneficial. Well when its not causing her to go crazy and enchant her doll thus causing to fight over it and....


ahh yeah aside from that its overall a good problem to have...at least imo.

Edited by Stereopony454
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So I just watched "Lesson Zero" and she got really worried about her letter. In the second half of the episode I though she went completely insane. Especially the part with the Smarty Pants doll and the cutie mark crusaders.


Of course she's insane. But if you look at history, most brilliant people were viewed as utterly insane in their day. Look at them now.

And everyone has OCD, (CDO!) but of varying severity.

Logic is no fun!

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  • 8 months later...

Of course I even looked it up in the dictionary and saw her picture in there, granted it was a crudely drawn picture and the next page had the words "Spike was here" written in them but it all there. In all seriousness though, yeah she totally does I don't usually diagnose characters like that as the brain is a very complicated thing but it is such an obvious and over the top case that you can't possibly ignore it.

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I do not think she is OCD. OCD means that you feel physical pain whenever something is not the way the mind feels it should be. Twilight does not exhibit this. If anything, she may have what is Known as OCPD, or Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder. Generally, people like this are more paranoid than others, will not get rid of things in fear that they may need them later, and act in similar ways to Twilight. Even then, OCD is a rare condition, and stems mostly from genetic inheritance. Her parents do not seem OCD, and we have no idea if her ancestry had an OCD diagnosis. It would be more safe to assume OCPD, and even safer to assume that she is merely overly paranoid.

  • Brohoof 1

Riley was here

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I wouldnt call it OCD but rather OC ( obsessive compulsive ) . Because its a good thing when it comes to Twilight and her personality. It helps with her magic and planning, her organizing and her punctuality. I say OC because in this case it's not a bad thing, and the word DISORDER implys negativity. She is very obsessive about her planning and organizing and compulsive in regards to her punctuality and other deadlines, such as in the episode Lesson Zero.

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I say OC because in this case it's not a bad thing

I would call it more of a double edged sword myself, it has helped with her organizing, planning and punctuality but she has taken it to such extremes that she often fails to see the big picture and even slight changes in her routine or anything is slightly amiss can cause her mild and in some cases severe mental, emotional and psychological distress and that is where the disorder part of the equation comes in. Not every trait of a disorder is bad and in some cases can be a bit of a mixed blessing, as I believe is the case with Twilight. She has gotten better in this regard though with a case as serious as what prompted situation like those in Lesson Zero she will never be completely "normal" but could at least be a bit closer to it.

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I wouldnt call it OCD but rather OC ( obsessive compulsive ) . Because its a good thing when it comes to Twilight and her personality. It helps with her magic and planning, her organizing and her punctuality. I say OC because in this case it's not a bad thing, and the word DISORDER implys negativity. She is very obsessive about her planning and organizing and compulsive in regards to her punctuality and other deadlines, such as in the episode Lesson Zero.


Very true. I'm surprised nobody has mentioned this scene:



While very subtle compared with Lesson Zero it does still show this.

  • Brohoof 1

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I wouldn't call it OCD but rather OC ( obsessive compulsive ) . Because it's a good thing when it comes to Twilight and her personality. It helps with her magic and planning, her organizing and her punctuality. I say OC because in this case it's not a bad thing, and the word DISORDER implys negativity. She is very obsessive about her planning and organizing and compulsive in regards to her punctuality and other deadlines, such as in the episode Lesson Zero.


True. Very true.


I think it's just a part of her personality to be very organized and rather obsessive. It might be also part of how she was raised. The Princess of the Sun must be quite organized, yes?



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  • 8 years later...

I can't remember the source but I remember reading something that suggested that Twilight might have OCPD which is a "cousin" to OCD. OCPD (Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder). The Mane difference is that OCD is often tied to anxiety or fears, OCPD is tied to a self-driving need for perfection. People with OCPD often strive to make everything in their environment perfect. There's some other differences but this is the quick and easy explanation. 

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