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open Ask any pony on a date!

My little pwny

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All of the Birthday messages today have been amazing! Thank you all for making me feel special!


Reply tiem! now with 99% more color! Oh, and before I forget. There's an announcement in the OOC thread concerning the anniversary of the thread, Nothing is set in stone yet. But we're planning something really special!


Suddenly, Gilda is Beside you. “Hey, How’s it goin? This guy bothering you? Lemme take care of him.” Gilda spins around to face the Raging DJ. “Woah Dude, What’s your Problem?”

The DJ Glares at Gilda. “THAT JERK INSULTED MY SET!” He screams, pointing an accusatory hoof at you.

“Yeah? So what? Losing your cool like that ain’t cool dude.”

“Uh, I... Gah. What business is it of yours?” The DJ Demands to know.

Gilda puts a wing across you. and pulls you in close. “We’re together. If you have a problem with him you have a problem with both of us. Do you think you can take on two griffons by yourself? No? Then GET LOST!”

The DJ Squeaks in fear as Gilda roars the last two words, then he slowly slinks away into the crowd.


Animae chuckled happily "You're hot when you're angry." he smiled "Did you replace the vinyls with some better ones?" he smiled, knowing she wouldn't fail. "Yeah, you did, I trust you. Now, let's figure out how best to use this pile of manure they call music. What do you think?"

'The dark lord was stood in front of his throne of lies and deceit and he was playing the violin.
He looked towards them, a tear rolling down his cheek.
"Why don't you stay a while and listen as all turns to dust at the hands of my son?" his voice as soft as silk........'

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Okay lucky scarf ready, don't be shy don't get scared.

"Hey Spitfire you have amazing athletic abilities only I could ever dream of possessing, would it be okay if you can take a relaxing break from all that flying and just sit on a cloud and watch the stars with me tomorrow night? I will be pleased if you say yes."

Edited by ChikoritaBrony
  • Brohoof 1



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“Oh, well umm yeah...” Lyra lowers her head a little. “That doesn’t bother you does it? I mean, I know human stories are supposed to be for little kids, but...”


"No it doesn't bother me, I was just saying because I think that is really cool you believe in that" Seeing her lower her head he hoped he didn't embarrass her. He thought she was going to say something more, but stopped. They were in the park now so he decided to not to pursue the topic if she didn't want to.

"Well here we are" An idea came to mind. He turned to face Lyra,in one fluid and flourish movement he bowed before Lyra

"My Lady we have arrived" He said as he looked up to her and smiled. 

"I think at the very least I should embarrass myself if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier"


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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Applejack scowls as she tries to concentrate on not stepping on your hooves. “Tarnation, This is harder than it looks.” She mumbles as she nearly trips over her own hoof.

Red Talon laughed in his head a little at how the mare was almost tripping over his hooves.

"I think we could omit the stepping part," Red whispered to her, "Just sway along to the music. Like this."

He held her close to him, their faces only an inch or so apart. He sang along with the song. It was one of his favorite songs, and he loved how he could sing it with ease, since it was right within his pitch range. Of course, nopony could ever come close to rivaling or surpassing Frank Sineightra himself.

Fly me to the moon,

let me play among the stars!

Let me see what

Spring is like on,

Jupiter and Mars!

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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Steel was about to protest that the very fact they hadn't actually "rolled" would make him special, but he bit his tongue as he could see she was trying her best.


Then came her question. Steel was dumbfounded. How do you define love? What makes it different between how a mare would feel it vs. a stallion? How would Daring individually define it differently?


"That's . . . a really hard question to answer." He said, lifting the brim of his hat to scratch his brow.


"Try." Daring responded bluntly.


"Love is . . . when you can look into their eyes, see all the possible futures of your life together, and not be afraid. Love is knowing their happiness is all you'll ever need." He walked closer to her. "Love is knowing that, even if the world were crumbling around you, you'd feel safe in their embrace. Love . . . is the ultimate treasure . . . . the ultimate adventure."

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  • 2 weeks later...



Pinkie nods. ”Okay, Off to the lake we go!” She starts walking and begins to drag you, after a few moments you manage to get into step. you notice that ponies are giving the pair of you odd looks as you pass. just before you leave the zoo, Pinkie stops. “Oh! Oh! Oooh! Hold on A second, I have to use the Little Filly’s room!” She Reaches into her mane and pulls out a tiny blue key, which she uses to unlock the cuff around her leg. “Be right back!” She zooms away into a nearby bathroom.


Winter gets up again and gets his composure. He wipes off some of the dust on him. He looks around and shrugs then continues waiting for Pinkie. Sitting down on a nearby bench, he looks at the list he made and sighs looking at where Pinkie went off and looks down again and puts "skydiving" by the end of list.

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Holy Canola has time gotten away from me! I’m sorry about this but I’m going to have to officially reschedule the tread to replies once a month until things calm down, since that's what’s been happening anyway. In the meantime, Let’s have a contest! The poetry contest last time was fun, but hardly anypony participated, so this time I’m saying it here, Once you’ve responded here, Head over to the OOC and check out the contest announcement!

But first... Replies!


Pink continued to look confused at the Doctor. Uh ok then, doesn't matter. So you say it looks like a blue box? She noticed the Doctor walking back the way she came. She followed him and saw that there was a wall blocking the path. That's strange I don't remember this wall being here. Wait hang on. She noticed a large garbage bin next to the right wall of the alley. Alright let's see if we can jump to the other roof using this thing. It's not too high. From up there we could probably find your, um, ship.


The Doctor looks at the garbage bin and then back at you. “Odd, I didn’t see that there.” He goes over to the garbage bin and hops up on top of it. using it to clamber over the wall. you follow to find yourself faced with... another wall. “It seems Somepony, Or something. Doesn’t want us to leave.” The Doctor muses.



"Gust it you and me since your friend went on a date. So let go and I will pay for the food Bon." Fireblaze saying as he holding his wing towards her and smiles too. While he was ready to go and going to have a good time with Bon Bon. While he was looking at her and smiles.

“Alright, lead the way,” she says with a smile, taking his wing.


There’s a small *Bing* noise, and you are teleported to a spaceport, much to the bewilderment of your date, and yourself. A purple, female unicorn grins at you, and presents to you a wrapped gift. Upon opening, it contained (*Insert the sum total of your meal*) and party favors. You’re teleported back to the restaurant with your date looking as confused as you do.



Windy grinned nervously and tore his eyes away from Flitter. "Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great to me!" he said, swallowing somewhat subtly. After a moment, he added as a hasty afterthought, "And oh, no, I'd never do anything 'funny' with you two mares!" Windy said, refusing to even look in Flitter's direction as he said it, instead addressing his statement to Cloudchaser. "But by Luna, do I wish I could do funny stuff with these two...." he added in his brain.

“It’s decided then!” Flitter slaps you on the back. “We’ll all go help you move in tomorrow, now let’s... what are we doing again?”



Zuri awoke, startled for a moment. She sat up slowly and stretched. "Yeah, I mean I had nothing better to do anyways. Hehe." She looked up at the night sky, it was beautiful, as always. A fact popped into Zuri's head. "Did you know that Luna takes her stars away one by one? It's a beautiful sight, like she's ending her show for you, but making it interesting." She continued to stare at the sky a little bit longer. It would end soon. She shook her head and looked to Pip. "So, what would you like to do?" You couldn't tell but Zuri was blushing.


“Yes, Our Princess of the night is quite spectacular.” Pip agrees as the two of you stare up at the stars. “In fact, the only reason I was able to get this position as a member of her personal guard is because she remembered me from when I was a Foal.” He smiles at the memory. when you ask him what he likes to do he has to think for a moment. “Reading mostly.” Pip says. “I don’t usually have a lot of free time.”



"O-okay, Fluttershy. If you want me to stop calling you beautiful, I'll stop. It's still true though."


The train comes to a stop and DJ opens the door for Fluttershy. "ladies first."

After Fluttershy exits the train, DJ takes a big breath of air.



"So Fluttershy, where would you like to go?"

Fluttershy looks around. “Oh, I don’t know... There’s just so much... why don’t you choose first?” she says meekly.



"Maybe I should put the apple pie in the kitchen before I deside to fallow the tracks" Luna said to herself. "Well I might as well bring the apple pie with me because I don't know if the other are here" Luna said to herself as she started to follow the set of cartwheels and Big Mac's hoofprints.


(Gotta find him before the situation changes enough to write more. Sorry. You should just be able to follow the tracks a ways and see the cart. He won’t be far from there)


There’s a loud bang and you drop the pie. It disappears, much to your dismay.In it’s place, a scarf appears with your name on it, for you to wrap around your neck. When you do so, the name disappears. Having done this, you realize that giving Big Mac a whole pie for you two to split may have been coming on too strong, especially since you just met.



I wipe my lower lip and say, "Hey, Spitfire. You are a pretty good actor. But are you a pretty good flier? And if you are, can you do a thingy in the sky up there?" He points up. "Can you do a Sonic Rainboom thingy? Remember... There are boys watching..." Pointing out the obious ponies she's trying to impress. "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, your biggest fan."

“Rainbow Dash is the Only Pony Who’s ever pulled that off, Do you really think you can goad me into doing a trick like that?” Spitfire sneers

“Remember... There are boys watching..." you say, "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, you're biggest fan."

Spitfire grinds her teeth as she thinks it over. “Alright.” she says finally. “Somepony get me my flight suit!” Instantly, Rainbow dash is at her side, Holding out Spitfire’s flight suit.

“Hi. Big fan.”

Spitfire takes the suit from her. “Why wouldn’t you be?” Spitfire Dons her suit and launches herself in the air. She flies straight up so far that eventually you can’t make her out at all, after a few moments she reappears, now rushing toward the ground as fast as she can push herself. a mach cone forms around her, and begins to narrow. just as it seems like she’s about to pull it off, she suddenly comes to a stop, her eyes widen. “Oh.” and then the mach cone around her  inverts, bouncing her back into the sky.

“Wow. She totally bailed.” Rainbow Dash says.

“Yeah!” you pump your hoof in celebration. “Did Vinyl see that?” you scan the crowd for your marefriend, but you can’t see her.

“Nope, she totally bailed.” Rainbow Repeats.

A folded Flightsuit appears in the air in front of you. ‘New Item unlocked! Level 100 Wonderbolts Flightsuit. (equippable by pegasus only)’

“Aww!” you groan. “I can’t use this!”

Rainbow dash points at it. “Do you mind if I..?”



Spitfire crash lands in a field several miles away. she pulls out her phone and presses 7 on her speed dial. it rings seven times before a voice answers.

“Please tell me it’s good news.” The voice on the end of the line says grumpily.

Spitfire winces. “Sorry, He outsmarted me.”

“I see, well your job is complete. He won’t fare as well against his next opponent, after all, how do you outsmart somepony who can predict the future?”



Most of the group gives a hearty cheer at this.

“I’m not sure I’d Call this a ‘Victory’” Jolly points out. “We lost our ship and most of the crew, and we’re stranded on an Island.”


“Don’t ruin the Moment.” Salt says.


A barrel is opened and soon everypony has a tankard of rum in their hoof. Page looks down at his. “I dunno... I really shouldn't...”


Salt laughs at Page’s reluctance. “Yer a pirate now sonny! Startin’ today yer gonna be doin’ a lot o’ things ya really shouldn’t.”

“Fair enough.” Page concedes. “Well, bottoms up!” He takes a big gulp of his Rum.


Briny downs the whole thing without a second thought, and goes for another. “As is the second, unspoken custom,” she says, grinning widely, “The new guy has a drinking contest. With me. Lets see how much he can hold before he trips himself.” Of course, the crew knew this as an excuse for Briny to drink a lot… but they usually kept that to themselves.


Before you a note appears, explaining the situation, and your inability to refuse. It’s rather happy, and appears to be written by yourself from the future. With the note comes some hang-over medicine and a small cookie with a candle in it, which you feel compelled to blow out, and eat without Briny noticing.



Aura glances at Spike. Seeing how pale he was; she could tell something was very wrong with him.


"What's wrong?" Aura questions him in concern. She looks down onto the rocky filled landscape. She noticed there were several dug up holes that she hadn't noticed until now.


"That's wierd. I didn't see those holes there the first time I came here."


“We can’t be here.” Spike says. “this land belongs to-”


“oh, what’s this?” a guttural voice comes from behind you. “Two little dragons come to steal our precious gems?” you spin around to see a trio of doglike monsters.


“-The Diamond Dogs.” Spike finishes.


“What do we do with them?” the biggest dog asks, looking at the dog in the middle, who seems to be the leader.


We catch them of course!” the lead dog replies, grinning evilly.



He kisses her back, growing weak-kneed. How did I get this lucky again? I think... I don't... Kiss? When she broke the kiss of, he turned his attention to trying to flatten his wings and cover his blush at the same time. "O-okay, I'll try to worry half as much, but I'm still worried. I want to give you the wedding you deserve, not the one we can afford." Of course, hoe-downs are free and fun after parties too...


“Sugarcube, What you think Ah deserve and what Ah actually deserve Ain’t the same. Ah’ve already got more than I deserve with a family that loves me and a brilliant stallion who wants ta marry me. I’d be fine with goin’ up to the mayor’s office an’ payin’ 50 bits ta make it official right now.” She Blushes. “But I’m just practical like that I guess.”



Okay lucky scarf ready, don't be shy don't get scared.

"Hey Spitfire you have amazing athletic abilities only I could ever dream of possessing, would it be okay if you can take a relaxing break from all that flying and just sit on a cloud and watch the stars with me tomorrow night? I will be pleased if you say yes."

“Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow night, I have to shoot for the Daring Do movie, but I’m free on Saturday.” Spitfire replies. “I’d love to hang out then, Celestia knows I could use a break.”





Steel was about to protest that the very fact they hadn't actually "rolled" would make him special, but he bit his tongue as he could see she was trying her best.


Then came her question. Steel was dumbfounded. How do you define love? What makes it different between how a mare would feel it vs. a stallion? How would Daring individually define it differently?


"That's . . . a really hard question to answer." He said, lifting the brim of his hat to scratch his brow.


"Try." Daring responded bluntly.


"Love is . . . when you can look into their eyes, see all the possible futures of your life together, and not be afraid. Love is knowing their happiness is all you'll ever need." He walked closer to her. "Love is knowing that, even if the world were crumbling around you, you'd feel safe in their embrace. Love . . . is the ultimate treasure . . . . the ultimate adventure."


(The rolling was meant to be implied back on the ship when i used the word ‘cuddle’ you had the opportunity then to interpret that however you wanted.)


Daring thinks about that for a while. when she finally speaks her voice is so soft that you almost don’t notice it. “Well, I don’t think I’m quite there yet.” She looks up at you. “I know that isn’t what you want me to say, but I’d like to hold off on all of this until after this little adventure is over. If I decide to stick around afterwards.”



Winter gets up again and gets his composure. He wipes off some of the dust on him. He looks around and shrugs then continues waiting for Pinkie. Sitting down on a nearby bench, he looks at the list he made and sighs looking at where Pinkie went off and looks down again and puts "skydiving" by the end of list.


“I’m Back!” Pinkie says, suddenly appearing beside you while you were looking the other way. She snaps the hoofcuffs back on. “Okay! As we were!” She Begins walking forward and promptly faceplants as the cuff pulls her hoof out from under her. “This isn’t working, we need to get in rhythm.” she says, bouncing back to her feet. “Follow my outside hooves! Inside hooves! outside! inside! outside! It’s like a seven legged race except we’re not in a hurry!”


“Come with me, there’s plenty of time,

We walk together, Side by side,

I am yours, and you are mine,

Whenever we’re together,

we have such a good time!!”


The song has a slow beat and a predictable melody, and you find walking in time with it makes it much easier.


“Step by step, and trot by trot,

We will get there in time, Fear not!

The destination matters not,

Whenever we’re together,

it’s the journey that’s hot!”


The song continues in this manner for several verses, and you find yourself in awe of how many things she can come up with to say about walking. The song finally ends when you reach the lake.


“And now we’re here, the journeys done,

It’s time for us to have some fun!

I’m with you, out in the sun,

whenever we’re together,

I feel like number one!”

Do you want an awesome thread to visit? Visit this thread! http://mlpforums.com/topic/39132-ask-any-pony-on-a-date/


My Little Pony is a sparkly, happy diamond among things that are not diamonds. -Apple Cider


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Holy Canola has time gotten away from me! I’m sorry about this but I’m going to have to officially reschedule the tread to replies once a month until things calm down, since that's what’s been happening anyway. In the meantime, Let’s have a contest! The poetry contest last time was fun, but hardly anypony participated, so this time I’m saying it here, Once you’ve responded here, Head over to the OOC and check out the contest announcement!

But first... Replies!



Pink continued to look confused at the Doctor. Uh ok then, doesn't matter. So you say it looks like a blue box? She noticed the Doctor walking back the way she came. She followed him and saw that there was a wall blocking the path. That's strange I don't remember this wall being here. Wait hang on. She noticed a large garbage bin next to the right wall of the alley. Alright let's see if we can jump to the other roof using this thing. It's not too high. From up there we could probably find your, um, ship.



The Doctor looks at the garbage bin and then back at you. “Odd, I didn’t see that there.” He goes over to the garbage bin and hops up on top of it. using it to clamber over the wall. you follow to find yourself faced with... another wall. “It seems Somepony, Or something. Doesn’t want us to leave.” The Doctor muses.




"Gust it you and me since your friend went on a date. So let go and I will pay for the food Bon." Fireblaze saying as he holding his wing towards her and smiles too. While he was ready to go and going to have a good time with Bon Bon. While he was looking at her and smiles.


“Alright, lead the way,” she says with a smile, taking his wing.


There’s a small *Bing* noise, and you are teleported to a spaceport, much to the bewilderment of your date, and yourself. A purple, female unicorn grins at you, and presents to you a wrapped gift. Upon opening, it contained (*Insert the sum total of your meal*) and party favors. You’re teleported back to the restaurant with your date looking as confused as you do.




Windy grinned nervously and tore his eyes away from Flitter. "Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great to me!" he said, swallowing somewhat subtly. After a moment, he added as a hasty afterthought, "And oh, no, I'd never do anything 'funny' with you two mares!" Windy said, refusing to even look in Flitter's direction as he said it, instead addressing his statement to Cloudchaser. "But by Luna, do I wish I could do funny stuff with these two...." he added in his brain.


“It’s decided then!” Flitter slaps you on the back. “We’ll all go help you move in tomorrow, now let’s... what are we doing again?”




Zuri awoke, startled for a moment. She sat up slowly and stretched. "Yeah, I mean I had nothing better to do anyways. Hehe." She looked up at the night sky, it was beautiful, as always. A fact popped into Zuri's head. "Did you know that Luna takes her stars away one by one? It's a beautiful sight, like she's ending her show for you, but making it interesting." She continued to stare at the sky a little bit longer. It would end soon. She shook her head and looked to Pip. "So, what would you like to do?" You couldn't tell but Zuri was blushing.



“Yes, Our Princess of the night is quite spectacular.” Pip agrees as the two of you stare up at the stars. “In fact, the only reason I was able to get this position as a member of her personal guard is because she remembered me from when I was a Foal.” He smiles at the memory. when you ask him what he likes to do he has to think for a moment. “Reading mostly.” Pip says. “I don’t usually have a lot of free time.”




"O-okay, Fluttershy. If you want me to stop calling you beautiful, I'll stop. It's still true though."


The train comes to a stop and DJ opens the door for Fluttershy. "ladies first."

After Fluttershy exits the train, DJ takes a big breath of air.




"So Fluttershy, where would you like to go?"



Fluttershy looks around. “Oh, I don’t know... There’s just so much... why don’t you choose first?” she says meekly.




"Maybe I should put the apple pie in the kitchen before I deside to fallow the tracks" Luna said to herself. "Well I might as well bring the apple pie with me because I don't know if the other are here" Luna said to herself as she started to follow the set of cartwheels and Big Mac's hoofprints.



(Gotta find him before the situation changes enough to write more. Sorry. You should just be able to follow the tracks a ways and see the cart. He won’t be far from there)


There’s a loud bang and you drop the pie. It disappears, much to your dismay.In it’s place, a scarf appears with your name on it, for you to wrap around your neck. When you do so, the name disappears. Having done this, you realize that giving Big Mac a whole pie for you two to split may have been coming on too strong, especially since you just met.




I wipe my lower lip and say, "Hey, Spitfire. You are a pretty good actor. But are you a pretty good flier? And if you are, can you do a thingy in the sky up there?" He points up. "Can you do a Sonic Rainboom thingy? Remember... There are boys watching..." Pointing out the obious ponies she's trying to impress. "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, your biggest fan."


“Rainbow Dash is the Only Pony Who’s ever pulled that off, Do you really think you can goad me into doing a trick like that?” Spitfire sneers

“Remember... There are boys watching..." you say, "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, you're biggest fan."

Spitfire grinds her teeth as she thinks it over. “Alright.” she says finally. “Somepony get me my flight suit!” Instantly, Rainbow dash is at her side, Holding out Spitfire’s flight suit.

“Hi. Big fan.”

Spitfire takes the suit from her. “Why wouldn’t you be?” Spitfire Dons her suit and launches herself in the air. She flies straight up so far that eventually you can’t make her out at all, after a few moments she reappears, now rushing toward the ground as fast as she can push herself. a mach cone forms around her, and begins to narrow. just as it seems like she’s about to pull it off, she suddenly comes to a stop, her eyes widen. “Oh.” and then the mach cone around her  inverts, bouncing her back into the sky.

“Wow. She totally bailed.” Rainbow Dash says.

“Yeah!” you pump your hoof in celebration. “Did Vinyl see that?” you scan the crowd for your marefriend, but you can’t see her.

“Nope, she totally bailed.” Rainbow Repeats.

A folded Flightsuit appears in the air in front of you. ‘New Item unlocked! Level 100 Wonderbolts Flightsuit. (equippable by pegasus only)’

“Aww!” you groan. “I can’t use this!”

Rainbow dash points at it. “Do you mind if I..?”



Spitfire crash lands in a field several miles away. she pulls out her phone and presses 7 on her speed dial. it rings seven times before a voice answers.

“Please tell me it’s good news.” The voice on the end of the line says grumpily.

Spitfire winces. “Sorry, He outsmarted me.”

“I see, well your job is complete. He won’t fare as well against his next opponent, after all, how do you outsmart somepony who can predict the future?”




Most of the group gives a hearty cheer at this.

“I’m not sure I’d Call this a ‘Victory’” Jolly points out. “We lost our ship and most of the crew, and we’re stranded on an Island.”


“Don’t ruin the Moment.” Salt says.


A barrel is opened and soon everypony has a tankard of rum in their hoof. Page looks down at his. “I dunno... I really shouldn't...”


Salt laughs at Page’s reluctance. “Yer a pirate now sonny! Startin’ today yer gonna be doin’ a lot o’ things ya really shouldn’t.”

“Fair enough.” Page concedes. “Well, bottoms up!” He takes a big gulp of his Rum.



Briny downs the whole thing without a second thought, and goes for another. “As is the second, unspoken custom,” she says, grinning widely, “The new guy has a drinking contest. With me. Lets see how much he can hold before he trips himself.” Of course, the crew knew this as an excuse for Briny to drink a lot… but they usually kept that to themselves.


Before you a note appears, explaining the situation, and your inability to refuse. It’s rather happy, and appears to be written by yourself from the future. With the note comes some hang-over medicine and a small cookie with a candle in it, which you feel compelled to blow out, and eat without Briny noticing.




Aura glances at Spike. Seeing how pale he was; she could tell something was very wrong with him.


"What's wrong?" Aura questions him in concern. She looks down onto the rocky filled landscape. She noticed there were several dug up holes that she hadn't noticed until now.


"That's wierd. I didn't see those holes there the first time I came here."



“We can’t be here.” Spike says. “this land belongs to-”


“oh, what’s this?” a guttural voice comes from behind you. “Two little dragons come to steal our precious gems?” you spin around to see a trio of doglike monsters.


“-The Diamond Dogs.” Spike finishes.


“What do we do with them?” the biggest dog asks, looking at the dog in the middle, who seems to be the leader.


We catch them of course!” the lead dog replies, grinning evilly.




He kisses her back, growing weak-kneed. How did I get this lucky again? I think... I don't... Kiss? When she broke the kiss of, he turned his attention to trying to flatten his wings and cover his blush at the same time. "O-okay, I'll try to worry half as much, but I'm still worried. I want to give you the wedding you deserve, not the one we can afford." Of course, hoe-downs are free and fun after parties too...



“Sugarcube, What you think Ah deserve and what Ah actually deserve Ain’t the same. Ah’ve already got more than I deserve with a family that loves me and a brilliant stallion who wants ta marry me. I’d be fine with goin’ up to the mayor’s office an’ payin’ 50 bits ta make it official right now.” She Blushes. “But I’m just practical like that I guess.”




Okay lucky scarf ready, don't be shy don't get scared.

"Hey Spitfire you have amazing athletic abilities only I could ever dream of possessing, would it be okay if you can take a relaxing break from all that flying and just sit on a cloud and watch the stars with me tomorrow night? I will be pleased if you say yes."


“Sorry, I’m busy tomorrow night, I have to shoot for the Daring Do movie, but I’m free on Saturday.” Spitfire replies. “I’d love to hang out then, Celestia knows I could use a break.”






Steel was about to protest that the very fact they hadn't actually "rolled" would make him special, but he bit his tongue as he could see she was trying her best.


Then came her question. Steel was dumbfounded. How do you define love? What makes it different between how a mare would feel it vs. a stallion? How would Daring individually define it differently?


"That's . . . a really hard question to answer." He said, lifting the brim of his hat to scratch his brow.


"Try." Daring responded bluntly.


"Love is . . . when you can look into their eyes, see all the possible futures of your life together, and not be afraid. Love is knowing their happiness is all you'll ever need." He walked closer to her. "Love is knowing that, even if the world were crumbling around you, you'd feel safe in their embrace. Love . . . is the ultimate treasure . . . . the ultimate adventure."



(The rolling was meant to be implied back on the ship when i used the word ‘cuddle’ you had the opportunity then to interpret that however you wanted.)


Daring thinks about that for a while. when she finally speaks her voice is so soft that you almost don’t notice it. “Well, I don’t think I’m quite there yet.” She looks up at you. “I know that isn’t what you want me to say, but I’d like to hold off on all of this until after this little adventure is over. If I decide to stick around afterwards.”




Winter gets up again and gets his composure. He wipes off some of the dust on him. He looks around and shrugs then continues waiting for Pinkie. Sitting down on a nearby bench, he looks at the list he made and sighs looking at where Pinkie went off and looks down again and puts "skydiving" by the end of list.



“I’m Back!” Pinkie says, suddenly appearing beside you while you were looking the other way. She snaps the hoofcuffs back on. “Okay! As we were!” She Begins walking forward and promptly faceplants as the cuff pulls her hoof out from under her. “This isn’t working, we need to get in rhythm.” she says, bouncing back to her feet. “Follow my outside hooves! Inside hooves! outside! inside! outside! It’s like a seven legged race except we’re not in a hurry!”


“Come with me, there’s plenty of time,

We walk together, Side by side,

I am yours, and you are mine,

Whenever we’re together,

we have such a good time!!”


The song has a slow beat and a predictable melody, and you find walking in time with it makes it much easier.


“Step by step, and trot by trot,

We will get there in time, Fear not!

The destination matters not,

Whenever we’re together,

it’s the journey that’s hot!”


The song continues in this manner for several verses, and you find yourself in awe of how many things she can come up with to say about walking. The song finally ends when you reach the lake.


“And now we’re here, the journeys done,

It’s time for us to have some fun!

I’m with you, out in the sun,

whenever we’re together,

I feel like number one!”


What the hay. Another wall? 

Wait who or what doesn't want us to leave? What's going on? Is there somepony after you or something?


Pink was starting to panick. She didn't like being trapped in places like these. She wasn't even sure who this guy was or why they were being trapped like this. She hoped they would find a way out soon.


My OC: http://mlpforums.com...pink-mist-r3726 TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK OF ME HERE!!


Want a sig like this? Check out my thread!

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Steel took  a few steps back, a frown on his face.


"As you wish . . . my lady." He said with a hoof to his chest and a bow. Steel cursed his own heart. Any mare who so much as smiled at him, made him feel special or relevant, was elevated to the level of Princess in his eyes. It was for this very reason though, that displeasing, or being shunned by them (even if they didn't mean it or were just unsure) filled him with pain.


"AH-Haaaaaargh!" One of the pirates in the camp roared. "Who wants to try'n beat me in horseshoes?"


Steel looked back to the Archeologist.


"We'd best not keep our crew waiting, Professor." He said uncharacteristically dispassionate and proceeded onward. 

Edited by Steel Accord
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Fluttershy looks around. “Oh, I don’t know... There’s just so much... why don’t you choose first?” she says meekly.


"Okay," said DJ, "If that's what you want."


*DJ looks around the town, looking for something that Fluttershy would like to do*


"Hey, Fluttershy," said DJ, "I think I see a petting zoo. I know how much you love animals. Let's go see what kinds of animals they have there."

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There’s a loud bang and you drop the pie. It disappears, much to your dismay.In it’s place, a scarf appears with your name on it, for you to wrap around your neck. When you do so, the name disappears. Having done this, you realize that giving Big Mac a whole pie for you two to split may have been coming on too strong, especially since you just met.

"Oh, oh well maybe a different time" Luna said when she dropped the pie. "Well this is unusually to find a scarf here with my name on it" Luna said while wearing it. "Maybe it was a little to much for me to make a whole pie for the both of us" Luna said also thinking that maybe the others could of had some to. "Well I'll just not say anything about bringing a pie" Luna said as she still followed the track.

Edited by LunaFlower226
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@, Camou looked at Spitfilre, surprised that he actually managed to get a date with her. "Um okay, Saturday it is." "Wow I can't believe that worked, now I have to prepare for Saturday. Will she talk about sports? Who knows but I don't know how much she'll like an intelligent stallion like me."



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"Gust it you and me since your friend went on a date. So let go and I will pay for the food Bon." Fireblaze saying as he holding his wing towards her and smiles too. While he was ready to go and going to have a good time with Bon Bon. While he was looking at her and smiles. “Alright, lead the way,” she says with a smile, taking his wing. There’s a small *Bing* noise, and you are teleported to a spaceport, much to the bewilderment of your date, and yourself. A purple, female unicorn grins at you, and presents to you a wrapped gift. Upon opening, it contained (*Insert the sum total of your meal*) and party favors. You’re teleported back to the restaurant with your date looking as confused as you do.

Fireblaze starching his head while looking at Bon Bon. "Ok that was strange and gust Twilight muse be at the spaceport for something. But we are here anyway." Then he went to the waiter while he smiles to Bon Bon. Blaze was thinking some more about that were they were.

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“I’m Back!” Pinkie says, suddenly appearing beside you while you were looking the other way. She snaps the hoofcuffs back on. “Okay! As we were!” She Begins walking forward and promptly faceplants as the cuff pulls her hoof out from under her. “This isn’t working, we need to get in rhythm.” she says, bouncing back to her feet. “Follow my outside hooves! Inside hooves! outside! inside! outside! It’s like a seven legged race except we’re not in a hurry!”   “Come with me, there’s plenty of time, We walk together, Side by side, I am yours, and you are mine, Whenever we’re together, we have such a good time!!”   The song has a slow beat and a predictable melody, and you find walking in time with it makes it much easier.   “Step by step, and trot by trot, We will get there in time, Fear not! The destination matters not, Whenever we’re together, it’s the journey that’s hot!”   The song continues in this manner for several verses, and you find yourself in awe of how many things she can come up with to say about walking. The song finally ends when you reach the lake.   “And now we’re here, the journeys done, It’s time for us to have some fun! I’m with you, out in the sun, whenever we’re together, I feel like number one!”


 Winter looks at Pinkie as she finally finishes her song a bit surprised. "Wow... You just thought of all that just as we were walking to the lake..." He giggles a bit and smiles looking at the lake seeing their reflections. "Anyways, I never thought that you would feel like "Number One" when we are hanging around, but never mind that, you wanna swim..?"

My OC : Winter Chill (Indigo)

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Upon a small hillside and under a tree within the starry dust sky, an colt pulls out a large blanket. Plus, a big jug of cherry soda from his saddle-bag & placing a basket of vegetables+sandwich's and prepare's to signal a tall pony of a alicorn with dark magic, which is an evil mare.

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Orion Skies was spending another one of his simple usual mornings trotting along through Ponyville to get his groceries. The same old routine. Every morning, he walked out from his workshop to nearby Ponyville, getting whatever food and supplies he needed, before heading back to his work place. He worked as an engineer, helping the progress of Equestria's slowly advancing technology. He also was a part-time inventor, making blue prints and prototypes of whatever strange little invention and idea he had in mind.


This was his typical everyday life, though not really considered the normal day for most ponies, it was beginning to become less and less interesting to him. 


So he went about his morning, eventually managing to get everything he needed. As he walked out of the store to head on back home, he saw a mare trotting down the streets, not too far from where he was. 


And I thought I was an early bird. Orion jokingly thought to himself.


He decided to make some conversation, which was a rather unusual decision since he's never really been that much of a social, talker, conversation starter kind of stallion. But there was something about her that seem to really capture his attention, and perhaps interest.


"Oh hello there!" Orion called out to her, as he slowly made his way in her direction.


"Um, I'm Orion...and what's your name?" Orion smile and asked.

Edited by Dsanders
  • Brohoof 1
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Thunder Knight scowled as he paced the bridge of his newly- repaired ship. Bah, humbug. At least he was able to get everyone off of it before the attack came, but it still grounded him for... quite some time. Whatever ponies use to keep track of time. Years? Hmph.


"Something buggin' ya, sir?" Spoke up Yellow from under the console next to him, applying some of the finishing touches to a new modification to the console.


Thunder sighed. "Why would you say that?"


"I dunno, sir. You've been a-pacin' for well over an hour."






Thunder Knight turned to Yellow. "Why would you say that?"


"I mean, it's obvious that you like Quick Fix. A fool could tell ya that. And you haven't seen her for months..."


"So that is the term. Hmph."


Yellow rolled out from under it on a makeshift skateboard and gave him an odd look. Thunder sighed. "Nevermind. Yes, I guess that you could say nervous. For both of the ladies in my life."


Yellow nodded. "And the other one would be...?"


"My ship. Are ships not often referred to in the feminine? It seems... fitting."


"Indeed, sir. For a moment I thought you were talking about Chrysalis."


"That... queen is many things. A lady is not one of them."


"Yes, sir."



As the airship set down roughly about five miles outside of Ponyville, Thunder Knight stepped out into the daylight. He blinked for a moment in the bright sun, before setting out towards Ponyville, his mind fixed on what Quick's first reaction would be...


About thirty minutes later, his cloak flowing over the steps and his mask glinting in the sunlight. He raised his hoof to knock...



Dark Lightning stalked the bridge, the merciless sun of the southern reaches scorching the top of the ship. Granted, changeling design ensured that the elegant airship would not overheat, but he would not at all want to be one of the sailors on the deck. But pity was not a word on his ship. Pity and mercy was what got you killed.


"Sir!" A changeling charged into the bridge before pausing and bowing. Dark Lightning watched the changeling bob his head clumsily.


"Well, what is it? I do not have all day."


"Sir, we have confirmed that the Battleship Blackbird finished its repairs in Canterlot and has taken flight once again!"


"Alright, messenger. You may go."


The changeling rushed out.


So he was out and about again... but where would he go? Several locations flashed to his mind. Of course, he wouldn't be able to psychically tell where, but he could look.


First place's first- Fillydelphia. Then Manehattan. And then... Ponyville. Yes. His marefriend's there, isn't it? But security is still tight there, especially after I blew him out of the air over that small town. So Fillydelphia first, then...


Dark Lightning silently went over his plan, to draw attention away from where he really thought that his nemesis would be located.


I will see that pony dead before me...



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"No it doesn't bother me, I was just saying because I think that is really cool you believe in that" Seeing her lower her head he hoped he didn't embarrass her. He thought she was going to say something more, but stopped. They were in the park now so he decided to not to pursue the topic if she didn't want to.

"Well here we are" An idea came to mind. He turned to face Lyra,in one fluid and flourish movement he bowed before Lyra

"My Lady we have arrived" He said as he looked up to her and smiled. 

"I think at the very least I should embarrass myself if I made you feel uncomfortable earlier"
(Reposted as you said to do.)


Created by Lugia (He created this)

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“But it’s not okay! I break things everywhere I go! That fountain, your back, this railing…”she holds her head in her hooves, nearly bawling. A few partygoers were giving you two strange looks.


Glitch blushed. As much as he hated to admit it, she had a point: she had broken a lot of stuff for the time they had spent together. "C'mon, let's go." He picked her up off the ground and led her out of the ball room. He looked around for somewhere quiet, finding a dark room illuminated by a single light. Glitch led her in and sat with her on a crate, putting a hoof over her shoulder.

  • Brohoof 1

"This room. This bullet. There's a bullet for everyone... and a time, and a place. An end." -Agent 47


My OC: Glitch

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(Reposting as you requested)


Red Talon laughed in his head a little at how the mare was almost tripping over his hooves.
"I think we could omit the stepping part," Red whispered to her, "Just sway along to the music. Like this."
He held her close to him, their faces only an inch or so apart. He sang along with the song. It was one of his favorite songs, and he loved how he could sing it with ease, since it was right within his pitch range. Of course, nopony could ever come close to rivaling or surpassing Frank Sineightra himself.
Fly me to the moon,
let me play among the stars!
Let me see what
Spring is like on,
Jupiter and Mars!

Gotta learn stuff through denial and error.

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"Yes it is," I call out to her. "Okay so here's the thing. I kind of made this song for a couple in town that's getting married. I know it's disappointing but I uh- I still want to sing this to you even if it doesn't exactly apply, you did seem really exited. I just wanted to make sure you don't think I'm a creeper or anything. I want to take this, us, nice and slow. So without further ado..." I ramble before getting my guitar and strumming a few chords.


It started with a kiss

Next came the bliss

Now it's time for her white dress

Getting my suit pressed

Gotta make this move before it's all too late

Can't see it in myself to make you wait


And I don't know if I'm crazy

But I know I'm in love.

Maybe I'm a psycho

but I know your the one.


And now all I see is your face

As you're walkin' down the aisle

And all I think of in this place

Is your ever-loving smile

I want you in my life forevermore

You're the one I was waiting for


I'm having such a blast with you

I'll keep you in my heart it's true

Through the thunder and the rain

You'll always be on my brain

good to know I've got a home

And that it shares your name


I know I'm pretty crazy

I'm certainly in love

For you I'm a psycho

Because you're the one


And now all I see is your face

As you're walkin' down the aisle

And all I think of in this place

Is your ever-loving smile

I want you in my life forevermore

Your the one I was waiting for


Don't ever leave me and I'll never let you down

I'll always keep you with me safe and sound

Keep me in your heart because you are in mine

I'll make sure for you that everything is fine

I'll be the stallion you lean on

You just be the mare I always see hon


Definitely crazy

Definitely in love

Definitely a psycho

You're definitely the one


And now all I see is your face

As you're walkin' down the aisle

And all I think of in this place

Is your ever-loving smile

I want you in my life forevermore

Your the one I was waiting for


((Sorry for not replying at first. Hopefully the song makes up for it.))

Edited by Half-Note
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Windy grinned nervously and tore his eyes away from Flitter. "Uh, yeah, yeah, that sounds great to me!" he said, swallowing somewhat subtly. After a moment, he added as a hasty afterthought, "And oh, no, I'd never do anything 'funny' with you two mares!" Windy said, refusing to even look in Flitter's direction as he said it, instead addressing his statement to Cloudchaser. "But by Luna, do I wish I could do funny stuff with these two...." he added in his brain.


“It’s decided then!” Flitter slaps you on the back. “We’ll all go help you move in tomorrow, now let’s... what are we doing again?”


"Well, Cloudchaser and I were going to go to Sugarcube Corner, you know, get something to eat." Windy said, secretly wondering when Flitter was going to leave. It wasn't that he didn't like her, but it might be awkward to have a third wheel along for the ride. "Do you want to walk over there now Cloudchaser?" he added.


"And this is supposed to be a DATE, Flitter. As in, for two ponies, NOT three..." he added in his head.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I wipe my lower lip and say, "Hey, Spitfire. You are a pretty good actor. But are you a pretty good flier? And if you are, can you do a thingy in the sky up there?" He points up. "Can you do a Sonic Rainboom thingy? Remember... There are boys watching..." Pointing out the obious ponies she's trying to impress. "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, your biggest fan."


“Rainbow Dash is the Only Pony Who’s ever pulled that off, Do you really think you can goad me into doing a trick like that?” Spitfire sneers

“Remember... There are boys watching..." you say, "Not to mention Rainbow Dash, you're biggest fan."

Spitfire grinds her teeth as she thinks it over. “Alright.” she says finally. “Somepony get me my flight suit!” Instantly, Rainbow dash is at her side, Holding out Spitfire’s flight suit.

“Hi. Big fan.”

Spitfire takes the suit from her. “Why wouldn’t you be?” Spitfire Dons her suit and launches herself in the air. She flies straight up so far that eventually you can’t make her out at all, after a few moments she reappears, now rushing toward the ground as fast as she can push herself. a mach cone forms around her, and begins to narrow. just as it seems like she’s about to pull it off, she suddenly comes to a stop, her eyes widen. “Oh.” and then the mach cone around her  inverts, bouncing her back into the sky.

“Wow. She totally bailed.” Rainbow Dash says.

“Yeah!” you pump your hoof in celebration. “Did Vinyl see that?” you scan the crowd for your marefriend, but you can’t see her.

“Nope, she totally bailed.” Rainbow Repeats.

A folded Flightsuit appears in the air in front of you. ‘New Item unlocked! Level 100 Wonderbolts Flightsuit. (equippable by pegasus only)’

“Aww!” you groan. “I can’t use this!”

Rainbow dash points at it. “Do you mind if I..?”



Spitfire crash lands in a field several miles away. she pulls out her phone and presses 7 on her speed dial. it rings seven times before a voice answers.

“Please tell me it’s good news.” The voice on the end of the line says grumpily.

Spitfire winces. “Sorry, He outsmarted me.”

“I see, well your job is complete. He won’t fare as well against his next opponent, after all, how do you outsmart somepony who can predict the future?”

((CRAP!!! I didn't realise that this had replies!!! I've just been busy, sorry!!!))


Defeated at being able to use an awesome item, I hoof the item over to Rainbow. "I guess. Have fun with it." I turn back to the crowd, scanning the sea of ponies for the telltale blue mane. Not able to find her, I sigh and begin walking home, ready to rest after another rigirous battle.


The Troubled Fighter: Paradox The Creative Romantic: Skyline The Blind Psychic: Psych

Signature: CrystalRose & MatrixChicken



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Aura glances at Spike. Seeing how pale he was; she could tell something was very wrong with him.

"What's wrong?" Aura questions him in concern. She looks down onto the rocky filled landscape. She noticed there were several dug up holes that she hadn't noticed until now.


"That's wierd. I didn't see those holes there the first time I came here."



“We can’t be here.” Spike says. “this land belongs to-”


“oh, what’s this?” a guttural voice comes from behind you. “Two little dragons come to steal our precious gems?” you spin around to see a trio of doglike monsters.


“-The Diamond Dogs.” Spike finishes.


“What do we do with them?” the biggest dog asks, looking at the dog in the middle, who seems to be the leader.


We catch them of course!” the lead dog replies, grinning evilly.

"Diamond Dogs?" Aura repeated. She turned her head around to see the Diamond Dogs behind them.


"Eewww" Aura gagged upon seeing the three big gruff canines behind them. She had read about them once before, but had forgotten how ugly they looked. Diamond Dogs were pretty territorial so it was no wonder they showed up as soon as they got to this area.


The moment she realized their intention to capture them; Aura then dropped her soft spoken tone and changed it into a more louder and confident one.


"The only thing you're catching is a cold." Aura said bravely not wanting the gross canines to lay a paw on neither her or Spike.


The dragoness took in a deep breathe before she exhaled a whitish blue mist which blew towards the Diamond Dogs. The mist slowly froze two out of the three Diamond Dogs that were in front of the two dragons. However the leader was strong enough to resist getting frozen and immediately ran towards the pair of dragons.


"Gotch You you little reptile." The leader said grabbing Aura by the tail. Aura didn't have time to react before he did and dangled helplessly in the air as the Diamond Dog held her by her tail.


"Ahhh let me go!" Aura said struggling in the air. She could only look as the Diamond Dog leader looked at Spike who was pretty close.


"One down, One to go." The Diamond Dog said.


"Spike Run!" Aura cried out not wanting him to be caught too.

Edited by Goodra
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A lot had changed in recent years for Myopia Oncler. From being dirt poor to being so rich that he could fill a large pool with his bits and go swimming in it if the desire seized him was a rather major change in his life, but the top hat wearing stallion honestly believed that despite the circumstances he was still as level headed as he had always been. While others would have taken their new found fortunes and blown it in incredibly fun and expensive ways, Myopia had taken to investing it in up and coming business ventures. 


It was the driving reason he was currently in Appleloosa at the moment. As an up and coming frontier town, there was plenty of up and coming businesses that could be invested in. He was honestly thankful that his commitment to his own company had gotten him used to early starts in the morning as he walked down the path towards the local apple farm in order to meet up with his tour guide for the day, one Apple Fritter.


Walking along the dusty track in the early dawn light, Myopia's eyes landed on a mare that was waiting at the gate of the apple farm. As he trotted towards her, Myopia was rather thankful for the sunglasses he had taken to wearing since  it allowed him to check out the surprising cute mare without showing that he was. When he stopped near her, he politely removed his sun glasses with his magic before raising his hoof to politely remove his hat. "Ms Apple Fritter?" He asked carefully, just to confirm this was the mare he was meant to be meeting. 

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