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private Letrix's Romantic Houseparty


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"It's fine.....I try not to think about it very often. That's why I really could use somepony like Fluttershy in my life. That'd make the pain go away for sure, but enough about my depressing past! Lets get back to the mingling and partying!"


"Oh and Draco, I'd very much like to take you up on that offer to meet Fluttershy!" Dimitri smiled and began to dance a little. "Can't wait!!"


"I would love to hear your father's wise words!"

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
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Gemstone walks around and talks to the others. He then grabs a drink and takes a seat. Well lets see how good this is. takes a sip. Oh my this is great. I think i might be on to something here. He walks over to the punch bowl and puts a gem by it. This should get the word out. The gem lights up. And in the lights in reads Try the punch...That should do it

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"It's fine.....I try not to think about it very often. That's why I really could use somepony like Fluttershy in my life. That'd make the pain go away for sure, but enough about my depressing past! Lets get back to the mingling and partying!"


"Oh and Draco, I'd very much like to take you up on that offer to meet Fluttershy!" Dimitri smiled and began to dance a little. "Can't wait!!"


"I would love to hear your father's wise words!"


"begin again but know to when to let go""When bad things happen to me i stand back up which is begin again part. then i let go of the memory but also let's me learn from my mistake""begin again but know when to let go""Those were the words he told me before he past away a year ago"Draco said as he looked at dimitry.
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Cherry Blossom sighed and just finished her cupcake. "Do I get to meet Vinyl Scratch yet? And did I hear Octavia was here too?" she asked nervously, but she was feeling lonely already. It was probably because she hadn't been talking much, or that she wasn't very interesting.

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"Very beautiful words, my condolences for your loss." Dimitri nodded and smiled at Draco "I try to forget the past, and I'm starting to bit by bit. Once I get Fluttershy's love I think my bad memories will melt away." Dimitri grabbed his Hammer shaped necklace and rubbed it softly. "Once I get the courage to approach her i'll give her something special I made for her."



"Oh my I'm so very sorry! Miss Cherry, I am very sorry about taking your time away from your suitor! I'm hungry anyway, sorry for taking your time!" Dimitri bowed and left the two alone with each other.

Edited by Comrade-Dimitri-Hammer
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"Very beautiful words, my condolences for your loss." Dimitri nodded and smiled at Draco "I try to forget the past, and I'm starting to bit by bit. Once I get Fluttershy's love I think my bad memories will melt away." Dimitri grabbed his Hammer shaped necklace and rubbed it softly. "Once I get the courage to approach her i'll give her something special I made for her."


"that's what everypony needs now a days a spot of courage and a good friend by his or her side"Draco laughed heartily"most heart warming hooves day i'm off delivering chocolates or roses you know i can also deliver flowers for you and hey it's free of charge since your my friend"draco said to dimitry then looked over at vinyl"HEY VINYL I HAVE SOME PONY WANTING TO MEET YOU"Draco yelled over the music to Vinyl Scratch.
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Splinter's ears perked up. ''Names Splinter.'' Splinter said while smiling. He then looked at Draco. ''Hey, man! Tone it down.. We're in a house. Or if you want to yell, I'm okay with that as well. But it's just a little unusual.'' Splinter said while shrugging. ''No one ever had much nice to say.. I think they never liked me anyway.'' Splinter murmured under his breath.

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Cherry Blossom sighed and just finished her cupcake. "Do I get to meet Vinyl Scratch yet? And did I hear Octavia was here too?" she asked nervously, but she was feeling lonely already. It was probably because she hadn't been talking much, or that she wasn't very interesting.


"yes she's also here Cherry"Draco smiled at her as he saw her get nervous. Draco walked over to her and gave her a quick comforting hug"yeah they are both here and they both oh me favors for helping move their equip ment around all the darn time. Always keeping me from seeing you"Draco said jokingly.
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((Sorry, a pony's got to sleep! What did I miss?))

Flaret, who had sneaked outside for a bit to catch a breath of air, quietly entered the party again. The wind had roughed up her mane a bit ("Stupid, stupid, stupid move," it sounded in her head), but it didn't look too terribly on her. She made her way to the table with punch and looked around a little before she took a cup and scooped some of it in. Everyone already seemed to get along well, maybe going out hadn't been such a good idea...

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Letrix turned to Krystal. "I got Vinyl and Tavia to play here today because they have used my house on numerous occasions to hide from the paparazzi. Most of time without asking me." Letrix replied to her. "Soooooo, anyway, anyone in the room you know or like?" He asked her curiously.

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((Sorry, a pony's got to sleep! What did I miss?))

Flaret, who had sneaked outside for a bit to catch a breath of air, quietly entered the party again. The wind had roughed up her mane a bit ("Stupid, stupid, stupid move," it sounded in her head), but it didn't look too terribly on her. She made her way to the table with punch and looked around a little before she took a cup and scooped some of it in. Everyone already seemed to get along well, maybe going out hadn't been such a good idea...


Gemstone sits back a pony watches for a while. He sees his gem getting more ponies to drink the punch. If there is one thing i can do its advertize. Taking another sip of his drink. He then sees a cutie mark that catches hi eye. Was that a......mushroom??? He fallows it to the table where the punch was. Then as he looked he saw a mare with brown coat, blue and white mane, and a lovely pair of blue eyes. He was stunned by her beauty. He pulls himself together and taps her shoulder. Excuse me miss.....would not happen to be a gamer by any chance? And also may i say you look ravishing tonight. Oh wait.....where are my manners....My name is Gemstone and it is nice to meet you Miss......He was so nervous on the inside but would not let it show.

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Gemstone sits back a pony watches for a while. He sees his gem getting more ponies to drink the punch. If there is one thing i can do its advertize. Taking another sip of his drink. He then sees a cutie mark that catches hi eye. Was that a......mushroom??? He fallows it to the table where the punch was. Then as he looked he saw a mare with brown coat, blue and white mane, and a lovely pair of blue eyes. He was stunned by her beauty. He pulls himself together and taps her shoulder. Excuse me miss.....would not happen to be a gamer by any chance? And also may i say you look ravishing tonight. Oh wait.....where are my manners....My name is Gemstone and it is nice to meet you Miss......He was so nervous on the inside but would not let it show.


Flaret had just taken her first sip of punch when a colt started to talk to her. She smiled and turned around a little, putting the cup back on the table. "I guess you could call it that," she said, grinning because someone recognized her cutiemark. She always got all kinds of questions about it from other ponies. When the compliment was made she blushed a little, though it was barely visible because of the colour of her coat. "My name is Flaret, nice to meet you." Her eyes trailer off to his cutiemark for a moment, the name surely was fitting.

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He grabs her hoof and kisses it. The pleasure is all mine Flaret. I may not look it but im quite the gamer myself. I may not have much time for it but when i play look out. Ya'know what i mean? *laughing* So tell me my dear, how do you know the host? He asked as they walked to the couch.

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Fire Blade sat down on a couch. This didn't seem to be as big as he had expected it to be. He took magically grabbed a cup and some punch. There were some pretty mares around. But would he want to be in a relationship with someone he had just met? No, maybe he should get to know them a bit...


((OOC: my OCs are like me and how I feel.))

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(( @Diehard I don't want to sound mean or anything, but it's forbidden to control the actions of another character ^^" So you can't say 'they' walked to the couch, 'he' would be fine though. Also, maybe typing in past instead of in present would be a bit easier :) Most roleplayers take on that form. I just want to help, no hard feelings! D:))


Flaret smiled, a bit nervous now that he was grabbing her hoof to kiss it. She followed him to the couch, not forgetting to take her cup of punch with her, and shrugged a little. "I know him from around town and I've been to the same school. I don't really know him all that well." She took a sip of the punch. It did taste good. She sat down on the couch.

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(OOC: @Flaret. it is cool. i was just showing motion to see where you would take it next. but ill make note of that for next time)


Gemstone sat next her. Oh thats nice the two of you went to the same school. I met him through a friend who was at his last party. But tell me about yourself. Iv never really seen you around before. In thought. Oh man i hope im not moving to fast or being to up front. Maybe i should tone it down a bit. Just for now....so i dont seem too intruding.

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She nodded and listened as she let her gaze wander through the room. It was already quite crowded, but she didn't mind this time. "Oh, uhm..." She hestitated for a bit, not used to the attention. Her gaze had snapped back to him and the blush returned. "I live here, in Ponyville, in a small appartment above the book store. The owner is renting it to me." What else could she say? She didn't really know. He already knew she liked gaming, obviously. "What about you? You didn't really strike me as somepony who likes videogames."

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He chuckles a bit. I get that a lot. No one ever really sees me as a gamer. They only know me by my family name and the gem company we run. But when i get on the controls they all find out the hard way. Im a Ponnybox 360 and PS3 colt myself. But i think the 360 is better for online play. *sigh* But alas where im from, in Canterlot no one really likes games. Its really looked down upon. Especially for someone like me. But i dont care. Some of the ponies there have their heads so far up their flank they can see what they ate yesterday. But anyway thats my gaming life. Anything else you would like to know? I see your a unicorn, what kind of magic do you know?

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Flaret listened quietly, sometimes nodding or politely smiling. She seemed interested in what he was saying, her ears were turned in his direction. "Canterlot, huh? I used to live there when I was a filly." She drank the rest of her punch and put the cup down on the floor. "Oh, I went to a branch of Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, located in Fillydelphia. We moved around a lot when I was younger. I know quite a lot of spells..."

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Fire Blade closed his eyes. The sound of the talk was loud, which was surprising considering the small amount of people. He reopened his eyes and saw the mare he was talking with previously talking with some other colt. He didn't really know what to do. He probably looked like some loner, he thought.

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Letrix turned to Krystal. "I got Vinyl and Tavia to play here today because they have used my house on numerous occasions to hide from the paparazzi. Most of time without asking me." Letrix replied to her. "Soooooo, anyway, anyone in the room you know or like?" He asked her curiously.


Krystal couldn't think of anypony whom she might like. She noticed a unicorn with a dark red coat and an orange mane who she hadn't seen before. The only two ponies she found appealing was this new mystery colt and Letrix but it wasn't like she could make any judgement this early in the night. "I don't know if I like anypony yet" she replied to Letrix "I barely know anypony here" Krystal decided that she'd sit back and let the drama unfold. Without thinking she took a sip from her cocktail; she quickly felt light headed.
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Cherry Blossom smiled and just sat around for something to happen. "So has anypony have any stories to share? Hoofmeo and Mariet?" she asked, she was feeling a little bored. "Oh and could you get me some more of that punch? I mean if it's no trouble." Cherry Blossom requested.

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Krystal couldn't think of anypony whom she might like. She noticed a unicorn with a dark red coat and an orange mane who she hadn't seen before. The only two ponies she found appealing was this new mystery colt and Letrix but it wasn't like she could make any judgement this early in the night. "I don't know if I like anypony yet" she replied to Letrix "I barely know anypony here" Krystal decided that she'd sit back and let the drama unfold. Without thinking she took a sip from her cocktail; she quickly felt light headed.


"Well the night is still young so hopefully that will change by the end of night." Letrix smiled. "So what do you think of the cocktail?" Letrix asked. "It pretty strong so if you get drunk easily I suggest you don't drink too much of it" he then got himself another glass of the cocktail and began to drink it slowly.
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Fire Blade got up and walked around. He noticed all the other ponies around him were having a good time, and wondered why he should not have a good time as well. He grabbed another cup of punch, and sat back down on the couch. He wondered if he should leave or talk to someone.

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"Yeah, I'm a terrible drunk" Krystal giggled as she set her glass down "Don't get any ideas now that I've told you my weakness" she winked at Letrix. Just then the mystery colt sat on the couch next to Krystal. "Hello" she asked "having a good time?" the alcohol was starting to make her more relaxed than light headed now.

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