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How open are you about ponies?


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Yeah I was quite the little mmorpg girl back in my day. But, my dad totally bucked up my account and stole it from me lol. I'm thinking of restarting when i have the extra cash to buy all the expansions and the subscription. Right now though, I'm a steam fanatic.


Yeah, I'm the same way; I play a lot more games on Steam than anything else!


Your dad stole your account?


*Lowers pipe*


That really sucks... he couldn't get his own?!


Oh well, parents will be parents, even when it comes to MMOs!


Well, I have a bit of extra cash now, but I'm not completely sure I want to play... I'll see what happens until I hit level twenty, which is all the free time I get.

  • Brohoof 1



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I'm a sort-of closet brony, my friends know, my family knows, I have a brony wristband, but I'm really shy to wear it in public. I'm also trying to be a not-closet-brony, but whenever I'm about to get out of the car with my wristband on, I wuss out and take it off and hide it in my pocket.sad.png

I do and don't want to meet IRL brony people that I don't know. I do because MOAR FRIENDS YAY!, and I don't because my parents will be all like "DON'T TALK TO PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW, HE/SHE (depending if its a he or a she) COULD TRY TO GRAB YOU!!!" Me: sleep.png

I also REALLY want to go to cons, but my parents won't let me, so I guess I have to wait 4 years until I get a car, if there are anymore bronies here in 4 yearssad.png (I hope there are)

  • Brohoof 1


Amazing sig made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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I'm a sort-of closet brony, my friends know, my family knows, I have a brony wristband, but I'm really shy to wear it in public. I'm also trying to be a not-closet-brony, but whenever I'm about to get out of the car with my wristband on, I wuss out and take it off and hide it in my pocket.sad.png

I do and don't want to meet IRL brony people that I don't know. I do because MOAR FRIENDS YAY!, and I don't because my parents will be all like "DON'T TALK TO PEOPLE YOU DON'T KNOW, HE/SHE (depending if its a he or a she) COULD TRY TO GRAB YOU!!!" Me: sleep.png

I also REALLY want to go to cons, but my parents won't let me, so I guess I have to wait 4 years until I get a car, if there are anymore bronies here in 4 yearssad.png (I hope there are)


Aw, I feel your pain, my friend. When I first became a Brony I didn't want to tell anyone and wouldn't dare set foot in a place with any Brony stuff on, not that I was brave enough to buy it anyway.


Nowadays... well, I wear my pony stuff all the time and frequently buy more, so I don't think that's an issue for me. But I realize it's something that takes time to get over, and perhaps it will be even harder for you or even impossible to ever fully be comfortable walking around with pony paraphernalia on, but I hope you do eventually feel more comfortable about it.


And don't worry, Eragondre, I don't see us Bronies going away any time soon. Contrary to what the haters say about this being a fad, we're here to stay for quite some time, I guarantee you that!

  • Brohoof 1



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I think I already posted here but I saw the topic come up again, so why not? I'm very open about it. I hate to say it but I may even be one of those who are so open about it haters claim I shove it down their throats but MLP is something very important to me and I show that with pride. I sing along to my music (at least 60% of which is pony), I wear shirts when able to, I talk to my friends about it, I add ponies into projects where and when I can. I express it in just about any way I can but I don't think I force anyone to like it or anything like that.

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm "open" as in you can clearly see my pony background and icons when using my laptop in class. But other than that, you wouldn't even know I liked FiM unless you asked directly or found out from someone else.

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I think I already posted here but I saw the topic come up again, so why not? I'm very open about it. I hate to say it but I may even be one of those who are so open about it haters claim I shove it down their throats but MLP is something very important to me and I show that with pride. I sing along to my music (at least 60% of which is pony), I wear shirts when able to, I talk to my friends about it, I add ponies into projects where and when I can. I express it in just about any way I can but I don't think I force anyone to like it or anything like that.


Meh, I can be the same way sometimes, but nopony seems to really mind it, and I definitely don't think I'm the type to shove it down others throats.


Like I said before, the reason a lot of Bronies are concerned about shoving it down people's throats is that that's one of the stereotypes we Bronies have, at least in the eyes of those who don't know about us or the show very well or in the eyes of haters. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't like getting stuff crammed in my face as much as the next guy, but some people just need to learn to deal, especially since I have to deal with others doing it all the time.


So, basically what I'm saying is, pony on, brother!

  • Brohoof 1



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At school:

-speak in Applejack's accent.

-sing "random songs I heard on the radio"... :L

-quote random stuff at the appropriate time, for example, if my friends are arguing over the last sweet, I'll say "you gotta share, you gotta care".


All of the above, my friends don't ever think that it's to do with MLP. But my friend always asked about the "random song", "that's from MLP isn't it?" -.- and I'm like, NO, OF COURSE NOT, WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?!?


At home:

-sing MLP songs as loud as I can.

-learn to play MLP songs on the piano.

-sit in my room auditioning for voice acting parts.

-have MLP music playing pretty loud out of my earphones so you can hear it if you were in the next room.

-watch MLP episodes on YouTube, full volume.

-browse MLP forums on my laptop.

-talk about ponies and cutie marks and rainbow dash and twilight sparkle with my cousin on FaceTime or my sister.


Again, my parents aren't really certain that all these things are to do with MLP, and I usually switch websites or turn my music off or shut my mouth or something anyway if they come in anyway....


So, despite me doing all these things, this doesn't make me actually open, does it? :(

Edited by Meadowsong
  • Brohoof 3

Signature banner made by Champion RD92


You can't have a rainbow without a little rain

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At school:

-speak in Applejack's accent.

-sing "random songs I heard on the radio"... :L

-quote random stuff at the appropriate time, for example, if my friends are arguing over the last sweet, I'll say "you gotta share, you gotta care".


All of the above, my friends don't ever think that it's to do with MLP. But my friend always asked about the "random song", "that's wrong MLP isn't it?" -.- and I'm like, NO, OF COURSE NOT, WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?!?


At home:

-sing MLP songs as loud as I can.

-learn to play MLP songs on the piano.

-sit in my room auditioning for voice acting parts.

-have MLP music playing pretty loud out of my earphones so you can hear it if you were in the next room.

-watch MLP episodes on YouTube, full volume.

-browse MLP forums on my laptop.

-talk about ponies and cutie marks and rainbow dash and twilight sparkle with my cousin on FaceTime for my sister.


Again, my parents aren't really certain that all these things are to do with MLP, and I usually switch websites or turn my music off or shut my mouth or something anyway if they come in anyway....


So, despite me doing all these things, this doesn't make me actually open, does it? sad.png


First of all, brohoof for being awesome.


Second of all, why the sad Fluttershy face?


Third of all, I'm not sure of whether or not that makes you open. After all, you do go around pretty much flaunting it everywhere, and apparently nopony can pick up on the fact that you are a Brony and really like you some ponies.


So I dunno. But you're still awesome!



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First of all, brohoof for being awesome.


Second of all, why the sad Fluttershy face?


Third of all, I'm not sure of whether or not that makes you open. After all, you do go around pretty much flaunting it everywhere, and apparently nopony can pick up on the fact that you are a Brony and really like you some ponies.


So I dunno. But you're still awesome!

Fluttershy sad face because I wish I didn't have to be so secretive about it. I wish that I was more open. Which, yeah, I'm not really hiding it, but I suppose I just really don't want things to get too awkward.


*brohoofs back*

  • Brohoof 2

Signature banner made by Champion RD92


You can't have a rainbow without a little rain

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Fluttershy sad face because I wish I didn't have to be so secretive about it. I wish that I was more open. Which, yeah, I'm not really hiding it, but I suppose I just really don't want things to get too awkward.


*brohoofs back*


Well, Meadowsong, I understand that feeling. I'm super open about loving me some ponies now, but I remember when I first became a Brony I was in "OH MY CELESTIA NOPONY CAN KNOW" mode and pretty much kept it to myself. After a while I just stopped caring and so when the subject came up, I told people about it.


Simple as that. I never told anypony I was a Brony or anything about the show unless they asked or brought it up, and that's how a lot of people found out. And everything has just been fine since then; it's just a part of what I like, and everypony seems to have accepted that well enough.


But you don't have to feel obligated to tell anypony if you don't want to, Meadow; it's all up to you, and I know that it can feel awkward when the subject comes up and you feel like you should just tell everypony but there's that feeling of awkwardness and embarrassment inside of you that just shuts you up and puts you in denial mode.

  • Brohoof 2



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i don't hide that i'm a brony, almost everyone knows i'm a brony and i convinced almost everybody in my class that mlp is awesome derpy_emoticon2.png

  • Brohoof 1

photo-thumb-4801.jpg?_r=0Aye Sir~`!


independent living is...

being invited to dinner and thinking:


Free Food...


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As open as I am about anything else. I've had an mlp desktop since watching the show and am constantly browsing this great place whenever I can (despite only making occasional posts tongue.png). When a friend questioned why I was on an mlp site, I just told him, "It's an awesome show", and he was fine with that. Didn't exactly make a brony out him, but maybe some other time wink.png After mentioning an interest in writing mlp fan-fiction to another friend, she reacts with, "Oh my gosh, you're a brony!" Was hoping that meant she was also a brony, but turns out she isn't...yet. She promised to watch the series, so I'm looking forward to talking about it with her. My family will probably find out after my Dad visits this weekend. You can bet my background isn't changing for anyone cool.png

Edited by Starlight Sky
  • Brohoof 2
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I'm pretty much open. I wear a variety of pony shirts when I go out. MLP isn't that popular where I live so the chances of people recognizing my shirts is very slim, but when people do ask about it, I'd say it's a good show. :)


My cousins, all younger than me, would ask why on Equestria do I like a show "for kids". I told them to try and watch it and see for themselves, they still don't get it, but they don't make fun of me.


My parents are okay with ponies. They're quite proud of the fan-stuff I've put out and I'm happy. :3 


  • Brohoof 1
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i don't go everywhere going PONIES! PONIES!!!!! PONIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that just pisses people off i wear a brony hat sometimes and if some one asks i tell them. i always try not to be too open about it thought because that is how you piss people off


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I'm not open much. And in most cases, not enough.


See, today's the first anniversary of the day I got hooked on the show, and ever since I instantly recognized it as something my peers would conceive to be not normal. Well, eventually I somehow got used to my friends knowing I watched the show, and either them not caring about it, or telling me that they're fans too.


What's really preventing me from living my brony life to the fullest is that I've yet to admit my passion of the show to my guardian, who I have lived with for a little over 12 years. I just have this everlasting sense of insecurity that pulls me away from telling him I like ponies, and how much it has changed my life. To my surprise, despite the massive amount of how positively different my life has been since April 5, 2012, I've yet to share this with my guardian. And, it's not doing me any good. Having to hide something from someone constantly every day just adds complication to one's life.


And, it has been more complex in that sense, for a whole year now. I really want to buy pony merchandise someday, and that'll be the result of doing the right thing.



In any case, I'm not as open as I know I should be.

  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I'm not open much. And in most cases, not enough.


See, today's the first anniversary of the day I got hooked on the show, and ever since I instantly recognized it as something my peers would conceive to be not normal. Well, eventually I somehow got used to my friends knowing I watched the show, and either them not caring about it, or telling me that they're fans too.


What's really preventing me from living my brony life to the fullest is that I've yet to admit my passion of the show to my guardian, who I have lived with for a little over 12 years. I just have this everlasting sense of insecurity that pulls me away from telling him I like ponies, and how much it has changed my life. To my surprise, despite the massive amount of how positively different my life has been since April 5, 2012, I've yet to share this with my guardian. And, it's not doing me any good. Having to hide something from someone constantly every day just adds complication to one's life.


And, it has been more complex in that sense, for a whole year now. I really want to buy pony merchandise someday, and that'll be the result of doing the right thing.



In any case, I'm not as open as I know I should be.


Wow, Nascar, deep stuff.


I'm pretty much going through a similar thing with my own parents, or legal guardians, as it were. Everyone but them pretty much already knows, and they are proud of me right now because of how great my life has been going, but they don't know that a lot of it is due to My Little Pony and it changing my outlook and behavior on my life and other people in general.


Wish I could tell them, but I just feel like they would reject me or wouldn't understand it. They probably get most of what they know about Bronies from mainstream media, and that honestly scares me to think of what think Bronies are like.

  • Brohoof 1



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Wish I could tell them, but I just feel like they would reject me or wouldn't understand it. They probably get most of what they know about Bronies from mainstream media, and that honestly scares me to think of what think Bronies are like.

Yes, specifically this. I'm not worried he'll think that I'm weird, I'm worried he'll think that the certain parts of the fandom, and what certain fans do. Specifically one of the reasons I won't be going to Bronycon, or any other kind of pony convention/meetup anytime soon.

  • Brohoof 1


My journey in the fandom started on April 5, 2012. I joined here on April 24, 2012. Where that journey is headed now, who knows...

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I'm not very open about Ponies. I only told my brother, Tumblr, and this forum about my Bronydom, however I'm thinking of telling it to one of my friends at school. Is it bad that I'm not very open about it? Is it bad if I am alienated because of my Bronydom?

Edited by stainesbrony



My main OC is Rick. Link to my main OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/rick-r3145My Unicorn OC is Mind's Eye. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/minds-eye-r3273I also have an alicorn pegacorn OC, Fred. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/fred-r3298

Also, the arbitrary Earth Pony OC, Marshall. Link: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/marshall-r3314

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Yes, specifically this. I'm not worried he'll think that I'm weird, I'm worried he'll think that the certain parts of the fandom, and what certain fans do. Specifically one of the reasons I won't be going to Bronycon, or any other kind of pony convention/meetup anytime soon.


Well, I'm actually planning on going to Bronycon, and that's only because my parents don't know much about what I do day to day anyway, so it'll just be me doing me as usual. I'm just worried about telling them because... well, it feels stupid not to tell them, especially since I love my parents. It's not only that I have a fear of rejection, but also that my parents already know about Bronies and the new My Little Pony, and they're always joking about it and stuff, and I don't want either of them to associate me with the stupid crap they've heard from the mainstream media.


I'm not very open about Ponies. I only told my brother, Tumblr, and this forum about my Bronydom, however I'm thinking of telling it to one of my friends at school. Is it bad that I'm not very open about it? Is it bad if I am alienated because of my Bronydom?


Well, staines, you don't have to be open about it at all. Don't get me wrong, being a Brony isn't something I think you should have to hide, but it seems that people in our society are more than willing to pick on any little thing about a person, and being a Brony is a huge target painted on your back.


You feel alienated? Wow... well, do you at least feel better when you come here and chill with your bros? If the alienation gets too bad, I think that's very unhealthy.

  • Brohoof 1



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You feel alienated? Wow... well, do you at least feel better when you come here and chill with your bros? If the alienation gets too bad, I think that's very unhealthy.

I don't mind being open about being a brony.My Dad knows but doesn't like it to much.I knew being a brony meant people would make fun of you but is it really that bad?Should i be more secretive about it.?

Edited by Steel Crescent
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I don't mind being open about being a brony.My Dad knows but doesn't like it to much.I knew being a brony meant people would make fun of you but is it really that bad?Should i be more secretive about it.?


I'm very open about being a Brony with everypony but my parents, who I think don't have a clue.


People will make fun of you for anything, Steel. If you weren't a Brony, they'll find something else to make fun of you for. I haven't gotten much flak because most people have no beef with me and I'm a pretty nice guy, but I would be lying if I told you have never gotten made fun of for being a Brony.


Regardless, you should only be as secretive about it as you feel comfortable. If you are willing to, you don't have to hide it at all. If you feel that it's just something you should keep to yourself, that's fine too.



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I'm very open about being a Brony with everypony but my parents, who I think don't have a clue.


People will make fun of you for anything, Steel. If you weren't a Brony, they'll find something else to make fun of you for. I haven't gotten much flak because most people have no beef with me and I'm a pretty nice guy, but I would be lying if I told you have never gotten made fun of for being a Brony.


Regardless, you should only be as secretive about it as you feel comfortable. If you are willing to, you don't have to hide it at all. If you feel that it's just something you should keep to yourself, that's fine too.

Yea..They made fun of how i looked all the time and what i wore and it eventually ended up getting me expelled from school because of an accident i don't feel like sharing with the rest of the class.Nearing the end of my senior year.

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QUITE open, if I do say so myself. With three to four brony pins on my hat on a daily basis, along with the random pony shirt that I will wear out in public, I'd say it's self-explanatory.


~:What's so fun about firing at targets that aren't moving?:~

Yakumo Yukari


~Touhou Project~

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I'm pretty open about it.  I wasn't really before until I told my best friend while we were working on my truck.  He kinda trolled me about it for a bit, but we usually troll each other a lot about random stuff anyway, so I could tell he was cool with it. He still pokes random clopping and other stereotypical jokes at me every once and a while for the lulz, but he knows it's not true :P


Anyway, ever since I told him, I don't really care if anyone finds out that I'm a brony.

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