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How open are you about ponies?


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I won't say anything about it to my family until I'm able to move out.

Reason being they'd be really mad I've been watching videos without them knowing...

So yeah, I'm a huge closet brony. Kinda wish I could buy some swag though, I have a bit of a collector's mentality. :(

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I sometimes wear Rainbow Dash shirts in public but if anyone asks il tell them all about MLP and how awesome it is =D


BEST SHOW EVER!!!!!! :wub:

  • Brohoof 1


                            Brony 4 Life

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I probably dont get judged as much for it since im a girl, so im very open about it. If something reminds me of ponies or i just happen to feel like bursting out in a CMC song, then i will. But, you know, in the right situations. 

I feel very sad for the people on here who are so scared of being judged they cannot even openly express their interests. 


It hurts to know that two MLP fans could walk past eachother, both depressed, not knowing the other was just like them. But since they're afraid of being made fun of, they cant even wear their favorites t-shirts or backpacks. Had people been more open-minded, those two could have wore what they want, met over seeing eachothers merch and became best friends, pulling eachother out of depression.


Yet they just walk past eachother, never knowing that could have happened.


This is pretty much why i'm usally wearing something Pony related. Incase i ever get the chance to make a new friend.  :squee:

  • Brohoof 2
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Not open at all. No one knows, and no one would expect it. I would only tell someone I really trust and knew wouldn't make fun of me.


YOU WATCH A SHOW ABOUT PONIES? NERD! HAHA HAHA! Jk, I told my mom, and she doesn't care.

Well, you've stumbled upon my post. Congrats I guess...

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YOU WATCH A SHOW ABOUT PONIES? NERD! HAHA HAHA! Jk, I told my mom, and she doesn't care.

Oh it'd probably go down worse than that. My friends at school would call me a faggot and never let me hear the end of it. My mom would get all concerned and think there is something wrong with me.

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Oh it'd probably go down worse than that. My friends at school would call me a faggot and never let me hear the end of it. My mom would get all concerned and think there is something wrong with me.


Well, my friends at school would do the exact same thing. But my mom knows the shows I like are good due to the fact I'm a cartoon connoisseur, so she didn't care.

Well, you've stumbled upon my post. Congrats I guess...

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HMmmmmmmm...............I'm not secretive about it, but I don't really talk about things like this with my family, friends Yes but even then, I don't talk to much about anything I like with people unless it's brought up. So no, but then again I don't go screaming out to the world "I LIKE MLP FIM, WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" It's just something I enjoy along reading, other shows, games, my business.

*Shrugs* I don't know.

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I personally don't wear a lot of the merchandise. But, if anyone asks me a question regarding what shows I like to watch I say to them "I say this without the slightest bit of shame or guilt. I like watching My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." It's true I am not a ashamed to admit that I watch the show.

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I usually wear an MLP shirt once twice a week or two. No one really minds that. As of my friends and family, most know that I'm a brony.


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I am not very open about it, I am really worried about what my friends and family will think.

I did tell 3 of my friends though since I know I can trust them enough with it, the one I was least able to trust I made them watch a documentary on Bronies first so that they would understand the fandom more, they went from the "Bronies are faggots" end of the spectrum to being more like "It is weird but I understand why people would like it", and at that stage I thought it was likely fine to bring it up, that friend was cool with it and did not laugh at me for it.


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I have nothing against baby horses, I just think that goats are intellectually supperior.


Jokes aside, I have no problem telling people that I'm a brony. But I don't cram it down people's throats, at least not anymore.

Edited by A goat
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I don't hide it or shove it in people's faces. I have pony stuff I tote around in public without comment, most commonly my RD purse and mane six belt I take to work. I used to wear pony enamel pins on my work shirt collar until I got moved to a different department.


I'll talk if people ask but otherwise I stay quiet. Funnily enough I've become closer friends with the dog trainer I work with at Petco from my RD purse.


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I regularly wear a very small, subtle necklace of Big Mac. I'm very open about being a fan but I don't shove it down anyone's throat. That necklace is the only hint. My friends are cool with it. And if they weren't? Well I could always find better friends who accept me. Thankfully, I'm kind of a scary guy so no one has ever given me flak for liking the show.  :comeatus:

  • Brohoof 1
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