Pinguino~ 85 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 Im that guy that sits in the back of the class finishes his work and reads, messes with his magic cards, or ask for more work. But if i have friends im doing all of that while being loud and very erratic, me and my friends get on everyones nerves but its fun. Other than that im the kid that no one like cuz he has all the answers so i guess im the bipolar know-it-all.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mephala 2,633 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 I'm regarded as "that one nerd", pretty much. Most people know my name, as I'm very active in our music program. I'm not very popular or well-liked, however. My teachers like me, for one, so I'm regarded as a "teacher's pet". Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Applejack Apple 5 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 When my teacher is not aroud i'm actually noisy, but when the teacher comes i stay quiet. On the last day, I was awarded aribbon (most prudent) One question: What is prudent I search everywhere on the internet but I don't get it but when I ask people their answers are different. "Yee Haw!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
~The Doctor~ 20 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 I'm homeschooled so...yeah. But if I was in a school I certainly wouldn't be fake. I'd probably end up being the dude everybody loves. Would you like a jelly baby? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
jw5587 182 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 I'm Fluttershy. I'm quiet and don't speak unless spoken to, and even then it usually just comes out as a mumble. If you get me talking on something I'm interested or passionate about, I'll talk. A lot, especially around friends. Because I'm so shy lots of people take that as a they can push me around, which is pretty accurate. I usually won't do much and because of this I end up getting made fun of a lot. There are lines though, and last year someone crossed a HUGE one with me. I ended up hitting him in the face, something that I've regretted ever since. I hate violence so you have to understand how much it takes me to get to that point. The only big difference between me in real life and me on here is, I probably won't talk to you if I saw you in real life unless I've gotten pretty close to you online. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootalove 10,689 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 A lot of people know me at the school but, I don't talk much because of my shy personality. I don't really enjoy my school, because of that reason. Credit: Moony © Forum FAQ Forum Rules Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Betez 1,734 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 At school, I feel like I'm pretty awkward around people I don't know, but pretty social around people I do know. Unlike most people it seems, I go to school to learn. I don't really go out of my way to talk to people. My OC Stay pony my friends"And ALWAYS never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Commander Urdnot 2,680 April 9, 2013 Share April 9, 2013 I'm outspoken when it comes to class discussions and activities. Outside of that though, I do not interact with other students. Me and other students typically don't get along. I'm not much of a people person, plus, my insensitive, loud, strange, unpredictable, and inconsistent personality tends to rub people the wrong way. When it comes to academics, I do just barely enough to scrape by. Ever since I started public school, I thought it was a joke. I like learning, however I don't like being controlled. I prefer learning on my own time, and at my own pace. Despite my low grades, most people at school consider me to be quite intelligent. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Virulence 254 April 10, 2013 Share April 10, 2013 At school I'm very quiet. I mean I talk with my friends but in class with all the other kids I'm such a fluttershy. But usually I just do my work and try to get it done so I can read. Signature by: My OC's: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Avatar tag: shipping 299 April 10, 2013 Share April 10, 2013 I'm friendly with everyone in my class, but hardly know any of them. I know my neighbors and a guy that works in a volunteer dept in my district and that's about it. It doesn't help that my class is freaking huge. I have 25 people in my class, it doesn't sound that bad but medic classes usually only have 5-10. I generally keep to myself, but the others like to bum answers off me so I end up talking to them anyway. I some times debate whether I should keep helping them out or not. I like to be nice to my classmates but I busted my rump to get into medic school, why should I help them if they won't put forth the effort? Quite the quandary... Sig by the one and only Doc Volt! Gone but not forgotten! Guess who's back!!! Luna damn it!Your PMs are not safe! Trust no one! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bronyette 835 April 10, 2013 Share April 10, 2013 (edited) Generally, I am probably the most quiet person you'll ever meet. It is so bad that I still feel awkward for even the simple act of answering someone when they talk to me. I feel very restricted at my home school and I have absolutely no close friends... I have some people who try to speak to me I always act pretty awkward. But in my IT class I let myself go and try to be my actual self and not caged inside like I normally am. I get loud, sing, draw without being scared of anyone seeing. I have a few great friends there and they are very welcoming. (Maybe because I'm the only girl in the class... ) It's great to be surrounded by people who have the same interests as you. :3 There are two other bronies in the class. If I had to describe my personality I would have to pick Flutters for my home school and Pinkie for my other, which is funny because they are total opposites of each other. Edited April 10, 2013 by Bronyette Click on the Banner for more info! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Marcato 2,143 April 11, 2013 Share April 11, 2013 At school I'd go as far as to call myself bipolar... Why do I say that? Because sometimes I'm really upbeat, energetic and happy, while other times I can be a little lazy and grouchy. I wouldn't say I act like a jerk, I just get annoyed with the smallest things instead of ignoring it like I often do. Of course this may not be the definition of bipolar, but I rarely act grouchy online at all. I can act serious, but I don't act like everything bothers me. I also find myself a lot more outspoken on the internet. I suppose the anonimity of it all makes me feel safer. Not to mention I have time to plan my words! I'm constantly fearing my peers responses to my words, questions or answers in class. So I'm a little quieter in school. ~Relax and enJOY life. True joy is a BLESSING.~ ~Musician, poet, writer, and all-around storyteller~ Interests: Old literature, ancient history, MUSIC, fantasy, anime Best Pony: Tiaaaaaa! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweet Dreams 1,893 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 I'm usually pretty quiet at school. I put my hand up sometimes in class, because I'm kinda smart, but I'm generally pretty shy. Around my friends, I'm pretty outgoing, but only in lunch breaks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Periwinkle 3,775 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 I'm pretty good. I kept a 4.0 throughout high school, which included dual enrollment classes at a local college. I do tend to do all my work at the last possible moment, though. (Take now for example, I'm doing a summer class to get an elective out of the way, and I'm totally not preparing for my ten minute presentation for Tuesday). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raiden21 804 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 At school I am usually more energetic/serious, quiet in class, and cuss more since teachers dont care. At home I am more tired, serious, and relaxed. Even with how I act, I still have my 3.8 GPA in my honor's classes. Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sugar Cube 4,843 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 In school I am always extremely quiet and well-behaved. I'm probably the "nerd" type of student, so I tend to stay on task throughout the entire duration of the class for the most part. It doesn't mean I don't daydream from time to time though. I never go out of my way to talk to people. Mostly because I just don't care to know the other students, and even if I did, I'm too shy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nila Bean 133 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 I am usually quiet unless around my friends. I'm not shy, it's just I don't want to talk to other people other than my friends. Either that or I'm just to caught up in my thoughts. People at school label me "wired" and "crazy", and personally I'm fine with it Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 When I was in high school I was one of those students who was able to breeze through most of their classes by barely even trying even though a lot of my classes were honor's and AP classes. Though I had some friends I tended to relate to my teachers a lot more than most of my fellow students and thought that many of my fellow students were stupid, and immature. I saw many of them obsess about things that really didn't matter to me and matter even less to me now like being popular "cool" or whatever which just struck me as incredibly shallow and phony. There were a few things that made a less than perfect student though as I tended to procrastinate alot and got a tad lazy at times with homework assignments and I had a really nasty temper, so nasty that I constantly teetered on the edge of being expelled from school. Nevertheless I made it though high school and was able to graduate with a 3.8 GPA. By time I started taking classes at my local community college I overcame most of my anger issues and did quite well at first but made the mistake of taking all the easy classes first and got my ass kicked by classes that turned out to be way harder than I anticipated and my mortal enemy, my academic Kryptonite math also reared it's ugly head as well. That and several other personal issues and pressure from work and life in general got my grades so far down the toilet that I dropped out and was placed on academic probation. I do have plans this fall though to return for the first time in 3 years, I will start off easy to not overload myself by taking 1 required class and maybe 1 fun class. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Beyonder 46 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 (edited) I'm pretty sardonic when it comes to my in-class humor, but I tend to offer the most accurate, in-depth responses when asked to answer something. When I don't understand something, I'm usually stand-offish with the teacher, especially if he/she doesn't intend to elaborate for me. Around friends, I can be very loud, and even lewd, at times, but I still get any message that I want to voice across to other people. My conversational speech is of a similar level of eloquence to what you see written here. In spite of all of that, though, I can talk genuinely to just about anybody. I'm certainly not afraid to be critical, as I am often overly critical of myself. I was first in my class for the entirety of my freshman year (high school), but then kinda gave up a quarter of the way through my sophomore year - - - I'm still ranked in the top 10 out of a class of 400 pretty consistently, just not as adamant as I once was. School is meh, IMHO, but to each his own. Edited June 16, 2013 by Beyonder Staring beyond; up past the moon - - - will we reach the stars yet soon? Met quick with loss; no sure response - - - men reach up high with their thoughts. How high it goes; still no one knows - - - the likes of which search thick in droves. Yet looking far; up near the stars - - - truth knows no better than we are. With silver thread; and clouded head - - - blissful 'neath the darkened dune. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
D1SC0RD 987 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 At school, I am pretty much the same as I am on here. The only difference I can think of is that I am more open on these forums. I don't really trust/like the people at school, yet I want to be buddy-buddy with everyone on here! It's weird. But people in RL are too suffocating. Can't even walk in the halls without someone joining me, or sit in the library without someone pulling up a chair. It drives me insane. I kinda got dragged into their social circle and seems there's no getting out, which I think is why I am so annoyed by these people. On here, it's nearly impossible for someone to get too close for comfort and everyone is delightful. So I am more comfortable toward you forum folk than my student body. Thanks 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Smarts 1,623 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 I am very quiet and shy when at school. In fact, I'm that way everywhere I go. Since I don't have friends and loathe everyone at school, I tend to keep to myself. Drawing, writing, and napping were the only ways I kept myself sane when around those people. Being loud, crazy, or actually fun in any way is not something I am capable of nor is it something I will ever try. IF is best girl. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
MLPFan14 73 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 Most of the time when it comes to school,I'm happy and energized,then some I'm not I'm all tired and worn out from the day before,and me gradewise is like A's and B's ,and yes I am a very Brainy Pony,just like Twilight Sparkle,thats why she's my fav character because I'm just like her <p> Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
repsol rave 2,963 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 i'm pretty laid back at school. i'm not the quiet type though, i still participate in almsot every conversation my friends have. but i won't go screaming for attention either. i guess i can just enjoy the peace i have when i'm in recess smoking a cigarette alone. but i can also enjoy going into town with my friends My OC's: Roarke, Repsol and Crystal Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Thrashy 2,800 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 I'm pretty withdrawn at college. It's really not out of shyness (I've kinda moved past that stage of my life ), I just approach things pragmatically; why go out of my way to talk to a bunch of strangers whom I'll never be any more than "outer circle" friends with, when I can just spend my free time between classes doing things that are both enjoyable and constructive for myself, such as songwriting? It's a win-win situation for everypony. That's not to say I outright avoid interacting with others, hell, I'm always polite and receptive to those who randomly come up and talk to rare as such occasions are. But I just feel like I can get so much more done when I'm left alone. The only people who fill my RAGE meter are the goddamn hipsters who think they're so cool, going up to the student lounge's piano and farting their way through "the Tetris song" (it's called ???????????, asshats! ) for the millionth time...or Moonlight Sonata 1st mvmt., that seems to be a common one as well. Hate to sound like an elitist prick, but if you're not a pianist, <canterlock> STEP AWAY FROM THE MOTHERBUCKING PIANO. YOU'RE NOT COOL, YOU'RE A JOKE, AND YOU'RE IRRITATING EVERYPONY. </canterlock> ...Grade-wise, I'm pretty steady. I'm one of those slackers who waits till the very last moment to get an assignment done. I also never study for tests, yet I always seem to pass with flying colors every time. I guess I just have an easier time retaining info through class lectures than through homework and reading. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
lincolnshirepony 527 June 16, 2013 Share June 16, 2013 I'm quiet. I'm a shy person in general, so it's not too surprising. I'm a bit more talkative around my friends. I'm usually the girl sitting quietly in the back. I try not to draw too much attention to myself, just because I don't always know how to deal with it. As far as the people went, I tried to see the best in them, because disliking everyone made me miserable and I wasn't always being fair in dismissing them over something trivial. The pettiness and shallowness did bother me, but I ignored it for the most part because I didn't want to get dragged in. Granted, I wasn't about to win an popularity contests or have some crazy social life (crazy academic life was more like it), but most of my classmates actually weren't that bad. I had a handful of close friends and band to keep me sane if things weren't going that well. All in all, high school wasn't as bad as I initially thought it was. DFTBA. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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