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Tom The Diamond

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RMT time (for Random Matchups, so keep in mind item and species clauses)



Tangrowth @Leftovers


252 HP/252 Def/4 Atk

Impish Nature (+Def, -SpA)

-Power Whip


-Leech Seed

-Sleep Powder


Tangrowth is a cool physical wall that brings a lot to the table. Power Whip and Earthquake give a surprising amount of offensive presence even uninvested. Leech Seed and Sleep Powder ease switch ins and set ups for my other Pokemon, and help to wear down defensive threats.


Dragonite @Choice Band


4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

Adamant Nature (+Atk, -SpA)



-Fire Punch



This guy makes battles so much simpler. Outrage is my main attack, capable of 2HKOing bulky stuff like Eviolite Dusclops, Cresselia, and Heatran. Earthquake and Fire Punch are extremely situational coverage moves and aren't used often. Extremespeed is priority and priority is cool. Multiscale lets it take even some Ice Beams and such from full health, and Leech Seed can help keep it activated.


Infernape @Life Orb


252 Atk/4 SpA/252 Spe

Naive Nature (+Spe, -SpD)

-Overheat/Fire Blast

-Close Combat

-Stone Edge

-U Turn


Physically based Mixape. My worse answer to Volcarona, as well as an excellent counter to most Steels that might want to take Outrage. The Fire STAB hits most Steels on their lower defensive stat (advice: should I go with Overheat or Fire Blast?), Close Combat combines with the Fire move of choice to act as an excellent deterrent to Steels and Blissey/Chansey, Stone Edge is coverage, U Turn is cool for momentum on revenge kills or switches. It takes a lot of passive damage, and loves Leech Seed recovery.


Machamp @Lum Berry

No Guard

248 HP/252 Atk/8 Spe

Adamant Nature



-Stone Edge

-Ice Punch


Machamp is a cool guy, but one of the more likely ones to get replaced. I'm sure most of you know what he does: Dynamicpunch is powerful STAB with a cool 100% chance of confusion, Payback and Stone Edge are coverage, Ice Punch hurts Gliscor and Dragons. Any suggestions for replacement are welcome.


Cloyster @Focus Sash

Skill Link

156 HP/252 Atk/100 Spe

Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)

-Shell Smash

-Icicle Spear

-Rock Blast

-Razor Shell


Sashsmash Cloyster, as I like to call it. My admittedly poor answer to Dragonite and Volcarona. Shell Smash if possible, Icicle Spear is an epic coverage STAB, Rock Blast abuses Skill Link, Razor Shell because it doesn't get Waterfall. The EVs and nature don't do anything specific; I was just lazy is all.


Scizor @Steel Gem


248 HP/252 Atk/8 Spe

Adamant Nature

-Swords Dance


-Bullet Punch

-Bug Bite


Combination bulky offensive SD Scizor, which I feel like a scumbag for using. SD is setup, Roost for longevity, Bullet Punch is very powerful with SD, Tech, STAB, and Steel Gem (dat Item Clause), Bug Bite works better against slower targets. Scizor is a revenge killer extraordinaire, and offers further deterrence to any Ice types that want to KO Nite. If he can set up on a defensive Pokemon, it's usually either GG or a ragequit.


That said, I just noticed a huge physical bias on the team. Suggestions are welcome, and a lot of them can be fulfilled. If you think I'd be better off with Magic Guard Alakazam or Sheer Force Nidoking or offensive Starmie or Eviolite Chansey or something, I can most likely make the change. If you're wondering how I built the team, I basically tried to cover all the major threats with one or two Pokemon, resulting in this mess. I tested it out for five battles (my only five random matchup battles so far), and it went 2-1 with 2 ragequits.



@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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if you got Pokemon black or white don't forget your free Mewtwo download this month!


I already got this:


Mewtwo @Life Orb


4 HP/252 SpA/252 Spe

Timid Nature

-Calm Mind


-Aura Sphere

-Ice Beam


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Time to discuss Eviolite and how undeniably cool it is. Some example users:


Chansey @Eviolite

Natural Cure

4 HP/252 Def/252 SpD

Bold Nature (+Def, -Atk)



-Seismic Toss



Dusclops @Eviolite


252 HP/4 Def/252 SpD

Calm Nature (+SpD, -Atk)

-Pain Split


-Night Shade



Rhydon @Eviolite


252 HP/4 Atk/252 SpD

Careful Nature (+SpD, -SpA)


-Stealth Rock

-Dragon Tail/Roar

-Rock Blast/Stone Edge


Scyther @Eviolite


248 HP/8 Atk/252 Spe

Jolly Nature (+Spe, -SpA)

-Swords Dance


-Aerial Ace

-Brick Break/Bug Bite


Porygon 2 @Eviolite


252 HP/4 Def/252 SpA

Modest Nature (+SpA, -Atk)

-Tri Attack


-Ice Beam



Those are some examples. There's some other stuff like Ferroseed and such, but all of these except Scyther can be in the Middle Cup. Discuss and stuff


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Lol Bowl <3


I never really messed with the Eviolite...I haven't had the chance. I don't own Black or White, but I played through both. I'm working on a Competitive Team for Soul Silver...At the moment I'm just training, moves and Items haven't been decided yet.

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Sometime in the not so distant future, Ruby and Sapphire will be remade. Mark my words. Inb4 "There's no point in doing that because Ruby and Sapphire can communicate with 4th Gen and 4th with fifth, Nintendo only remade Generation 2 because they had two."

No. You're flippin' morons if you believe that. Nintendo doesn't give a damn if you can catch all the Pokemon or not. They'll remake Ruby and Sapphire because they will sell, and Nintendo's goal is to make money. It's what companies do.

As for the third installment in the 5th Generation...yeah, my guess would be Grey, and starring Kyurem.

  • Brohoof 1

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Pokemon Black and White were disappointing I hope it doesn't get a third Grey version.


One of the biggest lessons from Gold and Silver are still being ignored. And that is makig the Post League experience an interesting one.

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Sometime in the not so distant future, Ruby and Sapphire will be remade. Mark my words. Inb4 "There's no point in doing that because Ruby and Sapphire can communicate with 4th Gen and 4th with fifth, Nintendo only remade Generation 2 because they had two."

No. You're flippin' morons if you believe that. Nintendo doesn't give a damn if you can catch all the Pokemon or not. They'll remake Ruby and Sapphire because they will sell, and Nintendo's goal is to make money. It's what companies do.

As for the third installment in the 5th Generation...yeah, my guess would be Grey, and starring Kyurem.


They will be remade and they will be awesome. I'm anxiously awaiting what tutors they put in the next games. My personal favorite Pokemon game is Emerald, so I'm pumped. The third Unova game could potentially be along the lines of Crystal and involve the Musketeers/Kami trio more, but I'm thinking Kyurem with an alternate form or two for the signature moves Freeze Bolt and Cold Flare. Maybe Kyurem will get a higher Base Stat total, too, since it has 660 and Reshi and Zek have 680. Some more speed would be nice (would make Specs a lot better), and just might move it up to OU. Funny how something with a 660 BST is kept to UU because of a Stealth Rock weakness and subpar speed tier. It's not like Pressure is even a bad ability. It could be a lot better, but at least it's not Truant. But I digress...


Since no one wanted to talk much about Eviolite, how about weather? Dream World gave us Drizzletoed and Droughtales along with some cool new abusers. Do you prefer defensive or offensive weather starters (for reference: Tyranitar, Hippowdon, Abomasnow, Politoed, Ninetales)? Which weather is your favorite/least favorite to use or to play against? What sort of weather abusers do you use, or do you prefer to have some Pokemon that just slightly benefit from the weather?


Sample weather teams:


http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3447445 One of the coolest sun teams I've ever seen. Unorthodox, too.


http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3458509 An OU hail team, which is quite rare. It shows that you can have an effective hail team without piling on the Ice types.


http://www.smogon.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3455765 Rain stall can be surprisingly effective, with lots of good hazard users benefiting from rain, not to mention rain-boosted Scald flying everywhere.


Rather than link to a Smogon RMT for the sand team, I'll post a team I recently theorymonned.


Tyranitar @Leftovers

Careful, Sand Stream

252 HP/100 Atk/156 SpD

-Stealth Rock



-Stone Edge/Superpower


Specially defensive Tyranitar is a pretty cool guy, and doesn't afraid of anything. He sets sand and is one of my special sponges. Stealth Rock is pretty important, despite how much I hate hazards. Pursuit checkmates Lati@s, Crunch is reliable power, and the last slot...either more powerful STAB or a cool coverage move. Which is better?


Skarmory @Leftovers/Shed Shell

Impish, Sturdy

252 HP/232 Def/24 Spe




-Brave Bird


Physically defensive Skarm takes dem Outrages all day erryday. Spikes are more hazards, Roost is healing and why I'm using this over Forretress, Whirlwind is phazing and phazing is cool, Brave Bird is a damaging move. Recoil can be healed off with Roost. Item choice is dependent on how much you run into Magnezone.


Jellicent @Leftovers

Bold, Water Absorb

248 HP/216 Def/44 Spe



-Taunt/Ice Beam/Shadow Ball/Energy Ball



Jelly is my spinblocker, rain counter, Fighting immunity, and statuser. Scald does some damage and can burn, Wisp is a more guaranteed burn (although Toxic is better for breaking down defensive Pokemon), Taunt is Taunt (the offensive options could be used, I suppose), Recover is Recover. Not much to say about that.


Reuniclus @Life Orb/Leftovers

Bold, Magic Guard

252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD

-Calm Mind



-Focus Blast


Calm Mind Reuniclus is cool because it's immune to passive damage. It has great synergy with Tyranitar. CM and Recover are obligatory on a defensive CMer, Psyshock allows me to more easily win potential Calm Mind wars, Focus Blast for coverage. Item choice is personal preference, though I like Life Orb.


Heatran @Choice Specs

Timid, Flash Fire

252 SpA/4 SpD/252 Spe

-Fire Blast

-Dragon Pulse

-Earth Power

-Hidden Power (Grass)


Specstran is a solid sun team check and a nuke to boot. Skarm and Tar can lure Fire moves (Fire Blast/HP Fire and Will-o-Wisp) to activate Flash Fire and make it even more of a nuke, Dragon Pulse and Earth Power are great, powerful coverage moves, HP Grass hits stuff like Gastrodon.


Landorus @Choice Scarf

Naive, Sand Force

252 Atk/4 SpA/252 Spe


-Stone Edge

-Hidden Power (Ice)



Scarf Landorus is an epic revenge killer, especially on a sand team. It outspeeds and KOes +1 Dragonite and Volcarona and is generally powerful. EQ and SE are both Sand Force boosted and offer great coverage, HP Ice takes care of Gliscor and Dragonite, U-Turn is for scouting and coolness.


Suggestions for the team are welcome, of course. Also point out anything you see it being weak to. I just made it off the top of my head in my free time at school, lol

  • Brohoof 1


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Emerald is my favorite too, Bowl. I've been wondering if Kyurem will get a new form like Giratina, though that's not really too likely...it's still possible, and would allow for a stat boost.

I don't battle competitively because things have just gone against me, by the time I had a team on Platinum, everyone I knew played Soul Silver. Dad sold Platinum, then I got Diamond, and now that I have Soul Silver I don't have my own DS and borrow my sister's so my team isn't ready and rarely gets worked on. Plus I don't have any friends anymore. (boohoo, right?) Those bastiodons quit liking Pokemon a long time ago anyway....

Honestly, never had a weather-based team.

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Hey Bowl. I need your opinion. Pokemon Soul Silver. EV's, moves, and Item for a Tangrowth?


Tangrowth @Leftovers

Relaxed/Impish, Chlorophyll

252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD

-Power Whip/Leaf Storm

-Synthesis/Leech Seed

-Sleep Powder



Physical tank. Use Relaxed with Leaf Storm and Impish with Power Whip, Synthesis versus Leech Seed is a preference thing. I tried my best to not recommend Hidden Power, but I don't think it's really necessary here. Sleep Powder is really cool, EQ is coverage. Uninvested base 100/110 offensive stats still hurt, especially with high base power moves. This set takes advantage of Tangrowth's better-than-Skarmory defensive capability.


Tangrowth @Life Orb

Adamant, Chlorophyll

4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

-Swords Dance

-Power Whip


-Rock Slide


If you have sun support, this is a monster. Unfortunately, Growth only got upgraded in Gen V (to +2 Atk and +2 SpA in sun), but it can still pull off a full physical sun sweeper role, something not many Chlorophyllers can do. SD and Life Orb make you hit like a truck, STAB Power Whip kills stuff, QuakeSlide for great coverage (Steels, Flyings, etc.). This only misses out on Bronzong and Breloom for neutral coverage as far as I know.


Tangrowth @Life Orb/Leftovers

Modest, Chlorophyll

32 HP/252 SpA/224 Spe

-Sleep Powder



-Hidden Power (Fire)/Substitute/Leech Seed/Synthesis


The special version of the above set. The physical one needed all the three move coverage it could get, but this gets along fairly well with two offensive moves. Sleep Powder is awesome as always, Solarbeam is great in sun (though if you're worried about lack of sun you could go with Giga Drain), Ancientpower is actually a good choice (Grass is weak to Fire, Bug, and Flying, which are all weak to Rock), HP Fire gets pseudo-STAB in the sun, but if you don't feel like going through all the trouble for it, Sub, Synthesis, and Leech Seed are all nifty alternatives. If you go with Sub, Leftovers might not be a bad choice. I'd personally go with Synthesis to heal Life Orb recoil and other damage.


Of course, if you don't have sun support, the defensive set is almost always a better choice. The offensive sets rely on Chlorophyll to boost that lulzy base 50 speed. A specially defensive set would be possible a la Skarmory/Forretress, but most of the time you'd be better off sticking to the physically defensive set. Hope I helped!

  • Brohoof 1


@Eevee (Arcanel)

@Leafeon (Sapphire Quill) @Vaporeon (Seraphim) | @Glaceon (Megamare) | @Flareon (MrXweet)

 (Golgo) | @Espeon (BowlArt64) | @Umbreon (Kestrel) | @Sylveon (Annakavanna)

The Espeon gif from http://www.pkparaiso.com/xy/sprites_pokemon.php

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Tangrowth @Leftovers

Relaxed/Impish, Chlorophyll

252 HP/252 Def/4 SpD

-Power Whip/Leaf Storm

-Synthesis/Leech Seed

-Sleep Powder



Physical tank. Use Relaxed with Leaf Storm and Impish with Power Whip, Synthesis versus Leech Seed is a preference thing. I tried my best to not recommend Hidden Power, but I don't think it's really necessary here. Sleep Powder is really cool, EQ is coverage. Uninvested base 100/110 offensive stats still hurt, especially with high base power moves. This set takes advantage of Tangrowth's better-than-Skarmory defensive capability.


Tangrowth @Life Orb

Adamant, Chlorophyll

4 HP/252 Atk/252 Spe

-Swords Dance

-Power Whip


-Rock Slide


If you have sun support, this is a monster. Unfortunately, Growth only got upgraded in Gen V (to +2 Atk and +2 SpA in sun), but it can still pull off a full physical sun sweeper role, something not many Chlorophyllers can do. SD and Life Orb make you hit like a truck, STAB Power Whip kills stuff, QuakeSlide for great coverage (Steels, Flyings, etc.). This only misses out on Bronzong and Breloom for neutral coverage as far as I know.


Tangrowth @Life Orb/Leftovers

Modest, Chlorophyll

32 HP/252 SpA/224 Spe

-Sleep Powder



-Hidden Power (Fire)/Substitute/Leech Seed/Synthesis


The special version of the above set. The physical one needed all the three move coverage it could get, but this gets along fairly well with two offensive moves. Sleep Powder is awesome as always, Solarbeam is great in sun (though if you're worried about lack of sun you could go with Giga Drain), Ancientpower is actually a good choice (Grass is weak to Fire, Bug, and Flying, which are all weak to Rock), HP Fire gets pseudo-STAB in the sun, but if you don't feel like going through all the trouble for it, Sub, Synthesis, and Leech Seed are all nifty alternatives. If you go with Sub, Leftovers might not be a bad choice. I'd personally go with Synthesis to heal Life Orb recoil and other damage.


Of course, if you don't have sun support, the defensive set is almost always a better choice. The offensive sets rely on Chlorophyll to boost that lulzy base 50 speed. A specially defensive set would be possible a la Skarmory/Forretress, but most of the time you'd be better off sticking to the physically defensive set. Hope I helped!


I'll have to try offense tank, I think. I STILL don't know how to figure out what type Hidden Power is, so I'm relieved it wasn't on here XD

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Details are very sketchy right now, I can't seem to find much confirmed info on this, but hey, this site explains all you need to know.


Click here.


But it doesn't. D: What is that?! "Black 2 and White 2"? There's some explaining necessary here!


I am sooo confused. Why the *beep* are they for the DS? Is Gamefreak out of their minds?

Edited by Envy

Everything needs more woodwind!

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