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Twilight Sparkle Alicorn/Princess Speculation [SPOILERS]



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  1. 1. Would you approve of Twilight becoming an alicorn?

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I imagine that this will be similar to Avatar: The Last Airbender


Aang is the Avatar and more powerful, but he has to learn to master his abilities. Perhaps Twilight will need to learn to fly and stuff.

  • Brohoof 1

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Thing is this wasn't the intention from the begining. She was just supposed to be this super talented unicorn. It was Hasbro being shallow and greedy that caused this turn of events. It's the thought of this unicorn, a member of a normal pony race, having so much talent and potential and working with what she had that made her so interesting and unique. Turning her into what kind of is a deity among men kinda turns that of.

what makes you think that those are the reasons leading up to this?

i know that lauren hasnt said her previous plans for twilight as to not undermine the current writers, so how would you know?





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Thing is this wasn't the intention from the begining. She was just supposed to be this super talented unicorn. It was Hasbro being shallow and greedy that caused this turn of events. It's the thought of this unicorn, a member of a normal pony race, having so much talent and potential and working with what she had that made her so interesting and unique. Turning her into what kind of is a deity among men kinda turns that of.

I don't think we can say what was or wasn't intended with any true certainty. Was Alicorn Twilight planed to eventually happen by the writers? We don't know at this point. How many of us thought Trixie would truly return in the fashion she did or that that was planned all the way back in 2011? Or that Discord would semi reform also planned in 2011. At this point all we know for certain is that this was tied in with toy line heavily, but that is not a unique occurrence in this series.

  • Brohoof 2
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I don't think we can say what was or wasn't intended with any true certainty. Was Alicorn Twilight planed to eventually happen by the writers? We don't know at this point. How many of us thought Trixie would truly return in the fashion she did or that that was planned all the way back in 2011? Or that Discord would semi reform also planned in 2011. At this point all we know for certain is that this was tied in with toy line heavily, but that is not a unique occurrence in this series.



what makes you think that those are the reasons leading up to this?

i know that lauren hasnt said her previous plans for twilight as to not undermine the current writers, so how would you know?

All instances of Hasbro shoving in merchandise ideas have proven to not had been the idea of the showrunners. With Lauren's comment on this not being her original vision for the character while she was working on the show it pretty much points towards it all being Hasbro. 


Yes, they managed to work out some great storylines with Hasbro's shoved concepts. A Canterlot Wedding being the finest example. It's really hard to think the whole Twilicorn thing wasn't Hasbro's idea. And from a marketing standpoint it makes sense. The Celestia toys helmed the toyline for the first season, and most of the second. The Cadence toys have basically been doing the same for the remainder of the second and so far the third. Hasbro needed something new to rotate Cadence out. They probly thought up Twilicorn as the answer. Toys rotate out every year. 

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There's still a part of me that hopes that it'll be temporary, but let's say that it is permanent. The thing is, I think that it won't have to turn out badly.


I can easily imagine that, while getting some odd looks from the other ponies, Twilight won't actually be that much more immediately powerful. Perhaps this could lead to a sort of story arc about everyone getting used to this? This certainly opens up new avenues for character development. As long as they don't lessen the slice of life for this new change, I think it could be nice.


Twilight would be moving to a higher level in her studies as an alicorn, no doubt, but considering that Celestia and Luna are thousands of years old, she's not going to reach godhood level anytime soon. Heck, since it seems like she'll be creating her own Alicorn-ism, it might even be a very weak form that she's creating. Like artificial limbs and such. Therefore, she would still at heart be just a very talented unicorn, and her wings simply a fantastic achievement that she'd like to keep around. Since the extended synopsis suggests that her true destiny lies in creating her own magic, this makes sense. 


We've already seen Rainbow Dash become a much more mature and responsible pony than she was in Season 1 and thus losing some of her earlier defining traits, but is she still an interesting character? Of course! Perhaps this will lead to a season with more continuous character growth and other such awesomeness.


Still, I'd prefer alicorn Twilight to be a temporary thing...

  • Brohoof 1

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All instances of Hasbro shoving in merchandise ideas have proven to not had been the idea of the showrunners. With Lauren's comment on this not being her original vision for the character while she was working on the show it pretty much points towards it all being Hasbro. 


Yes, they managed to work out some great storylines with Hasbro's shoved concepts. A Canterlot Wedding being the finest example. It's really hard to think the whole Twilicorn thing wasn't Hasbro's idea. And from a marketing standpoint it makes sense. The Celestia toys helmed the toyline for the first season, and most of the second. The Cadence toys have basically been doing the same for the remainder of the second and so far the third. Hasbro needed something new to rotate Cadence out. They probly thought up Twilicorn as the answer. Toys rotate out every year. 

Lauren has only gone as far to say that she had a plan for the character, she never stated what they were or wether they are in line with current events. She refuses to state her plan as she does not want to invalidate the production staffs work.


I do think that Alicorn Twilight was most likely hasbro's idea, but its hard to say whether the writers were planing on doing that eventually or not. Hasbros involvement seems to be a bit strange in how it can work. Cadence is a good example. Many believe the entire character was created by hasbro, However through statements from Lauren it seems this isn't entirely true. She expressed surprise that she was an alicorn. This suggests the character was written intentionally into the script as one thing but was changed. If hasbro had forced the character upon them wouldn't she have been an alicorn from the start? We just are not privy to the absolute information on this. Though it is interesting.

  • Brohoof 1
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So what're you all going to do for the season finale. I know for a fact when episode 12 comes out I will have a field week. Because the walking dead is coming back in february and I'm not missing that either. 

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Well now that i have a better understanding about the episode which i was more curious about to begin with. I can see why people were over reacting. Even if the move was by Hasbro there's no way Twilight could become a princess alicorn like Cadence and maintain her relationships with the mane...  5. So now that enough about the ep has been leaked i don't care about it as much as i did when i saw the picture on the Hub. But i can tell you someone who is not pleased with alicorn Twilight....



Edited by EQRoyalGuardSGT
  • Brohoof 1



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More and more tears. =/


Alicorns are gods?


Pretty sure Cadence isn't god-level... in which case, Twilight getting wings doesn't make her instantly god-level, either...


I'm no expert on power and magic and stuff, but I'm pretty sure that if Celestia and Luna were really all that godly just from being alicorns (that lived 1000+ years, no less), the former would've wrecked Chrysalis even with that power boost... that came from the emotions of a unicorn.


This argument is probably shaky, but meh. I still fail to see how alicorn-hood = god-hood, as I've said a few times on this forum already. -_-

  • Brohoof 1

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I'm not against her becoming an alicorn at all! I know she'll still be the same Twilight through and through, but I don't know what will happen to the rest of the show. 


But what really does bother me is they're most likely doing it to play into the "princess" bullcrap that girls are fed today. It's nothing but marketing and making more money. The article on EW.com bothered me because McCarthy said that "every little girl wants to be a princess..." It's alienating to those girls who don't want to be princesses and it can alienate little boys, too. We're not as forward as a country as we could be, where a lot of us still hold gender normative feelings and thoughts. 


I have a lot of conflicted feelings, but I have to remember that they're in it to make money, bottom line. But we'll see what happens.

Edited by HeartOfSilver
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One does not simply "become an alicorn" twilight would prolly turn down an offer to become the main princess because of her friends, but if it comes to pass oh well thats what the producers want.

  • Brohoof 1


By retro-derpy

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Well now that i have a better understanding about the episode which i was more curious about to begin with. I can see why people were over reacting. Even if the move was by Hasbro there's no way Twilight could become a princess alicorn like Cadence and maintain her relationships with the mane...  5. So now that enough about the ep has been leaked i don't care about it as much as i did when i saw the picture on the Hub. But i can tell you someone who is not pleased with alicorn Twilight....



Let me guess that video was made by someone on /mlp/. The whole bronies are going to leave and the fandom is dieing thing is bs. If DC comics fans can survive the crap we've had to put up with the bronies will. How about star wars fans? Had to put up with three of the worst movies ever. Even if this were garanteed to be bad it would be a tenth of what those fandoms had to go through and they are still very much alive and very active. 


At least Twilight will never go nuts and kill all of the ponies and then be replaced with another character.

  • Brohoof 3
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If Twilight abandons her friends then the entire show was meaningless and meant nothing from the start. I wouldn't mind if she became an alicorn. But the way they would most likely go about it in terms of writing seems off. Because if she was an alicorn she would be better than her friends by default. They are all supposed to be equals. If all of the mane 6 became princesses than I wouldn't have an issue here

  • Brohoof 1
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Who ever said they had to get rid of the characters they already have? I was suggesting that perhaps they have new characters being the stars of the show, while the originals take on a more minor role. They are seen, but far from as often, about as much as we see Celestia and Luna.

Perhaps with Twi becoming an Alicorn princess, her friends gain roles in Equestria's royal court, not royalty per-say, but still high class and important roles.

I wouldn't want to loose the characters we all know and love either, but maybe, just maybe, its time for a change.

Retooling a successful show in the middle of its run has *rarely* worked.


Anyway, I'm *trying* to keep an open mind about this issue. Before I said I've sort of mellowed out on the issue? Well the more I read, the more "real" it seems and th emore uneasy I get. Theres potential for a huge shift in the show, and frankly not a good one...

  • Brohoof 2


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I've been keeping my mouth shut during the whole Twilicorn explosion, under the general "better to be silent and be thought a fool" theory that has served me pretty well in other recent fan-related events. I am a bit dubious about this development, I've never made a secret about my feelings on the situation. That said, I'm reserving judgment till we see the ep in question and, more importantly, season 4. that said, there's something that several have said that sticks in my craw a bit, and I think I want to respond to it. I'm quoting TheMarkzOne merely because he's the nearest handy example of what's been bugging me about this whole debate. italics/bold mine.


If Twilight abandons her friends then the entire show was meaningless and meant nothing from the start. I wouldn't mind if she became an alicorn. But the way they would most likely go about it in terms of writing seems off. Because if she was an alicorn she would be better than her friends by default. They are all supposed to be equals. If all of the mane 6 became princesses than I wouldn't have an issue here


Some fans seem to be making the assumption that Alicorn Twilight will inevitably either abandon or outgrow the rest of the mane 6, because she will now be more powerful, and hence "better" than her friends. Speaking as a nerd girl here, I find this a little simplistic, to put it charitably. Essentially, there are two assumptions embedded in this comment (which is just an example of many in a similar vein sprinkled throughout this thread), and IMHO both are wrong.


Assumption 1: Alicorn sparkle will now be better than her friends, not an equal as she has been before.

Sorry, but no. While not (yet) nobility herself, she is the daughter of a canterlot couple that also produced the captain of the Canterlot Guard, who himself married royalty (who happened to be her foalsitter). Politically, Twi is the MAGICAL PROTEGE OF PRINCESS CELESTIA. 'nuff said. Magically...well, just look at the previous three seasons. Intellectually, again we need only look at the show to date. If we are talking in terms of pretty much any metric aside from social graces (where she has improved dramatically) and athleticism, Twi has always been the strongest of the mane 6. These issues have always been at play in her relations with the mane 6 (more below), and I would also argue based on my youthful experiences that her talents were part of the reason she DIDN'T have many friends before the series permiere. Twilight's arc has been one of learning how to be a friend while also being her adorkable self. In a way, the last 3 seasons have been preparing her for this moment socially as well as magically. Which brings me to assumption 2.


Assumption 2: Twilight's friendship with the Mane 6 will be (or will probably be) destroyed by her rise to princessdom.

I am the first to admit that this will be a tough row to hoe for Twi and her friends in the opening episodes of the season (and this issue could still be a show-killer if not handled adroitly). However, I think this is giving Twilight and her friends WAY too little credit. Let's go to the highlight reel, shall we?


The mane 6 when together are the elements of harmony, tough enough when combined to free Luna from Nightmare Moon and defeat Discord. Hearing the voices of the other mane 6 caused Twilight's epiphany in the premiere, Each of their cutie marks were sparked at the same time by the same chain of events. Twilight's special talent is magic, more specifically a flavor of magic that is unlocked and amplified via the even stronger power of friendship. Reading between the lines of the synopses, Twilight apparently BECOMES an alicorn by writing a spell to reverse the damage done to her friends. Given all that, why in the name of Celestia should we expect that they can't figure out a way to stay friends? Sticking together through growth and change is one of the most important lessons about friendship that there is, whether you have suddenly become a winged gumdrop horse or your bestie simply gets a great opportunity to go to her dream college on the other side of the country.


In addition, we've got the other 5 ponies word for it that mere power differentials aren't enough to sever their bonds to Twilight. Consider this dialogue from the climactic scene of Boast Busters, a mere 4 episodes after the Mane 6 became friends:


(ETA: sorry about the formatting below)


Rainbow Dash: Unbelievable! Spike: That was amazing! Applejack: Heavens to Betsy! We knew you had ability, but not that much! Twilight Sparkle: I'm sorry. Please, please don't hate me. Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Rarity: Hate you? Rarity: Why, whatever do you mean, darling? Twilight Sparkle: Well, I know how much you all hated Trixie's showing off with her magic tricks, and I just thought-- Rainbow Dash: Whoa, whoa, whoa. Magic's got nothing to do with it. Trixie's just a loudmouth. Rarity: Most unpleasant. Applejack: All hat and no cattle. Twilight Sparkle: So, you don't mind my magic tricks? Applejack: Your magic is a part of who you are,
sugarcube, and we like who you are. We're proud to have such a powerful,
talented unicorn as our friend. Rainbow Dash: And after whuppin' that ursa's hind quarters, we're even prouder.


In the end, it all comes down to this: do you think that any of the Mane 6's minds will be changed, after an additional three seasons of magical friendship, simply because their "powerful, talented Unicorn" is now a "Powerful, Talented Allicorn"? I can't answer for any of you, but I think I just convinced myself that this just might work. While I stil think this is the beginning of endgame for the series (unless there's some sort of spinoff or continuation starring the by-then-cutiemarked CMC after season 4), it could still end in a satisfying way. That's all I ask for a show I love. In the final analysis, I'd rather have four seasons of excellence than eight seasons of increasingly repetitive and unchanging storylines.


(edited to fix a few minor typos and clarify wording here and there)

Edited by Emerald Glow
  • Brohoof 1

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Well, guess now's a good a time as any to say my two bits about all this.


First of all, this...




Seriously ya'll, anypony out there freaking out over this, just take a deep, calming breath, and relax.  Studio B's got this under control, and even though they've certainly been dealt a rough hand from Hasbro, there's not a doubt in my mind that they'll find a way to make it work.


Second, consider a number of things for a moment when trying to determine whether or not the alicorn change will be permanent or temporary.


1) The season finale is one episode.  Do you really think that a change that permanent could be properly made in only one episode?


2) This is the official synopsis of the season finale (I know everypony else has pointed to this as well, but I'll add an argument I saw on MLP Memebase earlier today)


When Twilight casts a spell that switches the Cutie Marks and destinies, the only way to reverse the spell is by writing her own magic.


Now then, what do we know from this synopsis?  Twilight's spell SWITCHES the Cutie Marks and destinies.  However, what we don't know is HOW MANY PONIES Cutie Marks it switches.  It could just be the Mane 6, all of Ponyville, or all of the ponies in Equestria.  That said, theoretically, Twilight's Cutie Mark and destiny could very well potentially be switched with a certain sister-in-law of hers who just so happens to be both a princess and an alicorn!  Another thing that we can infer from the official synopsis of the episode is, well, its ending.  This episode is going to end with Twilight writing her own magic to reverse the spell; undoubtedly this will be a major step in her magical studies.  But will it be the completion of her studies?  Considering a 4th season has pretty much been confirmed, and the entire show's main story line has revolved around Twilight's tutoring under Princess Celestia, I don't think so, not in the slightest. Furthermore, as I do not think that Twilight's magical studies will be completed by the end of this season, I also see no reason why she would permanently become an alicorn; the evidence points to the change being a temporary alteration resulting from a mishap caused by Twilight herself.  If this turns out to be the case, then most likely what happened was Hasbro told Studio B that they had to make Twilight, for an unspecified amount of time an alicorn in the season finale at their own discretion.  With that kind of creative freedom, I'm certain that Studio B would've figured right away that the best route to go would be to make the alicorn change only temporary.  Hasbro gets their new toy, and Studio B gets to stay consistent and true to their story line; everypony wins!!! 


Third, if the change does turn out to be permanent, as I said earlier, chillax everypony, this is Studio B we're talking about here!!!  Ya know, the same Studio B that made a show for little girls that's attracted millions of teen and adult fans that nopony in their wildest dreams ever expected?  So just calm down everypony!  Whatever happens, I'm sure that it'll be fine.  Do I myself want the change to be permanent?  No.  Do I think it will be permanent?  Heck no!!!  But, whatever happens, I'm sure that it'll turn out for the best.


However, if Derpy really is gone for good, then that's another story.  I'll tell you one thing, manly tears will most certainly be shed over such a tragedy.  Here's hoping that Sibsy and the other animators find a way to work her into the season finale!!! 

  • Brohoof 2


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Assumption 1: Alicorn sparkle will now be better than her friends, not an equal as she has been before.

Sorry, but no. While not (yet) nobility herself, she is the daughter of a canterlot couple that also produced the captain of the Canterlot Guard, who himself married royalty (who happened to be her foalsitter). Politically, Twi is the MAGICAL PROTEGE OF PRINCESS CELESTIA. 'nuff said. Magically...well, just look at the previous three seasons. Intellectually, again we need only look at the show to date. If we are talking in terms of pretty much any metric aside from social graces (where she has improved dramatically) and athleticism, Twi has always been the strongest of the mane 6. These issues have always been at play in her relations with the mane 6 (more below), and I would also argue based on my youthful experiences that her talents were part of the reason she DIDN'T have many friends before the series permiere. Twilight's arc has been one of learning how to be a friend while also being her adorkable self. In a way, the last 3 seasons have been preparing her for this moment socially as well as magically.

There's no denying, though, that even if there was a difference, that difference is going to be *magnified* by this change. a difference that could have been tolerable to some before, but might be too great now.


Another point you didn't really address is the change in the status quo. I can't see how this is going to be anything *but* the end of her rather simple life in Ponyville. As Princess I seriously doubt that she's going to still be living in the library, hanging out at Sugarcube corner, etc. The ordinary "slice of life" episodes are going to be very different when your friend is *royalty*.

  • Brohoof 2


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I think everyone is overreacting over this. I mean, this was probably not the writers best wishes, but I have faith that they will not let us down in this task. I think everyone should stop being so mellow dramatic. We should just wait and see how it all turns out...

  • Brohoof 2


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 In MLP‘s Equestria, “princess” is a designation that’s earned, not freely given — and though princesses have specific leadership roles in pony society, being one really means “being a good pony who shares the gifts that they have been given with others,” according to McCarthy.



So... Don't know if people posted this here already... But now I'm guessing that Blueblood is a very good pony who shares the gifts that he has been given with others...




“Every little girl wants to be a princess, and not everybody can get to be a princess — but you can live up to the ideals that should come along with being a princess.”

 So... Opinions...? Because I'm scared right about now.

  • Brohoof 1


For dumb, self-important fics about mythology, ponies and fascist griffons that can't figure friendship out.

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I've been against Twilight becoming an alicorn from the start and that hasn't changed, but now that's it actually been confirmed, I'm not going to go all alarmist and freak out... just yet. Considering the writers' track records, I'll give them the benefit of the doubt until the infamous episode finally airs and we'll go from there.


I can understand the reasoning of the title of "princess" being earned based on merit in Equestria rather than a hereditary title and how this lesson about a person's efforts paying off is a nice lesson for children. I'm not against alicorn Twilight in principle, but I don't like the implications that follow from it. There's no dancing around the fact that her ascension, by definition, elevates her above her friends. While Twilight has always been the de facto leader, the other ponies differ to her because of her natural charisma and abilities to plan, lead, and delegate, not because she was a "princess".


Becoming an alicorn is going to change the dynamics of the Mare 6 in some way, shape, or form and I can't see how it couldn't. Being a Princess is a big deal in Equestria. Let's say your friend at work suddenly gets a promotion and is put in charge of your department. Sure, you'll be happy for him or her and yeah he or she will still be the same person, but socially (if we view the workplace as a mini society), they will be above you and it would be inappropriate to behave the same way you did with them as when you were equals. Privately, you may both wish it was otherwise, but that does little to change reality. No matter what history you may have had together, or how close you were, there will be a fundamental shift in your relationship. Pretending otherwise would be plain denial.


Twilight may still be the same socially awkward, obsessive compulsive bookworm we all know and love, but she's going to be something more than just the Ponyville librarian from now on. That "something more" is going to set her apart from the rest of the Mane 6. Compared to the others, she'll be "special". Sure, she's always had uncommon skill and power in wielding magic, but she only became such an exceptional individual through diligent study and hard work.


Being talented is one thing. Turning into the same race of beings that dictate Equestria's cycle of day and night and have lived over 1,000 years without visibly aging a day is another. Granted, very little lore regarding alicorns has ever explicitly been exposed in the show and most prevailing notions are the result of fanon, and that's the only reason I'm not gnashing my teeth over Twilight's imminent transformation. If the writers can expand on the nature of what an alicorn exactly is and what sets them apart from other ponies, there may be a chance to avoid derailing everything that made me like MLP: FiM in the first place.


I don't want her relationship with her friends to change and I'm just afraid that her new status and title is going to do just that: change things, and not for the better. I just really, really hope those fears don't come to fruition.

Edited by Element of Pizza
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It seems like most the objections amount to "change is bad". Twilight will leave her friends or take on more responsibility or get special training or will just plain be more special than her friends. The sacred balance of having two of each kind of pony will vanish forever!


And, even if that is a bad thing, I don't necessarily think it shouldn't be on the show. It's silly to say that only good things are allowed to happen on the show or that the status quo must remain forever unchanged. I'm saying this with the caveat that the bad things should be acknowledged and dealt with rather than swept under the carpet. If Twilight is more special than her friends, how do they deal with it? What's the new status quo now that she's got wings? Do her responsibilities pull her away from her friends more and more? What kind of stress does that put her under? There's a lot of story opportunities here as the ponies grapple with this event.


Now, I'm not particularly a fan of Alicorn Twilight, as I doubt that the show will portray her elevation as anything but an unalloyed good once she gets over her nerves. And that silly pink and yellow dress! That bothers me more than anything. Dozens, if not hundreds of artists have imagined what an alicornized twilight might wear and this is the best the actual show can come up with? Unbelievable. Less pettily, I feel that the Twilight becoming an Alicorn is entirely unnecessary as she shifts from Celestia's student to her agent. There are any number of reasons why her growing wings isn't so bad, but I haven't yet heard a reason why it's good.

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Retooling a successful show in the middle of its run has *rarely* worked.


Anyway, I'm *trying* to keep an open mind about this issue. Before I said I've sort of mellowed out on the issue? Well the more I read, the more "real" it seems and th emore uneasy I get. Theres potential for a huge shift in the show, and frankly not a good one...


The biggest problem is the lack of information we're getting on the subject. They've done a great job of turning the fandom on it's head by saying Twilight will become an Alicorn, but we still have no real information beyond the fact that she becomes an alicorn princess in the finale.


So here we are, tearing each other to pieces because no one knows what to expect. Does she stay in Ponyville? Is her princesshood a title, or does she play a role in the government of Equestria now? What about her friends? Will they get titles? Will we even see them again? How much has changed for Twilight? Is her magic more powerful now? Can she fly immediately, or will she have to be taught? Was becoming a princess really her destiny?


The lack of actual information about the finale and beyond is what worries me the most. We have the ending of the episode two weeks before it airs, but we don't have any details. Even worse is the fact that because it's a finale episode, we'll have about 2-5 minutes of on-screen Alicorn Twilight before we have to wait several months to actually see how it'll affect the show.

Edited by Twinhead B
  • Brohoof 3

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The biggest problem is the lack of information we're getting on the subject. They've done a great job of turning the fandom on it's head by saying Twilight will become an Alicorn, but we still have no real information beyond the fact that she becomes an alicorn princess in the finale.


So here we are, tearing each other to pieces because no one knows what to expect. Does she stay in Ponyville? Is her princesshood a title, or does she play a role in the government of Equestria now? What about her friends? Will they get titles? Will we even see them again? How much has changed for Twilight? Is her magic more powerful now? Can she fly immediately, or will she have to be taught? Was becoming a princess really her destiny?


The lack of actual information about the finale and beyond is what worries me the most. We have the ending of the episode two weeks before it airs, but we don't have any details. Even worse is the fact that because it's a finale episode, we'll have about 2-5 minutes of on-screen Alicorn Twilight before we have to wait several months to actually see how it'll affect the show.

Oh, you're right about that. There is a lot of potential for this to go wrong, and that's what's driving us batty. We don't know what's going to happen.


Logically I know it's best to just step back and chill out, and what happens, happens (After all, "that's Future Hawkflame's problem...")But then I read threads like this and get worked up again...

  • Brohoof 1


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Oh, you're right about that. There is a lot of potential for this to go wrong, and that's what's driving us batty. We don't know what's going to happen.


Logically I know it's best to just step back and chill out, and what happens, happens (After all, "that's Future Hawkflame's problem...")But then I read threads like this and get worked up again...


Well, we can't expect everything to go back to normal not with the now-slightly taller, winged purple elephant in the room. Hopefully they keep it as close to normal as possible...

  • Brohoof 1

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Well, it has certainly been a long minutes, but I'm back. (Busy with life in general. Excuse the absence.)


I'm going to address the recent revelations categorically. 



My personal view: Freaking out is not the way to handle any situation unless you suddenly wake up with one less limb than you went to bed with.


The writers have pulled off some amazing feats after being handed material by Hasbro. A few of you have mentioned A Canterlot Wedding as an example, and that is certainly true. This episode could be something truly amazing, or it could turn out to be a gigantic flop. The same goes for any episode, but the difference here is that the plot development is rather huge. 


Honestly, I'm torn but patiently withholding judgment. We don't know exactly what Alicorns are, or even if they all have the same level of power. We don't even know if they're actually immortal--that could have been a spell Celestia and Luna cast on themselves. There's a lot we don't know, but it looks like the writers are willing to expand on the lore. 


Business: As a business decision by Hasbro, Princess Twilight makes no sense to me. I don't see any reason why little girls would differ from bronies in the sense that they, too, might have their own favorite character(s). By suddenly casting Twilight as a princess, Hasbro is favoring one over the others, and, subsequently, overlooking those in their target demographic that might favor Fluttershy or Rainbow Dash. 


And, finally...


To the Burning Fanfic Writers: Ever since the Season 2 finale, I've been feverishly working on a gigantic fanfic, of which I have over 40 documents of notes, outlining materials, and artwork. I'm here to say to those sweating fanfic writers out there: It's okay. If Princess Twilight "ruins" your story, just slap an Alternate-Universe tag on it. It's been done before and to great success. Just continue writing.


And that's my two bits. 



  • Brohoof 1
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