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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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What grinds my gears about this fandom? These kinds of people. Porn is porn, it will always be there regardless of the topic, and in the end they're just cartoon drawings.

There is nothing wrong with somebody deciding to unleash their creativity and interests via such topics. In this day and age, death and same-sex relations should not be of any controversy. They're both part of life. Everybody dies, and not everybody is the same. We should be able to accept that these things exist, and that they're certainly not any harm to us.

Saying the people who do such 'grinds your gears' is just like hating somebody for their musical taste. It's such a tiny little detail, that the only one being at a loss is the person ignorant of one's interests and affinities.


I do agree that some people seem a little too interested in things, but even so, it doesn't harm anyone and it keeps them happy. No matter how different somebody is, we still shouldn't look down on them.


Derpius is extremely judgmental of porn in general so it appears because he/she posted nearly the same thing in another thread and got blasted for it for the way how they phrase it. I don't expect your logic to work well, but I'm thankful you stood up.


Flimflam apologists

Don't get me wrong, the Flimflam brothers were interesting characters and great from a narrative perspective, but they're evil, pure evil. A disturbing number of people consider them heroes and vilify the Apple family. I don't care how legit their cider-making machine was, or how they could have improved Ponyville's infrastructure, the sacrifice would have been too great. I have more sympathy for Sombra and Chrysalis than I do for the twins. The Flimflam brothers are worst ponies, worse than Diamond Tiara, and it grinds my gears when people defend them.


There are people that defend the FlimFlam brothers? Really?


These seem like the type of guys that buy games from EA day one, all DLC included. dry.png




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1. 20% cooler meme is an overused piece of crap. (except in Ken Ashcorp's song)

2. Obsession with background characters. Derpy isn't really that great anymore. I especially dislike the Doctor/Derpy ship.

3. Not to stereotype, but I tend to get some flak from Flutter fans about her not being my favourite pony.

  • Brohoof 1
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There are people that defend the FlimFlam brothers? Really?


Eyup, they're pretty vicious about it, too.

Here are a few comments I found on Derpibooru:



"I really like these guys, they’re decent buisnessmen who’s only crime was being more efficiant and ambitious in their buisness then AJ. Sure they got a little too eager during that shamefull competition, wich AJ only managed to keep up in by bending the rules to her advantage. Then the message in the end was total bull. Ponies enjoyed Flim and Flams cider up to the point they were forced into overdrive by AJ’s foul play wich puts her "lesson" straight down the dumpster toghetter with all the trees and apples she wasted on the dumb competition. At least I hope she lost a grate amount of money and thus suffered some sort of consequence."



"The brothers could make enough cider of high quality to supply the whole town. The Apples could only put out a fraction of that. The brothers were the better cider-makers. Applejack won but Ponyville lost.
The final statement the episode makes seems to be "bending the rules to help people you like is more important than fairness"."
"They’re called Flim and Flam but they didn’t flim-flam anyone. They had to offer what they say they did; lots of good cider. If their cider was mediocre and they just wowed everyone with (literal) song and dance, then it would work, but that’s not how it is.
And if turning off the quality control was a cheat, what about enlisting the aid of extra workers who won’t be back the next day, meaning the supply of cider is as meager as ever?
In a fair contest of who can make the most cider, the Apples lost hands-down.
The Apples don’t have some right to the profits they need to survive. If a superior competitor ruins them, it just means they couldn’t hack it."





Bunch of jerks if you ask me, it creeps me out when people think that talent makes right, and is considered more important than kindness.

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When fans of the show can't let something go and forget about it. For example, the Alicorn Twilight change people left the fandom just because of one change. It is better to let it go and forget about it for good.

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Hey I know! Let's all complain about these things, that'll make everything better^^ lol jk, but seriously. I'm a cynical bore, a hypocrite, and very self-righteous, so it's probably a good idea to ignore anything I write, but: what I would think is that I hate it when bronies use mlp to define ideal mentalities and personal characteristics for themselves. Things like, "Love and Tolerate." One person already wrote that is is not the same as blind acceptance, but really? Is that really so? I would have to ask when the line is drawn. I understand the idea behind the concept, in fact it's noble in its image, however it backfires. No-doubt you've heard this before, but the point still stands strong, at least in my mind: "If as a community we are to love and tolerate, then surely we do not bind parameters the concept, otherwise it fails as a universal concept, thus destroying its right to be the ideology of a (or our) community. (which of course is another sign of gang activity, installing social values unto its members for them to be identified as part of the fandom) however, if we do not bind parameters, we must love and tolerate any given social activities or personalities. Which includes of course racism, sexism, and homophobia. This is why I will never always love and tolerate. Mainly because, saying I always will would suggest I should succumb to tolerating things like child abuse. But then again, we can always cast the idea in a bright light, thinking of sunshine and happiness with bright pastel ponies etc etc. But these things should not make us change our moral signitures, as the mentalities expressed in the show are, with very few exceptions, barely identifiable in our societies.(The reason is that they are crafted out of a large collection of human values and cliche personalities, which in combination are not present in our world) <-- end of rant.


Please don't hurt me :(

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1. The overreaction to the whole Twilicorn thing. I mean really guys? Yeah, Twilight is an alicorn now, deal with it. I have no problem with the Twilicorn thing. Sure it could've been too early, but its gonna happen either way. And the equality thing? Do you really think Hasbro would let Twilight become more important than her other friends. Its about friendship, and Twilight becoming an alicorn and a princess, in my opinion, can lead to great lessons to the children(no matter what happens to you, never think of yourself better than your friends. I don't know, something along those lines)


2. People who hate the background pony fans. Yeah sure they never had a line, but to some of us, its more than just a few lines. Just one appearance can really tell you something about a character. Vinyl Scratch was only on screen twice or three times, for no more than 5 seconds. But those appearances tell you probably the most important thing about her: she's a DJ. Her style, mane color(s), etc. show you about her personality too. So background fan haters, please, chill.


These are the two that came up in less than 30 seconds.

  • Brohoof 3

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Hello there. As it happened, there were a few existing threads from several months ago dedicated to sharing things that we dislike about the brony fandom, and for convenience your topics have been merged with an older one.


As for me personally, I don't really like the sense of self-importance that I sense sometimes. It is a wonderful show and the fandom has done some incredible things, but neither are perfect or infallible.

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Quite a few things lately.


1. The intellectual elitism of a lot of people.


2. The constant doom and gloom lately.


3. No acceptance for change within the show.


4. The constant strive by many to stick out and be noticed. It get's old.


5. Though this is not exclusive to this fandom in any way, people who constantly bring up that they are in college tend to annoy me. It doesn't make you special.


Those are just some that I can think of currently. I really am starting to love the show A LOT more than the fandom itself. I tend to enjoy watching the show more when I just forget about the fandom. I appreciate the things that it creates, but, meh.

  • Brohoof 2



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God, what DON'T I hate about the fandom? Just kidding, just kidding. My main peeve is how we react to trolls. Like, seriously, are we THAT idiotic to keep feeding them? Another thing I really hate is bronies who try to shove their anti-R34/GrimDark fanfics up your ass. Somebrony on another forum (not specifying the forum) told me in my intro thread that I was only making myself look self-deprecating and that it was worrisome that I admitted to writing GrimDarks! Just my opinion.

  • Brohoof 1

Don't give up on your dreams, keep sleeping.

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Oh yeah. I really, really dislike the use of the word "autism" every once in awhile. This complies to places on the Internet outside the brony fandom as well. I'm not autistic but it's not a cool thing to go around saying. It's like the new "gay" or "retarded."

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I hate the people who make us all look bad, I have my own words for them, but I'll spare you all the pain of learning them. Like Deviants who make these poorly drawn crossovers, I mean I'm no Picasso but even I can tell bad artwork. I hate all these Anon/human in Equestria fanfics because they just end up being 10 chapters of someone wanting to plow Fluttershy.


I especially hate the people who bring up Ponies out of nowhere and then make a fool out of themselves. Another thing are those who treat Fanon like Canon and Fans of the Fandom. Besides that, I'm okay. Most of my anger is focused on the Anti Fanbase, who rely on the stereotypes these people create and then project them on to all of us. Because as we all know: Just because one brony is a weirdo and possibly a sociopath, we all are. Honestly, I just wish I was a big name. That way people would listen when I say that not all of us are the same freaks you see making diaper fan art and building literal shrines to Rainbow Dash.

  • Brohoof 4

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I dislike all of the instantaneous downvotes that occur when you post an HiE fanfic and the first comment on the fic is "This sucks, so you and your story can burn in a fire".

  • Brohoof 3

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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After rereading this thread, I think we can all agree that we hate missionaries spammers and "victims" who think anyone who doesn't like the show is a hardcore hater. My question is: What can be done? I mean I don't want us to become the most hated group on the face of the Earth because some ponyfg my word for those extremely fanatical fans. is spamming people about Rainbow Dash or how "Ponies are so manly and you're a wimp for not liking it". There has to be a solution right?



I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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For the most part, I love the fandom. Although it is a pet peeve of mine whenever somebody says "somepony" when referring to humans.


Also, I can't stand it when bronies automatically assume that all shipping = super happy sexy time.


The R34 and cloppers don't bother me. So what if MLP wasn't made for sexual purposes? Fan creations shouldn't be severely limited, no matter the series. I'm not even a clopper, but there are people out there who do enjoy pony porn, so why stop them?


I guess it also kinda bugs me when I see that people are making speeches about MLP in front of their classes. I wouldn't care if it was just a few bronies, but dang, tons of bronies are doing it, and it gives off the impression that all bronies love to shove the show down people's throats. Just another pet peeve of mine, I guess.

Edited by Bardock
  • Brohoof 4



"I'm going to crush you...........and throw you into the wind!" - Vegeta

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- The Bronies who preach "Love" and "Tolerate" but, can not adhere to their own advice. With not only haters but, their own group. Let me give you a good example... Favorite ponies... Some people can not have good discussion about who another Bronies like without turning it into a flame war. Isn't part of "Love and Tolerate" actually tolerating that another person may have a different opinion then you have?


- I don't really like those rule 34 art that people come out with. It kind of puts some of us into a bad light.

Facebook: Josh B.

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I hate that people say best pony instead of favourite pony, it just leads to arguments. I don't think I've seen any arguments on the forums yet though, so that's good ^-^

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It's not that i "dislike" anything about the fandom because to each his own i would just feel a bit better if there wern't the some of us who are in other peoples face like hey hey hey look at me i like theeessseeee ponies! It ruins it for the lot of us and gives us a bad rap...



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All fandoms have their bad apples, and in particular I guess it's the bronies who think that they are entitled to only "top-quality pony stuff" and anything that isn't pony, they become quite hostile to it. It's unfortunate really, because the cloppers, the bad rep that bronies try to "convert" non-bronies into the fandom as if it were a religion.

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cloppers mostly i can't understand why they would think ponies are "sexy" dry.png and people who would shove the show in other peoples face


Are you aware that disliking something you don't understand is literally the definition of being a bigot? Not saying that you are, but ignorant hatred is bigotry.


The thing with the internet, and people in general, is that you are going to find Light near everything on it. R34 isn't just a witty joke, it exists for a reason, and just because you find something unappealing does not mean that it is objectively harmful or wrong. Lawful Jordo did a wonderful bit in regards to "cloppers" and the psychology of emotional and physical connection. 


Clopping is like any other form of sexual attraction, completely harmless and healthy so long as you don't shove it in peoples faces, at which point it isn't the cloppers you have a problem with, it is the fact that people are forcing their fetishes on you. 


I hate that people say best pony instead of favourite pony, it just leads to arguments. I don't think I've seen any arguments on the forums yet though, so that's good ^-^


Sure... But I mean come on, Rainbow Dash IS best pony, I think we can agree pretty solidly on that ;)


To my end, I dislike the doomsday speakers and those who fail to recognize that the mlp fandom is necessarily self reliant, and must propagate itself in the light of such opposition from non fandom members. We last as long as we choose to, stop killing us.

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Clopping is like any other form of sexual attraction, completely harmless and healthy so long as you don't shove it in peoples faces, at which point it isn't the cloppers you have a problem with, it is the fact that people are forcing their fetishes on you.


It's essentially people liking porn. A lot of people do it and hate to admit it, but they do it anyways. It can get disturbing in public, but so long as that person doesn't like, freely wave it in my face, I guess it's okay stomaching it.

"You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them."

Youtube - Carbon Maestro, Music Reviews - Carbon Music Reviews, Soundcloud - Follow Here, Twitter: @CarbonMaestro

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It's essentially people liking porn. A lot of people do it and hate to admit it, but they do it anyways. It can get disturbing in public, but so long as that person doesn't like, freely wave it in my face, I guess it's okay stomaching it.


Exactly, almost every single human being alive has sexual preferences, so long as a persons interests do not risk harm to themselves or others. "I don't like it" is not a good argument.


THAT BEING SAID... I think I have some Spitfire pics that will change anyponys mind ;P 

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I'm going to have to say the people that think bronies should be flawless pillars of purity, and prefect human beings with no problems, it's like Methos would say:


"It's not that simple. We are all both, good and evil, we have rage and compassion, we have love and hate...murder and forgiveness."


Also, people with no sense of humor, but I think that's a problem with people in general. 

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I think grimdark and r34 is just trollish, TBH, because there is no fathomable reason in my mind for wanting to make ponies who look like they're stupidly overcome with sexual desire, and there is REALLY no reason to make something grimdark out of MLP. I don't understand it, really, so all I see in R34 and grimdark are trolls.

A Whovian Administrator of

Zelda Wiki who loves Rainbow Dash and all her antics.

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