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Things You Dislike About the MLP Fandom


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It doesn't matter if it's rule 34 or not, they're two sides of the same coin. People make it/look at, for the most part, because it gives them some kind of personal satisfaction, and they decimate the integrity of the characters in the process.


Saying kids shouldn't be allowed on the internet because they might run into ______ is a terribly weak argument. I can turn it around in two seconds and say YOU shouldn't be allowed on the internet because you might post/upload/etc ______.


And I don't have any favorite brony people, but if I did and they did "clop" to whatever then I would honestly lose a ton of respect for them.


First off I only conceded that the whole kids should't be on the internet thing was weak. Also, let me ask. Have you read any topics on this forums on clopping and rule 34? Cause I'm pretty sure they can explain it better then I can.

And you are missing the point. You are hating a group of people for something you don't entirely understand. The only true way to understanding clopping is if you did it yourself. I'm not saying you should, but hating a group people you don't understand is not a good thing.

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First off I only conceded that the whole kids should't be on the internet thing was weak. Also, let me ask. Have you read any topics on this forums on clopping and rule 34? Cause I'm pretty sure they can explain it better then I can.

And you are missing the point. You are hating a group of people for something you don't entirely understand. The only true way to understanding clopping is if you did it yourself. I'm not saying you should, but hating a group people you don't understand is not a good thing.


I'm not hating anyone, I'm hating the act.


And saying "The only true way to understanding clopping is if you did it yourself" is another weak argument... I don't have to "clop" to understand lust in the same way that I don't have to kill to understand anger. Do you know what I'm getting at here?


You're claiming I have to perform the act in order to judge it, well with that logic we should have to kill someone in order to be able to justly persecute a killer, steal something to justly persecute a theif, etc. Is that not a fair comparison?

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Oh, another thing. This kind of discussion happens amongst bronies way, way too often. It always degenerates into the same arguments, aren't people sick of discussing the same topics over and over again?

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm hating the act.



Then why didn't you say that before?

But before I go. I will say this. Clopping also is used to get rid of stress.

But I'm done here now. :)

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Then why didn't you say that before?

But before I go. I will say this. Clopping also is used to get rid of stress.

But I'm done here now. :)


Excuse, after excuse, after excuse is what I hear... But I wonder if you're really trying to justify it to me or to yourself? Doesn't matter cause looks like you've abandoned ship anyway
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The thing I dislike the most about bronies? The ones who preach about "love and tolerance"... its against human nature. Humans aren't meant to love and/or tolerate so just shut up about it already before I shove my loving foot up your tolerating ass.


Unfortunately, that's the kind of place this is.



Excuse, after excuse, after excuse is what I hear... But I wonder if you're really trying to justify it to me or to yourself? Doesn't matter cause looks like you've abandoned ship anyway


I'm just using your post because it's the most recent one. Though it illustrates the point I'm about to make perfectly.


I knew as soon as I saw this topic that it would degenerate into a rash of arguments. That has happened, and now feelings are being hurt. If people are just going to argue about Rule 34 or clopping instead of staying on topic, then I really fail to see the pont in keeping this topic open.


As it is, this kind of topic is always dangerous territory, no matter what forum it's seen on.



Anyway, I dislike it when topics devolve into a rash of argumenst on MLP boards. Why? The same reason I don't like it anywhere else. Arguments lead to flaming, which lead to hurt feelings, and the situations never end well for any of the parties involved.

Edited by SBaby
  • Brohoof 2

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The extreme grimdark (a la Cupcakes) really gets to me. One of the great things about MLP is the jovial innocence it has and I think that the creepy stuff kind of undermines that.

Clop material doesn't get to me too much. I'm ok with humanized R34 stuff and I don't really care about the other stuff. Overall I think that open clopping is just a reflection of how annoyingly open we have become about our personal sex lives.

I don't like the bronies that are militant about bronyism. There's no point in being so forceful about something so mundane and simple. It's your taste and a part of YOUR lifestyle. It does NOT define every part of your existence.

Also, I am TOTALLY ok with shipping. I see nothing wrong with adding a romantic element to the fandom. Romance is a theme that adds to most stories if it is used correctly and in moderation.

Edited by sirseansy

I'm pretty cool. I think.


Also, new OC (it has a cutie mark this time!).

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I can't stand when bronies just HAVE to go after haters. Just leave them be...it doesn't matter what people think. stern, youtubers...who cares! Just like the show and stop feeding into it! It seriously makes me wonder if some bronies are shaky in their fandom and thus have to lash out when they feel threatened. Just be a fan, enjoy a good forum like this and move on. Don't worry about the haters

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how old? I am 32. And why would someone dislike a brony who was 50?


I said 40+ , and never said you wouldn't dislike one that was 50. It's just my opinion.
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I said 40+ , and never said you wouldn't dislike one that was 50. It's just my opinion.


nah that's fine. Sorry I didn't see the 40+ part. But may I ask (and I am not trolling) what bothers you about 50 yo brony? Again..totally curious and not looking for a war. Frankly I don't mind others opinions

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nah that's fine. Sorry I didn't see the 40+ part. But may I ask (and I am not trolling) what bothers you about 50 yo brony? Again..totally curious and not looking for a war. Frankly I don't mind others opinions


I just, think it's odd is all. ;/

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Not a huge fan of the brony-parasprite fights. Just sayin', unless we're having fun and not raggin' on eachother('s mothers), it's a little bit against the message.


In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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okay, cloppers bring our reputation down. But buck it, haters just can't get over it. Let them clop if they want to, even though I find it a little disturbing. But I tried to smelt myself into the mind of a clopper

by playing clop games, reading clopfics and so on. But really, I don't get it, those fics are rather creepy, or at least the ones I've read :S


I hate all the hate. That makes sense, right? Why do we have to hate our own kind. If something displeases you, as long as no one gets hurt, just ignore it. That applies to the rest of life too. If we spent all our lives hating one another, why should we exist in the first place? Is the human race so short sighted and hateful that we can never get along? I hope that doesn't sound odd.... :blush:


I don't hate.. nearly anyone in the world :|

so I don't hate the ones in the community either.


Yep. I shouldn't have been. Now I'm too addicted and know too much. And unfortunately, I can't change that.


14? Not allowed on the internet? God, do you really think FOURTEEN is too young for the internet? I think that around the age of 10 the internet becomes cool for you. Besides, everyone is ALLOWED to. And I'm 14 and I need it to chat (duh! I mean, wth?) watch ponies, watch anime, game reviews, buy clothes and merchandise of all kinds of things. 14 isn't young at all on that point.


okay, cloppers bring our reputation down. But buck it, haters just can't get over it. Let them clop if they want to, even though I find it a little disturbing. But I tried to smelt myself into the mind of a clopper

by playing clop games, reading clopfics and so on. But really, I don't get it, those fics are rather creepy, or at least the ones I've read :S


I don't hate.. nearly anyone in the world :|

so I don't hate the ones in the community either. 14? Not allowed on the internet? God, do you really think FOURTEEN is too young for the internet? I think that around the age of 10 the internet becomes cool for you. Besides, everyone is ALLOWED to. And I'm 14 and I need it to chat (duh! I mean, wth?) watch ponies, watch anime, game reviews, buy clothes and merchandise of all kinds of things. 14 isn't young at all on that point.


oh and btw


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okay, cloppers bring our reputation down. But buck it, haters just can't get over it. Let them clop if they want to, even though I find it a little disturbing. But I tried to smelt myself into the mind of a clopper

by playing clop games, reading clopfics and so on. But really, I don't get it, those fics are rather creepy, or at least the ones I've read :S


I don't hate.. nearly anyone in the world :|

so I don't hate the ones in the community either. 14? Not allowed on the internet? God, do you really think FOURTEEN is too young for the internet? I think that around the age of 10 the internet becomes cool for you. Besides, everyone is ALLOWED to. And I'm 14 and I need it to chat (duh! I mean, wth?) watch ponies, watch anime, game reviews, buy clothes and merchandise of all kinds of things. 14 isn't young at all on that point.


oh and btw



Did you even try to read all of this thread? You would've known that i got that already. I don't need you also to point it at.
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Just won a 4v5 game. We were losing bad; They had 6 turrets and we had one. And then, we facerolled them all the way to their base and won the damn thing. Took an hour but we won! xD


Sivir and Eve charrie ftw.


Guardian Angles

Berzerker's Greaves



Black Cleaver

Phantom Dancers

CS: 205

Damadge Dealt: 275,630 (242,370 physical)

371 secs dead

27,863 damage taken (16, 619 physical)



In every heart, there is darkness

In every action, there is consequence

In every breath, there is hope

In the end, what matters most?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Honestly guys, you need to stop ragging on the cloppers. I have 1 good reason as to why Cloppers shouldn't bother you: They aren't you. What they do in privacy is no more our business than what they have for breakfast.


The people who generalize us as horse f**king pedophiles are not going to change their opinions even IF we manage to breed out clopping entirely. They're gonna stay the exact same intolerant bigots that they introduced themselves as.


We are a community, not a cult. Which means that not all Bronies do the same things. Btw, stop being total dicks to eachother because of clopping. We need to have a united front, not tear ourselves apart at the seams because 1 out of every hundred bronies is weird.


On clopping in general, who are you to tell someone else what to do with their body? Let's all just grow up here.

  • Brohoof 4

I am a Brony. I love being a Brony, Twilight is best pony.

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I don't mind the R34, cloppers, shippers, etc. That's just every fanbase and nothing is too innocent for someone to not make something sexual out of it. Heck, that's real fetishes in general since people can be aroused by potentially anything, like feet for example. As long as a character is attractive or the person making the art is invested in who that character is, which is usually the case with ponies, someone is gonna feel aroused and want to see naughty stuff or read romatic pairings of personalities they approve of even if it's an innocent cartoon. That's just reality.


Sucks that kids might accidentally see it, but I'm a big advocate of parents needing to be involved in their children's online time and more involved in general. The internet can be a filthy place no matter what a kid is looking at and until they're old enough to handle the concepts of sexuality, I think a parent needs to be supervising. It might suck having to sit around watching a kid surf the web when there's other, less boring stuff you can be doing, but if a parent leaves a young kid completely alone with a computer and hasn't taken every precaution with putting up security measures, I put the blame on them when the child encounters bad materials online with no parent around to deal with it.


Only thing I can really say I heavily dislike is the fanbase's Alicorn fancharacter hate. Honestly I've seen TONS of Mary Sue unicorns that people will say are okay, but then they openly bash on someone for having an Alicorn OC when they know nothing about it beyond it's design. These unicorns are more powerful that Twilight, can use magic to fly faster then Rainbow Dash and are more sweet and gentle then Fluttershy, but they have the flaw of being totally moe clumsy! *sparkle eyes* But then you see someone make an Alicorn and suddenly people are screaming Sue at them and telling them how overpowered and wrong it is to have an Alicorn OC. Even if the person gave them several realistic flaws, they aren't royalty, ponies don't automatically love them and being an Alicorn has been nothing but a negative influence on the ponies life.


It just irks me how those overly critical people judge those characters at a glance because of one extra body part but can turn around and make a terrible unicorn (or a magic wielding pegasus, as I've seen before) who are fun and beloved by all but actually a psychotic serial killer every Tuesday with a singing/dancing/writing/drawing/musician cutie mark and they perform every night at Club Technochocolate with Vinyl Scratch and every Gala with Octavia and that's okay because "At least it's not an Alicorn."

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Honestly? I won't make any stereotypes, there is no way to group Bronies into one thing I dislike. We're all different and the only definite similarity is that at one point we all liked MLP. The dislikes I have for Bronies I share for the dislikes of all. Even so we have to get over dislikes of others, that is the very definition of being a friend. Accepting the negatives and loving the positives.

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Hmm.. Well, I dislike how some wish to convert everypony into a brony when everyone should have their own opinions (unless they haven't tried the show and make fun of it.) I also hate how they make pony porn and rule 34 (I beliee that's it..)

  • Brohoof 1
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Here is one thing I think this whole argument lacks. It lacks the fact of how many bronys actually do shove the show content down people's throats. I have been to many communities, and I haven't found any brony that does such a thing. Also, the arguments saying that a lot of bronys just say they are being discriminated because the fact that the disliker said "I dislike the show" does not see the true idea that is presented by these non-brony people. I am not saying that non-brony people are all haters, but I simply want to point out that a lot of them, unfortunately. For example, I have to get with a programming team sometimes to discuss game and software projects, and I get the title "gay" most of the time because I even watch the show.


Give me evidence that any brony has shoved the TV show down anyone's throat, or even give me a statistic of the true bronys that do these kind of things. If you are trying to include such a small group of people, than there is no point in trying to include them within the statistics because they are just what they call the common troll, not implying that bronys are trolls. I am not saying we should ignore this group that exists, but trying to simply justify the haters intents does not give them reason to hate us. Most of them hate us because we do not fit the norm, not because we do shove it down their throats. Not saying that there aren't so called bronys that shove it down people's throats, but statistically it is not the problem with the fandom.

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I would say I can't stand when ponies that say they love the show then turns around and go against everything the show teaches and stands for. It's okay to disprove of something but to look down on somepony just because they're different just isn't right. We need to learn to look past what we see as a "flaw" so that we may see ponies for who they are rather than what they do (as long as it isn't hurting anyone). I just see so much hate in the brony community when we are trying to celebrate the ideals of friendship and love the show and it's creators try so hard to teach everypony. I know hate is hard to let go of but some effort could do this community some good.

Edited by Broken Image
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Bronies who hate rule 34 with a passion.


I understand why you hate them so much, but it doesn't need to be so vocal.

Edited by Crona the Critic
  • Brohoof 5


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