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How far is TOO far when you're a brony?


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Closet brony?

Wait, like being gay?

That's quite possibly one of the stupidest things I've ever heard. I don't hear of closet whovians, or closet Breaking Bad fans.

Things like that perpetuate the hate bronies get.


I guess you missed this:


Man, if someone came into my circle of friends and started saying things like "Han shot first" and "Watch StarWars you do" I'd be totally annoyed. It's the same sort of thing in my opinion.


Well i was going to sleep until i read the past phew post. Lets remember not to jump to conclusions. Ask for clarification first. I don't want to see any pony getting their tails in knots over misunderstandings. Remember, this is just an inward look at outsellf

And how far we see ourselves going into the fandom.


Can we end this conversation then, please? I'd prefer not to follow it up either, I don't want to see any fights as well. We're all bronies here, no matter what the difference in our views and opinions.






Secondly, a closet brony is a brony who keeps his identity secret. Basically, I'm a brony online, but not in the real world or around my family and friends- unless I meet someone who's also a brony- then I'll come clean.


Thirdly, I'm gay. ****ing deal with it, I'm not asking you to like it or hate it. Show some god damn respect for people's lifestyle, even if it isn't exactly like your own. The world does not revolve around you.


I already moved that we end this conversation, don't infuriate me and drag it on, for ALL of our sakes. I don't want a ban, you don't wan a ban, and this thread doesn't want to be shut down because you can't put our differences beside and listen to the words I'm typing without making a stupid, immature judgement and not googling "closet brony" if you don't know what it means. Not everything you don't understand is GAY, sorry to break that to you.


I'm still mad you brought sexuality into this.




Edit: I misread what you said a little.


Let me rephrase my "secondly": Yes, I'm a closet brony, like a lot of other people. I know society like the back of my hand, and I've been in school long enough that I know I'd go through absolutely social alienation and bullying *again* if people at THIS school found out I'm a brony.


Again: Show some god damn respect for people's lifestyle, even if it isn't exactly like your own. The world does not revolve around you.

Because that needs to be said twice.




You really think it's stupid to be a brony on the internet but keep it a secret in real life?


Let me key you in...


On the internet, you can remain anonymous- act like whoever you want and BE YOURSELF.


Unfortunately, because of people like you, "MYSELF" isn't exactly socially acceptable because I break the boundaries of the demographics for MLP, like MOST PEOPLE HERE.


So I remain a non-brony at school. Around friends and family in real life. If you really want to know why, it's because of judgemental people like you.

Edited by Tycoon
  • Brohoof 2


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I guess you missed this:

Can we end this conversation then, please? I'd prefer not to follow it up either, I don't want to see any fights as well. We're all bronies here, no matter what the difference in our views and opinions.


Secondly, a closet brony is a brony who keeps his identity secret. Basically, I'm a brony online, but not in the real world or around my family and friends- unless I meet someone who's also a brony- then I'll come clean.

Thirdly, I'm gay. Fucking deal with it, I'm not asking you to like it or hate it. Show some god damn respect for people's lifestyle, even if it isn't exactly like your own. The world does not revolve around you.

I already moved that we end this conversation, don't infuriate me and drag it on, for ALL of our sakes. I don't want a ban, you don't wan a ban, and this thread doesn't want to be shut down because you can't put our differences beside and listen to the words I'm typing without making a stupid, immature judgement and not googling "closet brony" if you don't know what it means. Not everything you don't understand is GAY, sorry to break that to you.

I'm still mad you brought sexuality into this.


Haha, I love the cock.

I don't understand why you need to be a closet brony? Nobody's going to beat you up, and when you come out of the stable (tehe I'm clever) people will see that as venerability since it's something you hide.

Stop being butthurt, (pun not intended) I didn't bring sexuality into this as much as you did considering I had a throwaway line and you wrote a wall of text on the matter.

For a bunch of people who preach love and toleration, you get agitated pretty easily.

Sounds like a bunch of hippo griffons to me. (Aha, so punny)

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Haha, I love the cock.

I don't understand why you need to be a closet brony? Nobody's going to beat you up, and when you come out of the stable (tehe I'm clever) people will see that as venerability since it's something you hide.

Stop being butthurt, (pun not intended) I didn't bring sexuality into this as much as you did considering I had a throwaway line and you wrote a wall of text on the matter.

For a bunch of people who preach love and toleration, you get agitated pretty easily.

Sounds like a bunch of hippo griffons to me. (Aha, so punny)


"I don't understand why you need to be a closet brony? Nobody's going to beat you up, and when you come out of the stable"


Fat chance, you don't go to my school, and you have relatively no idea what kind of torment the bullies show to people they don't like. I'm a "minor niner", and I don't fancy a grade 12 student walking up to me and downright flipping me over with an uppercut because he hates ponies and pony-likers.


"I didn't bring sexuality"

"Wait, like being gay?"


"as much as you did considering I had a throwaway line and you wrote a wall of text on the matter.

For a bunch of people who preach love and toleration, you get agitated pretty easily."


I don't live by that code very well, sorry, I don't exactly let my enjoyment for MLP define how I act towards people. News to you? Furthermore, yeah, that 'wall of text' is because I thought you were legitimate mocking gay people and mocking me for being a closet brony, as in the sense that I was being 'scared.'


I'm not a closet brony because I want to be. Hell, if I knew I wouldn't get picked on or bullied, I would be a very outward brony. I guess we live in really different worlds.

Edited by Tycoon


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"I don't understand why you need to be a closet brony? Nobody's going to beat you up, and when you come out of the stable"

Fat chance, you don't go to my school, and you have relatively no idea what kind of torment the bullies show to people they don't like. I'm a "minor niner", and I don't fancy a grade 12 student walking up to me and downright flipping me over with an uppercut because he hates ponies and pony-likers.

"I didn't bring sexuality"

"Wait, like being gay?"

"as much as you did considering I had a throwaway line and you wrote a wall of text on the matter.

For a bunch of people who preach love and toleration, you get agitated pretty easily."

I don't live by that code very well, sorry, I don't exactly let my enjoyment for MLP define how I act towards people. News to you? Furthermore, yeah, that 'wall of text' is because I thought you were legitimate mocking gay people and mocking me for being a closet brony, as in the sense that I was being 'scared.'

I'm not a closet brony because I want to be. Hell, if I knew I wouldn't get picked on or bullied, I would be a very outward brony. I guess we live in really different worlds.


You're already gay, what are they going to call you, double gay?

Butt seriously, just because you don't go out parading that you like the show doesn't make you in the closet. I think the only Dr Who merch I have is a screwdriver and a USB hub, and I'm not a closet whovian. My point is, even using that kind of terminology degrades the fandom

Did anyone get that pun? "Butt seriously" tehe.

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You're already gay, what are they going to call you, double gay?

Butt seriously, just because you don't go out parading that you like the show doesn't make you in the closet. I think the only Dr Who merch I have is a screwdriver and a USB hub, and I'm not a closet whovian. My point is, even using that kind of terminology degrades the fandom

Did anyone get that pun? "Butt seriously" tehe.


Yeah you make good puns


guess I didn't mention yet though: I'm not outwardly gay either. As a matter of fact, if you care:


I made a very, very odd friend my first day of highschool. Knew he couldn't keep a secret. I saw a girl with her boyfriend. I asked my odd friend if that girl was single the next day, knowing fully that she wasn't. He took the 'hint' I made, and went and told the whole school I had a crush on this girl. To this day, never denied or accepted it, or even really spoke about it.


And no one's asked me my sexuality ever since. I haven't lied, but I haven't said anything, people just assume I'm straight because of this rumoured "crush"


... yeah I'm smarter than I sound. hehe.

Edited by Tycoon


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Yeah you make good puns

guess I didn't mention yet though: I'm not outwardly gay either. As a matter of fact, if you care:

I made a very, very odd friend my first day of highschool. Knew he couldn't keep a secret. I saw a girl with her boyfriend. I asked my odd friend if that girl was single the next day, knowing fully that she wasn't. He took the 'hint' I made, and went and told the whole school I had a crush on this girl. To this day, never denied or accepted it, or even really spoke about it.

And no one's asked me my sexuality ever since. I haven't lied, but I haven't said anything, people just assume I'm straight because of this rumoured "crush"

... yeah I'm smarter than I sound. hehe.


I don't (care, that is)

I guess what I really want is the show to be treated as a show and not just a fandom like furries or sonnies

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I don't (care, that is)

I guess what I really want is the show to be treated as a show and not just a fandom like furries or sonnies


Too late for that, isn't it. There's tons of MLP websites, and memes and captionned pictures for MLP being made every day of every minute. Unless you find a way to stop that, goodfight MLP, fandomized..


I don't mind the fandom though. Only the rule 34 side of it >_< unless it's b/b


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I've seen tons of bronies while walking and in foreign places, since I travel with a family a lot. Coming home from las vegas, at the airport, saw a guy with the 'loyalty' rainbow dash on his T-shirt. I was like "brohoof" when I walked by him, and since this was very recently, I also winked and added "gak!"


he's like "Betcha can't make a face crazier than THIS!!" and he turned the corner.


Wow, that made my day. MY MONTH.


It just happened that today at work a customer came in wearing a Vinyl Scratch hoodie. I asked him about it and brohoofed. It was pretty awesome, it turns out he was one of the guys responsible for Bronycon. :D


Anyway regarding this thread itself, I have to wonder if you're asking for what's too far *in general*, or your own personal limit? Because there's definitely a difference.


If it's "in general" I'm on board with everyone else saying that the point where it impacts your priorities in life is too far. But me personally, my threshold is definitely below that. I don't think I'd go out of state for a con (not counting across the river in NYC), write fanfiction, or spend money on the toys (Well, except the Derpy or Nightmare Moon figures). Where I'm at right now- going to cons if they;re local, buying a few T-shirts, watching Youtube fan animation- I'm pretty happy with that for now.

  • Brohoof 2


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Well as long as you can support yourself no amount of pony is too much. I don't care about R34, crackfics and gore, it's up to you wether you like that or not. It's up to you wether you buy merch or cosplay, as long as it doesn't become an unhealthy obsession it's a-ok.

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I have to say I'm a little disappointed. I made this post with the intent for us to explore our own personal limits in the fandom but to also explore how far we would go into it if we had the means (money, time, etc). Instead for a while there it turned into a flame war. Now I'll admit, I'm a darker pony and seeing people get into a little scuff now and then I feel can be healthy. However the back and forth between Tycoon and Galaxy was useless, counter productive and simply immature. Frankly, you two ponies should be ashamed of yourselves acting in such way with each. The attacks were personal and that goes beyond a friendly "heated debate".


I would hope you two take a lesson from this and remember that name calling and attacking your fellow brony are not ways to go about things. We can agree to disagree. If somepony wants to be a closet brony, thats their choice. We don't know all the circumstances in their life that makes them feel they need to do that. We can encourage them to come out, but in the end they know whats best for their life.


I like puns like anypony else but when you start to use them to tease somepony about something personal, it goes to far.


The only solution here is a letter to the Princess about what you learned from this. /sagenod

....or just an apology to each other would work.

I'm going back to bed. Remember guys, we have a world out there that doesn't understand us and we are going to have differences ourselves, but lets not let it come between the friendships we're trying to build here.



  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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I think the only real limit is when you start to allow it to completely take over your life and it has an actual negative effect on your well being. Other than that people can do whatever they want with their fandom as long as your not annoying people to an extreme point by pestering them about something they could care less about.


I dont have any kind of merch from MLP but I do for other fandoms like Harry Potter and Doctor Who, but its not like I took them to school and flashed it in everyones faces. Thats the line, other than that have with your fandom.

  • Brohoof 2


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As long as bronyism doesn't begin to affect your life in a negative way, you haven't gone too far. I mean, I don't really buy any of the merchandise or anything (the only way someone would know that I was a brony would be to look at my internet history) but I have nothing against those of us who do. I'm also not terribly keen on the r34 and other, shall we say, adult areas of the fandom, but I acknowledge that they exist and try not to judge.


I also noticed the little discussion on closet bronies. I happen to be one as well, mostly because I hate drawing attention to myself. Now before I get shot for saying that bronies are attention-whores, I should clarify what I deem to be too much attention. Let's say I'm wearing a pony shirt in public. Random Human X asks, "You watch My Little Pony?" To me, that's too much attention. (Why yes, my favorite pony is Fluttershy! How did you know?)


Forgive me if this post has no flow and/or makes no sense. I'm tired and should be asleep. It baffles me how I manage to not learn to not post things when I'm tired.

"Ceterum censeo background ponies delendas esse" - Stellafera


Credit for the Octavia vector goes to the awesome Harmonic Revelations

Credit for the creation of my avatar and signature goes to the amazing Wubsie

Once again, thanks!

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When you decide that calling in sick for work [or generally avoid any kind of responsibility] to stay home and watch MLP is ok, that's when you have to start re-thinking some stuff.

Edited by Bucky_McGillycuddy
  • Brohoof 2
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Being unable to fulfil you needs it to far. Other than that I don't see it going to far. I don't care if they want to go and buy ponies, or go and get a tattoo, as long as they were able to support themself and didn't neglect all of there needs, I do not see it as being to far. My self, I would do quite a bit more, except get a tattoo never really liked tattoos, but I would buy more pony stuff.

  • Brohoof 1
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My personal line? Well I've not found one yet really. I mean I wouldn't get a tattoo of the mane 6 done on me but I have considered getting Pinkies cutie mark tattooed. Just simply because shes the one I identify with and everyone says I'm like.


I think my line is forcing people to watch it, When people make it their personal crusade to get people into the show.

  • Brohoof 1

Street artist | activist | Fanfic writer | Fire Spinner | attempting Musician

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usually if you've gotten to the point where you need to ask that question, you already have gone to far for yourself. I say for yourself because this is a subjective thing. Too far for one person may not be for another.

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Wait there is a limit? impossible! I must measure this myself! Here! Someone come take this measuring tape! *Walks off and never returns*. In all seriousness it depends on the person's list of responsibilities and whether or not said person completes them.

  • Brohoof 2

The mind of the host will desperately try to create memories where none exist. Simple right?

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I want to thank you all for replying to the post i started. Its been really insightful. It also brought up the topic of closet Bronies which i don't think gets near enough attention. To me, its sad that people can't like what they like or even be who they are without some judgmental jerk bringing the rain. In the end i think all of you are right. Do no harm to others with your fandom and make sure to take care of your self and your responsibilities first. Sounds like a good lesson about friendship to me as well. :)

  • Brohoof 1

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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Flame wars aside. Here's my honest opinion, no matter how un-liked it is.


The instant the fandom starts acting so drastically different then other TV show fandoms is when it begins to annoy me.

I agree with obsidian, being a closet brony shouldn't be a thing. There should be a happy medium between a "closet brony" and one of those bronies.

  • Brohoof 1
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Can you really go TOO far with something you enjoy?


Quite frankly...yes you can :P


I mean, for me too far would be something like tatooing my entire body in ponies, or neglecting my personal life so I can stuff my face with popcorn and watch MLP on my computer while running up the electricity bill.

Blowing my entire wage each week on pony merchandise/tattoos and stuff etc.

Those kind of EXTREMES would be too far for me.



As for personifying yourself as a pony (Like say, using quotes from the show in real life) I see nothing wrong with that, I do it myself.

I'm thinking about getting a tattoo of MLP, probably of a cutie mark on my left bicep or something.

I want to plaster my goddamned bedroom in posters and pony merchandise that is faithful to the show (i'm still a teen living at home lol, I wouldn't do that if I was living in a flat with my GF)

On that note...I WOULD however still have "my corner" or something where I could stick my ponies, even if it was a bedside drawer.


Too far for one person may not be for another.

This basically sums up this entire thread in one line.

  • Brohoof 2

img-1796426-3-wBKtbPh.pngI've been watching you, all this time.

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Too far is people trying to force other people to watch the show "EVERYPONY ON EARTH SHOULD BE BRONYS" those people. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions< I hate it when people try to force their religion onto me so I assume most other people would hate it if I tried to force them to watch mlp. I say be a proud brony be a loud brony but dont force people to do something they dont want to do thats too far.

  • Brohoof 1
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In my opinion, work and school should always be the priorities, personal wants should come last. The minute that changes, something's wrong and needs to be done about it.


As for how far I go, I watch the show occasionally (I'm way behind right now, episode 8 of season 2), have made an OC, am making two FiMfics, and have some MLP music on my iPhone (it's all fan music aside from the guitar and piano covers of the theme song).

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I didn't go out with my friends to hang out a few days ago. Instead, I watched 3 episodes of MLP. 

Yeah I know it's not really that big of a deal, but I kind of regret that I wasted and hour and 30 mins watching re-runs of ponies xD.


Feld0 spelled backwards is illuminati


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I think once it becomes the most major part of your life, it becomes a problem. I remember reading a comment from a brony where he said, "I would be willing to sacrifice my life if it meant the show would keep going, for my fellow bronies"  I think we can all safely say that that is too far. 

  • Brohoof 1

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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