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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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Honestly Ezynell this sure seems like a lot of work for you to go through for one simple poll, dont ya think? Now im slightly torn between equestrianism and christianity!

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Huh, I thought there'd not be a whole lot of athiests' like myself 0^0; All my IRL friends are all Christian, so they sometimes push me to become a Christian. One of 'em even wrote a letter about how "I'll burn in hell if I don't become a Baptist, at least a Christian." Everyone has there own opinion, but I don't think they should try to force other people to swallow it, shoving it down people's throats. But that's just what I think...

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Huh, I thought there'd not be a whole lot of athiests' like myself 0^0; All my IRL friends are all Christian, so they sometimes push me to become a Christian. One of 'em even wrote a letter about how "I'll burn in hell if I don't become a Baptist, at least a Christian." Everyone has there own opinion, but I don't think they should try to force other people to swallow it, shoving it down people's throats. But that's just what I think...


The problem is that when you're dealing with religious beliefs, they are beyond the realm of 'opinion'. A religious belief is a world view, and something that is either objectively true or objectively false. There is either a hell, or there is not a hell. Your friend believes that there is an hell, and because of that they are only trying to save you.


Unfortunately, for this reason, it is very hard for somebody who is very deep in these beliefs to have this "let others believe what they want to believe" mindset. Especially when it comes to in regard to us nonbelievers. In their minds we are headed toward eternal damnation no matter what. At least in your friend's case, it appears that he/she at least cares. Eternal damnation is pretty brutal, after all.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Four other Buddhists on the site? Cool! Who are they? Anyway, I became Buddhist in undergrad after I joined a campus club and just found that it made the most sense to me. It's not really a "religion" per se, so much as a philosophy as of how to live. The sect of Buddhism I practice is called Nicherin Daishonin Buddhism/SGI and it is the most practical branch of Buddhism. Instead of discussing mystic ideals, such as Enlightenment and/or reincarnation, we focus on making our own lives the best we can, believing that everyone has a Buddha nature inately in them. The whole "goal" is to win in life. I think the best explanation I've heard from a fellow member is that it's like "getting a PhD in Happiness." Other beliefs focus on turning obstacles into opportunities, taking responsibility for one's actions, developing self-awareness and learning to tolerate others. It's kind of, sort of like the Brony fandom in a way!


That said, it's not perfect and there are some things that bug me at times. For example, like all organized religions, the SGI organization tends to over-complicate things, when it's really a pretty simple philosophy as far as I'm concerned. I'm also not a huge fan of chanting (yes, chanting!). It's just never really appealed to me. Still, all in all, I think it's a great belief system and one that I strive to live by. :)

Edited by Carolina
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  • 3 months later...

i am an Atheist. i was raised Roman Catholic but personally i have just never been a religious person. my parents were not very religious either, they celebrated holidays and we attended church on special occasions but thats it really.

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Like I stated in my Blog, I believe in Agnosticism but in a way in which I feel that nature is the universal spirit that keeps us in balance and the force that provides for us rather than a God/omnipotent figure or any other "prophet" like Jesus or Muhammad.


I turn to science whenever I need something to be solved. I believe that even the most confusing aspects of our lives can be solved using reasoning and scientific thinking. Not that I think faith is illogical but I do when people use it in the most oblivious of ways (like doing a very morbid thing just because they thought they saw God and he told them to do it). I just can't get that aspect. I also don't believe in sin. I think of a universal order. If you be kind to nature and all the inhabitants in the world, that's all that matters, even if you, say, don't prayer or have sex before marriage. Do whatever you want that doesn't harm you or the rest around you, it doesn't matter.


I also don't believe in Hell. Yes, even the bad people like Hitler get taken into a place where there's no suffering. I don't think this makes me heartless, I just think that the afterlife is one universal place that all living things go when they die and they can do whatever they want without harming others. I'd like to think of that as a perfect world, regardless of their past behaviors.

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I'm actually quite surprised to see that atheist has the majority vote, I thought it was gonna be christian or catholic.

I've seen this trend on many huge forums and I just think it's because of the age group. I think teenagers/young adults either: A) Have no idea what to believe/not believe in yet because they are really young, and maybe forced into various religion groups before making set decisions; or B )Since "Atheism" is a huge internet trend nowadays it just seems like the common majority for most polls.


Trust me, I'm probably not done trying to find what I truly believe in, but ever since the death of my mom (which was about 7 years ago) I've pretty much settled into not believing in one set God and formed a nature-like philosophy.

Edited by AegisReflector
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You should probably add judasim - othrodox, conserative, reform [img=http://mlpforums.com/public/style_emoticons/mlp/tongue.png] ~


I am from a Conservative Jewish family, but converted to Catholicism. I would call myself Jws for Jesus, though. Please add that, and pleas clarify for Conservative and Reform judaism that they are Judaism, as it looks like it could mean anything.

20% cooler, 80% fun, 100% awesome

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I've seen this trend on many huge forums and I just think it's because of the age group. I think teenagers/young adults either: A) Have no idea what to believe/not believe in yet because they are really young, and maybe forced into various religion groups before making set decisions; or B )Since "Atheism" is a huge internet trend nowadays it just seems like the common majority for most polls.


Trust me, I'm probably not done trying to find what I truly believe in, but ever since the death of my mom (which was about 7 years ago) I've pretty much settled into not believing in one set God and formed a nature-like philosophy.


I live in a country where everyone is killing each other in the name of god but I don't think that it's the main reason why I'm an atheist, I have been an atheist ever since I was 4 because I thought that the stories for abrahamic religions just don't add up.I always thought that the theory where we should obey god just because he created us and could send us to hell doesn't make sense because the old dictator could do the same, especially not now where I'm already living in hell and burning for all eternity seems like a better option.


There are other religions here that don't worship god but rather follow a set of philosophies but they go in conflict with my own philosophy that i developed as I observed the environment.

Edited by khaine21x3
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I'm actually quite surprised to see that atheist has the majority vote, I thought it was gonna be christian or catholic.


In contrast, I was surprised to see so many Christians. I never really though that many people who practices religion religiously wold actually take interest in being a brony, considering many people think it defies gender roles. I disagree with it, but take the average South USA Christian family and see how they react to boys watching MLP.

20% cooler, 80% fun, 100% awesome

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I'm a Christian. But unlike what a lot of people seem to think are all Christians, I believe in a loving God that only judges people by what they've done, not by their religion, race, sexuality, etc. I'm not a homophobe, and I don't hate people who are non-Christians.

Edited by Betez



Stay pony my friends

"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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I loosely follow Discordianism. It's a religion that embraces the chaos of the world. That's right. It's a religion centered around Discord.



Allow me to share with you a quote from the Principia Discordia


"GP: Is Eris true?

M2: Everything is true.

GP: Even false things?

M2: Even false things are true.

GP: How can that be?

M2: I don't know man, I didn't do it."


As you can see, it incorporates a lot of absurdism, making it probably the funniest of all religions. I don't put too much importance into religion so I identify with this to make things more interesting, I guess. I also incorporate ideas from a certain type of Buddhism into my beliefs, particularly after reading Siddhartha.

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Atheism would mean you don't believe a diety exists. Equestreism was made for people that honestly don't give a shit.

What about ppl who do actually care, and choose Equestreism?  For example, someone who believes in four dieties and reimagined their moon/sun goddesses to be Luna/Celestia in their head to more easily relate those two dieties?  Would they choose other then?

Edited by Fluttersnake31

"Rest, my sister. As always, I will guard the night."


Icy Breeze - My pegasus stallion, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/icy-breeze-r2056

Blossom Winds - My pegasus mare,  http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/blossom-winds-r5277

Duskspawn - my changeling OC, http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/duskspawn-r2081

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I'm actually quite surprised to see that atheist has the majority vote, I thought it was gonna be christian or catholic.


Don't be fooled - last time I tallied up all of the various groups of Christianity, Christianity as a whole was still in the majority.


It's just that here on the internet they can not keep us silenced.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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Don't be fooled - last time I tallied up all of the various groups of Christianity, Christianity as a whole was still in the majority.


It's just that here on the internet they can not keep us silenced.


True, I would be killed here if I told anyone I was an atheist and even people living in some developed countries would probably get harassed for being openly atheist.


Tho it doesn't matter to me because they couldn't convince me about their philosophy and mission even if we didn't talk about the existence of god.

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I am a Christian, specifically a Lutheran, belonging to the Missouri Synod Lutheran Church.  I was born into a Lutheran family, and my Christian beliefs have been a part of my family, my daily life, and my very personal identity my entire life, and I do not intend to change that any time soon.  I'm ashamed to say that I have unfortunately not gotten to church at Hillsdale very much this semester; partially, this has been due to the heavy workload that comes with senior year in college, but other times there has been actual apathy and laziness behind my decisions not to go to church some Sundays, and I'm quite ashamed of that.  Still, the fact that I'm concerned tells me that in matters of faith itself, I am not becoming apathetic, and truly do want to turn this around, and I very much look forward to Christmas Break, when I'll get the chance for about 4 weeks guaranteed to begin regularly attending church services again, and hopefully get back into a good church-going rhythm before spring semester starts.


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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I'm a Methodist, But honestly I consider myself almost as more of just a general Christian. And also despite the fact I'm a Christian, I still am a very logical thinker.


I believe in God, Jesus, and all of those things. I don't really care if people think of me as crazy or right or not, it makes sense to me. People won't convince me to become atheist or something, and I don't plan to try and make people believe something they don't want to believe.

I believe that people will and should be able to believe what they believe, besides fighting and forcing someone to believe something doesn't make them truly believe it anyways. its a wasted effort.


In the end I respect others and their beliefs, as long as they respect mine.


Oh, and on a side note, I support gay rights and marriage, And I don't think gender roles are something that are suppose to be 100% followed by everyone.

In short I'm not an Extremists. To be honest Extremist's of any religion are really the only ones I really have any kinda feelings against.


Phew. Ok I'm done, I don't know exactly why i even posted this, but I may as well after typing it all. I don't really like starting religion debates to be honest.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I'm an Anglican - from what the poll looks like, quite possibly the only Anglican here. To be specific, I'm a Sydney Anglican, so I suppose  in terms of general philosophy we're more like Methodists than the more traditional English Anglicans.


I have not been a Christian since birth, despite my Christian upbringing. My thinking and my actions from that time convict me of that, although I thought I was Christian. That said, I am a rather young Christian, being a bit more than four years old.


My Anglican upbringing in both my natural life and Christian life has led to a pursuit into a great variety of theological books, including those by CS Lewis (one of my favourites :wub: ), John Stott, and John Lennox, among others that don't quite come to mind at this present moment. My knowledge still has holes in it though, and it will very likely be so up until the end of my earthly life.


Great sig thanks to Ms Earl Grey!

ἡ ἀλήθεια ἐλευθερώσει ὑμᾶς

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Secular humanist. It's on the list of faiths on belief.net, but not exactly really a real religion like Christianity or Judiasm.





Not a religious thing, but also some small acts of witchcraft.

Edited by Dίsmajo
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I don't affiliate with any organized religion (including atheism). I prefer to forge my own spiritual path in life, and that's a lifelong journey. I'm a seeker, and everyday I seek to learn something new about the human spirit...why we are here...what it means to be, well...alive. I'll probably - strike that, definitely - die before I find all the answers I am seeking, sadly life is too short for these matters, but that's OK. I'd rather die a nomad, than die in a temple that I know is not meant for me.


Follow me on Tumblr! http://stratosthestallion.tumblr.com

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I was raised Catholic christian though there are certain thing the church is doing I don't like what is more important than anything is ones personal relationship with God. There is a saying I heard a while back that some of you here may like "Patty O Shea went to mass every Sunday but went to hell for what he did on Monday." I am not going to pretend I am some perfect saint but I try to do the right thing and to better myself.

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