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mega thread Everypony's Religion And Why?


What is your religion?  

66 users have voted

  1. 1. What is your religion?

    • Catholic
    • Orthodox
    • Protestant
    • Lutheran
    • Anglican
    • Methodist
    • Baptists
    • Unitarian/ Universalist
    • Christian (other, or general)
    • Islam
    • Hindu
    • Buddhist
    • Agnostic
    • Atheist
    • Satanist
    • Reform
    • Judaism (other, or general)
    • Equestreism (or don't care)
    • Electic Pagan (added at request)
    • Wicca (added at request)
    • Jehovah's Witness (added at request)
    • Spiritual (added at request)
    • Other (quote the OP and I'll try to add it ASAP)

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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.

Could you add "LDS", for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints. Such would be appreciated for those that are LDS, or Mormon as some know the church as.

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I feel like there should be an option for Amish, but nobody would ever vote for it.  Kind of makes me wonder if there is even such thing as an Amish Brony, since cartoons and the internet are pretty much incompatible with...you know...being Amish.



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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.

Please add Thelema.


So yes, this indicates that I consider myself a Thelemite.  What is Thelema?  Well, Thelema was founded in 1904 by the writing of Liber Al Vel Legis (commonly known as "The Book of the Law") by Aleister Crowley.  There are other Thelemic holy books but this is the essential one that everyone knows about.  Now, you may or may not have heard of Crowley, but I'll give you a short version: Aleister Crowley was a recognized and accomplished Ceremonial Magician who passed away on December 1,1947.


Now you may be asking: "Wait.. isn't magic like.. evil and stuff?  Do you worship the devil?  Didn't Crowley himself say he was "The Great Beast 666"?"


The answers are: No, no, and yes.  But we're getting into more detail than is necessary for this post (if more detail is required, the internet is a great source of information, I am also willing to answer what I can if you wish to PM me).   :lol:


Here are a few memorable quotes that are quite popular from Thelema:


"Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law" - This does not mean "do whatever you want", this refers to a deeper concept of 'True Will' that, in a nutshell, is like destiny with choice.  Actually, I've always considered the concept of 'getting one's cutie mark' extremely similar to discovering one's true will.


"Love is the law, love under will" - Love in this sense is the greek Agape which is a universal love (separate from the greek Eros, sexual love).  Again, 'will' refers to 'True Will'.


"Every man and woman is a star" - This phrase is commonly interpreted as every person is a center of their own universe and also a part of the whole.  Each is equal and has their own unique role in life.


Now that you have an idea of what Thelema is... why did I choose to be a Thelemite?


I constantly seek a deeper connection with the 'divine' or the 'universe' (however one wants to put it) and I found that Thelema resounded as true and authentic.  I used to be a christian, and in a bout of doubt I started reading the bible.  I found that it was not what I thought it was and searched for some time for a religion that was the right path for me.  Once I stumbled upon Thelema, I just 'knew' that my search had ended.  I had found my match.  It had taken quite a few years, and in that time I searched every major world religion and many smaller religions.  In the end, I decided on Thelema.

Edited by Phoenix999

OC 1: Ceres

OC 2: Shimmering Grace

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I have been compelled to post in here yet again and share my somewhat new Religious opinions and thoughts. Lately I've been doing lots of thinking, I have had a shift in thought. 


Originally I chose Atheist, of-course if someone just ran up to me and asked what religion I was I would totally say in a heartbeat, "I have none so I'm an atheist." But really that's just a simple measure to ward off 'certain' sorts of people. I can not affirm myself in a total sense the certain definition people "Think" atheist means, I am staying true to the definition in the sense of it's actual meaning. Which is the rejection of deities, nothing more. It's just a position in thinking, sort-of like if you like apples over oranges or like-wise, it does not describe the person.


Onto the religious side of things. I found that committing your time to Militant Atheism is a bad way to exist, sure when I get a tad bit pissed my Militant Atheist side flares up and then generally I say things I end up regretting. If you see science as nothing more than evidence against religion, you have little meaning in life. If you commit your time to disproving someones prayers for you or any other religious concepts you will never live a happy life.


Sometimes I have to sacrifice some of my happy life of bliss at-times to step into a meaningless state of disapproval towards people. I will not participate in any form of prayer, I wont accept religious dogma people attempt to give me, and I wont even pretend to be part of some sort of worship. When these things interfere with my path in life I will do as much as I can in my power to discredit it or remove it from my life. 


Now what if I intrude on there way of life? That makes me no-better then they may be. However, organized religion and in particular Christianity that is organized generally makes things worse. We reach a moral dilemma, we reach a moment where we invade there path in life or we let them go on with it. First of all I put down a firm barrier with some people who can't discuss this sort of thing in a smart manner, I can't change how they think. However, if I meet a smart person down the line I'll talk to them about it. In-truth to further our own belief and give them meaning in the world we must intrude in other peoples lives, it's just in the manner we do so.


Earlier I mentioned my Atheism and the exact form in-which I think of it in. The rejection of deities, what does this leave me at? It leaves me with a much more spiritual way of thinking. Now I have a contradiction in my life, I don't believe in the supernatural. Everything that happens is natural, there is no ghosts nor demons or anything of that sort. However, I still feel a strange spiritual connection to things in my life I really hold close to me. 


I find greater meaning in things I guess. Even the most pointless things I do. Now why do I think this? I clearly reject the concept of deities, it's called something we all need in our lives. Hope, we all need a bit of hope in our life to keep us moving. Ignorance is bliss so long as we don't let our ignorance harm us. Perhaps I simply want to believe Luna protects us in our dreams and Celestia provides us with the sun. It so long as we keep our minds in the real world does not harm me, nor does it harm others. In-truth this way of thinking has improved my life.


I encourage everyone who likes this idea to give it a try, try and make something out of everything in your life. 


Thanks to the lovely Pink Mist for the magnificent signature!

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It leaves me with a much more spiritual way of thinking. Now I have a contradiction in my life, I don't believe in the supernatural. Everything that happens is natural, there is no ghosts nor demons or anything of that sort. However, I still feel a strange spiritual connection to things in my life I really hold close to me. 


I don't think this puts you in a contradictory state.  Everything that happens IS natural.  I think what you're trying to get at is that there's a sort of 'life-force' that you can feel connected to when your deeply intimate with it (in whatever way).

  • Brohoof 1

OC 1: Ceres

OC 2: Shimmering Grace

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  • 4 weeks later...

I chose Eclectic Pagan, simply because semi-theistic eclectic nature centric Pagan would be way too wordy and way too specific. I was raised in a christian family, but before I was Pagan I was an atheist. I appreciate and enjoy nature, and accept that there is far more than we can see. I don't believe in literal Gods or Goddesses, but I do believe i them as personifications of natural forces and other intangible concepts. I might ask Odin for wisdom, The Lady for protection, or any other pagan deity for assistance, depending on what they are associated with. I believe that nature, from birds and trees and the dirt beneath our feet to the most fundamental laws of physics, are the greatest things in this reality. I enjoy the sciences, as they reveal more about the wonder of nature. I believe that magik is the science we do not understand. I don't credit everything to some mystical force, rather I prefer to seek solid answers. I don't care what anyone else believes, and I don't expect anyone to care about my beliefs, but I enjoy sharing and open mindedness. Being Pagan is not the answer for me, merely the way to the answers.

Keep flyin'


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Atheist, really. Though, might say Agnostic, because I can't actually proof that God doesn't exist, or vice-versa.
But my family is Orthodox, and they absolutely despise me for not believing in God.

I've never believed in any God, really, even if I did grow up in a religious family. I've always been skeptical about the idea of God, later on I came to the conclusion that I'd rather believe in people and science, than in any particular God.
Nevertheless, I do respect other peoples' beliefs [as long as they don't threat me because of my beliefs] and I, sadly, cannot deny that there's no any kind of "God" at all.


  • Brohoof 3


" Why walk when you can bounce? Silly-filly! "

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I am an agnostic atheist, i do not believe in a god, or a higher power, the reason why i don't believe is:

1.) There are many religions in this world, how can one say it is right? (that just proves the arrogance religions create)

2.) Religions always say a god (or gods, or a higher force) created the universe, well, our earth is part of a solar system, which is part of a galaxy. There are many galaxies in the universe, the earth takes up 0.00000000000000000000000000001% of our galaxy, we are so insignificant,...if there truly was a god and he wanted to create us, wouldn't he just create our solar system? Or our galaxy? It basically does not make any sense.

3.) Science, science has debunked many theories religion had.

4.) Also religion is subjective, if i were born in let's say, Tibet, i would be a buddhist, if i were born in Egypt i would be a muslim, if i were born in viking Sweden, i would believe in Thor and Odin and Loki, Frey, if i were born as an ancient slav i would be believing in Dažbog or Rod.


Now i'm not trying to force my view on anybody, i'm simply stating a few facts as to why i'm an atheist. If someone is religious it doesnt bother me, hell if they want to be then by all means let them. I am all up for religious freedom and tolerance. It's a choice, one that should be respected.




Some random Slovenian Brony

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I don't believe in anything, I don't believe in any gods, goddesses, holy texts, and forms of the afterlife. So far the only people IRL that know are my older brother and his girlfriend. His girlfriend was telling me about marriage and I told her that I didn't want to make my Conformation. Then she asked me if I believed in God and I told her "no", and she was totally cool with it. She told me that people my age aren't religious and that it's not rare. If only my parents were more like her and not so damn narrowminded...

  • Brohoof 1
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I am a Protestant Christian.

Now as to why.

I was lost. Very, VERY lost in my life. I didn't know what was right or wrong, but then one day, I was at the fair in my town, and a man handed me a Bible. At first, I didn't think much if it. Then I read it, and realized that I was a sinner. I cried over it. And then I knew what I needed. I prayed to Jesus and asked for forgiveness of my sin, and I know that he did, because I felt It in my life.

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I'd have to say I'm primarily Christian, but in a very liberal sense. As far as morals go I pretty much have the belief that you have to hurting yourself or others needlessly to be wrong, I'm also in weird place because I fully understand how faulty religious texts and teachings can be, and I think faith should be a more personal and intimate thing instead of something forced on people. I also quite respect many other religions and some of their teachings, and I believe that who or what ever God may he, he doesn't care about such petty things as what you believed and only cares that you tried your best to be a good person. You don't have to be a saint, God knows I'm not. We all have both good and bad within us and what's important is just doing your best.   


I can credit the fact I believe in something to somewhat of a gut instinct. I just feel there's someone out there watching over. No matter how much doubt I've been in that feeling never left me, Even when I broke down and cried about all those I've lost for the first time in years I felt something telling me it was okay and they were safe.


So I guess I'm not sure what to call myself other than I believer in the end.         

Edited by Shoboni



"You know, I don't know who or what you are Methos, and I know you don't want to hear this, but you did teach me something. You taught me that Life's about change, about learning to accept who you are, good or bad. And I thank you for that."


-Duncan McLeod.

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I don't have a religion. Deistic/Agnostic or whatever, I really don't fucking know anymore. I tried, I really did, to be a Christian in my youth, but I never felt shit, especially at my lowest points when I prayed for gods help. The end to my torment only came when I started believing in myself. I don't know if there is a god at all or not, but I still cling to the idea that there is some higher power and my sad life hasn't been for nothing. 

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I'm agnostic, through and through. Any religion fully has the possibility of being true and just the same possibility of being false, and likewise, just the same possibility of no religion at all being correct. Perhaps there is no higher power or anything of that sort. Or perhaps the true religion is one that has not been formerly conceived.


... Though, at the end of the day, I'm praying to Palutena, the Harvest Goddess, Naga, and Celestia/Luna/Cadence. Is that a religion?

  • Brohoof 1

Awesome signature made by Tromino.

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As a kid, I used to be Christian, and was even a little sad that I hadn't been baptized.


Nowadays, I'm an Atheist. Mainly because science makes more sense to me. 


However if there is some higher being out there, and was proven to exist, I would probably follow/worship them.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by Azura

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Discordian + aspects of Hinduism, but Discordian nonetheless. 

I think Eris is a real babe that makes everything good and bad happen, so we remember that good and bad both coexist as order and disorder. 


So yeah, add Discordianism. Do it, you won't. 











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Technically I'm a Muslim, and I do follow some of its teaching, like avoiding alcoholic drinks and pork, etc, but I don't pray five times a day, because I see it no more than a ritual to refresh your mind and body, even though most people believe it's a spiritual ritual. Judging from that, people can say that I'm not a Muslim.


I came from a Muslim environment, so that's why.


I also follow Buddhism, even though not all of them. I see no difference between religions. Buddhism is really pure, you know? It's to the point, not biased, and I find many similarities with Islam. The first time I found peace was when I learned Buddhism. I never really understood Islam until I learned Buddhism. It opened my eyes and mind. It gave me understanding and pure perspective towards things. Later I found that Muslims these day misinterpret and misunderstand Islam an awfully lot.


So here's me. I follow both Islam and Buddhism, as my life guide, not 'religion'.

  • Brohoof 2



Pinkeh asked me to put this here. Just another What Do You Think About Me stuff.

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I'm a Celestiaist. I believe in Princess Celestia. 


Celestiaism is a very laid-back religion. We don't believe in pushing our religion upon others or practicing silly commandments in order to please our goddess. If you follow the lessons that are being taught each week through our sermons as often as you can, that is all you will need to be characterized as a good soul in her eyes. Also, there is no worry about behaving badly. Celestia views bad behavior as an illness, and she will not send you to a place of misery if you behave badly. If you do, upon your death and entrance into Equestria, Celestia will see to it personally that you are rehabilitated and can live a long happy life in Equestria. In the afterlife, you will shed your human form when in you die and live out your afterlife as a My Little Pony, in the world of Equestria. Your goals in the afterlife will consist of continuing to follow Celestia's word, finding your destiny, and living it.


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I am a Babtist. I grew up a Babtist but I didnt just follow the family, but made my faith my own. Why? Thats kinda hard to answer. I believe inGod because I know Him. Ive seen him work and theres no evidence ive found to show Hes not real. Why Babtist and not some other branch of Christianity? I dont see a lot wrong with other branches, or nothing wrong with them at all. I love my church so Im going to stick with it.


Signature: Akagami no Shirayuki-hime

What do you think of me?:


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  • 2 weeks later...

I see that Zoroastrianism, differentiation between Shia and Sunni Islam, Bahá'í Faith, Mormonism are lacking... Also, there are far too many minuscule divisions among sects of Christianity. I would have created this poll much more efficiently, no offense.

That said, I've converted to Bahá'í Faith unofficially this past year. We Bahá'ís believe in the unity of science and religion, amity and concord among different religions, and the betterment of humankind through personal reflections of God's character. I have yet to make it official, as my parents are Christians, and likely would be displeased to learn of my conversion. I won't lie if they ask though!

Roller Coaster Count: 143
Favorite Roller Coaster: Tatsu
Best Pony: Starlight Glimmer (Background Pony: Saffron Masala)
Best Episode: Twilight's Kingdom (Single Episode: All Bottled Up)

"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens" -Bahá'u'lláh

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Simple. Just post in your religion. If its not included, quote this post and tell me what it is. I'll add it.


As a Discordian, I feel the need for you to not add Discordianism but rather its cousin system "Thelema". So yes, add Thelema to the list.

  • Brohoof 1











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I am an Atheist. I believe ther is no god, very different from the Christian upbringing I was raised in. I believe no God exists because I see no evidence for the existance of one, because science has been able to sufficiently explain the world around us. I see religion as man's first attempt at science, understanding the world around us, and I truly believe that the Christian God, the Muslim God, and the Jewish God should be seen under the same light as the Roman or Greek Gods, as myths. I will, however respect people's rights to believe what they like, I will agree to disagree, and if someone doesn't want to speak about it, I wil comply.

  • Brohoof 3


"You must never give in to despair.  Allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself.  That is the meaning of inner strength." - Uncle Iroh

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I was raised by parents who did not bestow any system of belief on me. My dad merely pointed out the unique patterns in nature and taught me to keep an open mind to all perspectives.


My beliefs as of today are a mash up of many things really. Science has a strong influence on everything, I like to keep my beliefs within realistic boundaries, cold hard facts cannot be denied, but sometimes disproved with other cold hard facts. And that's the beauty of science, it can and does admit when it reaches a contradiction in it's previous findings.

The truth I've found is that nothing seems to be set in stone, and just like the universe we float around in, things change all the time, sometimes even because of unforeseen little things that didn't seem all that significant before. Little things build into larger things, and perfection can never be truly achieved, because we are all just little puzzle pieces in the ever changing jigsaw puzzle of the universe. Discord really does have his place in our world. :P


I believe in open mindedness, and I respect it in others. When I am met with someone who does not believe what I do, I don't try to make them, because I understand their beliefs are not easily given up, just as my own. Agreeing to disagree is sometimes the best, but trying to understand another's system before dismissing it is important to try as well. Always question what you believe, it will lead you to interesting destinations. smile.png

Edited by Midnight Scribbler
  • Brohoof 1

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I was raised in an Orthodox Christian family, so by technical standards I will have to go with Orthodox.


In a personal matter of beliefs, the best way to describe myself is a "semi-religious person inside the house". Being the first generation of African-Canadian in my family, a lot of my African culture has been taught to me in order to preserve that legacy; one of the more important topics being the acknowledgement of god. Because of this, and the fact that the majority of family that I visit are immigrants themselves, I often make a point to do some sort of prayer or the sort when the time comes to uphold tradition and culture.


Outside of the family, I really could care less. Between thinking about the future, current activities and failed attempts to organize myself, I find that trying to acknowledge whether there is some sort of external force outside of scientific or probability's reach is rather boring. If people think that such a person exists, more power to them; if people think that such a person doesn't, more power to them too.




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Personally I'm a heathen, I pray to the Norse Gods. 


I have always been interested in religions, not really just one in particular. I love to read about gods and deities from different cultures such as Hindu, Roman, Greek, etc...and I find there are important teachings in all of them.


Somehow though my life led me to the Gods of the North. It's a religion that gives me confort, courage and strenght.

  • Brohoof 1



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