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Save Derpy Hooves  

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  1. 1. Derpy Hooves: Hate or like?

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We should not let this single act effect our love for this great show in any way, regardless of how much we love Derpy. She will still live on in our hearts and through all the glorious fan work. This was all the fault of a few haters and we should give them the satisfaction of getting a huge rise out of us. We must still support Hasbro, the people at Studio B, and not let our views of this amazing show be changed in any way.
  • Brohoof 1


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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People are telling me Derpy's name ect was removed due to ableism.


Which means.

"Discrimination or prejudice against people with disabilities, especially physical disabilities."

Discrimination means.

"Treatment or consideration based on class or category rather than individual merit; partiality or prejudice"


"An adverse judgment or opinion formed beforehand or without knowledge or examination of the facts"


How was this ableism?

  • Brohoof 2


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We should not let this single act effect our love for this great show in any way, regardless of how much we love Derpy. She will still live on in our hearts and through all the glorious fan work. This was all the fault of a few haters and we should give them the satisfaction of getting a huge rise out of us. We must still support Hasbro, the people at Studio B, and not let our views of this amazing show be changed in any way.


The biggest issue I have with all of this is hasbro doesn't tell us about it. Why are we putting all this support and loving this show when hasbro can't even give us a official explanation.


Something along the lines of we're sorry but were going to be changing derpy would have been more acceptable than lying about it and then doing it.


Someone from them has some explaining to do, considering they basically stayed mum on the topic.


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The biggest issue I have with all of this is hasbro doesn't tell us about it. Why are we putting all this support and loving this show when hasbro can't even give us a official explanation.


Something along the lines of we're sorry but were going to be changing derpy would have been more acceptable than lying about it and then doing it.


Someone from them has some explaining to do, considering they basically stayed mum on the topic.


Well Jaw, we only found out about this today, so we should give Hasbro a little time to hopefully come up with an explanation. All we can do for now is be patient and continue to love and tolerate.
  • Brohoof 2


It's party time, ponies! Let's do this Pinkie Pie Style!

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Well Jaw, we only found out about this today, so we should give Hasbro a little time to hopefully come up with an explanation. All we can do for now is be patient and continue to love and tolerate.


I hope so man, I hope so.


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Fate has dealt a cruel hand.


Wow, I hardly ever cry, it's very hard for me to cry, but I couldn't watch this whole video, I had to stop at 1/3rd the way through because my eyes were watering too bad...


This is an absolute outrage! I have created this account solely for the purpose of posting here about this to support the imminent flood of protests to the recent change.


They have removed the name that everybody came to know and love, they have un-derped for adorable eyes that added character and a very unique trait, and most importantly, they changed her voice! They changed her voice from the cute and lovable innocent voice that perfectly portrayed her character and clumsiness into a near-insufferable voice that has no emotion, effort, or anything that the original had. They have slaughtered Derpy...


Please, we cannot let this happen without fighting back and letting them know the truth. They should not have fallen for the trolling of brony-haters that said they found Derpy offensive for no real or valid reason. Listen to the community, not the occasional troll and hater. Do not destroy Derpy like this; restore her to her real self!


I agree a million percent...

Given the negative energy surrounding this whole debacle, I encourage everypony to read these words of encouragement. Just so it's out there, the DVD as is hasn't been altered. We may see otherwise when the DVD is released at the end of the month, but the review copy has everything still in tact.




Yes, it's upsetting that the moment marking the full consciousness of our fandom was removed. And yes, Hasbro could have handled this a lot better. Not only was it disappointing that they caved to this overly-PC minority, but they picked a bad time by laying this on us when there also isn't a new episode this Saturday. However, it must be remembered that this was a decision by higher-ups, not the creative team. What they do is indeed magic, and it's our duty as fans to keep supporting the team. It's sad they had to make this compromise, but in the end it gets us more great episodes for future Saturdays instead of a cancellation.


You may be tempted to view this situation as "the day the Derpy died," "the moment our fandom went sour" or some such thing and crawl back to the pessimism we escaped from with this show in the first place. However, these are only a few people in an otherwise amazing whole. Every group has a few people who taint the group's image, and we're no exception. Rather than let this turn of events get to us, take a note from Pinkie Pie "giggling at the ghosties" and remember what we've accomplished as a fandom (to name a few):


- Art/Music/Animations (some w/ original voice acting)/fan fictions (a higher rate of good ones)/etc.

- A successful news sites like Equestria Daily and DerpyHooves.com and podcasts like Bronyville and Everfree Radio

- Feeds that share such content like forums such as this and Celestia Radio.

- Meetups and Conventions

- Lots of Money Raised for Charity

- Something as simple as comforting and encouraging people through hard times (even those who considered suicide)


Let the parasprites be and keep on showing the world why it's awesome to be a brony! B)


It sounds like we have parasprites in the parent company, almost...


Ugh, the stuff executives to just makes my blood boil sometimes!


But, let's not forget, executives are the people who organized the whole ensemble, assembled the team, and made everything a reality, they're the only reason anything happened.


But still, these guys should consider some of the things I had to say. And be forced to watch that tear-jerking video in my first quote in this post, that Pinkie Pie originally posted...



Actually, you know what? I hate being combative. I avoid it at all costs. But there are times you have to draw a line and stand up for something. And they crossed that line. What makes me so mad about that video:



Is that's spot-on with actual handicapped people, and spot-on with what I posted here




Oh, I don't really care that much about the character Derpy, what I care about is, well, read the thread. There's even a summary at the bottom if TL;DR...


It's about the fact that the whole show is about loving and tolerating, yet because of some stupid execs, we can't even tolerate to have a handicapped appearence in the show, because apparently their existence is too offensive to some people.


To be fair, the execs are really more scared of getting sued, than anything, so it's really a problem with risk-aversion and the sue-happy "don't you dare offend me yet I'll do whatever I can to be offended" society as a whole.

Edited by EASA - Dr. Braun

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


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Augh - look, my issue with it is that they're essentially saying that Derpy's offensive because she seems retarded.


How in the heck is the existence of a retarded character offensive? That's saying that IRL their existence is offensive, and that's horrible.


I think we should just accept Derpy for the Cross-eyed, klutzy, disasterous, challenged, but well-meaning pony that she is, and love her.


And let me correct something, I said love and tolerate, I should've said love and accept...




Well the good news is that she won't be underped in future episodes, from the sound of this response. It takes a little bit of the sting out, but I'm still not happy about this whole fiasco.


And with no new episode tomorrow...oh god, this is gonna be a long week...


Great news! :D Thrilling, actually!

I think, though, any chances of her speaking again have been shot.


But, you know, now that I think about it, she really can come off as offensive in that one scene. So if they make an episode where the message is about accepting and loving her despite her destructive nature, then hopefully it wouldn't raise so much opposition and legal worries.

I'm a student Royal Astrophysicist that loves kindness, rationality, curiosity, open-mindedness and deep intellectual discussions! Oh, and a nice quiet evening with a book, paper, quill, and some hot cocoa!


A Deviantart Account: (and have been featured on EQD on multiple occasions) http://eagle1division.deviantart.com/

I have a fimfic: https://www.fimfiction.net/user/Star%20Scraper
And I have a science tumblr! http://asksciencepony.tumblr.com/

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I'm going to repeat everything I said in this thread.




I haven't read everyones comments, but some of the comments I have read I have to roll my eyes on. Some of you people are really over reacting.


While I, along with many other people don't find Derpy offensive, did it ever occur to you people that there are people out there, including parents who watch this show who know nothing about the bronies of the internet, would find her offensive? Mind you, the parents of the original target demographic of this show, ya know kids. So the parents of these children have every right to complain to Hasbro about Derpy and ignore the words of bronies.


People seem to keep forgetting that this is a kids show, which bugs me more than anything. I've seen people complain about cliches, and plot inconsistencies. Of course the show is going to have them, kids don't pay attention to those kid of things! An episode may seem cliche to you, but for a kid they don't even know what a cliche is. In short: remember bronies, the show is not targeted to you, get over it!


I could be wrong, maybe the ones who complained about Derpy weren't over protective soccer mom's and trolls who hated bronies. I also heard that supposedly the term "Derp" is copyrighted so they had to change it. But we have no way to confirm what is the right answer. I also heard that some of the complaints came from fans. If this is true and if your one of the fans who complained...shame on you. The fine folks at Studio DX didn't have to listen to you, but they decided to acknowledge your existence and the fact you where watching, giving Derpy a scene where she speaks being one of those moments.Thanks to your ungratefulness they have now taken that away.


One thing is certain, we are stuck with this new version now, but we do still have the unedited version easily available online


I wasn't sure about Derpy's voice before as it wasn't the kind of voice I had in mind for her, but it grew on me, I kinda like it. While it accidentally turned out to be a bit on the masculine side due to Tabitha thinking Derpy was male, it was still gender neutral. It was actually pretty fitting when you thought about it, as Derpy came into the spotlight due to an error, only fitting her voice was an "error" too. The new one while more feminine, I don't have any issues, I still think it fits. The other I liked a bit more. The only major issue I have is Rainbow Dash in the scene, like they did a rush job redubbing her lines. The eyes I have issue with as well, people DO have eyes like that, why hide that fact? You rarely ever see characters who look like that in animation, seems almost discrimination if you ask me, but i'll live. I'm also glad they decided to leave her name out in a way. If they left it Derpy, people would complain, if they changed it to her other name Ditzy, people would complain, so no name=less complaining all around.


Ya know what this whole thing reminds me of? It reminds me on what happened with the Nicktoon The Angry Beavers a decade ago. Parents complained about Angelia from Rugrats saying "Shut up", and they said that in Angry Beavers in an ep, and so Nick bleeped the line at first then later redubbed it. Details here. Difference between back then and now is that these days the internet is far more wide spread.


EDIT: Oh yes, I forgot to mention the most important thing: although I understand how you are all annoyed and/or upset (I am too) but you have no reason to lash out and hate over this, actions like this will do nothing and will only make us look bad! Wasn't this community all about love and tolerance?

Edited by SailorCardKnight
  • Brohoof 2


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Like I said in that other thread, the blame is balanced between the haters and Hasbro. Sure, the haters are bad for complaining about Derpy, but, well, whiners screech the loudest, and Hasbro's a company. Therefore, if their think tanks say to change it, they pull strings and change it.


In my opinion, Derpy will always be Derpy to the fandom. Even though it blows to see Derpy censored in The Last Roundup, we did just fine before. The episode still exists, and we can always still watch it, thanks to the magic of the internet, and the amazing fandom. Derpy hasn't been "undone", and will still appear in future episodes, unless the info that was posted earlier was some kind of cruel hoax.


I mean, those who work on the show actually acknowledge us. Interviews, con appearances, etc. For what Friendship is Magic is, it's already amazing that we even get paid attention to like that. When have you ever heard of a children's cartoon gain a massive out-of-demographic audience, and actually have merchandise (shirts, etc.) and official acknowledgement?


We've already gotten a lot, more than anypony could expect. I think we can let the Derpy censorship slide, even if IS sad they did it.


Also, with the merging, I'm confused. If what I "said in that other thread" is in this thread now, forgive me. :P

Edited by King K. Roop LXI
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Ok, I am upset that they change Derpy. My favorite pony is Rainbow Dash, but there's a special place in my heart for Derpy.


With that said, I'll continue watching and supporting the show. SailorCardKnight is right, MLP is meant to be a show for little girls, it just happens to be popular with many other people too. Throughout its run so far, Hasbro has constantly listened to the fans to try and cater to as many people as possible. Sadly, its not entirely possible to cater to everyone, or the show would just be a wreck. Hasbro was put under pressure by a group of people that felt Derpy was offensive. I don't think she was, and many, many other people feel the same way. Are these people haters? I dunno. What I can say is we all have things we complain about or don't like.


It could be worse, much worse. Hasbro could be catering to the haters and say "screw the bronies," but they're not. Just remember, Derpy may have changed in one scene, in one episode, but that doesn't make her any more different, she's still Derpy, "OUR" Derpy, and she always will be.


EDIT: Here's another thing to think about. Here in the US, anybody could sue for anything. Hasbro would have a huge problem should the haters decide to sue them for Derpy's "offensiveness". Sadly, the haters would probably end up winning, and that would hurt Hasbro financially. I like Hasbro, and don't want to see that happen to them.

Edited by Kapi

"No, I am not going to run, I am not going to hide, I am going to take a stand and fight!"

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Like I said in that other thread, the blame is balanced between the haters and Hasbro. Sure, the haters are bad for complaining about Derpy, but, well, whiners screech the loudest, and Hasbro's a company. Therefore, if their think tanks say to change it, they pull strings and change it.


In my opinion, Derpy will always be Derpy to the fandom. Even though it blows to see Derpy censored in The Last Roundup, we did just fine before. The episode still exists, and we can always still watch it, thanks to the magic of the internet, and the amazing fandom. Derpy hasn't been "undone", and will still appear in future episodes, unless the info that was posted earlier was some kind of cruel hoax.


I mean, those who work on the show actually acknowledge us. Interviews, con appearances, etc. For what Friendship is Magic is, it's already amazing that we even get paid attention to like that. When have you ever heard of a children's cartoon gain a massive out-of-demographic audience, and actually have merchandise (shirts, etc.) and official acknowledgement?


We've already gotten a lot, more than anypony could expect. I think we can let the Derpy censorship slide, even if IS sad they did it.


Also, with the merging, I'm confused. If what I "said in that other thread" is in this thread now, forgive me. :P


This is why i'm so bothered by this change.

I honestly don't mind the change, if it's what hasbro wanted to do fine let it be.

But I feel they at least owe us an explantation as to why they decided on the change.

All the reasons we know about as to why this change happened, the community basically found for themselves.


I compare it to the whole "Han Shot First" issue. Sure a lot of fans were displeased, and hell still are.

But at least George Lucas came out and told them why he decided on making that change on the film.

Imagine had he still not said anything about it and still to this day just ignored giving any info as to why he did it.

Fans would still be a lot more irritated about it, since in the end they never got the info they wanted as to why.


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Well the good news is that she won't be underped in future episodes, from the sound of this response. It takes a little bit of the sting out, but I'm still not happy about this whole fiasco.


And with no new episode tomorrow...oh god, this is gonna be a long week...


Ah, I see. But the derped Derpy episode still exists, no? And the underped version can satisfy the whiners. And she's not going to be underped in future episodes, so all's well that end's well?

  • Brohoof 1


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This is why i'm so bothered by this change.

I honestly don't mind the change, if it's what hasbro wanted to do fine let it be.

But I feel they at least owe us an explantation as to why they decided on the change.

All the reasons we know about as to why this change happened, the community basically found for themselves.


I compare it to the whole "Han Shot First" issue. Sure a lot of fans were displeased, and hell still are.

But at least George Lucas came out and told them why he decided on making that change on the film.

Imagine had he still not said anything about it and still to this day just ignored giving any info as to why he did it.

Fans would still be a lot more irritated about it, since in the end they never got the info they wanted as to why.


Haha, funny, I compared the Derpy voice drama to "Han shot first" too.


Maybe we can eventually get more of an explanation in the future? It's so soon, it's a little early to assume there won't ever be one. I'm not exactly happy about it either, but I'm trying to think positive and not assume it's "the man" putting down the little guy. :P

  • Brohoof 1
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Haha, funny, I compared the Derpy voice drama to "Han shot first" too.


Maybe we can eventually get more of an explanation in the future? It's so soon, it's a little early to assume there won't ever be one. I'm not exactly happy about it either, but I'm trying to think positive and not assume it's "the man" putting down the little guy. :P


Yeah I guess your right.


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Ah, I see. But the derped Derpy episode still exists, no? And the underped version can satisfy the whiners. And she's not going to be underped in future episodes, so all's well that end's well?


Given the circumstances, this is the best thing that could have happened. We still get Derpy (sans name) in her signature look which means we'll still get to play Where's Waldo with her wall-eyed stare. :D

  • Brohoof 1



"YEAH! I'm the mayor of Jam City!" - Director Bullock (Patrick Stewart), American Dad!

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In my opinion, Derpy will always be Derpy to the fandom. Even though it blows to see Derpy censored in The Last Roundup, we did just fine before. The episode still exists, and we can always still watch it, thanks to the magic of the internet, and the amazing fandom. Derpy hasn't been "undone", and will still appear in future episodes, unless the info that was posted earlier was some kind of cruel hoax.


I mean, those who work on the show actually acknowledge us. Interviews, con appearances, etc. For what Friendship is Magic is, it's already amazing that we even get paid attention to like that. When have you ever heard of a children's cartoon gain a massive out-of-demographic audience, and actually have merchandise (shirts, etc.) and official acknowledgement?


We've already gotten a lot, more than anypony could expect. I think we can let the Derpy censorship slide, even if IS sad they did it.


....it must be remembered that this was a decision by higher-ups, not the creative team.


This is why i'm so bothered by this change.

I honestly don't mind the change, if it's what hasbro wanted to do fine let it be.

But I feel they at least owe us an explantation as to why they decided on the change.

All the reasons we know about as to why this change happened, the community basically found for themselves.


This. Along with all the points I mentioned earlier.


While I can live with the change, the companies involved have done so much for us already, so i'm not enraged at all...theres simply no need to be. If we only shower people with hate over things like this, the people involved won't like us anymore, and they will stop doing nice things for us. Its the sad truth.


I just wished Hasbro would have said something instead of leaving us in the dark. They have shown they know about us, so the least the could've done is left us a few words. The ones who said "Derpy is okay" could've not known about the planned change, Hasbro is a huge company afteral, theres bound to be miscommunication. Hopfully Hasbro sayings something soon on why they made the change, otherwise this is going to be a very long week.

  • Brohoof 2


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I need to say something for those of you who say we need to love and tolerate this Derpy incident. What does it mean to love and tolerate. It basically means to do nothing. This work wonders on trolls yes...but not so great here. We can all tolerate it...However, most of us will probably never love it.

  • Brohoof 1
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While i loved the idea that derpy was cannon, i really dont think the change is the end of the world.

The fact is we have all seen the original, and we can watch the original if we want and I doubt that the change with have any implications on other episodes.

We will always know her as Derpy and we know that the derp eyes will still live on.

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Okay but I honestly don't understand this. Putting someone with mental disabilities in a show makes it offensive to people with mental disabillities....????? WTF? With that logic, putting people with blue eyes in a show makes it offensive to people with blue eyes.

  • Brohoof 2


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Okay but I honestly don't understand this. Putting someone with mental disabilities in a show makes it offensive to people with mental disabillities....????? WTF? With that logic, putting people with blue eyes in a show makes it offensive to people with blue eyes.


I don't think thats the case at all, but rather during that minute Derpy appeared, (to those unfamiliar with the background of the character and the fandom), she appears as nothing more than a mere, offensive, comic relief character.


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I'm slightly upset, but not at Hasbro, but at the people who complained. Because it was them, not Hasbro who caused the Derpy censorship. Like I posted in a different thread about the Derpy controversy, I don't find Derpy offensive at all. I showed a few clips of Derpy to a friend of mine at school who has a mental disability, and she didn't find them offensive at all. Actually, she liked it and wanted to watch the show. In my opinion, even if Derpy was a little offensive she should've been kept the way she was. Getting made fun of is how life is. You're not going to be liked and accepted by everyone and many kids still need to learn that. I'm bullied everyday for liking ponies, Harry Potter, and being "ugly". But, I learned not to care. Many kids can't handle it and they need to learn how. Well, at least we still have our fanart and other material to keep Derpy Hooves in our hearts. :) It was good that we had her for a little while and Derpy being canon was a nice treat. I'm sure the writers and animators will have many more exciting things planned for the show, but we will never forget our beloved Derpy.

  • Brohoof 2



I can't hear you! I only have one eye!

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I am extremely angry about this whole affair, so much so that any attempt to render that anger into words right now will probably violate the forum rules. Instead, I shall use pony clips.


My initial reaction:


Then when I fully processed what I'd heard:


Finally I decided that I refuse to watch any version of the episode with this change. I can understand changing the voice...heck, if they'd changed JUST the voice, especially if it came closer to Baldodumbrat's fan voice, that would have been...irksome, but okay. But removing the name? Removing the eyes? You kill any reason for her to be present in the scene, you kill the whole reason she was introduced into the episode in the first place, you remove the nod to the fan community and you just...it makes no SENSE!




Excuse me. I am...too upset to post further. The stupidity of this change is just too much...

  • Brohoof 2

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