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What's it like where you live?


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So I was just wondering what its like around the world. Like the title asks what's it like where you live.


I live in north Carolina, its usually warm here, I live in a nice neighbor hood with plenty of "kids" my age. We don't usually get rain if we do its either a monsoon and lasts days or weeks or it lasts a few hours. The school I go to is huge made of brick and almost a century old. The town I live in is on the small side and is pretty old so most of the buildings have been around for awhile. A show HomeFront is shot here in a small part of town that we call "downtown". Most of the people are really nice here they wave and shake your hand when you meet them. So that's a bit of what its like where I live what about you guys?

  • Brohoof 5

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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I live in Indiana. Usually a moderate summer though this year we had a whole week with temperatures over 100 degrees. Usually cold winters, we get a good amount of lake effect snow and rain. The town I live in is a small town overshadowed by a much larger city named Fort Wayne. Population of about 19,000 people. It's small enough for when something happens everyone knows, but large enough to where you hardly know anyone. We're about 20 miles from the meth capital of the USA. The school I go to is a very cruddy school built around 1928. It floods almost every spring. It educates at least 1000 kids though the hallways were only built for 300 people, so it can get pretty congested. The football team is the schools highpoint, though I dislike that about the school.

Edited by Tormented Dusty Soul
  • Brohoof 2


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I'd rather not say anything about Illinois. 3rd worst state, people are just insane and annoying, weathers can be moderate and cold winters, that's all I'd like to say about my area.

  • Brohoof 1


"If you can't make the moon interesting, try setting it on fire"
- Void Chicken

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I live in Malaysia. We have no seasons. Unless you count in the Sunny Season and the Rainy Season. Its usually really warm but durings some times it rains really often.

I live in the campus of an university because my mother works here. There are absolutely zero kids my age around here. There are some in the town next to it though.

The neighbours are always friendly and there are many little kids around here. At school, few people know about stuff like My Little Pony and Twilight and Harry Potter. Most people do not enjoy reading. All the boys are idiots.

Its a small town and nothing ever happens. There are no places to go shopping or have fun unless you drive at least an hour.

Most people do not speak English and have trouble communicating with me. So they tend to ignore me as much as possible.

Most kids from my primary school went to a different secondary school from mine.


D: Boo Hoo.

Edited by Feather Gem



Promise Me - A Fanfiction By Feather Gem

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I live near Indianapolis. The city I live in was voted one of the nicest places to live in Indiana, but everyone always acts like they live in the ghetto. Luckily, that's started to die down. Other than that, there's not much. It's either really hot, or really cold. There's a ton of neighborhoods around where I live.

  • Brohoof 1



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"And ALWAYS remember...to never forget." - Someone who I'm sure has said this before I did

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Quebec City, Canada. Summers can get quite warm and winters are really cold. Summers are usually anywhere between 20 and 35 Celsius (68 and 95 Fahrenheit) and winters usually range from -10 to -30 Celsius (14 to -22 Fahrenheit). I don't live in the city itself, but in a small suburban town about 20 minutes from the city. It's a nice place, there's about 10k people. There's two elementary schools, so I know most kids of my age since we all went to the same elementary school.

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It's always summer here in Indonesia, my neighborhood is heavily guarded by mercenaries as I live on one of the most dangerous country on the planet.It's just like a post apocalyptic scenario outside my hood with all kinds of crimes and terrorism going on so most roving traders would rather pay a tax to do business in our hood than to do it outside where they're likely to be robbed or killed.


Most houses here are medium sized and they're individually designed by their land owners so no house look alike, the people inside the neighborhood are friendly and none of them are religious extremist, most of their children have already moved to other countries so there are very few kids around.We have our own park where people could jog around, do some exercises or even walk their pet.


We vote for a leader in our neighborhood to take care of matters such as road building, defensive infrastructure , tax collection from traders, mercenary hiring and we get to vote on those issue.The roads inside our hood are privatized so only residents and legitimate visitors get to use them, we maintain our own sewage system just because we don't want to pay a private company to handle it.

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I live in north Carolina

NC for the win! :D im gonna guess you live on the eastern side? the rain bits got me thrown.


I live close to a major city so we get a lot of out-of-towners. its a bummer because they spoil the small town feel. they stare at you when you wave to them or greet them in passing, and they drive like jackwagons. i love it here. the history, the people, the mix of big city and agriculture, and i have mountains and beach within a short driving distance. i love how we get made fun of when it snows :D if theres an inch we panic. the towns shut down and the shelves are bare of milk and bread. my county has A snow-plow. the rest we hire the farmers to plow ;P it just doesnt snow enough here to bother.

Edited by SweetJeans88




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NC for the win! :D im gonna guess you live on the eastern side? the rain bits got me thrown.


I live close to a major city so we get a lot of out-of-towners. its a bummer because they spoil the small town feel. they stare at you when you wave to them or greet them in passing, and they drive like jackwagons. i love it here. the history, the people, the mix of big city and agriculture, and i have mountains and beach within a short driving distance. i love how we get made of when it snows :D if theres an inch we panic. the towns shut down and the shelves are bare of milk and bread. my county has A snow-plow. the rest we hire the farmers to plow ;P it just doesnt snow enough here to bother.


Yeah I used to live in Virgina and the last time it snowed we got like four feet, twas freaky. Move down 6 hours and BAM no snow whats so ever. But I like it down here people are nice and the feel of the towns is ones of history. I'd ask where exactly you live town wise but that would be creepy so I won't. But yeah GO NC!!!

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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I live in Reykjavík in a neighborhood which was meant for a suburb but since half of the lots were bought by companies who built apartment buildings so one side has apartment buildings and the other half has houses meant for 1-3 families so it's a family friendly place but I go to school that's more inside the city rather than the edge of if.

It's nice during the day but according to taxi drivers it's hell on Friday/Saturday nights but it's a generally nice place and the only gang that is commonly known here are the hells angels who haven't really gotten that big of a foothold here since they are recognized as a criminal organization and weren't allowed in but somehow made it through the boarders.

the weather is nice too.

  • Brohoof 1
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Welp, I'm another American... obviously. :P


I've read the rest of you people's descriptions, and where I live... well, It's not exactly 'warm'... It's actually pretty close to Canada. ^_^


Well, here in Oregon, It's really rather beautiful; mountains, clouds, and of course, snow. I live in a really high elevated area, like 4,000 feet above sea level, So It's kinda weird... It's half piney coniferous trees, and just dry, rockiness. The culture here is very Western, yet, we are just as much aware of Justin Beiber as you are. XD It gets rather hot in the summer, but our 'summers' are rather short. Once, it didn't stop snowing t'ill June! So, yeah... the winters are below zero, and full of rain and wind. Lovely. (I'm sorry, but I just don't like the cold anymore... :( )


I haven't lived here my whole life though. My birth place was Phoenix Arizona, so I know the Gila Monsters, and the 'really' hot weather. So... anyone else been to Oregon?

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Well in Saskatchewan, the summers are nice and warm, but the winters can get pretty damn hectic. I live in a small town that is full of farmers, hunters, and old people but I won't be living here for much longer as we plan to move to a small city which I am psyched about!

  • Brohoof 1

Check me out! No, seriously, check me out.

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I live in the GREAT and CORNY state of.... *Drum roll* IOWA!


I very well get to experience melt your face off hot and freeze your bum off cold in the same place, it is painful, but fun.


We also have corn here, sweet corn, tall corn, maize corn, corn mazes[aka maize mazes, get it? get it?]

There are allot of tractors and combines around here too, and if you not in town, almost everything you see is cornfields, livestock, or another type of farm field. [Not fun when the farmers spread Manure next to your house if you live out of town.]


So come here to Iowa, you want corn, you NEED corn, you LOVE corn, you MUST come to Iowa!

  • Brohoof 1



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Here in Michigan, winters can get pretty bad. Not nearly as bad as other states though. Summers are very forgiving where I live, and spring and fall are manageable. At the moment thought, it's cold, dark, and unexciting.

#1 Asuka fanboy.  

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Former names:   Dash Is Best Pony, TrixieLover97, and Twilightlicious 666

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Well in my part of southern Ontario, we just had a random snowfall. Sadly, it's melting away right now, but oddly we're supposed to get some more sometime tomorrow. It isn't going to stick, we're going to get less than a centimetre, but it is still snow none the less.


We've been facing daily highs of around 2-3 degrees Celsius for the past week, but that is to end on Saturday when we're going back to around 6-9 degrees. I wouldn't trust me though, weather forecasts that predict beyond a day usually change quite a bit. Ok, let's get to the point: it's freaking cold.

Edited by Celtore
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i live in southern california, a bit inland. it gets pretty damn hot during the summers and pretty cold during the winters. the weather isn't very exciting, save for the occasional thunderstorm. also we have earthquakes sometimes. but it's california, so yeah...

Edited by Silver Bells
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I live in Oklahoma. Which is pretty mediocre. I only avoid calling it awful in light of the fact that there are third world countries and theocracies out there. But, as far as North America goes, it is awful.


The climate is annoying, and too warm. Plus it is bipolar during the winter season. Anybody outside of Oklahoma and its surrounding borders don't really understand the definition of 'bipolar weather'. No, sunny weather in the morning and rainy weather in the afternoon is not bipolar. No 50 degrees Fahrenheit in the morning and 30 degrees in the afternoon is not bipolar. 83 degrees one day and waking up to snow on the ground is bipolar. Going from -30 degrees to 80 degrees in less then one week is bipolar. I've seen both of those.


So we don't really get winters... Or we get them in waves. The majority of winters here are in the 60s and 70s for afternoon highs. Then there's the occasional cold front, where we're lucky to get a day where it doesn't get above freezing. Then we don't get Springs, because our Winters are identical to Springs for locations that are normal. However we DO get the Spring severe thunderstorms and tornadoes. It's just that it doesn't cool off after them, it's 85 degrees before, and then 85 degrees after. Then the summers are just a wall of heat, and 'Summer' here might as well be considered April through October. Autumns are pretty, but even today we have not shaken off that warmth yet.


So... The climate sucks. It's too warm at least 75% - 80% of the year.


The political and religious climate also sucks. Politically we are one of two states (the other being Utah - you could count Alaska as well, although it's only one county) in which every single county voted for Romney. In fact, the Western counties ended up being like 90% for him. D: We have nutjobs in higher places like Sally Kern. We have the highly esteemed (LOL) Oral Roberts University. We're backwards in pretty much every way, and very embarrassingly so.


Everybody rags on the Deep South, but they should really be ragging on Oklahoma. It is the most backwards place around. We probably won't even legalize same-sex marriage during people of my age's expected lifetime. And how could my state expect to accept evolution when it can't even tell the difference between a fruit and a vegetable? The state vegetable is a watermelon. -_-


I could not be more ashamed to be a part of this state. The ONLY thing which gives me pride about it is the marching band I was in at my high school. And really the only positive thing about the place is that the cost of living is low. But I bet you it's so low because it's a stupid place to live. Sure your house might be cheap, but there's a fair chance it will get wiped off the map from a tornado every Spring so why even bother? Why do people live here? It's a great mystery to me... I think some are stuck here from unfortunate circumstances like me.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I'd rather not say anything about Illinois. 3rd worst state, people are just insane and annoying, weathers can be moderate and cold winters, that's all I'd like to say about my area.


This. I use to live in Illinois, and it wasn't all that great.


Now I live west of St. Louis, which I can't say is that much better and you don't get anything to really look at. But the biggest thing that annoys me is the fact we have all the right situations to make it snow, but it hardly ever does. :mellow:


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I live in Texas. But I live in the grassy part of Texas for that fact. Where I live there are lots and lots of trees. I don't live in the city I live in the not as crowded part of Texas, but its not like the country part of Texas or anything like that. It's just a small little town in Texas. :) But the weather vary a lot over here, one moment its sunny the next its snowing. :P





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I live in Texas. But I live in the grassy part of Texas for that fact. Where I live there are lots and lots of trees. I don't live in the city I live in the not as crowded part of Texas, but its not like the country part of Texas or anything like that. It's just a small little town in Texas. :) But the weather vary a lot over here, one moment its sunny the next its snowing. :P


I love Texas! I went to Austin Texas uh I don't remember when but it was really nice there and I loved every second of it! I wish to some day move down there. but yeah I like it there nice and hot summers but mild winters.
  • Brohoof 1

As men judge generally more by the eye than by the hand, because it belongs to everybody to see you, to few to come in touch with you. Every one sees what you appear to be, few really know what you are, and those few dare not oppose themselves to the opinion of the many

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I'm going to write this a bit like something out of a fanfic. :)


I live in a rather secluded place, away from the noises of the city and the usual traffic congestion that accompanies it.


Our home is situated on the top of a small mountain, and if I need a picturesque bit of scenery to calm my nerves, I can simply grab a cup of hot chocolate, recline on our back deck, and look out over the hundreds upon hundreds of miles of relatively untouched, deep green forests. On the 4h of July (as I live in the U.S.), one can look out over the world and watch hundreds upon thousands of mortars fly skyward, bursting into innumerable, sparkling masses.


On some mornings a heavy fog will envelope the hillsides, creating a massive wall of clouds that separates us from the rest of the world. It dims all incoming light from the sun, and it's comparable to living in a snowglobe for a short amount of time.


And now that I mention it, the snow! It's almost always cold, cloudy, and raining here, but if it starts snowing, nature tends to go perfectly silent - no birds chirp, no animals move, and nothing ventures very far. The evergreen trees are bathed in a bright white as far as the eye can see, and you can walk outside and experience perfect silence. (Trust me, even if you're sitting at home thinking it's quiet, you don't know the meaning of "perfect silence" until you're in a world of white, where the sounds of cars can't reach you and any random noises are absorbed by both the unending grey veils of noise-absorbing precipitation and the blanket of snow layering the ground.)


We're close to nature, and we see deer, cougars, bears, coyotes, and all sorts of interesting animals, all from our backyards. One could go hunting in their own backyard if they were so inclined.


Granted, all of this means that we have to travel a bit further to go shopping and such, but I love it here, and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else.


This is Washington State by the way, west of the Rocky Mountains, and by no means was that description exaggerated. I meant every word of it.


Maybe I'll expand upon that later...

Edited by CloudFyre
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Battle Creek, MI. The Weather is random, but usually not very warm.We're a medium sized city, but have a bit of everything, good and bad. Snow is fun though :D (Not for driving.)



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Well in Saskatchewan, the summers are nice and warm, but the winters can get pretty damn hectic. I live in a small town that is full of farmers, hunters, and old people but I won't be living here for much longer as we plan to move to a small city which I am psyched about!

i too am from Saskatchewan!!! i am happy to meet a fellow Saskatchewan brony :3


but anyway, in the summer its usually sunny warm sometimes windy but at the moment? its cold and snowy...

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I live in Topeka Kansas. It kind of sucks here, but the people I know make it a beautiful place. I mean, it's not ALL bad. I am not a part of the crowd that parties or anything, which some people find strange because there isn't much else to DO here! But My boyfriend and I and his friends find our own fun. We make trouble in Walmart and play with Nerf guns and do water balloon fights during summer. It's always a harsh summer and a harsh winter..... Although we haven't gotten much snow in the past couple of years..... Haha. SO yeah, Midwestern life..... It is what it is! ^_^

I love love love Pinkie Pie! But every pony rules! :)

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