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Don't touch that, it's mine!

Arcus (Silver Lining) Wind

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I honestly don't have anything lie that... well except my phone when my friends are around because they like to frape me and I leave no method of doing that open except my phone.


I'm also really watchful of the wok my mum bought me for my birthday last year simply because its a professional standard wok and cost £30. But I let others use it if they want to cook, I just warn them not to use metal in it.

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Nobody touches my food. Ever.


It's the only thing I can get really irritated by, if you don't eat, you don't eat. So don't just "snatch a couple of fries", don't just hop in at the middle of dinner and "help me out with all the food". Unless I offer some you don't touch anything that I'm eating or that I want to eat, because you didn't want to eat, so you don't get to. I don't know why, but it's a thing I really OCD over.


Other things? My room in general, it's organized chaos. So whenever someone decides to put some object elsewhere and I don't see where, I get completely disorientated to the point where I have to reorganize my room completely or else it just won't feel right.


And my drawings of course, no one touches them unless they're really careful. Too many times have people wrinkled the paper and that has to be put to a stop.

  • Brohoof 1
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i dont really like it when people touch my ipad cause i sometimes get worried that theyre gonna drop it or something. but thats normally for people who arent careful with it or have a cracked screen on their ipad.

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I have a shelf of models I don't let anyone touch, mostly because when I was a kid my younger siblings took great joy in smashing them into incomprehensible piles of pieces, forcing me to have to rebuild them constantly. Then there's my laptop, which I will smack someone over. I have no idea where their dirty fingers have been, nor whatever they could potentially be trailing on my keyboard of screen!

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I don't care what people touch/don't touch. 


My stepsister, on the other hand....she has a hard time letting someone turn on the lights in her room. She does not know how to share anything, even a message like, "We have Key Club". One time I asked her if our club has a meeting today, she said "I don't know" even though earlier I heard her telling her dad that we did. It gets annoying. 

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I hate it when other people like my parents try to touch my computer, not that I have anything to hide but still. When ever they ask if they can use mine I try to make up an excuse for them not to take it. It just maks me paranoid that they both have their own Macbook Pro's and are asking to use mine. Also I'm scared they might drop it on the ground. My sister dropped my first phone (my birthday present when I was like 9) the first day I got it, and the screen completely cracked as well. 


Other wise, no one touches my computer or else.

Edited by Galex Dj
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Pretty much all my things.  I mean, you can touch them and play with them but you got to be VERY careful.  All my things are as good as new since I always have my hands clean when I touch them and I'm super careful to not damage them.  I'm very protective of everything I own.  I'm not selfish, I just like to know my books are still shiny and clean.

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My hug pillow. It was given to my by my first girlfriend who died because of breakbone fever. It holds SO much value for me. Only I can touch it.


I know that feel bro...


I have a puka shell necklace given to me by my first "sweetheart" who passed away in a car accident.  I wore the necklace everyday in memory of her.  I don't let anyone touch it.

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Many things actually. My laptop. My ipod. Anything in my room. My blanket. My books. My DVDs. And most importantly.. Myself. It also bothers me when people goes through my stuff at school.  <_<


Maybe it's because I'm an only child and I've never had to really share things, but I cannot stand having people touch my stuff. It results in an instant death stare when they do. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Well I'm pretty much protective of my computer to the point where I won't really let anyone touch it, and I can be somewhat protective of my room, but unfortunately I can't lock it because the locks broken so I can only do so much ;p.


Also my Ipod, I don't like having people touch that.


I use to be pretty protective of my trumpet, but i'm a bit more lenient now on that.


All I can think of right now.

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About most of my stuff.The main reason I dont let anyone use my stuff is because people always break my stuff.Which pisses me off.This is why I cant have nice things.

Edited by Flutter derps
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Well, I suppose you could say I have two things. One is my guitar; I'm really cautious when other people are touching it and I make sure they're handling it correctly. The other is my TV at my school. You see, there is this area at my school where you, after you're certified, you can bring a TV and play video games on it. I'm a certifier (as we call it) for it. Anyway, I like having my TV in a certain position on the table, and I swear, whenever someone else uses my TV, they always move it around, it's actually quite annoying.

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i am very sensitive about my music collection, which is like everywhere in my room. fortunately, my younger brother has no interest in touching it at all, but only I may show people my music, and they're not allowed to pluck through it as they wish. they're my precious.

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My computer while it's turned on, especially when it's running linux.


I just don't like it when people who have absolutely no idea what they're doing are pushing random buttons, trying to figure out how to use my window manager. Every time I leave my desk, I make sure to put up derpyguard (my screen saver of Derpy Hooves watching a lava lamp) to make sure nobody is pushing random key combinations and blowing everything up.


As for having stuff to hide, that's not really an issue. That is what hidden encrypted volumes are for :P

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Any of my electronics. No one needs my electronics, they keep ME busy. Though with my best friend, I can make an exception. But ether wise, I just don't like when other people use my stuff.

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Flash memory, my desktop, my phone and my mp3 player are all off limits. My desktop has personal data on it. I don't like my flash memory going through other people's laundry. My phone is just that and my mp3 player is about 4 years old and COWON has yet to release a worthy successor.

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Pretty much everything I own is off-limits. No one touches my soda can pyramid, my books, my shelf of interesting items, etc. My body is also definitely off-limits. I'm surprised I haven't broke my dad's nose, since he's always sticking stuff in my ears, usually Kleenex covered in blood. My most valued items are my jeans, my hair, and my computer. If you touch any of those, you can kiss your life goodbye. My jeans? It's a long and stupid story, just don't ask. My hair? It represents a fifteen-year battle, making it one of my crowning glories. My computer? I'm a geek. Geek+computer=<3. 

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  • 6 years later...

That would be my truck. I don't even allow anyone to touch it, let alone drive it. :laugh: You can ride in it, but I have very strict rules regarding so. :nom:

  • Brohoof 1
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If I say something like that, my mom is going to spank me for it. haha


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