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Bronies are shameful? (Sorry for swears. They are only quotes)


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(Though I still get pushed and punched by one of the Football players.) 

Well give him a taste of his own medicine (literally)...only silently.

Like mix laxatives in his drinks when you get a chance. He's not gonna know it if you find an opportunity when noone can see you.

Edited by Zacharias

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Ha! You kicked his butt! I bet he won't mess with you anytime soon.


I haven't had too many problems with MLP haters. I got some crap about it when I first became open about being a brony, but people got over it after a week.

Edited by Urdnot Pinkie Pie
  • Brohoof 1
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care to elaborate the "not ok to be gay" thing? and i am not judging. im a just curious. so please, fill me in. And what brought you to this pint of view?


I will tell the truth and will not agree on your statement that being gay is okay. But i will give you props for defendeding yourself.


I never used force to work out a situation, sometimes, i guess, it's healthy to show someone not to pick on others... (Kapoow!)

Edited by Kab
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I will tell the truth and will not agree on your statement that being gay is okay. But i will give you props for defendeding yourself.


I never used force to work out a situation, sometimes, i guess, it's healthy to show someone not to pick on others... (Kapoow!)

You've never used force to get out of a situation? What would you prefer to use then? I love intelligence myself, but you can't exactly use brainpower to stop somebody from physically hurting you.


Arcus Wind made this awesome sig, check his art out: http://rocketrewster.deviantart.com/

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It's good that you defended yourself. Seriously, you did the right thing, I do not however, like that you kicked him in the groin, I think that is pathetic and disgusting. What you did was good, how you did it was not, at least in my opinion. :)


Brushing your hair is for people who care and someone who cares is not I, I'll jump off a bridge and then fill up your fridge,
and best pony is Fluttershy.


Her face is still blushing and she is still eating the pasta.


"on the internet;everyone are strong"- Guy on Youtube.

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i did not do it to harm him. i did it to stun him so he can be put on the ground, where i have teh upper hand. he was a lot strongerthan me and i would have lost that fight otherwise

It's good that you defended yourself. Seriously, you did the right thing, I do not however, like that you kicked him in the groin, I think that is pathetic and disgusting. What you did was good, how you did it was not, at least in my opinion. :)
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I'm bi. It's very easy for someone to only judge your homosexual side and then call you a faggot. You defended yourself and that's good.


I don't see how being bisexual determines whether or not you are a bundle of sticks. On that note, a bi faggot is an oximoron... Stick bundles have no gender. So it's impossible for faggots to really have any sexuality at all. Here, I'll put it into an indirect proof (thank you geometry class):

Assume temporarily that being bisexual makes you a faggot. It is a given fact that being bisexual means that you are attracted to BOTH genders of your species; and that a faggot is a bundle of twigs. This contradicts the statement that bisexuals are faggots, as twigs have no gender to be attracted to: disproving sed statement. Therefore, bisexuals CANNOT physically, psychologically, or in any other way be faggots.

Furthermore, being a brony does NOT make you gay by any means. Maybe the person is gay AND a brony, but not all bronies are gay. It's similar to this scenario:

'A square IS a rectangle (it has 4 sides and is equiangular), yet a rectangle COULD BE a square (it will have 4 sides, be equiangular, but MIGHT be equilateral).'

Just think of the bronies as the rectangles, and the gays/bis as the squares (sounds weird, just roll with it) and it matches perfectly.

Now. The part where you stood up for yourself. That sounds AWESOME. But. Did you exactly 'love and tolerate' him? Not trying to be a downer, but there might've been some other way. Maybe... Troll him. Rustle his jimmies to beyond repair. Then, he'd be forced to buy new ones (they are VERY expensive). His wallet would be empty, and he wouldn't have enough money to buy them again. He'd know to stay away if he wants to go home with his jimmies intact.

Finally I just want to say that I typed all this on my iPod. Wow. This has truly been excruciating (thanks a lot autocorrect)... Anyways good luck with your life, hope people start being less ignorant and more accepting.


Sincerely, AB

  • Brohoof 3
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Dude you're a badass! All that was missing was for you to say . . .




Or something similar like, "If somepony gives you a shove, show him you're a cut above!"

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And the Brony of the Year award goes to...




Although that way of dealing with bullying is supposed to be shunned, it's really the only way. Telling a grown up? What are they going to do? Lecture them to death? If I hadn't been through your same problem, I wouldn't have understood. I tip my hat to you, sir.




Edited by The Grape Popsicle Guy
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I don't see how watching a certain cartoon can make someone gay, pedo, etc. Anyways he deserved what you gave him. But I've been open about being a brony before, I actually met some other bronies. 

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thank you. and i understand i will come across somepony someday far worse than that. I just jhope i will be ready to take them when the time comes


Way to assert yourself like a boss! He thought he could break you down but I guess he messed with the wrong guy. 


I have to tip my hat to you and give you a brohoof 'cause that was excellent. 


But get this, you'll face people far worse than that. 


Personally, I havn't come across haters like that because I keep it to myself and only let my bronyism show when I'm around other bronies/pegasisters.

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Good job on defending yourself. At my school, if you are a participant in a fight, you go to jail for it. Example: I get pushed and tell the kid to stop. Get pushed again and I tell him to stop again. Kid starts punching me, I grab his arm twist it. I go to jail for that. So I never got the abillity to defend myself. Most of the time I've had to roll with the punches. Personally, I'm open about it at school. I wear shirts and even have the episodes on my desktop on the laptop I take to school. They called me gay, but I shrug it off. They left me alone after awhile. (Though I still get pushed and punched by one of the Football players.)

Wow, that's total bullshit :/

So basically you are not allowed to defend even if that other person threw the first punch :/


Also, stupid stereotypical jocks <_<

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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I think bronies everywhere should take your example: You have a lot of guts do that! :D Most people would be afraid. But no, you stood up for what you liked! I'm glad you stood up for yourself, most people would get upset. But whatever insults they, you ignored and kept a smile on your face. I think that is a good attitude to have, especially for a brony: well, for everyone! 


Glad you fought back, too. I would do the same. :P Those guys are just being haters/idiots. Bet none of them even watched the show. But are all of them like that? Maybe your not the only brony there. However, still be careful, because maybe one day some people might seriously hurt you. But if they try to do that, just fight back and defend yourself. If it gets worse, tell someone. But I think you can handle it. ;) But great job, thanks for sharing! This made my day. :)

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Wow, that's total bullshit :/

So basically you are not allowed to defend even if that other person threw the first punch :/


Also, stupid stereotypical jocks <_<


Story of my life, man. People are pushing me around, kicking me, stealing my stuff, shoving, punching, framing and whatever else and they get let off with a "warning." I try to defend myself, "OMG WHUDDDA FAAAAA Y U DO DATTTTTT U RACK DISIPRIN U GET SUSPEND 4 WEEK"

Yes, true story. Slight dramatization, though.

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We got da' Zangief kid here! *Starts playing Guile's theme*

Good job defendig yourself you did there mah boi. People has and WILL understand that we have to respect other preferences, be them sexual (gay, bi, lesbian) or media (tv shows). I have nothing 'gainst gay or bi people, i truly respect them.


We have to accept it, we believe in a world that is closed-minded nad we cannot do anything about it, that's why the people who still has brain cells come either to this board or EquestriaDaily.

Have a nice day.

f3e947f4e815bd778e9905b.gifOh Yeah! Da Great Escape!

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I don't understand the logic in insulting people by saying YOUR GAY. :/ How does that even qualify as an insult?

especially in the case of you where it is actually true, then they just look stupid and that also means they technically are against gay's. So they insult everyone who is gay.


I'm not Gay, but I still think that insulting someone as "Gay" Is a dumb insult.


Just a side rant, and kudos to you for standing up for yourself!

  • Brohoof 1


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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I always though being gay was a rather, well, not too insulting insult considering, I mean what if they actually were homosexual, would you say 'You're STRAIGHT' to hurt them, I don't know ... But nice standing up for yourself, I am one of those guys who's parents are extremely liberal, but at the same time want to train me into some 'fighter'  (Dafuq is your logic?) But I hate fighting, although I probably would've gone over the deep end on them.

Edited by Boxxi The Brony



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I grabbed his arm, kicked him in the groin, twisted his arm and pulled him the ground, and kicked him in the leg to get him on the ground and walked away. I didn't fight him. I only defended my self.

First in must commend you for defending yourself, bullies are hard to get rid of and sometimes we take the hits and forget to defend ourselves so I applaud you for your actions.


Second do you take self defense classes, or did you just do this naturally because you were very discriptive with how you defended yourself.

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Teenagers: On most occasions the only ones who ever resort to violence over something as trivial as media interests.


Good on you for defending yourself instead of just taking the guff though.

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care to elaborate the "not ok to be gay" thing? and i am not judging. im a just curious. so please, fill me in. And what brought you to this pint of view?


Simple, many people will state that it's okay, well, because those people are "Nice"


Now, i don't think nature, intended for a male being, to collaborate with another male being, although, i understand that most homosexual people will argue on that, so this statement wouldn't tell you much, would it?


Next, from my opinion, the more people that are "Gay", the more this "Sub-culture" will spread among others. I do not aprove of the rights, for a homosexual couple to get marry, or adobt kids, because again, that would spread homosexuality. And please, do not start talking about how many homosexual animals there are in the wild, (Also a widely used statement by gays). You are an intelligent being, and not a naked monkey in a jungle.


And third, i don't want to insult you or anyone, but to me, people that are homosexual, you can say, they have a psychotic illness. Why i state that, is the reason, that it was not intended for the human kind, to find a person of the same gender Sexualy appealing. (Doesn't mean i have anything wrong with people who have illnesses, so don't start bashing me on this topic)


Now, i'm not saying "You" don't have rights to defend yourself or anything. It's nice that you defended yourself.


Don't get me wrong, i don't bash, insult or attack people who are homosexual, or belong to another sub-culture. Merely because i belong to one that does get criticized alot.


To the people that think the word "Gay" isn't insulting... Ofcourse, it isn't insulting to actual gay's, but it is insulting to straight people. And replying to an insult like that with the sentence "Yes, i am happy" is a huge mistake. The bully mind doesn't work like that and saying that will make them think that you support their statement of you being gay.


Again, there are alot of great people, who were bi, such as Freddy Mercury, or Elton John, but i only enjoy their work, not their lives. Alot of illnesses come from homosexual acts, just take Merucry for example. He probably wouldn't have died of AIDS if he had not caught the HIV Virus from doing homosexual acts.


This is just my opinion, and i think, it's normal, that you won't find much acceptance in the world. Again, considering our fandom is really nice and tolerating, you won't find many people here bashing on you. (I'm not bashing, i'm just expressing as you wanted me to do). But i think many people still wouldn't be as "Tolerant or nice" in real life.


That's all i wanted to say, I will not reply again, merely because of the fact that i don't want to gain any enemies or start a fight on here that might lead me to trouble. I have expressed my opinion, and i do not want to see my notifications, with quotes of this post with any insults or bashing of me being a "Horrible" and an "Unrespectful" person.


That is all.


P.S i really don't like how homosexual people destroyed the portrait of a rainbow... <_<


Also, if it's TL;DR, then just understand that i'm expressing my opinion on why being gay is wrong, and not on the topic how watching MLP makes you gay. (It doesn't by the way make you gay)

Edited by Concord


Thank you MatrixChicken for the Signature!

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sell i got a bot of a story to tell with how this came to be... do you have skype? we don't have to voice chat, id just rather do an IM instead of this

First in must commend you for defending yourself, bullies are hard to get rid of and sometimes we take the hits and forget to defend ourselves so I applaud you for your actions.

Second do you take self defense classes, or did you just do this naturally because you were very discriptive with how you defended yourself.
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I know you where just defending yourself but I hope these bullies don't come after you again. Next time they could do more then just push you and call you names. Humans can be horrible creatures sometimes. 

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