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I have never liked rap.  It is downright unpleasant to listen to.  I am not even certain why it is considered music, as the instrumental aspects seem to vary from weak to non-existent, while the singing simply isn't singing.  It is more of a perverted form of poetry than a form of music.

  • Brohoof 1
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Okay, I'm not a fan of rap music but I won't go around saying it's not music or talentless or anything like that. It's just not my type of music. Everyone is entitled to what they like and don't like.


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While there are some very rare exceptions out there, rap is:


- Glorified smack talk between two or more rivals,


- Glorification of drug usage,


- Exploitation of women, who are usually reduced to sex objects, more often than not,


- Glorification of violence and / or murder,


- Depicts an idealized and impossible lifestyle - even many of the rappers themselves don't have the access to the things they say that they do.


Rap USED to have a valuable message, but that's been swallowed up by the above mentioned items, making it all but tasteless.

Edited by Hypn0ticD
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I don't listen to rap, but at the same time, I let it be. Unlike country and 80s pop/rock, it's not something that I'm always forced to hear. I may not necessarily not care much for what I've heard, but that's fine.

Everything needs more woodwind!

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I don't know how rap looks like abroad, but it is quite a big thing in Poland. I know people who listen to it, I also know rappers (not personally, I just know their music). So how can it be divided in Poland?


There are two sections. With literally nothing between them.


One are the good rappers. We have plenty of them in Poland, both in underground and in more mainstream music. As few examples there are (or were, actually) Paktofonika, we have 52 Dębiec, OSTR with deep and meaningful lyrics and nice technique. I am not fan of rap music yet I find them pleasant to listen to. Beats are pretty nice too. Barely any cursing also does the trick as I dislike when someone uses bad words just to hide his inability to use anything else.


Then we have totally dreadful ones who write lyrics so bad I want to insert a screwdriver inside my ears just not to hear them.

What can we say about them? Lyrics? Generic "have sexual intercourse with the police", drugs, violence and utter nonsense. Sometimes some weird definition of honour, hatred towards others. Examples? There are many, but I'll give only two, worst ones, I think: Firma and Peja. Firma is the "anti-police" one. Even technique is awful, they sound like they have mouths full of noodles when rapping (literally). I'll even give a video for the mentally stronger ones so that they can hear it (lyrics are polish though so don't expect to understand them and BE HAPPY about it XD)


Second one is Peja. From what some claim he was decent in past, but what he does now... I have no words. Lyrics are more random, yet still bad. But it's not lyrics, his music or talent that tickles me off. It's his attitude. 

Some time ago during a concert some random 15 years old (I think he was 15) attempted to provoke him. He succeeded. Our professional musician was provoked by a freaking 15 years old. What did he do? He rallied the crowd to assault on that boy and beat him up. Boy ended up in hospital, Peja of course regrets nothing. Sure the boy brought it on himself, but Peja as professional musician should be able to handle that attitude better. NO musician behaves like this. 




So, my point here? Rap as genre is not bad. There are bad musicians or even scum. But are other genres any different? Aren't there any douchebags in pop? Metal? Rock? Next to bad musicians in rap there are also good ones who give this genre a meaning. We can't label entire genre as bad for as long as there are gems even if they are hidden and aren't always instantly visible. We have right to dislike it as whole, it is strictly matter of taste and nobody can't be forced to like rap just like nobody can be forced to like metal. But respect the genre. And good musicians who are part of it. They do deserve it. Saying that genre is objectively bad is wrong and on top of all - it isn't the truth. 


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My problem with rap is the same as my problem with many pop artists. Nothing is said, no story is told. I'm not a big fan of the music accompanying rap most of the time, so the lyrics need to be strong for me to like it. For instance, I like Eminem (as Eminem or Marshall, not Shady) because he has actual topics. The same goes for Tupac, who rapped about actual subjects. I like Macklemore as well, for the same reason. But so many rappers these days try to be gangsta and rap about nothing more than bitches and bling. I'll admit that means nothing to me.


Like I said, many pop artists suffer from the same problem; it's not a problem unique to rap. Only with pop music, sometimes the music itself makes it worth listening to for me, and that is something rap doesn't offer me.

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My problem with rap is the same as my problem with many pop artists. Nothing is said, no story is told. I'm not a big fan of the music accompanying rap most of the time, so the lyrics need to be strong for me to like it. For instance, I like Eminem (as Eminem or Marshall, not Shady) because he has actual topics. The same goes for Tupac, who rapped about actual subjects. I like Macklemore as well, for the same reason. But so many rappers these days try to be gangsta and rap about nothing more than bitches and bling. I'll admit that means nothing to me.


Like I said, many pop artists suffer from the same problem; it's not a problem unique to rap. Only with pop music, sometimes the music itself makes it worth listening to for me, and that is something rap doesn't offer me.

That's issue with many more genres actually. Metal is famous for some of its VERY bad lyrics and I say it as metalhead. Looking for music when You have high demands always means shoveling through mediocre/boring bands in order to get to the ones that are actually good. 

There's also AC/DC which, despite being well known band never wrote lyrics that actually had a nice deep message or at least were poetic to some degree. 


Bad lyrics don't know genres. They appear in every single one of them. 

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

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That's issue with many more genres actually. Metal is famous for some of its VERY bad lyrics and I say it as metalhead. Looking for music when You have high demands always means shoveling through mediocre/boring bands in order to get to the ones that are actually good. 

There's also AC/DC which, despite being well known band never wrote lyrics that actually had a nice deep message or at least were poetic to some degree. 


Bad lyrics don't know genres. They appear in every single one of them. 


I absolutely agree. The reason it annoys me more in rap than in other genres is that in other genres I can enjoy the music itself, while the music with rap just really isn't my style. If that's compounded with bad lyrics I can't help but dislike it. I do have to admit that I do dislike certain songs with beautiful lyrics simply because I hate the music too much, so it's not just about that.

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I absolutely agree. The reason it annoys me more in rap than in other genres is that in other genres I can enjoy the music itself, while the music with rap just really isn't my style. If that's compounded with bad lyrics I can't help but dislike it. I do have to admit that I do dislike certain songs with beautiful lyrics simply because I hate the music too much, so it's not just about that.

That's understandable and I have it same to some point. Like I like some songs with ridiculous lyrics, just because it is funny etc in some ways (with Korpiklaani - Vodka being prime example of that in my list of songs :lol: ).

Although even there I have my limits. There is Dream Evil - The Ballad. Song with nice melodies etc. But lyrics are just so.overwhelmingly.bad that I just can't listen to it. Whenever I hear the lyrics I feel embarassed as if I wrote them. 


I listen to some rap songs from time to time. In this genre lyrics are definitely thing I care about most. Then goes technique of vocalist, bad diction is intant "nope" to me. Then goes the bit about which I am pretty neutral unless it is so amazing I get goosebumps (yes, it happened to me in past :o ). Overall I don't know about others, but for me rapper who can't write great lyrics to his music is not good rapper at all no matter how amazing technique he has. (personal opinion)

  • Brohoof 1


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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That's understandable and I have it same to some point. Like I like some songs with ridiculous lyrics, just because it is funny etc in some ways (with Korpiklaani - Vodka being prime example of that in my list of songs :lol: ).

Although even there I have my limits. There is Dream Evil - The Ballad. Song with nice melodies etc. But lyrics are just so.overwhelmingly.bad that I just can't listen to it. Whenever I hear the lyrics I feel embarassed as if I wrote them. 


I listen to some rap songs from time to time. In this genre lyrics are definitely thing I care about most. Then goes technique of vocalist, bad diction is intant "nope" to me. Then goes the bit about which I am pretty neutral unless it is so amazing I get goosebumps (yes, it happened to me in past :o ). Overall I don't know about others, but for me rapper who can't write great lyrics to his music is not good rapper at all no matter how amazing technique he has. (personal opinion)


If the music makes me happy the lyrics are less important, like with the song Salsa Tequila by Anders Nilsen, or even some of the MLP songs. And I agree with you, if a rapper can't write good lyrics than he isn't a good rapper.

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Eminem curtain call <3 I find it really hard to dislike a whole type of music aince they all have ups and downs :)


Like i dont even call Nicki Minajes "music" music :/ but we all know who is the best rapper... Pinkie :D


Just your avrage scrub Irelia, Poppy and Shen main.

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Nas "Illmatic" is considered the best rap album of all time.



Most rappers are lyrical geniuses.

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There's also AC/DC which, despite being well known band never wrote lyrics that actually had a nice deep message or at least were poetic to some degree. 


While AC/DC has never had the deepest lyrics, they tend to accompany their music with some really good instrumental work.  If the lyrics of a rap song fall flat, you are pretty much left with nothing. 

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Rap USED to have a valuable message, but that's been swallowed up by the above mentioned items, making it all but tasteless.



I have a strong dislike for modern popular rappers. But I quite like Snoop Dogg's stuff, and some 2pac.



Most modern, popular rap is about drugs, alcohol, women and money, or being a thug 


I hear this same "Old rap has a message, new rap is bad" comment being tossed around far too often.


You must have selective listening habits, because plenty, if not more of the rap from that time period (Even from artists such as Snoop Dogg and Tupac) was about gang violence, drugs, and women. There's music on a variety of topics from old and modern artists.

  • Brohoof 1
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I hear this same "Old rap has a message, new rap is bad" comment being tossed around far too often.


You must have selective listening habits, because plenty, if not more of the rap from that time period (Even from artists such as Snoop Dogg and Tupac) was about gang violence, drugs, and women. There's music on a variety of topics from old and modern artists.


Ahh! Somebody actually read what I said!



I hope some people get the joke ^^

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I have never liked rap.  It is downright unpleasant to listen to.  I am not even certain why it is considered music, as the instrumental aspects seem to vary from weak to non-existent, while the singing simply isn't singing.  It is more of a perverted form of poetry than a form of music.


I could clap my hands and that could be considered a form of music. Rap instrumentals are still instrumentals, and even without one that's still music (a cappella). Rapping isn't "singing" per say, but it's still a musical art that takes talent to pull off effectively. Like I mentioned before, rap is more focused on flow and rhyme schemes rather than hooks and instrumentals.

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Moved from General Discussion to Media Discussion since this topic is about music.



I don't really have anything against rap solely in terms of musical quality. It's certainly not among my favorite genres but I've still listened to it a great amount. 
What I'm more concerned about is the lyrics in many of today's popular rap songs. The violent and mature lyrics that pervade many albums are not at all suitable for children, yet they make edited versions to play on the radio all the time anyway. 
I say that if you're going to make something with adult content, just leave it at that. Don't try to edit it so you can sell it to younger audiences and make more money, because most popular rap songs today aren't remotely appropriate for anyone under 18. Trying to get the album in their hands, therefore, is completely inappropriate. For some albums it doesn't matter how many words you edit out, the overall violent and mature culture and tone is still there. Just release it explicit, as is, with a warning. Then it's up to the parents to be good parents and to not let their kids listen to this shit. 
That being said, this sort of music can still have a negative effect on adults. Should artists have the right to spew out whatever amount of negativity they want in the name of free speech, no matter what kind of effect it has on society? I'm not sure what the answer to that question is because of how many factors there are involved here that are difficult to account for. The responsibility for being exposed to this stuff is certainly on the listener's end if you're a mature, responsible adult, but I think the artists also share a responsibility for forming the society we live in. They have free choice in what they put out there, but what they put out there will affect people, for better or for worse.

  • Brohoof 1



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Moved from General Discussion to Media Discussion since this topic is about music.



I don't really have anything against rap solely in terms of musical quality. It's certainly not among my favorite genres but I've still listened to it a great amount. 


What I'm more concerned about is the lyrics in many of today's popular rap songs. The violent and mature lyrics that pervade many albums are not at all suitable for children, yet they make edited versions to play on the radio all the time anyway. 


I say that if you're going to make something with adult content, just leave it at that. Don't try to edit it so you can sell it to younger audiences and make more money, because most popular rap songs today aren't remotely appropriate for anyone under 18. Trying to get the album in their hands, therefore, is completely inappropriate. For some albums it doesn't matter how many words you edit out, the overall violent and mature culture and tone is still there. Just release it explicit, as is, with a warning. Then it's up to the parents to be good parents and to not let their kids listen to this shit. 


That being said, this sort of music can still have a negative effect on adults. Should artists have the right to spew out whatever amount of negativity they want in the name of free speech, no matter what kind of effect it has on society? I'm not sure what the answer to that question is because of how many factors there are involved here that are difficult to account for. The responsibility for being exposed to this stuff is certainly on the listener's end if you're a mature, responsible adult, but I think the artists also share a responsibility for forming the society we live in. They have free choice in what they put out there, but what they put out there will affect people, for better or for worse.

You're right about artists being often irresponsible about adding +18 content to songs and then selling it to kids simply by censoring it (and leaving the message unchanged), but I'm afraid it goes further than in rap music. 


Same thing happens in metal or rock music. There are also plenty of modern pop songs that have lyrics concerned around sex, parties, drugs, violence etc. 

Example in metal? Few years ago a once melodic death metal band, Sonic Syndicate released a song called "Turn it up". Music video is something I'd label as "soft porn" (YouTube has censored version, but it's not a challenge to find a non-censored one). Then we have obvious bands like Cannibal Corpse (name says enough) but they at least leave proper information that content of their music is violent. 

There is also entire genre known as National Socialist Black Metal which can be shortly describe as black metal with nazi themes. I never saw a CD of bands that represent the genre with proper information about what their music is like. And how can the genre be described? Wikipedia gives nice description to it:


Only list of artists is  very incomplete, but Burzum can be easily mentioned as most known one. 


In Poland many radical right wing organizations use music to spread hate towards people who disagree with them and they exist in every genre, but mostly in punk rock. What can You see in their music? Radical nationalism, homophobia, hatespeech and rallying against their "enemies". Is it labeled as mature content? Not at all. And where rap actually edits that kinds of content... most times - none of those bands do. And in recent times disturbingly many youth in Poland are listening to that kind of music (still minority, but numers have increased). 


Rap music looks pretty innocent when compared to that IMO. It has its sins and there probably are also rap songs full of neonazi bullshit or typical hatespeech. But we shoul remember that it is problem of entire music, not one genre only. 


Here is also my answer to having more control on art. Hatespeech, racism, homophobia, fascism. Those things should be erased from society. Allowing some "artists" to promote them with their lyrics is not helping that cause. Music is supposed to unite people. Give some meaning to their life. Entertain them. Not to turn them hostile against each other. I already saw impact those radical right-wing songs in Poland have on youth. It should not be allowed and I am suprised nobody does anything about it. Yet everyone is always so overreactive when they see homophobia in movies or games. 

So what is it like. You can't spread hate with movies/games but can with music? What is the logic in that? 

  • Brohoof 1


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I have never liked rap.  It is downright unpleasant to listen to.  I am not even certain why it is considered music, as the instrumental aspects seem to vary from weak to non-existent, while the singing simply isn't singing.  It is more of a perverted form of poetry than a form of music.


Jesus Christ, this again.


The Oxford Dictionary definition of music:

"Vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion."


Rap does all those three. Especially expression of emotion.


Nobody can disdain rap in saying it does not have expression of emotion. Listen to songs such as Changes by Tupac and you'll see the expression of emotion that rap can behold. 


It also does harmony. Notice how every professional rap song does not sound out of tune.


And beauty of form, is similar to expression of emotion. Depending on the specific song you're listening to, it can be a very beautiful set of lyrics. Again, Changes by Tupac is a good example here.

Edited by Flitter
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Here is also my answer to having more control on art. Hatespeech, racism, homophobia, fascism. Those things should be erased from society. Allowing some "artists" to promote them with their lyrics is not helping that cause. Music is supposed to unite people. Give some meaning to their life. Entertain them. Not to turn them hostile against each other. I already saw impact those radical right-wing songs in Poland have on youth. It should not be allowed and I am suprised nobody does anything about it. Yet everyone is always so overreactive when they see homophobia in movies or games.  So what is it like. You can't spread hate with movies/games but can with music? What is the logic in that?


It's because putting any sort of art, no matter what it might be, under censorship and strict control is a direct violation and contradiction to the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that many countries have in place. 

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It's because putting any sort of art, no matter what it might be, under censorship and strict control is a direct violation and contradiction to the freedom of speech and freedom of expression that many countries have in place. 

Freedom of speech is one thing, but using it for vile purposes like hate spreading is never justified. 


Besides it is not an answer on people reacting harshly on games or movies that also contain hateful messages. 


As one person I cannot change the world, but I can change the world of one person.

Art, profile picture and signature by one and only Silky <3



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