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SURVEY: Derpy Hooves and Derpygate

Starswirl the Trixie

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You can skip the introduction if you want, but it may be a good refresher on the events of early 2012.  The survey is only 7 questions and could be very insightful in understanding the community, so please do take it :).





In early 2012, the Brony community was rocked by one of its biggest controversies, commonly called “Derpygate”.  In January, the popular background character “Derpy Hooves” (alternatively known as “Ditzy Doo”) was given a speaking part in the episode “The Last Roundup”.  Some Bronies were very happy with her appearance.  Others opposed it, many saying that Derpy’s depiction in the episode is politically incorrect and offensive to the disabled.  The dispute between these sides first lasted a short while in late January.  Merchandise stores removed Derpy Hooves items from their catalogs after receiving emails from those against Derpy’s depiction.  The Bronies who supported Derpy’s appearance in “The Last Roundup” organized a large petition, made fanart, and sent emails.  Derpy merchandise was restored in response. 


However, in mid February Hasbro released an edited version of “The Last Roundup” in which Derpy’s appearance is greatly altered.  Hasbro cited concerns that the original version is offensive as their rationale.  The debate began again and became particularly vitriolic.  Outspoken Bronies on both sides received death threats and the community was bitterly divided.  In the end, the edits Hasbro made were kept.  But the issue remains contentious today.




This survey hopes to measure different factors that influence how Bronies view Derpy Hooves and Derpygate.  Please answer honestly and ask questions of clarification is needed. 

Thank you!




Template if you don't want to have all of the notes in your answer:













Survey Begins Here


1. Approximately when did you become a Brony (Month and Year, if you remember):


2. Who is your favorite pony?


3. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your opinion of Derpy Hooves?   Feel free to elaborate if you feel it will clarify your answer.


(1=”I strongly dislike Derpy.  She does not deserve any attention.”

5= "I am neutral on Derpy."

10= “Derpy is my favorite pony and should be the mascot of the community.”)


*Question 4 is ONLY for those who became Bronies in March 2012 or later*


4. On a scale of 1 to 10, how much do you know about the events of “Derpygate”, the controversy over Derpy’s speaking role in “The Last Roundup” that took place in January and February of 2012?


 (1= "I've never heard of it until now."

5= "I knew the basics of what happened before I saw this thread."

10= "Although I wasn't there when it happened, I've read about it a lot and feel I know as much as someone who was a Brony at the time.")


*Questions 5-7 are ONLY for those who became Bronies in February 2012 or earlier*


(NOTE: When I refer to “sides”, I mean the major groups who thought different things regarding the Derpy Hooves controversy.  The two largest sides were those who were against the changes made to “The Last Roundup” and those who were in favor of them.)


5. Did you know about the Derpygate crisis as it was happening (January-February 2012)?


6. At the time, what was your opinion on Derpy Hooves’ appearance in “The Last Roundup”, the censorship, and the following crisis?  Is your opinion any different today?


(NOTE: Your answer does not have to be simply “pro-Derpy” or “anti-Derpy”.  You can answer other things, such as that you were neutral, or that although you supported Derpy’s original depiction in the episode, you also agreed with Hasbro’s changes.)


7. On a scale of 1-10, how involved were you in the events during Derpygate?


(1=I did absolutely nothing in support of either “side” in the controversy.

5=I made a couple forum posts explaining my opinion, Tweeted about it, or signed a petition.

10=I devoted a large amount of effort to supporting my preferred side in the controversy.  Efforts include: Starting websites or petitions, making fan art to support a side, sending emails to Hasbro, etc.)





Feel free to also add your thoughts on the survey, if it was understandable, if it could be improved, and if you feel that the results may be useful or insightful.  I will post the results, as well as my fun usage of statistics to analyze, sometime in the next few weeks.  But remember, I need at least a couple dozen answers to have reasonably accurate results.


PS: Since this is a controversial subject, if you seriously do not want to post your answers in this thread, you can PM them to me and they will be used anonymously.


PPS: My introduction and wording of questions was meant to be as non-biased as possible. Other information or "propaganda" about Derpygate may influence people's results and was thus not included.  However, you can easily find more on the internet if you're interested, and I will include more when I conclude the survey.


Once more, thanks!

  • Brohoof 4



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1. Probably early-mid 2012. I'll guesstimate May 2012.


2. I have many favorites...but Vinyl Scratch comes to the forefront repeatedly.


3. 9 - I love Derpy. She is fun and overcomes her differences with a smile on her face. She's an inspiration.


4. 8 - I've read into it quite a bit.


Wouldn't this be easier on you if you posted a poll in the topic? Just a thought. And I'm interested to see if there is any correlation as well.

oOo RIP Forums Writing Centre ;_; oOo

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1. Around July 2012ish. Ashort while before I joined these forums.


2. Fluttershy


3.7ish. I'm not super crazyed about derpy or anything, but he is quiet adorable and the whole concept that he actually got a speaking role and was named by the fandom and became cannon is quiet an admirable feet for a character. I don't have a crazy attachment to him(Atleast any crazier then I do everypony :D.)


4.About 8, I know pretty much most of what happended, if not all, but I wasn't there so i can't be certain.


5. N.A.


6. N.A.


7. N.A.


Thanks to Gone Airbourne for the awesome sig!

My Oc's,

Ponysona, Bella

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This could be fun.


1. August 2012

2. In case it isn't obvious, Rainbow Dash

3. 5, I really don't care either way.

4. 8, I feel like I know a good chunk of what happened, but there are probably gaps in my understanding.


So there you go. Hope you get some interesting data Starswirl

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So you did make this. Awesome.


1.  Bit before season 2 started, so about August 2011.




3. Probably 3. I really don't see the big deal, and the attention she gets... is aggravating.


5. Meh. I didn't really talk to bronies that much then, but youtube had a bunch of videos on it. So somewhat, but not too hardcore.


6. When I first saw it (Uncensored), it was awesome. I can't lie. That was the single thing that made me love the creators. However, when they censored it, I understood why. It could be taken the wrong way. They did what they needed to do, and as stated by a few people (Mic was one) it was blown up much more then it needed to be. This is a sprite in the background guys, you aren't drowning. But then again, the only channel I get that plays ponies had to censor the word "Losers" from Party of One... God dammit Canada.


7. 2, chatted about it a bit. Not a forum person, really, especially back then. So meh. Youtube is kinda there.

Edited by Firebolt



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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1.) About November of 2012, though I was aware of the community prior.


2.) Applejack


3.) 6. I think Derpy is okay and cool in his own way. I understand the passion some have for him.


4.) 5. I knew as much as I cared to know. I know what it did to the community.

My past does not define me 'cause My past is not Today

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1) Late April to Early May of 2012 if memory serves me right.


2) There is only one pony who is best, and that pony is The Great and Powerful Trixie.


3) About a 4 to 5 on this one. I honestly don't care, I just wish she could have been left in the background.


4) 6ish I would say. I knew what happened but I didn't go over extensive with it.

  • Brohoof 1
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1. December 2012

2. Rarity

3. 8 (Derpy is great, but not a complete enough character to be the mascot of the community or the show.)

4. 8 also, I actually know enough bronies that I heard about the whole thing long before I actually started watching.

This space intentionally left blank.

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1. Sometime really late April-really early March 2012. Joined here a few days prior to becoming one.
2.Ditzy/AJ - Can never decide between the two.
3. 9 - only because I don't feel she should be the mascot. That's the mane 6's job.
4. Id say about 7. Went and did some research directly when I became a brony and found out about her. So I'd say I know the majority of the basic ins and outs of it.


I think Derpy is okay and cool in his own way. I understand the passion some have for him.



lol, Im sorry, I'm bored, please don't hate me.

Edited by TGAP Haven


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1. Approximately sometime after 21-04-012, (can't really remember) 


2. Chrysalis, Is an insect but I don't care. 


3. 6, Derpy is hilarious when it comes to the fannon side of things.


4. 5, I only really looked at the surface of what happened, didn't really bother me that much. 


~War is based on Deception_

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1. I started looking around for pony materials during the week Boast Buster aired, but only after the Luna Eclipsed I started to call myself a brony


2. Luna or Fluttershy. Trixie may or may not included.


3. I'm pretty much neutral on her. She can be good depends on which artist or writer that made the fanmade material she is featured in. 5 or maybe 6


4. null


5. Yes. While I wasn't there on the lifestream when everyone started hollering praises to Hasbro when she spoke, I was quick enough to witness the famed Yamino got carpet-bombed with countless Derpy supporters. Lots of bronies washed their pants with tears and blood that night.


6. Her appearance and speaking lines are pretty much some of the best things that ever happened to the fandom. The censorship, in the other hand...


The following crisis was pretty much a parade of brainfarts. Lots of people rode the wave to promote their views of political correctness while missing the points of fandom's adoration to the blonde mare. The bronies weren't helping either, too much people spent the time blaming Derpy's censorship on bronies who spoke against her instead of trying to understand the real problem.


7. Honestly I didn't anything more than trying to defend Derpy against those who claimed that Derpy's existence and the fandom's adoration to her are bane to all disabled person out there (and failing miserably at that)


Signed the petition and gave support to those who were actually able to do something useful, so I guess the score would be around 5.



I guess that's all. I can still remember I (stupidly) tried to defend Derpy in a thread in this forum, only to see her name suddenly retconned out of existence.

  • Brohoof 2


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1. I became a Brony on January 1st 2012


2. Mane 6 wise at the time it was Fluttershy but now it changed to Applejack mane-6 


3. 10 I really like Derpy as she is my favorite 2nd background pony only after Lyra i really wish she couldn't had more speaking roles.



5. Did you know about the Derpygate crisis as it was happening (January-February 2012)? Well as it was going on No because i wasn't into the community as much as i am now. Back then the only thing i did was stream for episodes i didn't even notice the whole Derpy controversity  until i saw the Save Derpy campagin video.


6.  I thought she was very cute. The fact they had a boy actually voice her just perfected her character for some reason and i really enjoyed those first few seconds of seeing her talk. The censorship i thought was a load of bull crap i couldn't believe someone actually thought she was offensive i was outraged i think i actually sent hate mail to the person who complained. My opinion on the matter hasn't changed but i have seen Derpy as self sustaining through the community so we will still see her just not in the show itself.


7.  About a 5

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1. November 2011


2. Princess Luna


3. 8 - I greatly enjoy some of the fan versions of Derpy. 


5. Yes.


6. I felt that Derpy's portrayal in the episode was unfortunate, reflecting a more extremely disabled version, rather than the clumsy and accident-prone yet still competent version I preferred. I understood the basis of the complaints, but I feel that they were too strident, and that Hasbro went too far in reaction. There was an opportunity to have a respectfully depicted disabled character, and have a lesson in inclusiveness and understanding. However, that opportunity was missed and a message of 'there are no imperfect ponies' has gone out in its place in the show itself. I understand that Derpy is still around in other media, but her absence in the newer episodes as a background pony is disheartening.


7. 3 - at the time I was a Brony, but was not involved in the Brony community at large. I believe I signed a petition, and discussed the issue with some friends.

  • Brohoof 1


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1. Some time in June of 2011.


2. Ffff--- I can't choose more than one, can I? XD I'll go with Princess Luna~


3. 5~ I like Derpy, I think she's cute. But that's about it.


4. Hmm... about 5. I remember seeing freakouts on EQD. I also remember something about Welovefine having to pull all of their Derpy merch.... or something to that effect. That's pretty much all I saw, considering I didn't know of any other pony sites at the time.


5. Eeyup.


6. I thought Derpy's appearance was cute.

I thought the censorship was... questionable, and I didn't really like the new changes, but it couldn't be helped. *shrug*  People were offended, and Hasbro had to do something. If they hadn't, then for all we know MLP:FiM could have gotten cancelled or something. *shrug*

As for the shitstorm that ensued... I do think some bronies went overboard with it all. And the infighting didn't help matters none (although, it was mildly entertaining.) But I didn't (and still don't to this day) blame any one side for going overboard; if the topic in question is something you hold dear in your heart, you're gonna want to defend it to the end... even if said topic is nothing but a small change to a cartoon character. I'd be a hypocrite if I said ya shouldn't get angry over something like that, considering I have (and still do) get angry over even pettier things than Derpygate.icon_awesomeface.gif


7. 1~ I just watched.



Annnd done. Hope I did this right.

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1: November 2011


2: Twilight


3: Around a 6. I like her as a little easter egg to find in the show, but Im not too enthusiastic about her.


5: Yes, I did.


6: I think it was pretty neat Derpy had a speaking role in the episode. When the censor came, I was pretty confused about it, but then I realized why Hasbro changed it. My opinion on is that... Well, it happened. Hey, it's nothing terrible. Derpy still appears in episodes, and she's not gone from the community.


7: About a 5. I think I remember signing a petition one time.

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1. I became a brony in late February/early March 2012, right as Derpygate was ending.  I first joined the MLP Forums in April 2012 (to date, the only online brony community or part of the fandom in general that I have been involved in).


2. I do not technically have a favorite pony; I always try to appreciate everypony for what makes them awesome.  I guess the closest that I could come to calling my "favorite ponies" would be the Mane 6, although Derpy remains by far my favorite background pony.


3. 10: I love Derpy Hooves.  Have ever since I pretty much joined the fandom and discovered who she was.  To me she's a symbol of the close relations that have been built and remain between the show's producers and the brony community, since her increasingly frequent cameos were one of the first and most significant signs of Studio B acknowledging the brony community.  I also think she's adorable, sweet, hilarious, the defacto mascot of the background ponies, and one of the biggest mascots for our community.  DERPY FOREVER!!!  :wub:


4. 10: I learned quite a bit about Derpygate, especially right after I joined the community.


When I joined, it was pretty much impossible to not learn about it, since the community was still abuzz and reeling from the aftershocks of the entire controversy.  Now, I was never one of those crazed pro- or anti-Derpy fans who were sending death threats to others or threatening to boycott the show.  But, I was greatly saddened by the events and aftermath of the controversy, for the fans, the producers, and for Derpy herself.  As I see it, the entire controversy was the result of some people attempting to be far too politically correct; although well-intentioned, I think that most of the people who went after Derpy Hooves didn't know that much about her character, who she really was, and what she meant to the community, even those within the brony community who went after her.  They saw her as a mockery of mentally challenged people, and what they simply didn't understand was that those of us who do love her for who she is simply don't see her that way.  Most of the fanon content that has developed around her revolves around Derpy overcoming any challenges she might face, such as from her derpy eyes, and so we see her as a symbol of persevering through whatever challenges life presents you with (note, I do not personally see Derpy as mentally challenged, just very bubbly and kind of air-headed  :) ).  However, I do understand why Hasbro and Studio B responded as they did; they couldn't have seen the controversy coming any more than the Derpy-lovers did, and so were just trying to do damage control as best they could.  Heck, I didn't even hate the new voice that much; I was mostly just saddened by the principle of changing the voice in general.  My least favorite thing to come out of the controversy is that Derpy has quite noticeably shown up hardly at all in Season 3, save for a few cameos, only one of which actually showed her face.  :(   Here's hoping that Studio B nuts up and at least starts showing my favorite muffin-loving mare in more cameos as they did so much in Season 2.  I don't even need her to speak; I just want to know that Studio B still cares about Derpy.  :(


Seeing as I didn't join RIGHT in the midst of the controversy in February, I will be unable to answer questions 5-7.  Thank you for posting this rather interesting and well-written survey Starswirl!  :)

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 1


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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1. October 2012


2. Luna and Applejack


3. 9 I love Derpy and think she has enormous potential to be not only a great character but a teaching moment about disabled people or even just non disabled people who are seen as different.


4. 10 I am more passionate about this than any other subject in regard to the fandom so I may not have been there at the time but I have seen the clip in question and have read up on it.

Edited by EarthbendingProdigy
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6.  I thought she was very cute. The fact they had a boy actually voice her just perfected her character for some reason and i really enjoyed those first few seconds of seeing her talk. The censorship i thought was a load of bull crap i couldn't believe someone actually thought she was offensive i was outraged i think i actually sent hate mail to the person who complained. My opinion on the matter hasn't changed but i have seen Derpy as self sustaining through the community so we will still see her just not in the show itself.


Actually, Tabitha St. Germain, the voice of Rarity and Princess Luna, voiced her; however, I'm not surprised that you made that mistake because you probably read somewhere that Tabitha based Derpy's voice off of a boy's voice (which she did), and simply misunderstood what it meant.  No harm done; just thought you'd like to know!  :)

Edited by Batbrony
  • Brohoof 3


"You'll hunt me. You'll condemn me, set the dogs on me. Because that's what needs to happen. Because sometimes... cupcakes aren't good enough. Sometimes ponies deserve more. Sometimes ponies deserve to have their faith rewarded... with muffins!!!"

-The Muffin Mare

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And I thought Spygate was bad.



The Derpy Hooves incident, in reality, was nothing more than just an extremely pleasant surprise yet magnificently crafted stunt pulled of by the producers in order to get themselves and the show more ratings. The Last Roundup featured the humble background pony's personality just about perfectly in one scene although she was nothing more than just a simple resident in Ponyville, despite her immense popularity among bronies. So popular she knocked the lead character in said episode apart for the majority of the time the episode started airing. Words cannot begin to describe the sheer amount of ecstasy that leaked through - no, radiated from the livestream chat I was on as soon as Rainbow said the words, "Now careful, Derpy!" I had never expected something quite like that to erupt in all my years of browsing the internet, and that morning I was simply tuning in for another episode. To be gifted with that kind of brief moment - the one that speaks volumes to you in the end, as it recognized the fandom for what it is, gave even more life to the already booming sensation that was My Little Pony than some devious plot twist ever could.


What do you get out of it, though? A slew of angry people protesting Derpy's character all because she was thought to "mock" and "offend" persons with mental disorders. Yes, there was semblance. Derpy's actions spoke louder than her small dialogue would initially indicate. She was sloppy, lacked dexterity, and ended up demolishing part of Town Hall. She was also shown to be incompetent in helping to decorate the place and as a result - let's not kid ourselves, would that make you believe that she does have some sort of disorder that prevents her from being helpful? Maybe so. The question wasn't targeted to the demographic in concern, though - it was targeted at us! Folks without mental disorders! The answer is absolutely not. That was more for light comedic effect in contrast to subtly bashing people that "Derpy represents". This was horribly biased and as my count goes, the majority of the people with mental disorders actually ended up catching on with the joke than taking serious offense to it, as if it were the bane of their existence... and guess what? It wasn't!


So, Princess Celestia, I have actually learned something this ordeal: you should not be overprotective of people and you shouldn't let rampant paranoia get the better of your judgement. If you try too hard to "make things right", often times, you end up pleasing no one.


Yours truly, Alfonzo Dennard.

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1. Approximately when did you become a Brony (Month and Year, if you remember)

Jan 2012


2. Who is your favorite pony?



3. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your opinion of Derpy Hooves?   Feel free to elaborate if you feel it will clarify your answer.

9.. i loved the idea of derpy as a background pony that said hi to the fandom whenever she appeared. when she showed up on the last round up it was awesome. it was a little over the top, but it was still awesome =p


4. nope


5. Did you know about the Derpygate crisis as it was happening (January-February 2012)?

i was aware that people thought she was awesome, but at this time i was mostly just watching episodes and didnt involve myself too drastically with the fandom so i didnt know about the big dispute


6. At the time, what was your opinion on Derpy Hooves’ appearance in “The Last Roundup”, the censorship, and the following crisis?  Is your opinion any different today?

I loved when derpy was in the last roundup, it was one of my favorite parts of the show. when they fixed her voice i got really pissed off because i feel they had no reason to do it. i remember watching the lion king for the first time in a long time today and the heyena named ed reminded me of derpy because he obvioulsy has some sort of mental problem lol. i have never heard of people making a big fuss over him before, and for good reason. its just a cartoon, dont be offended by it. I still like derpy because she was originally a background pony and has appeared in episodes after the last roundup. people still loved her before she spoke, so our oppinions of her shouldnt change just because hasbro changed her voice back.


7. On a scale of 1-10, how involved were you in the events during Derpygate?

3. i thought she was cool and i talked about her a bit.

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1. Approximately when did you become a Brony:

Sometime before season 2 aired


2. Who is your favorite pony?

Rainbow Dash


3. On a scale of 1 to 10, what is your opinion of Derpy Hooves?

4, I'm pretty neutral towards her, but for Christ's sake let it die already

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1. About May 2011.


2. Derpy


3. 9


5. Yes


6. I love Derpy. I am not offended by Derpy. I would have a real reason to be offended by Derpy if she was offensive.


My opinion is the same then as it is now. Listening to the few people who bashed Derpy on tumblr and dA really cemented my opinion on the matter. When the people who claim to be speaking on the behalf of disabled people without regret deletes statements like "I'm disabled and I like Derpy" and similiar comments I just can't protect their actions in any way. The type of social engineering and dishonesty done by certain people in Fabruary really makes me sick:


Let's just delete these rational comments and comments from people who actually are disabled and disagrees with us, and leave in these troll comments which tell us to burn in hell, then pretend they represent all bronies. Wait, people didn't like that and now feel betrayed? Delete those comments too!


The influx of brony haters are talking about beating up bronies and saying that they are "retarded"? Well that's fine then. Nothing hypocritical about that.


And now some people only know the twisted version of events where the people who wanted Derpy gone were victims of the evil bronies, or they believe the only reason why Derpy was removed was because of soccer moms. It's ridiculous.


7. During Derpygate? Not much. I didn't expect her to actually be removed from the show. Later I have made images showing the opinions of people with disabilities, and information about the term derp. I also did sent Hasbro a letter. But they just sent an automatic response.

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