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Symbolism in MLP:FIM and hidden knowledge


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I couldn't find here on these forums anything similar to this, so I decided to share with you what I wrote once about MLP:FIM on a Polish forum about Sacred Geometry, since I noticed many interesting symbols and messages sneaked in the MLP series. Below is a translation of that text (a little bit edited, because I don't need to introduce you to the series -- you already know it ;-) ).


I found about MLP:FIM when looking through many different Internet memes. I read that the series was originally targeted for little girls, but surprisingly it started to draw attention of more adolescent people, especially grown up men, who didn't seem wussy at all (eg. professional soldiers). My first thought was like: "WTF? Tough guys watching pony tales for baby girls? o_O Something strange must be going on here."


But then I found that this is a new 20% cooler version of MLP, refreshed by Lauren Faust. And I remembered that her other creation ("The Power Puff Girls") was causing similar effects, but at somewhat lesser scale. This has made me curious. And since I usually try everything on my own before I make up my mind, I decided to follow the same pattern here too. After watching several reviews and trailers in the Net, I decided to watch one or two episodes, just for test. And I watched, and watched... and now I'm at 24th episode and still counting :-D {This was then, when I was writing that article. Now I'm after watching all episodes at least twice ;-D }



I still haven't figured out what is so hypnotizing in this series (although I have some theories), but something is really going on there, and if there's really any psycho-manipulation, then it must be on a very deep level indeed, because I couldn't spot any obvious clues. But I found instead lots of interesting symbolics which looks curiously familiar (at least for me). Not only from the point of view of Esoterics or Sacred Geometry, but also Science! Because it turns out that in many episodes, in many different places, one can find some strange mathematical formulas and equations known from Physics (or very similar), or some geometrical diagrams. So it looks like someone is trolling us here royally, and since I'm deeply interested in Physics, ancient knowledge, secret societies, occult & fringe science etc., I decided to share with you my observations and thoughts on this subject and what I found in MLP:FIM.


I don't know if some of you had found any symbols there yet or not, so I'll just describe everything I've found so far, so you can compare my findings with yours, or learn something new about your favorite series ;-)


I'll start from the esoteric, occult and spiritual, and then I'll move to the more scientific stuff, because this is the original sequence I was describing it on that Polish forum. I decided to split my message into several subsequent posts, each for one subject, for easier referencing and to let people choose easier the subjects they're interested in. When I'll post it all. then I'm open to your questions and I hope for interesting discussion ;-)


Here is the first part.


The Balance


Straight from the begining of the first episode we are told that the world of Equestria (from Latin equus = horse) is governed by two opposing forces, represented by two royal sisters: princess Celestia (from Latin caelestia = heavenly, divine, from caelum = heavens, or the Universe) and princess Luna (lat. luna = the Moon). The former governs the Sun and daylight time, and the later governs the Moon and night time. The ancient books depict this situation this way (on the left):




which is an obvious reference to the Taoistic symbol depicting two opposing forces of Nature: Yin and Yang, in perfect balance with each other (on the right). But this symbol is more universal. It doesn't limit to Taoism, but is present in many different ancient cultures in that way or another. And these opposing forces were often symbolized by the Sun and the Moon, or day and night. For example, in Ancient Egypt we can find the following picture of Geb and Nut (they were Celestia and Luna of the Ancient Egypt ;-) ):


The Sun and Moon symbolism can be also found in Masonic art in a similar fashion as below. On the left is a picture from the series, from the book Twilight Sparkle reads by the river in the 1st Episode, and on the right there is a stained glass from a Masonic temple. As you can see, even the sides are the same ;-)




But it's also not purely Masonic. I'd rather say it's one of the most ancient symbolism on Earth, and it counts thousands of years of tradition. It was used in many ancient mystery schools, like Alchemy or Hermetism, because these sciences were based on the equilibrium of the opposites as the deepest principle of the Universe.


It turns out quickly that this perfect balance between the opposites is about to be disturbed, because one of the royal sisters, caused by envy, tuns against the other sister and wants to rule Equestria herself, bringing eternal night. This age-old struggle between day and night and the solar/lunar deities related to them, you can find nearly everywhere through the mythologies of the ancient world. Let the fight between Seth and Horus in Ancient Egyptian mythology be one such example. If you dig deeper, you'll probably find similar myths yourself in other cultures too.


The Elements of Harmony


Everytime the perfect balance turns out to be disturbed, there's only one power able to restore it back. It's activated by the so-called Elements of Harmony, which are represented by five gems (or crystals, that is, geometrically ordered atomic structures), in different shapes and colors:




For me it's very hard to resist the feeling that these Elements of Harmony are just a cartoonized version of the five platonic solids shown below:


Ancient Greeks also called them Elements, and related each of these geometrical solids to one particular natural element, like Earth, Water, Air, Fire, and the last one you've probably hadn't heard of in that context: the Quintessence (which just means the Fifth Element). Contrary to what modern scientists would say to you, they were not just some ancient mumbo-jumbo of primitive village people: they've had precise scientific meaning. They described the phases of physical matter. The first three (Earth, Water and Air) represent solid, liquid, and gaseous phase. The fourth (Fire) represents the plasma, or the state of ionized matter, in which electrons and protons are not bond into atoms, but move freely. The last one was sacred, and it was hidden, because it represented the empty space itself, or what 19th century scientists called the Ether. It was the Prima Materia of Alchemists -- the primordial fabric which all matter is made of after it gains its material form. Knowledge of this "purely spiritual" phase of matter allows for the alchemical transmutation of one chemical element into another, by manipulating matter at the deepest level.


But let's get back to the picture from the show.

The green triangle gem is similar to the first Platonic Solid called Tetrahedron. It's a solid made of four faces being perfect equilateral triangles (all Platonic Solids except the cube and last one are made of such triangles).

The yellow rhomboidal figure resembles the Octahedron. It's a solid made of eight perfect triangles. It looks like two pyramids connected with bottoms.

The blue gem is roughly a Cube (though it has somewhat truncated corners, but the overall shape is rectangular).

The red gem is quite similar to the Icosahedron (the Platonic Solid with 20 triangular sides), if it hadn't had hexagonal faces instead of triangular ones (though of course triangular symmetry is contained in hexagonal symmetry).

The last gem (the violet one) is the most round-shaped of them, so it could be considered to be the Dodecahedron (which is the most "football-shaped" from all Platonic Solids). But this one also has wrong shape of its faces (octagons instead of pentagons).

But not counting those little deviations, the overall idea is quite clear. If you're still not convinced that the Elements of Harmony are supposed to represent Platonic Solids, then read further.


In three dimensions of space, there are five and only five ways for making ordered and symmetric structures (that is, harmony). These are exactly those five Platonic Solids! You can check this out by taking some marble balls of equal size (or NeoMag magnetic balls, if you have such thingy, is even better) and checking in how many different ways you can connect them together in space, and what geometrical forms you can get. You'll find that all and only possible ways are those Platonic Solids, with vertices representing the centers of those balls, and edges representing the lines connecting these centers. If you've ever studied crystallography (the science about shapes of crystals, that is, gemstones), then you'll probably notice now that most of crystalline structures follow these shapes in one way or another. Not only at the visible level, but also in the microscopic atomic level. This is really a knowledge about the structure of matter and geometrical harmony! :-)


The Sixth Element


In the show there is one more Element of Harmony, which remains hidden. To find it, one needs first to find and collect the remaining five, and then use the "Sparkle of Magic" to activate them. Then the sixth Element shows up. Again, it reminds me those Greek elements, but there it was the Fifth Element, which was hidden and invisible, but connected the remaining five together. I hadn't figured out yet why in the cartoon we have six of them. Maybe it's more like Chinese elements, which was five, and the hidden one was the sixth? Or maybe the hint is to look closer on the characters of those ponies, which are assigned to particular gems? Maybe the features of their character could help us in assigning them to shose gems:




I could surely connect Applejack with the element of Earth, and Rainbow Dash is mostly Air, but it has a little bit of fire too. But I'm not so sure about the others. This case is still open, so you can be the first one to solve it :-)


But it is a recurring pattern in all these "elementary knowledge" of ancient cultures, that there was always one Element which was hidden, and that it was related to something more spiritual and immaterial, like the Mind or Spirit, or Prima Materia, or Ether, or Apeiron, or vacuum, or... well, Magic :-)


"...and Magic makes it all complete..."


On the last picture you can also see that although the gems are all the same, these five visible Elements of Harmony are arranged into vertices of a pentagon, and the sixth Element of Magic (the hidden one) is at the center and connects together the remaining five. It connects quite interestingly with Twilight Sparkle's cutie mark:




and the history from her childhood, when she have received that cutie mark (see Eposode 23 "Cutie Mark Chronicles"). The five white little stars surrounding the central one represent the five Elements of Harmoniy, controlled by her five friends. The six-pointed star at the center is Twilight herself, that is, the sixth Element representing the Magical Power. So this cutie mark perfectly reflects the role of Twilight as the central axis of this magical circle (or the Hub :-D ), which connects it all together and makes it complete.


OK it looks like I cannot post more images in one post, so you need to interrupt me and post something here. Then I'll continue...


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Edited by Jeric
  • Brohoof 55
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This is the most interesting theory I've ever read.


When it started off, I was expecting you to say something about mind-control making everyone love it, but nope! You are actually noticing the symbolism that is actually there. Well played!

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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The Merkabah

The shape of this six-pointed star reminds me something more. It's very similar to the shape of rotating Merkabah. This is a name which Ancient Egyptians assigned to the interconnection of two opposite Tetrahedrons (representing the two opposing forces, again). It's shown in the first image below. It is a three-dimensional analogue of the Star of David shown in the second image below. The name "Merkabah" is a connection of three separate words: Mer, Ka, and Ba, representing body, mind, and spirit. But the whole word also has a meaning: it means chariot or vehicle. Ancient Egyptians believed that when these three parts (body, mind and spirit) are harmonized, their energies create a vehicle which allows people to travel in space (see third image below). In medieval times, this shape was also called Stella Octangula (= eight-vertice star), by Johannes Kepler, for example.


The Reference Guide

I hope it all starts to become clear that these associations aren't so much arbitrary. Because lo and behold, on one of the stained glass windows in the palace of princess Celestia we can see the following "reference guide" of how to use the Elements of Harmony:


In this stained glass you can see some strange looking construction resembling a tree, with thick stem and branches sticking out of it, which reminds me the shape of the Kaballistic Tree of Life. This diagram was used in Kaballah, an ancient Jewish tradition of secret wisdom about the powers of Creation. It consists of ten Sephiroth (or spheres, often wrongly translated from Hebrew as Worlds) connected with 22 paths (each of them is designated with one of the letters of the Hebrew alphabet). I show its shape on the right, overlaid on the stained glass. As you can see, it matches it perfectly with the six top Sephiroth. And at the center of the Tree, where the sixth Element is located, there's clearly something which looks like Merkabah! :-o I shall also mention here that in many depictions of this Tree, this Sephir is missing, because it's hidden. You need to figure out yourself that it should be there and how to connect it with other Sephiroth. This again agrees with the show!: the central sixth Element of Harmony is hidden.

OK, it's about time to see what's going on when the ponies activate all of these Elements of Harmony and release its power.


When the ponies finally discover that these Gemstones of Harmony (as it often is with crystals) are only amplifiers and transformers of their magical energy, for which the true source is located in the ponies themselves and comes straight from their hearts. Sometimes in an uncontrolled way (e.g. in situations of danger; see Episode 23 "Cutie Mark Chronicles" 12:22), and sometimes controlled (when they use Magic or activate the Elements of Harmony).


This, again, is not just a bunch of baloney! There is a scientist named Dan Winter who discovered that human (and pony) hearts' muscles are shaped as a spiral, and when electrical signals flow through them to control the heartbeat, this works similar to a coil of wire, turning your heart into a pretty good electromagnet! It creates a magnetic field surrounding the heart, which is the more strong the more coherent and blissful your emotions are. He also says that our DNA molecules contained in every living cell of our body are like little coils which can produce a little vortex of coherent electromagnetic energy (that is, light). And when all these particles resonate in unisono, and all are oriented in the same direction (which is synchronized by the magnetic field of the heart), they reinforce each other and produce a strong flow of energy through all your body.


This belief didn't came from nowhere: it's present in all ancient cultures (though described in simpler words), especially by Hindu people. They believe that in the human body there are energetic centers, called chakras, which transform energy and direct it through the whole body. When you activate all your chakras through meditation practice, and the energy flows freely through your body, you gain some special powers called Siddhi.

So, when the flow of energy becomes coherent and synchronized in harmony, each of the ponies starts to shine out bright light (also from their eyes), and then, a huge beam of colorful light (rainbow) burst out from them:


This rainbow is nothing more than a full, continuous electromagnetic spectrum of visible light, containing all the color components of the white light included in it. So it could be regarded as the effect of activating all these chakras (Hindu people assign colors to each of them, that is, the frequencies of vibration of the light wave) and opening the channel for the free flow of the life energy called Kundalini.

The reference to Kundalini becomes even more visible when you take a look at how does it look like at the end of the Episode 2 ("The Elements of Harmony" 16:18):


(There is some glitch with that last image, caused by passing it through the forum script. You can see it in full here, the file is 1.6 MB, I don't know how to make it smaller.)


You can clearly see two beams of rainbow light, intertwined together in a shape of double helix! This corresponds well with the theories of Dan Winter which say that the DNA molecules in our cells (which are also shaped as double helix!), when synchronized by the electromagnetic field of the heart and activated, start to produce a coherent electromagnetic field inside of their spirals as in a superconducting coil of wire, bursting out a beam of coherent light. The synchronization of all such molecules throughout the whole body makes it all glow (this is called aura, or nimbus, often shown around saint people on many sacred paintings).

It also correlates well with beliefs of the Hindus describing the full activation of the flow of Kundalini energy through all the chakras: the Kundalini flows in two streams intertwined with each other around the central axis of the body and bursts out through the chakra of the corona (the top-most one on the top of your head). Activation of all those chakras, each of which resonates with different frequency (or color) of light wave, sum up to the full electromagnetic spectrum, that is, the rainbow:


I can imagine that activation of all those chakras could look like that, as on these animations of pony Siddhi ;-) But look! On the last picture above, there's another link with the Sun an Moon! This time they symbolize the two opposite channels of the Kundalini energy :-) See how it's all connected? And Magic makes it all complete ;-)

OK please interrupt me here so I could post another part (duh, stupid forum limitations ;-P).


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Edited by SasQ
  • Brohoof 16
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Cool. Fun.


Let me just note tho, while some symbolism or inspiration, more like, is there, a lot of it can be seen only because you want it to see.

But hope you do it for fun, not to find... Something that isn't there, so as I've said, fun, fun, fun.

  • Brohoof 1


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The Hexagram


There's one more thing I've left for the end of the esoteric part of my observations:




Twilight has a symbol on her saddle bag, which seems very similar to the Alesteir Crowley's hexagram shown below:


This symbol represents the continuous flow of magical energy in a loop. Crowley often drew a normal pentagram in its center, merging the number 5 of the pentagram and the number 6 of the hexagram together into a number 11, symbolizing the divine unity (double one). It's very similar to the 5 visible Elements of Harmony (5 vertices of the pentagram) + the 6th hidden Element of Magic (six-pointed star of the hexagram).


You can also see the connection with Dark Magic (pentagram) and Bright Magic (hexagram), which together make a complete whole. In the show, these symbols are used for Dark Magic and Bright Magic. They're all in somewhat cartoonized versions, but they're at least consistent throughout the whole show. I haven't found any exceptions to this rule so far.


Nature also merges these two shapes of pentagram and hexagram to make all those molecules of life you might have seen in books on organic chemistry (or the alchemy of life):




Enlightening decorations


When we're on decorations, it's worth to look closer at one of these decorative motifs seen in many places in the show, especially in libraries (Canterlot and Ponyville). I mean the one above Twilight's head in this screenshot:




Is it just a decoration? Or maybe it is a repeated over and over the symbol called Chandrabindu? :->




Its name in Sanskrit means literally "The Spot of the Moon". In Devanagari (the Hindu alphabet used to write Sanskrit) this symbol is a diacritical mark which is also a part of the famous "Aum"/"Ohm" syllable, which is said to represent the primordial sound heard when the Universe has being created:




This symbol is used also to represent enlightenment. So a part of it used as a decorative motif is a good choice for a library -- a place where people study and get enlightened ;-)


Of course it might be just a decoration as well. But (and this is for @@Jessper above) in Masonic art, decorations are often not just decorations. They love to sneak in many different ideas inside their art and architecture, because they know how symbols work: they're understood only to those who know what they mean. For other people they'll appear to be just unimportant decorations ;-J I recommend to check out this particular subject more deeply. You'll be surprised how much information could be hidden in "just decorations". There's a whole science about it, called "Sacred Geometry". Ancient civilizations were very freaky about it ;-)


The Shapes of Harmony


There are several other "decorations" which appear over and over in the show, resembling mathematical curves, like logarithmic spirals and Cornu spiral (also known as the clothoid), and they're all related to the mathematical study of waves, musics and harmony.



You can see them also on many real musical instruments, especially violins:



and they're not just for decorative reasons there! :-> Violin makers know that geometry is important for producing sound (see these images here for example), and that this shape for the resonant cavities of the violin brings out all those higher harmonics you can find in the sound of the violin.


But this starts to become more scientific, so I'll probably do better if I left you with the occult and spiritual part here and move to the scientific part. This should be more interesting for @@Jessper, who seems to prefer more solid, left-brained, single-valued ideas than right-brained foggy symbology ;-) But I prefer to join both halves of my mind, as ancient people did, to bring more harmony into my thoughts ;-)


You can post your questions/comments at will, and interrupt me, since this seems to be the only way to keep this show going (due to these strange limitations of this forum's software). But I'll answer them all at the end of my message.


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  • Brohoof 16
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Awesome man! :D


You're awesome! This is awesome! You're a genius, you know so much about so many things. I like all of these things you talk about, but I don't know much about them. But seeing all this is just... awesome! (that's the only word I know to describe this)


Can't wait to see more :D

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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Awesome! You covered pretty much everything I've noticed and more. I'm surprised you got the connection between the S curves and violin soundholes :) Then again, they really do use that shape everywhere, so it's not that hard to notice. Another interesting place it shows up is at the start of Ed Leedskalnin's magnetic current book http://http://www.leedskalnin.com/Leedskalnins-Writings-MAGNETIC-CURRENT.html (he apparently knew the pyramid building techniques, and singlehandedly built a castle out of giant stone blocks back in the 30's-50's)


The double helix rainbow was another of my favorites. I was like, "dude, they zapped him with DNA?" when I first saw that :lol:


And Twilight's cutie mark. Her talent is magic, the mark depicts the 6 elements of friendship, and friendship is magic :D


I've been doing quite a bit of research into sacred geometry/ancient structures/alternative physics theory/free energy/etc. this past year, and there really is a lot of cool stuff. The pyramids and UFOs are pretty much the pudding that proves there really is a lot we don't know. Plus the people who have replicated the Tesla longitudinal EM waves... I really need to get experimenting on that stuff and see if I can figure out any logical reason mainstream technology doesn't utilize it.


Have you read the Blaze Labs articles? Lots of great physics theories, especially the series on particles http://http://www.blazelabs.com/f-p-element.asp which includes platonic solids, the merkabah/stella octangula, fractals, and other cool stuff. It doesn't seem complete enough to actually improve our manipulation of matter, but I do think he's onto something, investigating the internal structure of the atomic nucleus.

  • Brohoof 2
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This is the most fascinating thing I've ever read about the show. But considering I'm not very creative I'll post a witty response picture instead of anything meaningful because my brain is still spinning in circles from reading that.




Okay I'm back, and ready to write a meaningful response now that my brain has readjusted itself. First of all, I'd like to say that the OP is a genius. When first reading the part about the platonic solids it really started to make sense as to what they represented. I'll stay tuned to read whatever else you post here, it is really amazing.

Edited by Harmonic Revelations
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This wasn't that new to me. I had noticed the same thing way back in August of '12. In addition to that, I also saw the scripture which is in my profile. For those of you that are asleep. There's been talk of DNA activation all over the world. In order to activate your DNA enough people have to 'love' you or think highly positive of you. That is why in scripture it says "haste in persistence grants thee a gift." What gift? It's actually a unique spiritual gift. (where do you think you ability to do tulpa forcing comes from) However, what you believe also interfere's with the gift you've been given. I know there's a lot of you that hear voices in your head and say nothing becuase you dn't want to be labeled as crazy. No, you ain't crazy.

In addition what i've mentioned, no one has ever seemed to make reference to the fact that the show mocks certain aspects of things in the real world, like fame (picture purfect pony) the illumin... (the CMC initiation). No only that but I also see the scripture in many other parts of the show. The SE3Ep9 with spike... when spike pulls out his dragon code card. Really that is actually a reference to the mark of the beast. I know this cause... welll.... i found God when i was writing down the scripture... for real... I uploaded my first vid to youtube this morning beginning my story on how i led to that discovery. I was eventually going to lead up to the above information as there is alot more to it then that...

  • Brohoof 3

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I see I am not the only viewer of Spirit Science around here... Those theories are no big new to me, since my observating power is a great weapon to shoot at religion(Just kidding...).


This is information is very important to some studies of mine...

Maybe I should get in a meeting with Friendship is Magic's storyboard leader and talk about this...

~Nothing is sad. Everything is Friendship~

~I live to seek truth, not to reach it~

~Search for the ones who seek the truth, and run from the ones who know it~


http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/romulus-lance-romance-r2127http://general-sedivh.deviantart.com/ |

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I see I am not the only viewer of Spirit Science around here... Those theories are no big new to me, since my observating power is a great weapon to shoot at religion(Just kidding...).


This is information is very important to some studies of mine...

Maybe I should get in a meeting with Friendship is Magic's storyboard leader and talk about this...

To be honest.. I would prefer you didn't. There's more at work here then one might realize. It is one of the reason if someone actually took time to read my blog as well as the subjects i talk about from beginning to end the bigger picture might finally start to happen.

IN addition to what i've mention, I also took a look at the music the fandom makes for pmv which if one takes a stand back on looks at it at a 'whole' then the story changes...

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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From Magic to Science

The world of Equestria is full of Magic. But what exactly is Magic? It doesn't seem to be just some hocus-pocus for them. Apparently, Magic is for ponies the same thing what Science is for people: Unicorns study Magic in their magical schools. They learn how to wake up the magical energy in themselves and channel it through their bodies in a controlled manner. Only then they can use it in a predictable way to influence their surroundings (which is quite useful when you don't have any hands with fingers... "at hand" :-) ). And when they use Magic, they just exploit the laws which govern the Universe. Of course their magical abilities allow for deeper manipulations of matter, and in much more advanced level, than our scientists can do in our world. But as Arthur C. Clarke used to say:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."

The similarities of their Magic to our Science could be noticed from what they say about it and how. I especially recommend the 15th Episode "Feeling Pinkie Keen" (4:32), where Magic is contrasted with intuition and psychic abilities in the same way as we contrast Magic with Science in our world. Also, you can see in that episode that when Twilight is trying to examine Pinkie Pie's psychic abilities, she uses some strange-looking apparatus which looks more scientific than magical ;-J

This parallel between pony Magic and human Science becomes even more obvious when you notice that in the show, in many different places, there appear all kinds of geometrical diagrams and mathematical formulae, some of them related to Physics :-P Some of these formulae are very sophisticated. (I remind you that this is supposed to be a show for little girls. I didn't know that little girls are interested in physical formulae ;-J ). Below I will present many examples I've found in the show, from the most trivial, up to the most complicated formulae.

The Secret of Trigonometry

In the 23th Episode "Cutie Mark Chronicles", in which Twilight recalls her childhood, you can see the following scene:


But just behind the little Twi studying dusty old books of Magic, there's a poster on the wall. What is shown there and what does it have to do with Magic? This poster shows the secret of trigonometry: the unit circle, with the axes of Cartesian coordinate system. The circle is centered on its origin, where these axes meet. And this really is the secret of trigonometry! Because the Ancient Greeks inherited trigonometry from more ancient Babylonians, and they used it not only for calculating triangles -- its proper use and origin of this knowledge was Astronomy, and originally it was all about circles and rotations, not triangles (they're just a special case).

I often use nearly identical picture when I'm explaining the secrets of trigonometry to my students, because this allows me to connect all trigonometric functions, identities, relationship between them, and the values for most common angles in just this single picture:


If you understand and remember just this one picture, you'll never ever forget trigonometry, because if you do, you can just recall this picture and then all these relationships could be read from it at a glance :-> And this is better than roting the SOHCAHTOA (sorry bro, no pun intended ;-J ).

Below the unit circle, on the poster, you can see something which seems to be two right triangles, and below there is a sine wave, which is what you get when you project the motion of a point rotating around the circle, like casting a shadow:




It's good to see that Twilight is studying trigonometry in such an early stage of her life, because these things are really basic, and in our world, there's lots of misconceptions about them which causes people to not understand them well. And then it creeps into all further sciences they try to master. And it's also related to that idea of opposing forces, balancing, and harmonic motion (which, as you can see, is just a projection of circular motion).

A while later, we see another poster on a wall, behind Twi's parents:


But this is one of these "more sophisticated" ones, so I'll describe it later. This same diagram shows up more times in that episode. For example in the auditorium where Twi is examined by some teachers (along with still another diagram):


and again on the blackboard behind princess Celestia's head:


It's like someone is trying to shout: "Hey! Look at this! This is important!" by stuffing those pictures everywhere over and over. I'll start from the second one on the right, because it seems to me to be simpler to identify. But I'll do it in the next post, because I need to embed more images.


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  • Brohoof 19
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I'm posting, so that the genius can post. And suddenly, robots fall from the sky! Except they don't. And now, the main event: Another post!

I was dead until the moment I met you. I was a powerless corpse pretending to be alive. Living without power, without the ability to change my course, was akin to a slow death. If I must live as I did before then... -Lelouch, Code Geass - My NEW DeviantART: http://SilverStarApple.deviantart.com/Want to make money for being an AWESOME PONY? https://www.tsu.co/Epsilon725

My fanfic, starring Silver Star Apple: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/224996/the-shining-silver-star-of-the-apple-family

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's cool bro. Can't wait fer more :3


Circuits... no you know what. I was gonna say that you're annoying, and that pride, even when merited, is still a flaw. But I dunno, I think I would be much of a prick if I really said that. Eh, 's jus' that you sound snob. You probably didn't meant to sound that way.

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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The Cradle of Heliocentrism

The last image I've posted before (but I'll repeat it here for clarity's sake) shows three circles of different sizes, connected with tangent lines:




What could it be? I knew that I saw this before somewhere. And after quick looking through my notes I've found something which seems quite similar. Here it is:
This drawing appears in the manuscript of Aristarchos from Samos, who lived more than 200 years B.C. He studied in Alexandria and he dealt mostly with Mathematics and Astronomy. He was the first scholar known to us who claimed that it's the Sun which is the center of our Solar System, not the Earth, and that all other planets (including the Earth itself) orbits around the Sun. And all of it nearly 1000 years before Copernicus! :-o Well, even Copernicus himself had mentioned that he borrowed his heliocentric model from the works of the Ancient Greeks, which he studied carefully; Aristarchos' works were among them.

Aristarchos was also the first who measured (by a method of comparison) the mutual proportions between the Sun, Earth and Moon (these are those three circles on these pictures above), and used trigonometry to calculate the distances between them. (Why did he needed such data and what for, I wish I could know... :-P ). To obtain the data for these calculations, he used the phenomena called eclipses (solar and lunar). So let's talk about that now, because it's also present in the show.


The motifs concerning the eclipses are also very common in the ponydom. For example, in the Library in Ponyville, where Twilight stays, there are the following "decorations":
You can see them as just decorations, but the bunny won't be happy if you ignore what he urges you to see, so follow the damn white rabbit ;-) These "decorations" can be interpreted more literally:
See? Eclipses! Told ya! ;-)
Now try to play Aristarchos: can you figure out how to calculate the distance to the Sun and Moon from these? ;-) This can be tricky, but it's not impossible. After all, Aristarchos succeeded with it ;-)
Through time and space

The second of these posters behind the head of princess Celestia (and behind Twilight's parents), the one with several parallel lines going diagonally between some coordinate axes, is no more no less than a Minkowski's space-time diagram! :-o And it's not just a diagram -- it's the diagram: the one which depicts the infamous Twin Paradox from Einstein's Special Relativity theory, and the relativity of simultaneity:



This paradox is well known in Special Relativity, because it says that when one of two twin brothers will fly in a rocket with nearly the speed of light and then return to meet his brother on the Earth, then he will find his brother much older than himself, which is counter-intuitive.

As you can see, the spacetime diagram has been reproduced very carefully and in detail. It shows these parallel lines of simultaneity (the diagonals) meeting each other in one point; the orthogonal axes of time and space; and their respective labels.


These space-time questions return again in some other Episode from season 2, which is all about time travels! Here is the most stunning and most sophisticated screenshot from the show I've ever seen in MLP:FIM so far:




As you can clearly see, these equations are picture-perfect matched with those you can find on Wikipedia. This is real! I'm not making this up! These are the actual derivation of the formula for time dilation from the Lorentz's transformations! Anyone still believing that this is all for little girls? Yeah, right, I see how every little girl just can't wait to spot an error in time dilation formula from Special Relativity to make Einstein cry :-PPP  Now I just have to ask this question to @Jessper: are you still saying that I see what I want to see? ;-J


{Edit} Link to the next part

Edited by SasQ
  • Brohoof 16
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's cool bro. Can't wait fer more :3


Circuits... no you know what. I was gonna say that you're annoying, and that pride, even when merited, is still a flaw. But I dunno, I think I would be much of a prick if I really said that. Eh, 's jus' that you sound snob. You probably didn't meant to sound that way.

I have to admit... that kinda stings a little... even kinda makes me a little angry. Prince Blue Blood is snob. I've done nothing more then try and share my knowledge that has taken me the better part of six years to acquire. Because I loved the world enough to share all of this knowledge. I don't know what you think you believe about the world we live in but it's obviously not the same as I view.

  I don't mean to sound like a snob. But at what point are you going to see it from my point of view? The only possible way you could do that is to understand my story, what I learned, what happened and such. You can't tell me i havn't been trying if you've followed my posts from the beginning, or read my blog from beginning to end. Awareness really is everything. Are you basing my 'snobishness' solely on the posts in this thread. You know how many times i've felt the world really does deserve to die in fire? Plenty... but I still loved the world enough to try and break it all in slowly. But what do you do when you feel like the world isn't paying attention to anything and looking at the whole, big picture? Just keep pressing on... It's not about pride, never was. It was about knowledge and all I've ever tried to do was share it from the start. All I was saying was that you might upset a balance in the world that is attempting to right itself both on the physical plane and the divine plane. I don't want to see the world burn down. That's all.

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I have to admit... that kinda stings a little... even kinda makes me a little angry. Prince Blue Blood is snob. I've done nothing more then try and share my knowledge that has taken me the better part of six years to acquire. Because I loved the world enough to share all of this knowledge. I don't know what you think you believe about the world we live in but it's obviously not the same as I view.

  I don't mean to sound like a snob. But at what point are you going to see it from my point of view? The only possible way you could do that is to understand my story, what I learned, what happened and such. You can't tell me i havn't been trying if you've followed my posts from the beginning, or read my blog from beginning to end. Awareness really is everything. Are you basing my 'snobishness' solely on the posts in this thread. You know how many times i've felt the world really does deserve to die in fire? Plenty... but I still loved the world enough to try and break it all in slowly. But what do you do when you feel like the world isn't paying attention to anything and looking at the whole, big picture? Just keep pressing on... It's not about pride, never was. It was about knowledge and all I've ever tried to do was share it from the start. All I was saying was that you might upset a balance in the world that is attempting to right itself both on the physical plane and the divine plane. I don't want to see the world burn down. That's all.



'Ey, relax. As I said, I just read it that way. It's not that I think thats how you are, and this new post really proves you're not snob.


I'll be honest with you and just say: No way I'm reading your whole post. It's boring. And I only read what catches my attention. Now now, don't lose your head. Relax. I'm a lazy person that doesn't like putting much effort into anything, even thinking.


You really need to chill. I really didn't expect you to act like that. T'be honest, I don't want to understand your story, your view of the world, and all that complex philosophical stuff. And I'm also not going to judge you without understanding your story, your view of the world, and all that complex stuff. As I said in that first post, that's just how it sounded to me. You're not snob. It's just the way you talk (or, in this case, write) that made me think that. You're too philosophical for my tastes. I don't like using my head. The thing is, you take everthing way too seriously. I mean, if you don't, then how to justify the amount of text you wrote as an answer to me simply saying you kinda seemed snob in your one post I read? As I said before, and I'm gonna say again, you sounded snob. I was saying just that. For the same reasons the internet fails to conceive sarcasm, it sometimes makes your tone of voice seem like something it isn't.



@@SasQ, that's really cool. But did it end? Awwwwww D: My favorite part was the part about the kundalini.

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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'Ey, relax. As I said, I just read it that way. It's not that I think thats how you are, and this new post really proves you're not snob.


I'll be honest with you and just say: No way I'm reading your whole post. It's boring. And I only read what catches my attention. Now now, don't lose your head. Relax. I'm a lazy person that doesn't like putting much effort into anything, even thinking.


You really need to chill. I really didn't expect you to act like that. T'be honest, I don't want to understand your story, your view of the world, and all that complex philosophical stuff. And I'm also not going to judge you without understanding your story, your view of the world, and all that complex stuff. As I said in that first post, that's just how it sounded to me. You're not snob. It's just the way you talk (or, in this case, write) that made me think that. You're too philosophical for my tastes. I don't like using my head. The thing is, you take everthing way too seriously. I mean, if you don't, then how to justify the amount of text you wrote as an answer to me simply saying you kinda seemed snob in your one post I read? As I said before, and I'm gonna say again, you sounded snob. I was saying just that. For the same reasons the internet fails to conceive sarcasm, it sometimes makes your tone of voice seem like something it isn't.



@@SasQ, that's really cool. But did it end? Awwwwww D: My favorite part was the part about the kundalini.

I'm sorry. To put it in another way in simplistic form. SasQ understands it from a scientific perspective. I understand it from a spiritual perspective. It's the reason I see the word of God in MLP. Why do I see it? Because I really did find God. What does that mean? It means to spiritually "Meet your maker" on the spiritual level. A feat that took me 6 years. Is there a story to that? Yeah... the problem I've had since september is... how to tell that story. There's the story of what led me to find God. What happened when i found God... and what I learned from God... From whom we are and why everything is so out of whack mentally, physically and spiritually.  My problem... has always been; who's going to believe my story despite it being true... There's a science to spirituality which is also the truth. I had never believed nor picked up the bible until I found God. I'm no church preacher and as a matter of fact you'll never find me doing it either because modern religions (sorry religous folks) are so distorted with the "veangful" God based thinking I had little faith in people believing what i had to share. So the only thing I can do is share the whole thing on youtube. Speaking of... I should get back to work...

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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I don't want to see the world burn down.


♪I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart...♪


This thread may very well be beyond me. To all the people who claim they noticed these symbols, I have two theories on which to call:


  1. It's bullsh*t but good for you.
  2. You've spent time studying these concepts.

If the latter is the case, well, there are many different kinds of knowing. And I'm a lame goat.


Still I don't quite believe the creators and animators did these symbolically suggestive references on purpose, at least not all of them. Your research and dedication to this topic is phenomenal, though, SasQ. You get good grades, I bet. Send in your research to them guys at Hasbro Studios.


Oh, and SOCAHTOA and TwilightCircuits? I love it. I love every ounce of it. More interaction, I want to see more. I could pair you guys up on some magical quest, turn it into a paperback with five sequels, and become a bestseller. But I honestly don't think you meant to offend each other. Circuits, you came off as a little overbearing there, but you're honest so that's good. Keep up your quest in discovering truth.

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Honestly, I am just going to say that everything that you noticed there is really awesome, my simple mind would have never thought to dive so deep into all that and I must say, I am VERY impressed with everything you noticed in the show as a whole, it is awesome and I am DEFINITELY bookmarking this thread

I love it :D

  • Brohoof 1


Thank you Nas for the sig :3


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♪I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart...♪


This thread may very well be beyond me. To all the people who claim they noticed these symbols, I have two theories on which to call:


  1. It's bullsh*t but good for you.
  2. You've spent time studying these concepts.

If the latter is the case, well, there are many different kinds of knowing. And I'm a lame goat.


Still I don't quite believe the creators and animators did these symbolically suggestive references on purpose, at least not all of them. Your research and dedication to this topic is phenomenal, though, SasQ. You get good grades, I bet. Send in your research to them guys at Hasbro Studios.


Oh, and SOCAHTOA and TwilightCircuits? I love it. I love every ounce of it. More interaction, I want to see more. I could pair you guys up on some magical quest, turn it into a paperback with five sequels, and become a bestseller. But I honestly don't think you meant to offend each other. Circuits, you came off as a little overbearing there, but you're honest so that's good. Keep up your quest in discovering truth.



No! D:


I wouldn't survive with Circuits constantly rambling. And he thinks too much. And he takes things too seriously. And I dislike the "pair" idea. I'd rather work on a full team, with at least four people. Or alone, alone is good.


Also, I'm a bit reluctant on posting something thats completely irrelevant to the thread.

Blank Flank and proud.


Some Old Horses Can Always Hear Their Owners Approaching.


I can't believe out of all the things I did and said, not reaching the required amount of characters was what gave me a warning.

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*ingests all of the new found knowledge, wipes face with napkin


yum! That was a very good presentation, and I think all of them were accurate. You're very good at spotting and knowing these things, I think you should find more!

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♪I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart...♪


This thread may very well be beyond me. To all the people who claim they noticed these symbols, I have two theories on which to call:


  1. It's bullsh*t but good for you.
  2. You've spent time studying these concepts.

If the latter is the case, well, there are many different kinds of knowing. And I'm a lame goat.


Still I don't quite believe the creators and animators did these symbolically suggestive references on purpose, at least not all of them. Your research and dedication to this topic is phenomenal, though, SasQ. You get good grades, I bet. Send in your research to them guys at Hasbro Studios.


Oh, and SOCAHTOA and TwilightCircuits? I love it. I love every ounce of it. More interaction, I want to see more. I could pair you guys up on some magical quest, turn it into a paperback with five sequels, and become a bestseller. But I honestly don't think you meant to offend each other. Circuits, you came off as a little overbearing there, but you're honest so that's good. Keep up your quest in discovering truth.

Se3E09 Everyone sees spike running from the timber wolves, dives through a hole in a tree and falls right in front of Applejack... and then she mentions him sitting on treasure...

Call me crazy all you want but when i saw this scene, my mind said exactly this:


"For if the beast wishes to save themself from the wolves and seek holiness it will bow before the ponies. For the apple, jack, is not far from the tree of knowledge. For the beast sits atop all the wealth of the world."  *sigh* true story...

For I have saved your soul in the heavens, and now save it on the ground. - TwilighCelunaCircuits


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