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Another amazing piece AM <3



Oh, wow!! So amazing!! Whoever the artist is, should get paid 10 times for whatever they got paid for this!! It's so lifelike that I could just kiss her =^.^=

  • Brohoof 1

"Scarf? Check. Saddle? Check. Boots? Check. Spike refusing to get up and going back to sleep? Check. It's a good thing I'm so organized. I'm ready!" by Twilight Sparkle

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How does one describe who she is? I'll tell you in my own words about Rarity come with me? This is gonna be tough... Well here goes...


        Who is Rarity... Hmmm? 

  R. Rarity is a Lady.

   A. Alluring like diamonds or sapphires

   R. Rarity in name, Ravishing in Appearance

   I. Intelligent and intuitive she takes attention to detail. Which plays into her intellect. 

   T. True vision of beauty and generosity, which is her element. How can you not like her?

   Y. Y... You'd have to be crazy or blind to ignore that she's the best pony of MLP.



   After some digging I discovered that it's hard to find complimentary words that start with Y, hahaha. Okay, that (in my own words) is my take on Rarity of MLP FiM. Like if you agree. What words would you use to describe RARITY? Comment please I'm curious as to your picks? I don't care if you Google your words. I did trying to find a good Y word. Of the words that are nice complimentary words that is.


                                        - SuperBrony87



Edited by SuperBrony715
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                        Rarity: A Short Story by SuperBrony87

       One day, I met a lady. An ivory mare unicorn with a curly, glittery violet mane and she had a shiny polished horn. She was the pony, RARITY... Rarity, both in name and Rarity in her beauty, for whom which no pony else can rival. She looked at me and I was taken aback (blush), for she was attractive to the eyes, truly alluring. It was like gazing onto precious gems like diamonds or sapphires. various gems that sparkle in the light. I was suddenly aware that I was very much nervous from her gaze.
    Knowing that I am not a noble stallion or wealthy. Frankly the way she acted and carried herself. I felt unworthy to look upon such beauty and grace. Once, I got over that and snapped back to my senses. The she was still there before me. She didn't actually reject me straight out the gate nor did she turn away from me... I stayed and relaxed some. Once we got to talking, I took notice of how intelligent she truly was. Rarity was a lady of refine tastes and style, she liked to hold herself in high standards. Some might say she's selfish, snooty and a drama queen. I say she's not those things. She goes on to mention she's passionate about "generosity". Which is probably the exact opposite of selfish if you ask me.
     Afterwards, Rarity and I took a stroll and more was revealed to me... Like how insightful she was how she took notice of details which plays well into her chosen career as a fashion designer. I knew of her through magazines that she was in. I'm not one for women's fashion so when I say "Seen her in Magazines, that had her in them" I mean, I glanced them in the stacks of the store's magazine aisles shelves. However you don't need to be a mare to know that she is very talented in her work. I told her right off that and she was delighted... Whether it was the praise or the fact that she was getting mentions that she was in a magazine, as she has tried to get her face in magazines for years. Could be either or both. Who doesn't like receiving acknowledgement for your work? I know I do.

     So back to the story... We walked and talked and walked some more and as we kept on soon it was getting late and I told the fair Rarity that I'd like to see her tomorrow night for I had booked us tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala. She was elated when I mentioned The Gala she appears to really love it. I was even more elated that she agreed to my invitation. As I said aside from the fact I was doing my best to be of my absolute BEST behavior. I was still an average stallion... Tomorrow night.
    That night... I arrived at The Gala and made sure that I dare not be late for it is rude to keep a lady waiting and I knew that. She arrived and she looked at me and she smiled. I waited still then she walked over to me and we entered together. I held my passes out for the gate guard to see and permit us to enter. Then going in there was another door. I opened the door an let her pass a demonstration of my uh gentleness. The Gala was all impressively decked out with all the snazzy decors.
     Princess Celestia was overseeing the event herself, as she always does. Looking radiant as she always does. In my mind I thought Rarity was even more radiant tonite... and hoped dearly that she couldn't read minds... Wait! You mean she CAN?... oh boy, hehe, (gulp). Yet despite my sudden worries...

       I hoped that this night would go out splendidly for her. Then, I offered to get Rarity a drink from the snack bar with all the assorted goodies and the finest punch you'd see at these gigs, I hear that The Gala gets 3 star chefs to cater these gigs. The finest restaurants in all of Equestria. This is actually the first time I attended one of these... So like a proper gentleman pony that I was and hoped deeply that it was working on her. See, Rarity was a lady that you did not want to disappoint. Odds are you'll never get another chance with her.

     So when she agreed, "Oh yes please, thank you darling." She replied. I went and got her a drink from the snack table adorned with fancy foods and the finest liquids, I got a glass filled it with the drink then I walked back and carefully handed the glass to her. A spill on her fine dress would not farewell for me here. My worries aside when she takes the glass with her unicorn magic, the horn not even more shiny with a sapphire glow, it seemed to bring out her eyes as the glow what the blue like her eyes... 

      I waited a while, then soon I got the notion to ask her to a dance. Yet I would have not minded if she told me something or asked me. Ya know to give me a sign that she was willing or whatever, instead of me just suggesting things... You gotta time these things just right or everything could fall apart... She was a proper lady. The perfect gentleman, pony for a perfect lady. So I had all the moves, we danced and flowed around the dance hall giving a rather impressive performance while doing so. (If I do say so myself) I was hard determined not to screw this up with her. Which fueled my desire to make this night an absolute dream for her. Even if for one night that I could be her Stallion. This was gonna be quite the night to remember.


      Young was the night and our first dance ended. As the night went on, I could go for a few more round but why rush anything? So we stepped out for a spell and I led her out onto a balcony, then we looked out on the beautiful night sky above and I gave thanks to Princess Luna for such a display tonight. (I wonder if she heard me?) So moving on, me and her under that night sky with it on Rarity's eyes were magnificent. I was truly looking at such beauty that for a moment remembered the feeling from before that I was unworthy to even look at her. Yet here I was with her nonetheless, and the night was indeed going splendidly. Absolutely nothing could ruin this night. I probably should mention that she was not bored either. (BONUS!) 
      We got to talking again and that was nice too but I would have loved us just staying here in this moment and that it would just stand still. Gazing upon her and admiring her. Ah, the sheer wonder of a perfect night sky... Especially when the sky is reflected in her eyes. I want to kiss her but I withheld myself. Well, this IS our first date. If even there was to be more. A true gentlepony does not kiss on the first date... Even if the night goes so well. So magical, so perfect such as tonight.

    I must be absolutely sure when and where it is time to. maybe there will be more days, more nights to see what unfolds. Until then, I remain here in the moment with her... Rarity, the most beautiful, the most radiant pony in all of Equestria. To think this all started from a  chance meeting and to me. Surely, I am a lucky pony to have had such an experience.

Edited by SuperBrony715
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Rarity, Rarity, Rarity... What the very sound of your name rings in my ears when I think of you. Ode to the mare that everypony should know. Popularity thy name is Rarity. Behold Rarity in all her splendid beauty.



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Scrolling through this topic is so fabulous!  Aside from all the beautiful fanart, most everyone has lovely Rarity avatars and it's just THE BEST and just wanted to share that


good feels.   :D

Yours is ABSOLUTELY DIVINE! Crystal Pony Rarity is best pony! :D

  • Brohoof 2

*I am the master of my fate*


Huge thanks for Kyoshi for this wicked awesome signature! You rock, brother.

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Look me in the eye, and tell me this isn't fabulous:  :proud: 

(This one is my favorite dress)  :please: 



(Though also, RyaN, your OC in your avatar is one of the cutest pony OCs I've ever seen, just btw, really pretty.)




Thank You, that's very kind to you say!   :ooh:  :grin2:

Stay Fabulous MY FRIENDS!!  :=:

Edited by RyaN_
  • Brohoof 5

*I am the master of my fate*


Huge thanks for Kyoshi for this wicked awesome signature! You rock, brother.

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    I was out today and went in to get a simple soda. I look over in the aisle with the seasonal decorations. It was showing for Valentine's Day in January but then again they like to get the current holidays done then immediately set up for the next one...


  Anyways atop one of the shelves was MLP. I they were small, fuzzy, and the manes were actual hair. The problem was they weren't "show accurate". The one I got was Rarity of course. And her mane was tied into a pony tail but I am getting off track here. So her tail was not tied up and is actually a pony tail :P... So the reason I am writing this is those of you who "doctor up" your figures.

    How do you go about that without ripping out the hairs like a cheap Halloween mask? I took off the rubber band like bind to release her mane and there was strands of hair in the rubber band. I fear if I try to "mess" with the hair, that it will fall out. Needless to say I got a new MLP merchandise and I'm thinking of starting up a collection. I don't even know if I'll look towards the other Mane Six... BTW Pinkie Pie's mane was probably the most accurate of the six. It was also really big and made up that it looked like Pinkie Pie's hair got way frizzy and messy. It was also glittery. 


  This is a pic of the figure I bought. Which wasn't that much different than the larger one you've seen me post a while ago. 

  Anyways I Googled her and here it is. Well I guess they fixed up the photo ones because mine looks like Rarity in the rain. 



  • Brohoof 2
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    I was out today and went in to get a simple soda. I look over in the aisle with the seasonal decorations. It was showing for Valentine's Day in January but then again they like to get the current holidays done then immediately set up for the next one...


  Anyways atop one of the shelves was MLP. I they were small, fuzzy, and the manes were actual hair. The problem was they weren't "show accurate". The one I got was Rarity of course. And her mane was tied into a pony tail but I am getting off track here. So her tail was not tied up and is actually a pony tail :P... So the reason I am writing this is those of you who "doctor up" your figures.

    How do you go about that without ripping out the hairs like a cheap Halloween mask? I took off the rubber band like bind to release her mane and there was strands of hair in the rubber band. I fear if I try to "mess" with the hair, that it will fall out. Needless to say I got a new MLP merchandise and I'm thinking of starting up a collection. I don't even know if I'll look towards the other Mane Six... BTW Pinkie Pie's mane was probably the most accurate of the six. It was also really big and made up that it looked like Pinkie Pie's hair got way frizzy and messy. It was also glittery. 


  This is a pic of the figure I bought. Which wasn't that much different than the larger one you've seen me post a while ago. 

  Anyways I Googled her and here it is. Well I guess they fixed up the photo ones because mine looks like Rarity in the rain. 



Also I think she has purple eyes... Her hair is purple. I think these guys over looked that. At first I thought it was just purple being viewed through a brown plastic bag as I was smuggling her to my car. (I paid for it don't worry) (The discreet must be upheld for some are not ready to learn of my Bronyness) but at a closer looked later on once compared to my larger Rarity plush shows her eyes are blue. This fuzzy little one indeed has purple eyes. Like they thought I wouldn't notice. Anywho... I don't think I'm gonna mess with her hair and just leave her as she is. Looking all "caught out in the rain". 

Edited by SuperBrony715
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Hey guys, I used to on here quite regularly around two years ago, but only decided to come back around a week ago.

It's nice to see Rarebear still has her fans on here :)


Anyway, this is my first ever drawing of best pony. I'm somewhat happy with how it turned out, but as you can see, I suck at shading. 



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