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I'm back from Otakuthon!


Firstly, more mlp loot:



So a Rarity flask, a rarity small glass and a 20% cooler shirt.


I lost my octavia macaron though. I had all of them on my backpack, but I guess this one got dislodged...  :(


Anyway, after getting my shirt, I got changed and went back. I've gotten several brohooves from random people at the con.


The gender, sexuality and shipping panel was fun. When people were saying their favourite shippings, I almost said Rarighost  :please:


After the panel, a guy that was there too approached me and told me I had a nice shirt. We then spoke about how we became bronies (funny thing, our first experience was the Starscream vs RD death battle  :confused:  ). We ended up talking for a while going around. We eventually stopped in front of the convention center and continued talking. At one point, I think were talking about favorite ponies or something and a guy who was smoking outside came to see us. Turns out they're both RD fans. We talked for a good 3 hours about the show, Hasbro C&Ding stuff, Fluffle puff, Button Mash and other things...


Really great time.


Going back tomorrow for MLP: Fandom is Magic.


Oh and guess what I emptied at that artist booth?







So 5 Rarity and a AJ (yes I thought of AJ after and went back to see the artist for a 3rd time). Who's interested? I doubt there would be shipping fees as it fits in kinda regular envelopes...


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So 5 Rarity and a AJ (yes I thought of AJ after and went back to see the artist for a 3rd time). Who's interested? I doubt there would be shipping fees as it fits in kinda regular envelopes...

I'm always down for Rarity merch :D What price are you talking here?

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So 5 Rarity and a AJ (yes I thought of AJ after and went back to see the artist for a 3rd time). Who's interested? I doubt there would be shipping fees as it fits in kinda regular envelopes...

I would say yes, but firstly is the shipping to germany going the be a pain in the plot and secondly i feel that i have exhausted all my generosity points in this year already... Already got a really great gift, and i don't want to be greedy... :muffins:


The Rarity race is the master race. 


attachicon.gifVS colored as Rarity.png


attachicon.gifKrystal rarified.png



The mare is the ponysona of one of my friends, Krystal. That ones is not mine.

They look really fabulous. :pout:


There is just something about Raritys colour scheme, it is just sooooo perfect.

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White and purple go really good together, don't they? :pout:

Indeed my friend... Indeed...post-25189-0-34198200-1406310453.png


The contrast of her long, flowing, deep, royal purple mane with her soft, pristine, pearl white coat. The little blue accents that are her sparkling, sapphire blue eyes and her divine, sensual butt diamonds.


In my opinion there is nothing that could improve her appeareance... She is flawlessly designed... How very fitting that the greatest artist in the show is herself a piece of art. A masterpiece.post-25189-0-49312700-1406113657.png

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I have the perfect idea for a Rarity/Sweetie Belle episode!


Rarity and Sweetie Belle's cousin comes to Ponyville to visit. She's a painter. Sweetie Belle finds out that her cousin will charge 50 bits, but she will give her a cutie mark. Sweetie Belle decides that her friends should get cutie marks, too, so she steals 150 bits from Rarity. Their cousin paints the cutie marks on the CMC. Soon, Rarity finds out her bits were missing and finds out that Sweetie Belle stole the money. Rarity knew her cousin did not usually charge ponies that high of a price. She confronted both Sweetie Belle and her cousin about stealing. Sweetie Belle stole by taking the money. Their cousin stole by overcharging Sweetie Belle.


It's a terrible idea, isn't it?

That's actually not to bad of an idea... But the cousin's name should totally be Toola-Roola! :D
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Our lovely little beauty is not only gorgeous, smart, talented and generous, but eceptionally brave. :proud:


She proved this again and again, may it be by kicking an enraged manticore in the face.



Boldly tryin to use her charms on a foul-tempered dragon.



And being willing to pick up a fight against his relatives to protect her friends.



There are many more occasions she showed how courageous she is... Stepping in front of an audience and important designer that she knew abhorred the dresses she made for the mane6. Standing at the side of her friends in front of the canterlot elite. Defying the great beast, that she did not know was Spike, that was about to raze Ponyville. Beating changelings into submission. Being willing to let an untested spell to be cast upon her. And much, much more.


She looks like the fragile, rare, beautiful blossom that she is, but she has the heart of a lioness. And the claws of one too, it it is necessary...



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Good morning everypony.


As if by magic, I finished my Raridream last night :D Rarity and I essentially became boyfriend and girlfriend. However, Sweetie Belle hated me for quote "stealing her big sister," and she tried to sabatoge our relationship (seems out of character, doesn't it?)

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Me! :D I need some fabulosity in my room! (My parents won't let me buy anything, especially MLP related things if they even sell here. :pout:)


I checked the price to ship to Vietnam and it's barely more than shipping to Texas. It could be done. It's probably gonna take forever though with regular mail  :please:


I would say yes, but firstly is the shipping to germany going the be a pain in the plot and secondly i feel that i have exhausted all my generosity points in this year already... Already got a really great gift, and i don't want to be greedy... :muffins:


Actually, it sounds pretty simple as it is regular mail and not parcel delivery. If I can send to Vietnam, Germany is no problem!  :D


OK, I still have 2 Rarity and a AJ to give if the other 3 goes along...


Who's next?



EDIT: How and I just checked for the time: Usually under 4 days for Canada, 4 to 6 days for US people, 4 to 6 WEEKS for everyone else :please:  Can't do better or I'll have to charge you for the express thingy.

Edited by GlowingFlask
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Good morning everypony.
As if by magic, I finished my Raridream last night :D Rarity and I essentially became boyfriend and girlfriend. 

Seems like you had truly gorgeous morning then.post-25189-0-81299700-1405956169.png


Could there be a more beautiful dream?


Well, apart from Sweeties role in it of course... :muffins: But thats a minor price to pay for a dream in which you are the beloved of the most, best, gorgeous pony. :pout:





Another picture of our most beloved queen!


Like i already said, she has the heart of a lioness, and she would never let her subjects suffer. :proud:


Every enemy, no matter how terrifying and unfabulous, would have to answer to her for his crimes! For the prosperity of her subjects and her realm is one of her highest goals. A truly gorgeous, capable, generous and valorous ruler.post-25189-0-79425100-1406301242.png

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Sorry the fabulosity posting has been sporadic ... its been a hectic weekend of family activities. (Good kind)


Good morning Rarity Fan Club






OK, I still have 2 Rarity and a AJ to give if the other 3 goes along.


If you still got one left I'm game kind sir. :please:

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