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I have a weird personality. Very strong tendencies toward Rarity, as well as Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle...and I can definitely see that. I'm not into fashion, but I have a great appreciation for aesthetics and fabulous things in general! (Including, of course, Rarity herself.)  :D

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I have a weird personality. Very strong tendencies toward Rarity, as well as Fluttershy and Twilight Sparkle...and I can definitely see that. I'm not into fashion, but I have a great appreciation for aesthetics and fabulous things in general! (Including, of course, Rarity herself.)  :D

Probably showed this one a thousand times already in this thread, but this is mine.
Im pretty happy with it.post-25189-0-38363300-1413723863.png

I seem to be the Anti-Dash though. Not that i have anything about her, i rather like her, like i do all the mane6, but i really am nothing like her in real life... at all...


Also, Fluttershy approves that my test is a butterfly! :kindness:

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I've probably said this before but I think Rarity has the best voice of the Mane 6. It makes me wonder where did Rarity get her accent from?



I agree, she does have a marvelous voice. That goes for her singing voice as well!  :D 

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I've probably said this before but I think Rarity has the best voice of the Mane 6. It makes me wonder where did Rarity get her accent from?

Its so true!post-25189-0-38363300-1413723863.png

She has a voice that is more gorgeous than a whole choir of angels... The most lovely songbird could not hope to compete with her!post-25189-0-98096400-1405937731.png






As for her adorable accent, as far as i know she cultivated it herself to distance herself from the rather country twang of her parents... Who dont sound very fabulous...


Its not like she fakes her accent, but she rather trained herself so that it became her true one. Rarity is very genuine. And we saw in the past how terrible she is at trying to be someone she is not... So if she that would not be her true accent, she would for sure slip into her old one if she got excited or worried.

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Reposting this one because I love it!



# Selfie Rarity... on her it works :D

# Selfie Rarity... on her it works :D

Mainly cause she's not holding it out like a selfie... She looks so not crappy in this pose too... That's why it works. :D

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I imagine this picture takes place in a fancy restaurant.






You invited the gorgeous unicorn to a romantic dinner, and settled down in a remote corner of the etablishment, so that you two can share these tender and private moments alone and undisturbed. You two try to decide what to eat, but you can hardly focus on the menu, and keep your thoughts and gazes from another. Its like an invisible power that forces you two into staring longingly into each others faces. And you almost forget the time and your surroundings as you dive deeply into the calm, sapphire pools that are Raritys eyes.


You wish this moment would never end...

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The art style is pretty weird, but I really gotta dig the general quality of the picture here :D Especially because Rarara looks so pwetty with her wittle umbrealla and old style dress :wub:



I'm thinking this picture she dressed beautifully in Canterlot Wedding. :)



But with an umbrella, if it rains: yes. She had invited to Canterlot. :D

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Not even the Fire Ruby can compete with the sheer beauty and loveliness of the jewel that is fair Rarity... She who is the rarest gem imagineable...


Am i the only one that would totally love it if she would wear glassess like that constantly? Looks pretty classy... and very, very alluring...post-25189-0-84775000-1405868619.png


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Busy Jeric is busy. So much planning to do in so many aspects of my life. I posted this in another spot, but I really think it fits more here. 




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I imagine this picture takes place in a fancy restaurant.






You invited the gorgeous unicorn to a romantic dinner, and settled down in a remote corner of the etablishment, so that you two can share these tender and private moments alone and undisturbed. You two try to decide what to eat, but you can hardly focus on the menu, and keep your thoughts and gazes from another. Its like an invisible power that forces you two into staring longingly into each others faces. And you almost forget the time and your surroundings as you dive deeply into the calm, sapphire pools that are Raritys eyes.


You wish this moment would never end...

Like for real? Or r.p.? Cause the invitation looks legit. and I'm down for any party or social gathering. Show my gentleman to the Rarity's of the room.

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Ive been meaning to make myself a Rarity avatar, it's just with so many wonderful pictures of her it's so hard to choose just one DX


I second you on that my friend, internet is just overflowing with beautiful creations and new is coming constantly. Choosing just one from the there to represent the ultimate shine and beauty of her character is not an easy job



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Rarity Prism Power??




Oh my goodness, that is so pretty!



Generous Diamond Power Make Up!


Beautiful Heart Power Make Up!


Fabulous Prism Power Make Up!


Fabulous Diamond Power Make up!


Generous Gem Power Make Up! (I think this one's the best)

Edited by ~SillyShy~
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Rarity at the bridge...being pretty :pout:




Does she ever not be pretty? She just always seems pretty to me. I dunno, I just really get the impression that her pretties are at max pretties when normally pretties would be at minimal pretties, maybe even absolute 0 pretties :confused:



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No pictures, just a random question.


Would you take a Rarity plush to a convention with you? Maybe the mall to show her the stores since she likes fashion?


I think that'll be a fabulous experience.

Edited by CC_Maud_Pie
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Ode to Rarity

You could make anyone swoon

With your coat as pure as the moon

And your elegant, gazing eyes

Which are as blue as the skies

And your silky, violent mane

Which looks great in sun or rain

And a voice full of purity and passion

And your love of beauty and fashion

You're all I need when I'm lonely

Rarity, you are the best pony



...I have no idea. XD

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