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Sad moments


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I have too many sad moments. i will start with just one.

The ending to Final Fantasy X.
We already know that tidus is a dream made by the fayth but yuna falls in love with him thinking he's real but when he starts dissapearing i cried. Also finding out Auron, the most badass FF character since Cloud, was really an unsent soul.

R.I.P. Lord Bababa and Harmonic Revelations

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Even though I never was a huge fan of the Harry Potter series, Hedwig's death was incredibly sad. 

The first book too make me cry probably was Silverstream's death in the Warriors book Forest of Secrets. I felt horrible for Graystripe's character and it was probably the most depressing death scene in the entire series, even worse than Firestar's death itself.

When Stan and Wendy broke up in South Park, I felt insanely depressed afterwards too.

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First off, I am a guy and I have cried during a lot of different movies, TV shows, anime, and a few times during games. Now here are some parts that were sad. (I don't know how to use Spoiler thing so read mine if you want.)


Wreck It- Ralph

My top sad scene would be from Wreck It-Ralph, when Ralph smashes Vanellopes car and she beings him to stop. The heart breaker was when she said, "Your are a bad guy." and ran off crying. That just hurt to watch that.



A really sad moment in Digimon, was when Wizardmon scarified himself to save Kari and Gatomon from Myotismon attack. It was also sad in season 2 when Wizardmon comes back and worsens Gatomon and when they try and touch each other Gatomon hand goes right threw him. Showing Wizardmon can't come back. Thinking about that part just brings tears to my eyes.


Clannad and Clannad After Story

It's one of the saddest animes. No words needed for those who have seen it. Mostly every episode is sad.

Other animes like it are Air, Angle Beasts.



In episode 19 we learn about the Ghost Girl Sayo. We find out after she dies that her sister wrote on a stone tablet and asked for her to come back. Better if you watch it to understand that part.


There are pronely more, but I can't think of any more. So I may put more up later in time.


Made by Gone ϟ Airbourne

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whenever someone mentions sad the first thing that comes to my mind is the anime "Clannad: After Story" and the sad part in which I cried is when Ushio and Tomya are in the flower field and Tomoya asks Ushio if its ok to be with him.



Edited by BoffinMexican
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  1. Bobby's death from supernatural (7.10 "death's door")
  2. Bobby's reaping from supernatural (7.23 "survival of the fittest")
  3. Sam's death in supernatural (2.21 "all hell breaks loose part 1")
  4. Dean's death in supernatural (3.16 "no rest for the wicked")
  5. John's corpse has to be burned from supernatural (2.2 "everybody loves a clown")
  6. When John comes back from hell to help Sam and Dean in supernatural (2.22 "all hell breaks loose part 2")
  7. Before Sam went to hell in supernatural (5.22 "swan song")
  8. Walt's death in Gran Torino
  9. Emily's reaping in Corpse bride
  10. Rita's death in dexter (4.12 "the getaway")
  11. Brian/Rudy's death (1.12 "born free")
Edited by Victor van Dort

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The Underland Chronicles is full of heartbreaking moments, especially the final book. The author's much more popular follow-up series, The Hunger Games (you know, the one with the blockbuster four-movie series happening), is supposedly "more" violent and gruesome and "mature" but is still less heartbreaking in my opinion.
And this exchange in AKIRA:
"Something seemed strange about him the moment I saw his face. It's odd, he  was wearing what looked like a white hospital gown--He acted like a different person! x asked him, if he was really y or if he was someone else, and then he... x why?


And all the dialogue after that, especially when Kaneda crashes x-character's bike implying that he is "killing"/destroying one of the departed's major possessions so it can be in any sort of afterlife with him, whatever that may be.

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Ummmmmmm sad?  You want sad?  





Still not depressed (do you not have a soul?), Fine.



A bit more obscure without know what it is,  but if neither of those got to you,  and you know what Watership Down is


I'm so sorry


Yeah, Littlefoot's mom dying was pretty bad, but Artax's death was more creepy than sad for me.  Watership Down is just pure nightmare fuel.



You think you've seen sad things? Watch this and you'll cry your heart out...





I'm not sure how it hits me, I just start crying hysterically. Maybe I'm over-sensitive.

Oh crap, now I'm being bombarded by all the feels in existence.

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Optimus Prime's death in Transformers: the Movie from the 80s


Mordin's Death in Mass Effect 3


Garrus' Death in ME2, which I could've prevented


There's more that I can't think of right now, and each one makes me tear up inside

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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Anyone remember Wall-E? Well, the airlock scene, oh god. I love the touch of the Wall-A's stopping their work to give the other robots some space, and some light.


The only video I could find of that scene. Quality's actually pretty good for something that isn't taken from a capture card or uploaded directly.

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The whole Anime Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day. The whole plot is super depressing and when you get to the end you will cry buckets.

Agreed. First time I cried from any show in a long time.


Although, the most memorable is the first (and only) time I cried from the ending to a novel series. It was the Inheritance Cycle, and the ending, although somewhat expected, was tear-jerking in my opinion. Mostly because of the things that could have been, etc.

“In a world filled with misery and uncertainty, it is a great comfort to know that, in the end, there is a light in darkness.”

My OC: http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/autumn-dusk-r5274


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~Spoilers, Spoilers, Spoilers Galore! Brought to you by Spoilers Ltd.~


When Wilson floats away in Cast Away. You might think that to be strange, "Wait, the vast amount of times it's been used humorously to try and lighten up a case of loss on the internet, it shouldn't be THAT sad." Well, the true sadness of this scene isn't appreciated enough. It has to be the most emotional scene I've ever seen - it's not just the fact that the guy Chuck loses a friend of four years to the vast open ocean, but it's how Wilson is an inanimate object - Chuck is absolutely devastated and tearful about losing Wilson, and that's when you realise all the suffering he's endured on the desert island and how the isolation has turned his mind into dependency upon anything remotely communicable.


I won't be ashamed to admit it - when the camera showed Chuck's solitary raft, out in the open sea, with him all alone and with his one friend lost, with him just lying there crying his eyes out... I did shed a tear. :'3

Edited by Flipturn
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  • 2 weeks later...

Let me think...


- The first of those was in the novel "My Friend Flicka", which I read when I was 7 or so. Ironically it's basically a story about the love between a boy and a pony :lol:  . I hardly remember what actually happened...


- The ending of the anime "Wolf's Rain":


The protagonists die, one after another....



- The wonderful novel "Das Drachentor", which means "The Dragongate" in english, however, it's not been translated as far as I know. A shame!


The protagonist tried to free the dragons from human slavery, but due to the complications instead brings their end himself... they fade into unreality, and with them his girlfriend (who's an elf). But he get's his chance to go with them in the very end.



- My Little Dashie


That's just what comes to my mind right now, I'm sure I could think about more.

"I don't have ships, I have an armada!" ~ unknown

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When Ash let Butterfree go.
And when he almost lost Pikachu. 'Time to say goodbye' chokes me up every time.
The Fox and The Hound when Widow Tweed had to give up Todd.
Oliver and Company..the opening when he wasn't picked out of his siblings.

Look in my eyes...what do you see?

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I can imagine thousands, but since i just came from the halo wiki, and i just looked at a crap ton of halo stuff, i'm feeling a halo feeling. So...
Maybe when Cortana sacrifices herself to save Master Chief and save Humanity. I have no idea how to enable spoilers.

Quack. Totally a Ducklett.


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Well, there are several moments movies, games, anime's, etc.


Gears of war 3


Dom's death. I was already spoiled about Dom's death, but when it finally happened, I still found it really sad. It's the way it was done. The way it was shot, the music, Marcus' reaction. That moment when you see in Marcus' eyes, that he knows what Dom is doing, but just can't believe that it is happening.



Mass Effect trilogy


The choices you have to make. The emotion that is evoked from playing these games. There are several sad and emotional moments in these games. Near the end of Mass Effect 2, when Kelly died, I was just in shock and emotions went wild. It was horrible to see her die the way she did. I couldn't believe it. She literally gets ground up to death. Mass Effect 3, seeing the ship that the boy was on get destroyed, almost losing Ashley, watching Tali jump and commit suicide, finally getting together with Ashley only for Shepard to make the ultimate sacrifice in the end, leaving her alone. This series is an emotional roller coaster. It's been so long since I played the first mass effect, so I can't remember much.



Metal Gear Solid 4


Another game that is an emotional roller coaster. So much emotion, so much sorrow. Everything came to an end for Snake. Moments such as Naomi's death as Otacon watched. And of course the ending. The short movie length ending. When Snake attempted suicide, when he finally met his father only to have him die right in front of him. And then Otacon shedding tears when everyone is wondering where Snake is. Implicating that Snake got to live out the rest of his days, eventually dying. At least that's what I got from the ending.



Fullmetal Alchemist and Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood


Two scenes, in both of them. The funeral of Maes Hughes, when his daughter didn't understand that her father was never coming back. And then, The Night the Chimera Cried. All I can say is it is a very sad moment at the end of that episode. When Nina's father uses alchemy to fuse her and their dog together to create a talking Chimera. And the way they did the voice for her, and what happened to her, was heartbreaking. In Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, these scenes come quicker because Brotherhood is under the assumption that everyone has seen Fullmetal Alchemist already. I would watch Fullmetal Alchemist first, as you get to spend more time with these characters, and it makes it all the more heartbreaking to see their fates.



This is all I can think of right now.

Edited by Mr. Dash

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  • 2 weeks later...

The movie "Terms of Endearment" always gets me.



While Emma is dying, her eldest son Tommy is acting all aloof and resentful. Emma basically leaves a message for him in his own memory. Almost yelling at him, she tells him that he can't hide it, she knows that he loves her.



Robert Heinlein's book "Time Enough for Love" has a segment called "The Tale of the Adopted Daughter" I've read that book several times. It's one of my very favorites from my favorite author. I time myself though. Each time I read it over the years, I time it so I can finish "Tale of the Adopted Daughter" in private. I can not finish it without crying my eyes out.



How would it feel to be immortal, and know that your one true soul mate WASN'T?



The end of the anime series "Outlaw Star"



Gene Starwing could have been granted literally anything the human mind could possibly ever imagine. He could have become more powerful than a GOD! He saved the woman he loved instead.



One single line in David Tennant's last episode of "Doctor Who"



"I don't want to go!"




                Thank you Sparklefan1234!!!



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  • 3 months later...

If you're talking about tears of joy sad, Aslans' death and resurrection. If you did't feel anything at that sense, then your really need to loosen up.

For the moved by the friendship sad, anything that has to do with Frodo and Sam when they aren't battling or traveling. Seriously, I cry every single time I read that part It's even on my FImFiction.net page. And I'm not even that big a Tolkienknight.

For the sad sad...er, the ending to Explorers of Sky if that counts.

A tearjerker that's bound to happen? I'm getting HP soon, and I accidnatlly found out that Fred died. Yeah, I think I'm gonna cry when I read that part.

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Definitely what OP mentioned. I remember watching the movie years ago, and it was the first time I shed rivers of tears at the end of any movie.


I've yet to read the book so please forgive me, but I cried through half the movie "Life of Pi." The sense of loneliness, his relationship to the tiger and how the two of them basically grew dependent on each other to survive after the shipwreck, and especially when the two of them were separated, it was as if watching Pi losing half of his very existence at that very moment.

And Iroh's tale in "The Tales of Ba Sing Se" still makes me cry. When he sings the song to a child in the street, and then sings THE SAME SONG on his son's grave which he couldn't possibly have been able to visit for so many years seeing as it was in the Earth Kingdom......I couldn't imagine how much pain it must've been for him not to be able to honor his dead son for so long and manage to do so after seeking refuge in the city he once tried to conquer. There's so much going on in those 10 minutes that just thinking about it almost makes me cry T_T

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I can imagine thousands, but since i just came from the halo wiki, and i just looked at a crap ton of halo stuff, i'm feeling a halo feeling. So...


Maybe when Cortana sacrifices herself to save Master Chief and save Humanity. I have no idea how to enable spoilers.

I scanned the entire thread for a post about this.





Luckily I was home alone when I finished the game, so nobody witnessed it.

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