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Derpy Fan Club


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I want derpy to stay for EVERRRRRRR .


i saw this and felt that i had to share it.

I want derpy to stay for EVERRRRRR



soo CUTE ^^ can't beat Ditzey Doo!

awww bless ,derpy is so cute

Derpy = Best pony. And the voice makes it even more perfect.


Derpy = Best pony. And the voice makes it even more perfect.

yes derpys voice is just perfect, and so cute , bless our lovely derpy

Why give her a cloud to work with at all?

Oh derpy, you so silly.

She was hired to help fix it, but screwed it up even more.

Derpy's gonna derp c:

the town hall was a wreck anyway and  it was falling to bits , it shows that when derpy all she did was bump into a pilla and sit down hard , woudlnt of happened to a sound building, not derpys fault there , bless her for trying to help :muffins:  :derp:

I know, I know. You have been waiting for this your entire life. Here it is!!


Derpy is a background character In My Little Pony:Friendship is Magic. She was shown first in Friendship is Magic, Part 1. She is seen delivering mail and eating muffins. She is very loved by many bronies.

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Derpy fan art -



oh yes oh yes , i love derpy , she has a big warm place in my heart :muffins:

  • Brohoof 1
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I searched around and was surprised to see that there's no specific "Is Derpy offensive?" type thread.  I thought there would have plenty of those, but I didn't see one.  I love her, so I'm just going to throw my two cents in here.


I was pretty late to the whole brony scene.  I missed every party.  I never got around to talking about this, I'd like to do so now.  I was thrilled when I first saw Derpy talk, but the first time I saw it when on the season 2 dvds a few months ago.  Naturally, I just thought that that was the original scene.  I never knew that Rainbow had actually called her by name, and that Derpy originally had a more derpy voice.  I saw the original scene on youtube, and I loved it way more.  It's tragic that it had to be changed.


I've never once thought that she's offensive.  This whole fiasco was asinine, imho.  Derpy is a wonderful character, and there was nothing offensive about her.  As always, it's just people that loved to get offended by everything, and want to censor everything.  I know, just cover your tv in gorilla tape.  That's the only way they'll ever be happy.


I'm sure this has all been discussed at length (but, you know, I didn't see a topic, so idk?), so I'll keep this fairly brief.  Many saw her as an insult.  I only ever saw her as a endearing champion for overcoming mental illness and being accepted despite it.  Here's the biggest issue for me--I believe that removing or censoring her sends a far worse message.  It tells children that if you're disabled or have a speech impediment, you're unacceptable and must be removed.  You have no place here.  Only perfect ponies allowed.  That's what her censorship says.  It would have been so much better to include her, make a her a regular side character, (like Zecora, for example) and show her being accepted despite her condition.


But here's another thing that really grinds my gears--why pick on Derpy and not so many other characters?  Lots of fictional characters are dumber than a bag of hammers, and many are made out to be mentally disabled in some way, but nobody cares.  How about Patrick Star?  Derpy's offensive, but he's not?  He sounds/acts much stupider than her.  How about Ralph Wiggum?  He obviously has problems.  A severe learning diability at the very least.  I've never heard any rants about him.  And it's not like they take him seriously and make a joke out of Derpy.  They're all comedies.  Apparently Derpy's voice was suppose to be offensive, right?  How about Jim Carrey in the Cable Guy?  Shouldn't he be offensive to people that really have a lisp?  And here's the most obvious question: how in the name of Zeus's BUTTHOLE...is Derpy offensive, but Snips and Snails are not?  Those two are f*cking morons.  Especially the tall one.  (Snails, I think?)  His voice is far more stupid sounding than Derpy's was.  He's basically more like Patrick Star.  Is that why they're not offensive?  Because they're exaggerated?  Was Derpy offensive because she was a little too realistic sounding?  I just don't get it.  I mean, my stance is that none of them are offensive.  This whole debate is ridiculous.  I'm just trying to understand the logic here.  But I suppose it's a fool who looks for any kind of logic in the behavior of humans.  In my opinion, if you're going to call Derpy offensive, you might as well call Karl from Sling Blade offensive.  (And I'm sure some people say that, too.  F*cking ridiculous.)


Derpy is wonderful.  I was thrilled to see her in Rainbow Falls.  Was that her first appearance since The Last Roundup?  Think so.  One last thing: a lot of folks say things like "RIP canon Derpy," or "it's so sad that Derpy is no longer canon."  That's just not true.  It doesn't matter that they censored her scene.  We all know that her name is Derpy.  That's what Hasbro wanted to do, that's what they decided and intended, and that's what they did.  It's forever canon, end of discussion.  No takey backsies.  They simply had to remove it to avoid having a mob storm their offices with torches and pitchforks.  It wasn't what Hasbro wanted.  We know the truth.  She will always be Derpy Hooves.


I'm sure everyone has seen this already, but I want to share it anyway.  I just love this.


  • Brohoof 1


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I was too very puzzled, when i read first time about that derpy case. Here, on ex soviet countries some people kidding about tolerance in US. Like "in a good american movie must among the good heroes a african, a gay, a overweight people" etc. In Soviet Union was not any minorities, homosexualism was crime; different skin colours was part of "friendship of all nations" ideology. And showing a disabled pegasus are OFFENSIVE???? :o


Some people here tells me that theme of minorities in US are duplicitous: gays, africans and fatties are accepted minorities, disabled people and amerindians not accepted. Im not belive that, that sounds so silly. :/


I feel that derpy case was attempt to earn easy money due lawsuits by some greedy people. Like in Piranha Club Comics what are so funny :D

  • Brohoof 1

high octane nightmare fuel

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Derpy is so close to becoming my favourate pony,  Derpy is so sweet and so cute , I want her to stay just the way she is  and want to see much more of her , :muffins:  :derp:



soo CUTE ^^ can't beat Ditzey Doo!




soo CUTE ^^ can't beat Ditzey Doo!

OMG this is cute beyond word , bless this cute little filli

  • Brohoof 1
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She needs more muffin


That's definitely one way of looking at it but have you thought about that the meanings of a word can change according to how most people come to use the word? Point: the word 'gay' used to mean excitedly happy and very cheerful. Now, because of how it's been used so much, it means someone who is a homosexual.


'Derpy' or 'derp' doesn't have to mean something hurtful, insulting or negative. If that word is used enough to mean something or someone who's cute' adorable, loveable, sweet, fun then that's the meaning the word will eventually have. Think about that.

  • Brohoof 1



"Theological debates are great for intellectual children since they require absolutely no facts!"

- Mary Hawking, older sister of Stepehen Hawking.

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Shame she doesn't get more screen time and a speaking role. Removing her original voice and altering his eyes is surely more offensive?

He looks at modern stuff too if your curious! img-31871-1-img-31871-1-biggrin.png


Huge thanks to DanishToenails for my profile picture!

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Muscle Man shows off one of his famous jokes to Derpy. :lol:



  • Brohoof 1

All my life needed was a sense of someplace to go. I don't believe that one should devote his life to morbid self-attention. I believe that someone should become a person like other people.

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I miss that little screw up! ( cries ) come on hasbro bring her back please !!

this power is mine! It is my light. In brightest day or blackest night! I lay claim to all that falls with my sight!! To take what I want that is my right!
Fear the power of avarice. It consumes all who dare touch it.

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