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A thread already exists for the purposing of discussing the upcoming fourth season, so I have merged your thread into it. It's usually a good idea to use the search function to make sure your topic is not already being discussed.

Happy minion of The Fabulous One!


Signature by Midnightive

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They should make a episode called "Battle for Equestria" in the next Season. They kill off Discord (I see no point of him even being on the show) -no offense if you actually read that Discord. And we see Celestia and Luna suit up. Luna has grey armor and Celestia has gold. And they fight against this guy called Cyrax Destroyer of Worlds, while Twilight and the others are busy in Manehaten. So it's just a Luna and Celestia episode. >.< Epicness awaits if they actually use this idea. I really hope they do. Probably as a season finally or the start of the season -most likely it would be used as the season finally. ^.^ And in part 2 Twilight and her friends come back, and try to use the EoH to defeat Cyrax, but he crushes the EoH into dust. They have to combine and use their own special talents to defeat Cyrax once and for all.

Behoof this if you think this will be one EPIC episode!!! :D



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I would like to see an episode just based on Big MacIntosh. The episode can explore his background and past. How did he get his cutie mark and where did "Eeyup" and "Nope" come from?

Thank you for the signature Jenny Wakeman.



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Honestly, all I truly care about is showing that turning Twily into an Alicorn princess was a good idea. Aside from that, I'll be happy with whatever they give us.


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  • Another episode about Gummy and the other pets but mostly Gummy.

Bring back Babs Seed with her own cutie mark crusaders.

More Pinkie pie, lots more Pinkie pie. Maybe even introduce her sisters.laugh.png

Someone mentioned a Celestia episode, that would be cool.

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-Crapton of Music

-Clever episodes

-A few S1 styled, "everyday life" episodes.


-Equestria Lore (I'm a Lore nerd)


-Some episode that will finally help me determine who my favorite pony is so I don't keep jumping around

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My newest wish is for Twilight to tell Celestia "No" over something. I don't care what it is, but Twilight's biggest fear has always been disappointing Celestia and one of the greatest ways for her to develop would probably be to go more into that. Whether it be over a misunderstanding, something morally grey, whatever, just have Twily pony up and disagree with the Princess. I really want to see it.

Well Twilight did react negatively over her decision to release Discord the first time around. Even though she was heavily against her decision and apologized before yelling at her about it; we can still tell she probably didn't want to do it.

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Well Twilight did react negatively over her decision to release Discord the first time around. Even though she was heavily against her decision and apologized before yelling at her about it; we can still tell she probably didn't want to do it.

I know that, but I'd like for it to go a step further. For her to not buckle down and to flat out refuse to do something Celestia tells her to do (provided there's a good reason). There's a good chance that this might not happen, as they might be hesitant about the moral of having people be right in opposing authority figures, but at the same time this would signal Twilight's growth as a character to me far better than a fancy new pair of wings.

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I have never been good at predictions of the such. But I know one thing is I am really excited for it to be released! So cheers for being excited for season 4's release :3 hope it blows everyone's expectations outta the water.



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I want to see more of the world, and inhabitants from other regions (zebras, griffons ect).


Maybe have an episode with the leaders of other places come to Canterlot to discuss where Twilight will reign now that she's royalty. We could see a lot of new, interesting ideas for other races if something like this happened. Remember the delegates from Saddle Arabia? I hope we see more of that design, as well as the previous races stated, and maybe a few new faces (dragon kingdom, anyone?)

Edited by Mootlock
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Doesn't take a whole lot to please me. I'm curious as to what new adventures await princess Twilight. New is always refreshing. Getting to explore more of Equestria or even established relationships would be really cool.

Oh yeah, just something personal of mine, I'd like to see more from Cheerilee and Screw Loose. That's just me.

Brony references are nice I suppose but I don't find them to be necessary.

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If you watch the part in the Equestria Girls Trailer where the ponies are still ponies, you will see that Twilight is an alicorn but without a tiara or dress. Also note that there are crystal guards and this movie is written by Meagan McCarthy(i believe),one of the My Little Pony Friendship is Magic writers.

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I want to see more CMC episodes! :D I'd love to see more Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo. I also want to see different lands, such as were griffons or changlings live. 

  • Brohoof 1

"When the sun goes down and the lights burn out then it's time for you to shine, brighter than a shooting star, so shine no matter where you are."


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I want to see more feminine Rainbow Dash and Applejack moments, it makes them more adorable. Oh and a Big Macintosh episode too


  • Brohoof 1
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At some point during season 4, I think it might be possible that someone calls Trixie their "friend", and suddenly the weak magic that generally comes out of her horn turns into a dazzling ray of super-powered magic, and she finally realizes her potential. Maybe her eyes even go all white, too. And she won't understand why at first, but someone (probably Twilight or Celestia) will explain it to her.


What I think would be cool is if it turns out Trixie really is "great and powerful", and everypony is shocked at how much power she really has, but also wary of her because, despite this incident, she still doesn't have a handle on the friendship thing. Meaning that, someone like Chrysalis could potentially convince her that jealousy trumps friendship, and that being evil is better...

Ain’t that Equestria / Drop on by / Ain’t that Equestria / Give friendship a try / Ain’t that Equestria / Ponies who fly / Little pink cupcakes for Pinkie Pie
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well, this would my wish list:

twilight alicorn gives up her princesshood to go back to her friends

dash and scootaloo relationship

screen time is split for all mane 6 evenly (applejack had only one episode on her own i season 3 mellow.png )

new villain

scootaloo background

perhaps pinkie background

and SONGS! biggrin.png


yeah, and also it would be cool if the background ponies got their own episode (lyra, dr.hooves, derpy, minuette, vinyl scratch, octavia, etc...)


hasbro could also expand the viev of eqestria- neighbouring countries, other pony cultures and races

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most of it has allready been written, but anyways tongue.png


More backstory to luna/tia




Pinkie breaking the 4th wall

Twilight alicorn flying lessions

maybe some equestria girls references?


an episode about spike, Big mac and shining maybe

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We want Discord, he is an amazing character and John de Lancie is just amazing.




More Luna would be nice, I feel she was cheated out of a role in the season 2 finale.


Flutters and Rainbow need another episode :D


I'm pretty sure Dr Whooves isn't canon, the character we're calling Dr Whooves is named Time Turner I believe.


We definitely need some Octavia though

  • Brohoof 1
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Let's see.... I want a backstory. One giant two-parter of all backstory. I want to know why Discord was evil, why Sombra was evil, where Discord and/or the Changelings came from. I want to see some Equestria before Celestia and Luna, maybe even before ponies!

Villain-wise, I want to see a Spirit of Order. We already have a Spirit Of Chaos, I want to see a Spirit Of Order. Celestia represents harmony more than she expresses order. Harmony is nice, kind, and loving. Order is more logical, and logic can be cold and unfeeling. I want to see a Spirit of Order (perhaps named Constance???) who is villainized, but possibly becomes good. She and Discord would be complete opposites, him being random and humorous, and her being witty and cold with a dry, sarcastic humor. She could be a villain, but once she turns 'good', the constant arguing and personality clashing between her and Discord would be hilarious.

I'm sure you can tell I've thought this out a bit. ;)

Anyway, so I want a backstory, more Discord, more Chrysalis, only a Sombra backstory, not more actual Sombra, and a Spirit Of Order. Oh, and Celestia actually being of help for once. (Just kidding, all you Celestia fans.) Really, though. Maybe just once she could actually HELP the Mane 6 defeat a villain. Oh! And I want Discord to help the Mane 6 defeat a villain as well. I want to see the full extent of his powers. :D

That's what I want!!! :)

Edited by TheSupremeLeaderOfChaos
  • Brohoof 1


Signature made by- Kyoshi

Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense? -Discord

I'm So Excited! I'M SO EXCITED! I'm so scared. -Rarity & Spike

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Hopes for Derpy Hooves (old version) back and to get her own episode. Prediction in this episode she will be bullied and picked on and twilight will explain the benefits of friendship and the punishments of bulling.

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Hopes for Derpy Hooves (old version) back and to get her own episode. Prediction in this episode she will be bullied and picked on and twilight will explain the benefits of friendship and the punishments of bulling.


Actually they kind of already covered the consequences of bullying in One Bad Apple. Giving Derpy an episode does seem like a generous nod to the fandom, but it seems a bit unnecessary.

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I really hope that Twilight somehow doesn't get to keep her wings for long, because I really think the whole alicorn thing is stupid.  Maybe Celestia reconsidered because it was too early?  I don't know... the point is she's become an alicorn, and... that's stupid.  Just saying.

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My hope is a backstory on Celestia and Luna. I'd like to know some of their history beyond fanfics and Discord's elimination/Luna's banishment. Sure, I've let my imagination take care of it but I want some official details.

Also, maybe an episode with Doctor Whooves/Time Turner as a secondary character.

"Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?" ~Discord

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I want an episode that focuses on the past of Celestia and Luna as well as an episode that explores Spike's relationship with Twilight. I also would like to see an episode focused on one of the background ponies. I don't care who it is.


I don't know if I really want Trixie to return because I feel her story has been told. However, now that the Mane 6 is a unicorn short, they might need a new edition to the group. It'll either be her or Sunset Shimmer.


An episode that would focus on a male pony like Big Mac without too much interference from a female would be nice as well.

  • Brohoof 1

"People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do." Issac Assimov

They're incomprehensible, they're bloodthirsty and they're not taking 'magic' for an answer:


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